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Season 16 Live Feed Discussion: Keeping an Eye Out

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I dunno, if Frankie makes it to Final 2, that'd be impressive to me, if only because the others all want him out (except for perhaps Caleb). So he'd be a better winner for me than, say, Andy or Evil Dick or that guy who won BB9. I'd put him roughly on par (game-wise) with Rachel. Certainly not a great winner, but a passable one (Derrick I'd put as just barely a top five winner, behind Jun, Will, Dan and Maggie). 

Edited by Brian Cronin
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I'm wondering how far back this reset button's power goes? Maybe they'll all be eligible to play again for HOH. I don't really care, though, because I no longer have a dog in the fight. However, I would not be adverse to Victoria winning since she's the only one I can almost tolerate. Plus the fact that as others have said, I would love to see her take the $500,000 right out of Derrick's kid's mouth. If that happens and CBS should ever do an update on the players (which would never happen), I'd feel bad if I saw Derrick & his family living in a cardboard refrigerator box on the mean streets of Providence which I'm sure will happen if he doesn't win.  ;-)

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I think if Derrick is in the jury, unless HE thinks Frankie was his #2, he'd be able to get everyone to vote for the other person- unless he is the final boot and doesn't have time to explain his game to them. 


But unless he has a hell of a speech planned, it might be tough for him to get everyone to connect the dots of how much he controlled.

I think if Derrick is in the jury, unless HE thinks Frankie was his #2, he'd be able to get everyone to vote for the other person- unless he is the final boot and doesn't have time to explain his game to them.

But unless he has a hell of a speech planned, it might be tough for him to get everyone to connect the dots of how much he controlled.

Zach has already said he is voting for him. Nicole knows what kind of game he is playing, maybe not as crazy good as she thinks but she is there. She will tell the rest of them. I think Derrick has AT least 3 jury votes right now.

Oh hallelujah, the reset DOES definitely boot Frankie from HoH!  This pleases me so much that, well, excuse me while I go twirl around for an hour with joy.





I knew that the minute I heard reset.  I am so sorry I was not there for you in your hour of need. 

Edited by wings707
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Frankie’s comments feel real and genuine.  Or maybe that’s just my ego talking.  I have to admit I get a kick out of it because he does it in such an adorable way.  He acts like he’s meeting a big star and it’s flattering.  What can I tell you?  Chenbot is a sucker for a nice compliment.  I am human after all….????


Holy shit, Julie! For serious?! That is so disappointing. 

Edited by Brian Cronin
  • Love 6

Holy shit, Julie! For serious?! That is so disappointing. 


My reaction, too.  She really has nothing to do with this show other than hosting.  She is a very busy woman whose staff tells her what to ask and how to respond.  She really has little idea what is really going on in that house.  After this comment I bet some staffer (fan) reels her in. She knows little of the real story.  Well until now. Surely someone will smack this shit down.  

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Julie re Christine getting booed:


We heard Christine get some pretty prominent boos from the studio audience after she was voted out. What do you think that was about? Was that about her being so cuddly with Cody? Her repeatedly betraying Nicole? Something else? What’s your take?
I think the boos were in part: no one likes to see a woman making a fool of her husband. It doesn’t matter that we don’t even know him. I mean, he looked nice enough.  But more than that, she double-crossed her “friend” Nicole…who is decent, forthright and trusting.  And for what?  For the sake of those men who betrayed her.



  • Love 3

I dunno, if Frankie makes it to Final 2, that'd be impressive to me, if only because the others all want him out (except for perhaps Caleb). So he'd be a better winner for me than, say, Andy or Evil Dick or that guy who won BB9. I'd put him roughly on par (game-wise) with Rachel. Certainly not a great winner, but a passable one (Derrick I'd put as just barely a top five winner, behind Jun, Will, Dan and Maggie). 


Take that back. 

  • Love 8

Frankie's face when Julie drops this bomb will be delicious.


I have a hard time getting excited, though. Frankie has won almost as many comps as the other four have won combined. Chances are he'll win the "real" HOH or Veto, and this week won't even be funny in hindsight. It will just be yet another installment of regular fucking Frankie. 


Please, Victoria, go on a crazy winning streak. 

  • Love 1

I think if Derrick is in the jury, unless HE thinks Frankie was his #2, he'd be able to get everyone to vote for the other person- unless he is the final boot and doesn't have time to explain his game to them. 


But unless he has a hell of a speech planned, it might be tough for him to get everyone to connect the dots of how much he controlled.



If Derrick is there, he will win.  Frankie is no competition.  No need to go into why. We know why. 

Frankie's face when Julie drops this bomb will be delicious.


I have a hard time getting excited, though. Frankie has won almost as many comps as the other four have won combined. Chances are he'll win the "real" HOH or Veto, and this week won't even be funny in hindsight. It will just be yet another installment of regular fucking Frankie. 


Please, Victoria, go on a crazy winning streak. 



Yeah, I am thinking this, too.  

If that's true, why would the family send that photo in the first place?



Maybe it was an accident? Someone said that it could be Derrick's partner, or ex partner or whatever, and if he is still an undercover cop, then Derrick would have reasons to not want his photo shown.I think if Derrick was in uniform, he could easily lie and say it was a Halloween costume one year or something. There would be a way to get out of a photo of him in a uniform, but if the photo has something to do with another person, like an ex partner still involved in undercover work, and Jana happened to not think about that when she sent the photo, then that would give reason as to why Derrick would want the photo taken away. Also, it would be harder to come up with an excuse as to why the photo should be taken away from him. 

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Derrick wants Victoria sitting next to him on finale night to make sure he wins....

I would think they'd all want to be sitting next to Victoria in F2. I'm not sure any of these guys would vote her out except for Caleb. Derrick isn't going to have to "work" too hard in his mission to keep Victoria around.

Remember when you guys were talking that a pet should be given to the houseguests to liven them up?  Well, @cbsbigbrother has tweeted:

What #Housepet should the HGs get 4 a day? Vote in the last feed-exclusive vote of #BB16! http://bit.ly/N5YXEL


They have a picture of a grey bunny and a Rottweiler.  You have to be a feed watcher to vote.

If that's true, why would the family send that photo in the first place?

By accident, maybe? I don't know that BB Production's protocol is regarding the HoH photos and personal effects. At a pure guess, I'd say they ask the family of each HG to supply enough to keep Production covered in the event of one, maybe two HoH terms. For each HoH, though, I expect BB would have to go back to the family and ask for supplemental material to re-stock their one-or-two HoH "buffer".

If Jana has a friend or not-as-usually-close family member helping out during Derrick's absence, and this person grabbed a picture of Derrick's daughter without realizing, say, an estranged or recently passed family member was present in the shot...? I could see that. It sounds exactly like something MY family would do.

ETA: pure supposition on my part, with absolutely no factual support whatsoever. Mere will-o-the-wisp.

Edited by Nashville

I read where Julie was asked about the reset and she said that they will go back to immediately after Christine was booted and that they will all play in the HOH comp. 


Like many others, I feel Derrick deserves to win the whole thing, but I think that he may have screwed himself by not letting them get rid of Frankie last night instead of Christine.  He really has turned into another Helen (its too early).  Frankie is proving to be a comp beast, so there's a good chance he'll turn around and win HOH again after the reset.  We don't know for sure how good Derrick is in comps because he keeps throwing them, but we do know Frankie's ability, so why in the hell does Derrick insist in keeping him around? 

  • Love 3

Apparently I had saved Zach's eviction week on my DVR.  I let the episodes play while doing other work, and now I'm all full of rage again.  Delete.


Something I hadn't noticed before was that every single episode has a gratuitous cut away shot of Zach licking a spoon.  WTF, editors?  

Edited by AndreaK1041
  • Love 2

Is it possible that the folks in editing and/or DR know that Frankie is the ringer, but despise him and are working against him?  Editing must be on Derrick's side because they present him as an honorable boy scout, yet most here hate him.  To me, the reset button protects Derrick the most since he can't compete as HOH.  So it seems that some in production are pushing for a Derrick win


I think the show doesn't have an investment in who wins this season other than trying to make sure whoever it is isn't universally hated.  The purpose of the reset seems transparent to me.  They are boring.  All the footage is going to be used up by the veto episode.


This lets them have another episode with two competitions in the live episode.  It worked pretty well for the DE episode.

Matt Hoffman talked about Derrick v Frankie on Cesternino's after show last night. He made a point that while Derrick is playing a great game to viewers the houseguests might not see it. They could view him as a floater because he hasn't won anything (prior to last night) all season.


What a travesty it would be if Frankie beat Derrick in F2. Ugh! I'm getting anxiety just thinking about it. 

  • Love 2

Wait....where the hell are they? I'm looking at the photo and...did they leave the house to celebrate the engagement? Or did they just decorate the backyard really nice? 


ETA: Oh, ok, they just decorated the backyard. I had to take a closer look. Also, I can't help myself, but I HATE Frankie's wide open smile.

Edited by jessied112

So this could not have been a big shock to Jordan then, right? They teased the heck out of them appearing on the show Sunday with a big announcement, so what could she have possibly thought it was? I think proposals need to be private. This is just a ploy for attention from all sides. I don't think enough viewers care. It's stupid of them to waste an entire week of game play and viewer time. Congrats, JeJo!

  • Love 5
The purpose of the reset seems transparent to me.  They are boring.​


Exactly.  This group of contestants has been colossally boring, and they're trying to shake things up to get people to tune in to what would otherwise be totally predictable episodes.  I think the show's only interest in any particular player is based on who they think will get more ratings for the show.  Dick Donato, for example, generated tons of viewers (I'm pretty sure - no way am I googling that asshat to double-check, so feel free to correct me if I'm wrong!), and so he got an edit to make him more appealing to viewers.  They don't care so much about what feed watchers think, because, generally, those of us interested enough to get the feeds and pay attention are probably going to tune in to the show no matter what.  Instead, they edit the aired show to get or keep the more casual voters.  


If it was just a picture of someone Derrick didn't want a picture of, would there have been that much DR secrecy and all the fish-ing when it happened?  I really don't think production cares that much about whether Derrick's family is upset about seeing a picture of an estranged relative.  I'm leaning toward it being Derrick's partner in the picture, and that guy may still do undercover work.  I can see that slipping by the family and by production, much more than I can see a picture of Derrick in uniform or anything getting by either or both.  Otherwise, the whole situation, from Cody's comments to the secrecy to Derrick's reaction doesn't really make any sense.  And I don't think anything we've been allowed to hear Derrick say since can be trusted.


I really have to stop thinking about this show so much.  

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I think the reason Derrick didn't want that picture shown is because of his position as a policeman could place her in danger from some nutty person he arrested in the past that was convicted and spent time in prison.....and could come back for revenge against his daughter.


I doubt that.  Every episode it says Police Sergeant under his name and he was fine with his daughter being in the live show clip a week or so ago.


He's worried about his game.

I'm starting to get scared that Frankie will win. Someone talk me in off the ledge. For the first time, I can see Derrick not even making it to F2 and Frankie might be able to beat everyone who's left, including Derrick, in the jury vote anyway. I don't like Derrick as a person and I've found his gameplay annoying, though effective, so I didn't want him to win. Then I started to realize that he was probably the least objectionable winner left and I started to make my peace with it, now I'm freaking out at the thought of Frankie winning. That just can't happen. It can't. Someone tell me I'm crazy even thinking such a crazy thing. Anybody, please.


I am terrified of this. It's really starting to worry me. I hope Derrick's luck shines through once again because I can not deal with Frankie winning. 

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 5

Matt Hoffman talked about Derrick v Frankie on Cesternino's after show last night. He made a point that while Derrick is playing a great game to viewers the houseguests might not see it. They could view him as a floater because he hasn't won anything (prior to last night) all season.


What a travesty it would be if Frankie beat Derrick in F2. Ugh! I'm getting anxiety just thinking about it. 

I think his comment is spot on. Christine's post-eviction interviews are up and guess who she thinks is running the house? Frankie. Quelle surprise. Every evicted houseguest seems to think the same, so if Frankie and Derrick are F2 then Derrick better have a great speech that will convince the jury that he was actually the puppet master this season.

  • Love 2

Is it possible that the folks in editing and/or DR know that Frankie is the ringer, but despise him and are working against him?  Editing must be on Derrick's side because they present him as an honorable boy scout, yet most here hate him.  To me, the reset button protects Derrick the most since he can't compete as HOH.  So it seems that some in production are pushing for a Derrick win.

*I* don't hate Derrick. I admire his gameplay. And it's not his fault he got Housed with such a bunch of easily led lemmings, any more than it's the wolf's fault if somebody deliberately pens it up in the chicken coop.


  • Love 4

Another exit interview (Jeff & Christine) and, another person saying Frankie is going to win and that he's playing an awesome game. Man! If it's Derrick & Frankie in the Final 2, I think Frankie is going to win. Derrick's game is only being seen by us. The other HG have no idea what he's done & he would have no way to prove it. Gawd! I hope they get Frankie out before the Final 2.

  • Love 3

I think his comment is spot on. Christine's post-eviction interviews are up and guess who she thinks is running the house? Frankie. Quelle surprise. Every evicted houseguest seems to think the same, so if Frankie and Derrick are F2 then Derrick better have a great speech that will convince the jury that he was actually the puppet master this season.


On this front, he's only got former alliance members to worry about.  Derrick's probably got a lock on Jocasta/Donny/Nicole/Hayden.   Derrick will get Victoria.


That's five.  For all that Christine says she's a superfan, she probably hates Frankie more than Derrick and seems the type to vote against the person she hates.


Caleb and Cody think they are equals with whoever they think is running the game, so they may swing Derrick's way.  But Derrick is basically in a situation that although he's controlling his alliance, he only needs one or two of their votes.

Edited by ParadoxLost

Derrick may be masterminding the evictions, but Frankie is the best at competitions. So if Derrick and Frankie both make it to f3, Frankie I think will win HOH and boot Derrick and go to f2 with whoever the third player is. 


I am starting to cringe again thinking Frankie may win. On finale night, his cloying posturing will be unbearable. 

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And, per Joker's.......Caleb says everybody can beat him (Derrick). Obviously, Derrick would be Victoria but still...........


5:48 PM Caleb tells Cody that Derrick is sitting pretty, and probably will be in the F2 since everybody can beat him. Cody agrees and points out that Derrick isn't going up this week. Cody knows that he is going up.

Christine's post-eviction interviews are up and guess who she thinks is running the house? Frankie.




I think part of that is the tendency of houseguests, right after they've been evicted, to attribute "big plays" and "great strategy" and "house-running" or whatever to the person who they feel was responsible for getting them out.  It's an ego-saving move, usually made when they're still pretty emotional and haven't had a chance to do any real reflection.  Often, after some time in the jury house, they settle down and re-evaluate.  I imagine that note-comparing in the jury house might help them all realize what's been going on.  And I also think that out of the remaining HGs, they would all be more likely to vote for Derrick to win than Frankie.  Except maybe Caleb, because he is insane.  ETA: So I guess what I mean is, I think Cody and Victoria would vote for Derrick over Frankie.  


Jeff & Jordan - whatever.  I mostly didn't mind them their season, or on Amazing Race, but I don't really care about them either.  And for sure she knew the proposal was coming; she must have been a part of the contract negotiations for the appearance, and no way CBS would do that without knowing for sure she was going to say yes.  It's just more staged BS, trying to get people to watch this terribly boring season. 

Edited by Turtle
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This is all Derrick's fault for talking Caleb out of backdooring Frankie this week. That was a dumbass move that made no sense for him, so he deserves it if it takes the food out of Tenley's mouth. With that being said, I think there's still a shred of hope that Frankie will lose (the only hope I have left in this dismal season). I think Derrick is only resigned to Victoria leaving because Frankie is HOH. Once the reset happens, if Frankie doesn't win HOH or Veto I think they'll go back to the Evict Frankie plan. I think there's a good chance that Frankie will win HOH or Veto, but it's still theoretically possible that he won't. (Don't burst my bubble, dammit.)

  • Love 7

What a travesty it would be if Frankie beat Derrick in F2. Ugh! I'm getting anxiety just thinking about it.


That's why I'm so concerned about them waiting so long to get rid of him.  The last person Derrick should want to be in F2 with is Frankie, because people are believing he is running the show. 

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