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Season 16 Live Feed Discussion: Keeping an Eye Out

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If I wasn't already convinced that production does major coaching in the DR, tonight would have been the proof I needed.  And I'm not talking about the Caleb & Victoria ones - those were actually kind of funny, if rehearsed.  But Derrick has, I think, obviously been told that he needs to do a little more bragging about his game, and a little less lying.  And surprisingly, I liked it.  


Interesting scenes in tonight's show about Nicole telling Derrick he was like Dan.  I had missed that on the feeds, but it helps me understand why Derrick decided Nicole had to go.  He wants people who know what a good game he is playing in the jury house, not competing against him.  And he does *not* want Cody/ Caleb figuring out that Derrick is running the house instead of them.  Not until it's too late, anyway.  


I need it to be tomorrow night.  

Derrick was literally leading her to say that though. He would say "Dan didn't win very many comps did he?" And Nicole would be like "Hey, YOU don't win many comps, you're like Dan!" and so on. It was pathetic. I missed tonight's show so I didn't see how they edited it.

Edited by Marie80
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Sorry...I had been in the ER and got pain meds...I have a brain tumor :( my thinking was foggy and I did not post in the correct thread...sorry!! :(


Well, dammit, autumnh, try to not let that happen again!!!:)  We do have protocol here!!!


Take care, I'll take time away from the game to spare many thoughts for your well-being.  


P.S.  Can I still spare a few moments to hope Frankie crashes and burns in the worst way possible?


Be well, my anonymous friend.


P.P.S  Peachmangosteen is the best: not only in watching and playing with the rest of us, but trying to keep the threads on track here and there.  We're all in this sad slog to the end of this season together......sigh.

Edited by pennben
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The very first houseguests got to have a dog for a couple of weeks.  Let's try that!  Or not even a dog, give them a skunk, or an armadillo, or a possum, or a rat, or a snake, or a honey badger.  I don't care what, just something that will inspire life and movement



I like the idea of the honey badger.  There is a youtube video of a family who has a honey badger that just goes through the refrigerator looking for food like its nothing.



I read these earlier today but wasn't able to reply at the time.  I actually saw the PBS show that youtube clip is from (I think it was an episode of Nature).  That particular honey badger was habituated to humans.  Wild African badgers have the same reputation that wolverines do on this continent:  ornery and willing to take on animals much bigger than they are.  So, yes, a honey badger in the house would indeed liven up the feeds.  (I do know you guys were joking.)

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JOKERS just now:


Nic: This has been a slow death. Der: I don't want you to connect dots that don't exist. NT

Scott3325 0 0    09/03/14 10:53 AM

* Der denying that there is a final four. NT 

Scott3325 10 0    09/03/14 10:51 AM

* Der: I'm really offended. I'm the only person besides Vic who has been hanging out with you. NT 

Scott3325 12 0    09/03/14 10:50 AM

* Nic: I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings, but my feelings are extremely hurt. Nic starts crying. NT 

Scott3325 15 0    09/03/14 10:48 AM

* Der: I expect a text message apology. (After Nic sees what has happened in the house.) NT 


Why that god dammed rat bastard son of a bitch.


Did he mist himself? Some kind of memory loss? Gee, if only there were hours of video to prove Nicole right. 



From Jokers:


"Do you think they have Viewers Discretion Advised?" Frankie- "Yes... because there's homosexuals in the house"  He continues that they had it last year so they'll probably always have it now.


The reason they had the Viewers Discretion Advised disclaimer was because of the racist remarks being made.  It had nothing to do with the fact that a homosexual (Andy) was in the house.  Someone should make a list of all the misinformation Frankie spews like they did all of Caleb's lies. 


Frankie really, really wants to think of himself as persecuted for being his awesome self. Blechhh. 


I think it's because that Halle Berry show, "Extant" was canceled, so they need something for that spot. 


They're airing all the episodes, but the show has not been doing well in the ratings, so they moved the finale up a week, and will use the BB finale as the big finale to close out summer and bring in the fall schedule. 

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Caleb would just beat it to death with a stick.

That's so funny Slasherboy.

They owe us the coup or diamond veto.  They do!  This year has had LESS not more things happening.  What are they thinking?

Oh no! They're going to stage a diamond veto or something foolproof to KEEP FRANKIE IN THE HOUSE! He's the most hated. SHIT.

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Watching the feeds right now and OMG, Caleb, TMI. STFU. HGs were discussing kissing and Caleb started regaling the others about his sex preferences/limitations. ACK!

Details? I'm curious to hear how Beastmode claims to get down. *hangs head in shame*

Edited by delicatecutter
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Without being too gross, Caleb was discussing BJs and what they do and don't do for him. Time limits, etc.


The conversation started with Nicole asking the others about kissing: tongue vs. no tongue. Supposedly at some point later tonight, Frankie is going to make out with Nicole so she'll be more at ease with kissing with tongue.


Don't look at me, they come up with this stuff!



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Frankie really, really wants to think of himself as persecuted for being his awesome self. Blechhh.

The thing is, Frankie is completely unedgy and unsophisticated in general and in terms of his "artistic sensibility" in particular. I'm actually surprised that a young, gay, college-educated, former Broadway performer is so pedestrian and weak in terms of  his artistic sensibilities. He's way more "Disney" than "edgy," but he doesn't seem to get that at all despite (I assume) spending the better part of a decade in show biz in NYC. He's not obligated to be "edgy" to be a legitimate artist, but when he goes on and on about how America just can't handle him because they're not used to seeing a gay man/a man in drag, it becomes glaringly ridiculous. It's just silly/embarrassing for him to suggest that he's being persecuted for being too outré. He needs to learn about the history of gay/drag performers in American pop culture and he needs to learn how to develop a remotely interesting or original act.

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I suggest they keep the remaining HGs drunk for the next few weeks.  It's the only thing that makes these feeds even remotely entertaining.  And I know that Frankie is supposedly sober, and I hope he's stuck with that, but there have been a couple of times when it's seemed like he's been drinking.  Maybe it's an affect, to try to fit in with others who are drinking, but it's been noticeable.  Mostly because he stops vamping for the cameras and is less "on".  (Not now, mind you when he's pointing out all the different angles of the different cameras in the house...)


Speaking of drinking, has Derrick partaken at all in the house?  


And just because I haven't said it in a while, and it should be said as often as possible: Shut up, Frankie. 

Edited by Turtle
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And I know that Frankie is supposedly sober, and I hope he's stuck with that, but there have been a couple of times when it's seemed like he's been drinking.  Maybe it's an affect, to try to fit in with others who are drinking, but it's been noticeable.  Mostly because he stops vamping for the cameras and is less "on".  (Not now, mind you when he's pointing out all the different angles of the different cameras in the house...)

I haven't observed Frankie drinking in the house, but I've noticed him kind of slurring his words when I know he hasn't been drinking. As far as his sobriety, he said that he stopped drinking 2 weeks before he went into the house. but before that he drank until he couldn't drink any more. I can totally see his "addict personality" and I have no doubt that he'll be drinking (and whatever else) shortly after he leaves the house. Especially after he loses the game and realizes that he's hated, rather than adored, by America and that all of the dreams of superstardom that he had are for naught.

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The thing is, Frankie is completely unedgy and unsophisticated in general and in terms of his "artistic sensibility" in particular. I'm actually surprised that a young, gay, college-educated, former Broadway performer is so pedestrian and weak in terms of  his artistic sensibilities. He's way more "Disney" than "edgy," but he doesn't seem to get that at all despite (I assume) spending the better part of a decade in show biz in NYC. He's not obligated to be "edgy" to be a legitimate artist, but when he goes on and on about how America just can't handle him because they're not used to seeing a gay man/a man in drag, it becomes glaringly ridiculous. It's just silly/embarrassing for him to suggest that he's being persecuted for being too outré. He needs to learn about the history of gay/drag performers in American pop culture and he needs to learn how to develop a remotely interesting or original act.

Frankie needs to be introduced to a man that was everything he thinks he is and more: Quentin Crisp. He's dead now, so there couldn't be an actual meeting, but Quentin was a British author born in 1908 who dressed in drag publicly and was very effeminate long, long before the BB world was subjected to a Grande. Now Quentin was an edgy artist!

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He's way more "Disney" than "edgy," but he doesn't seem to get that at all despite (I assume) spending the better part of a decade in show biz in NYC. He's not obligated to be "edgy" to be a legitimate artist


Agreed. Have you seen his sister perform? She has zero edge as well. Even her interviews are bland and vanilla-y. They are both legends in their own mind. Frankie more than Ariana. I think....

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Sorry...I had been in the ER and got pain meds...I have a brain tumor :( my thinking was foggy and I did not post in the correct thread...sorry!! :(

Healing thoughts coming your way, wherever you are, Autumnh. :-)


"Agreed. Have you seen his sister perform? She has zero edge as well. Even her interviews are bland and vanilla-y. They are both legends in their own mind. Frankie more than Ariana. I think...."


I heard Ariana sing in one of Frankie's Youtubes and she sounded good a capella (sp?). The little I heard, she didn't sound like she needed autotune like most these days.

Edited by burgerbitz
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I sort of don't want Cody to win. He has his looks & pecs, isn't that enough? I sort of don't want Caleb to win because he started the season creepy & ruined Ambers game. I really don't want Frankie to win because he's gotten so vile. I don't want Christine to win because she cackles too much while somewhat playing a good game. Unfortunately, she was too dumb to realize the guys were probably going to cut her first. Victoria? I just can't. So, that leaves Derrick for the win since he's played the game so well and, as of now, not been put up on the block. He's been boring but you can't have everything.

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Do you love her or hate her? I never understood her appeal, but I also don't want to throw my tv every time she shows up on yet another cbs show. I just happily root against her.

Flames-on-the-side-of-my-face Hate.  


Speaking of.. Earlier, Frankie showed his deep-throat technique by demonstrating on a bottle.   I hope his family is super-proud.  


A little mystery goes a long way, Frankie.  You attention-mongering dipshit.

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TheRealT, I haven't seen him drinking either, but I have seen him appear to have been drinking, if that makes sense.  I know with the cameras on them, it'd be near impossible for it not to be caught on the feeds if he was pouring wine in to his cup or whatever, and so I'm starting to suspect he's vicariously drunk.  I could be way off the mark here, but I think what I'm picking up on is either him consciously faking it, or him subconsciously conforming to the drunken behavior of those around him, maybe a kind of "dry drunk."  It happens.  Again, could be totally wrong, just commenting on it because I found it interesting.  

Caleb is in rare form this evening.  

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I heard Ariana sing in one of Frankie's Youtubes and she sounded good a capella (sp?). The little I heard, she didn't sound like she needed autotune like most these days.

Agreed. She CAN sing, she's just got no oomph, no spark, no razzledazzle. At least Frankie tries to fake that! See below:


From Joker's: Derr, Cody, Frankie talking about auditioning. Derrick met Chris Roach in a Starbucks in NYC & Frankie was there. Derr noticed him because Frankie put on a bit of a show in the place. Derr sat next to Cody in finals and says "who knew i'd get so close to the guy I sat next to at finals" and they hit arms all bro-like. Frankie's like "what about me!" Derrick mimics Frankie's walk and that he layed on his side... was wearing glitter etc "Who's that dude?" Totally noticed him as possibly part of the show.



Edited by housecat
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slasherboy, with the exception of season 4, I have also watched it from the very beginning. I have to wonder what I could have accomplished if I hadn't wasted hundreds of hours watching Big Brother and every season of The Bachelor/ette.

Edited by Scout Finch
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I hadn't wasted hundreds of hours watching Big Brother and every season of The Bachelor/ette.


Ok. Total shame now. I've watched every season of the B/ette and, *deep breath*, I watched Bachelor In Paradise. I know. *hangs head*

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Derr sat next to Cody in finals and says "who knew i'd get so close to the guy I sat next to at finals" and they hit arms all bro-like.


I also heard a story about Derrick preshow telling his wife about how he was going to play with "that guy" who pointed him to the bathroom in sequester even when he wasn't supposed to communicate at all.  "That guy" was Donny.  Derrick wants to play with lots of guys...wait....what....that's not what I meant!

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Does anyone know exactly where the change from backdooring Frankie to backdooring Nicole took place? Because Derrick sure seemed sure it was going to happen, or else he wouldn't have tried to sell it to Nicole as him saving her and that she should be so grateful to her (and since it didn't happen, he's now pissed at her for daring to take issue with him NOT saving her after he told her he just did). So what exactly changed? DR manipulation? 

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I must be pretty drunk, because I just found myself thinking that Derrick seemed kind of hot in these kitchen scenes.  I don't even know who I am anymore.  


Lmao, I want to appreciate the awesomeness of this comment while simultaneously totally not agreeing in Derrick's case.  You have described perfectly though how I feel at the end of the summer with regard to this show.

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housecat, I figured it was a foregone conclusion that I've also caught both seasons of Bachelor Pad and am avidly watching Bachelor in Paradise. Will someone please help me? There needs to be a Promises facility for people like us. Daily group sessions involve watching things such as CSPAN and PBS (which I actually DO watch sporadically), and you are not allowed to use phrases like "it's what the house wants," "blood on my hands," "taking our relationship to the next level" and "here for the right reasons."

Edited by Scout Finch
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Brian_Cronin, I'm not sure there ever really was a change.  I think Derrick would have loved to see Christine leave, but was also fine with Nicole leaving.  When the BD Frankie idea came up, I think he was willing to go along with it if need be, and *only* if need be, because Caleb seemed so set on it and Derrick didn't want to overtly contradict Caleb.  But behind the scenes, he was not ever really in favor of Frankie going up this week.  As for Derrick telling Nicole that he was trying to save her but it just didn't work out?  That's been his strategy all season.  He makes it seem, to the about-to-be-evicted, that he did all he could to save him/ her, but he just couldn't work it out, when really, the person leaving has usually been exactly who he wanted to leave.  

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Brian_Cronin, I'm not sure there ever really was a change.  I think Derrick would have loved to see Christine leave, but was also fine with Nicole leaving.  When the BD Frankie idea came up, I think he was willing to go along with it if need be, and *only* if need be, because Caleb seemed so set on it and Derrick didn't want to overtly contradict Caleb.  But behind the scenes, he was not ever really in favor of Frankie going up this week.  As for Derrick telling Nicole that he was trying to save her but it just didn't work out?  That's been his strategy all season.  He makes it seem, to the about-to-be-evicted, that he did all he could to save him/ her, but he just couldn't work it out, when really, the person leaving has usually been exactly who he wanted to leave.  


I don't mean Derrick, I mean Caleb. Why/when did he change his mind? Derrick's move to Nicole sure seemed like it was based on him believing that Caleb was going to backdoor Frankie. It didn't help his game there to tell Nicole that she was now being saved. It has specifically hurt him with Nicole. So I don't think he was going to tell Nicole that unless he thought she was going to be saved anyways so he figured he'd take the chance to get some benefit out of it with her. But then something changed Caleb's mind. And I am unclear when/where it happened. 

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Oh, I have no ideas/ thoughts/ theories as to what made Caleb turn from being 100% adamant that Frankie had to go.  I watched the feeds and saw a lot of the conversations, and I still have no idea what happened there.  Caleb is.. inexplicable.  :-)

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My impression is that Caleb gets excited about making big moves, but if he is given time to simmer down he goes back to his default mode of loyalty to his guy alliance and fear that the pesky womenfolk will somehow turn on them.  There was just too much time for Caleb to ruminate on this move.

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You guys - Victoria is thinking.  She's counting who's left, and it looks like she's processing.  Is it possible she's going to get in this game, finally?  (Just leave me here in my dreamworld, please.)



This is some interesting stuff.  Derrick was in the bathroom with Cody & Christine, and then Vic and Nicole came in.  Derrick left to go to the HoH, and started talking to Caleb and Frankie.  At first, it seemed like Derrick was complaining about the women, and how they all follow Cody around and keep showing up wherever Cody is and no one can ever can talk to Cody because of the women.  But somehow Derrick guided Caleb in to, I think, thinking that Cody is trouble because all the women love him.  Remarkable.

Edited by Turtle
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You guys - Victoria is thinking. She's counting who's left, and it looks like she's processing. Is it possible she's going to get in this game, finally? (Just leave me here in my dreamworld, please.)

Let's not go too crazy. Haha. You know if she ends up HOH it's Derricks HOH.

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I must be pretty drunk, because I just found myself thinking that Derrick seemed kind of hot in these kitchen scenes.  I don't even know who I am anymore.  


Maybe your drunk mind put some eyebrows on him.  Although his prop glasses camouflage the no eyebrow situation pretty well.  And well.....maybe you were drinking the good stuff....or the moonshine :)

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You guys - Victoria is thinking.  She's counting who's left, and it looks like she's processing.  Is it possible she's going to get in this game, finally?  (Just leave me here in my dreamworld, please.)



This is some interesting stuff.  Derrick was in the bathroom with Cody & Christine, and then Vic and Nicole came in.  Derrick left to go to the HoH, and started talking to Caleb and Frankie.  At first, it seemed like Derrick was complaining about the women, and how they all follow Cody around and keep showing up wherever Cody is and no one can ever can talk to Cody because of the women.  But somehow Derrick guided Caleb in to, I think, thinking that Cody is trouble because all the women love him.  Remarkable.

It really is remarkable. If I were one of the HGs I'd be "literally" pissed off with all those damn Hollaaas continuously day & night which are also a reminder that Derrick won $5,000! That doesn't seem to bother any of them. That's also remarkable. 

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Interesting scenes in tonight's show about Nicole telling Derrick he was like Dan.  I had missed that on the feeds, but it helps me understand why Derrick decided Nicole had to go.  


Katesus7, are you referring to the Dan Gheesling convo?  If so, thanks - as mentioned, I missed it in the feeds, and was wondering when it happened.  Although knowing it happened even before the veto sort of undoes my earlier thinking that Derrick's thinking made sense...

I was glad they showed that bit in the broadcast show, because I don't think there was any mention of the conversation on Joker's. It clarified (to a degree, anyway*) what I thought was an uncharacteristic change in Derrick's tactics - why he would back off on an opportunity to get Frankie out of the House with no blood on his hands, to re-target Nicole, who appeared to present little or no active threat.

* Of course, that's ASSuming Derrick was telling the truth in his DR session. Even if he was, he just proved Frankie isn't the only princess in this Paranoia Palace.

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I saw a Tweet (on a reliable BB account) from Donny's girlfriend that said ignore all fundraising requests that claim to be for Donny; he would never approve such an endeavor.


I saw that too, but it doesn't mean this is a  scam.  She and Donald (brother) are speaking for Donny, something I think is misguided.  He can address this when he is out.  Warning someone it could be a scam is different that telling everyone what Donny would want.  The people behind the fund raising could be sincere.  It is a buyer beware situation, not "Donny would not want this,"  They don't know what Donny would want when he is out. 

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Say Christine is evicted after Nicole. What would then be absolutely hysterical is Victoria winning the Final Five HOH. She puts up Cody and Caleb. Frankie wins POV, takes down Caleb, and Victoria is forced to replace him with Derrick.  So many exploding heads.

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Interesting from Jokers. 

Nic to Der in WC: I kind of heard our season is boring with strategy. NT


So this clearly came from the DR.  She has no power in the game so I find it odd they told her.  I suppose it could have been when she had a shot at HOH and she is only revealing that now.  



Christine asks Derrick and Cody in the dark if she puts up Victoria and Frankie during double eviction. Derrick agrees. NT


This is incomplete.  I assume it means if I put Frankie up we will vote him out.  Or should I put Frankie up.  Either way this may be our ticket to a good eviction tonight.  Throw HOH to Christine and vote Frankie out.


This is the only scenario I see that would be satisfying.  Everyone else will put up Christine and Victoria and Christine will go.  Ho hum.  I don't like her but it is a boring choice.  

Edited by wings707
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Derrick (and his photographic memory) threw last night's comp.  I wonder if he's been throwing all along, and could emerge as some kind of comp beast when he needs it.

He has definitely been throwing them but emerging as a beast may be a stretch. He does not appear to be able to smoke anyone in a physical comp but mental and now we see memory test could suit his abilities well. I don't see him trying to win until he sees he is in danger.

I would not be surprised to learn that he faked a lot of his falls in the HOH where he chose the money.

Edited by wings707
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Derrick (and his photographic memory) threw last night's comp.  I wonder if he's been throwing all along, and could emerge as some kind of comp beast when he needs it.

That's exactly my take on it:  He hasn't needed to win anything.  The one time he was close was when Frankie's grandfather died, and he clearly threw it so Frankie could get the pics for HoH.  Derrick has enough of a hold on his alliance that he can guage by slight behavioral differences whether there's a need to do it.  So, not only does he not HAVE to win, he does have to present himself as a non-threat, so ego-maniacs like Frankie and Caleb think they are smoking him, when in reality, they are giving Derrick vital info to use in getting him to the final two as a reason for beating them.  Once there, he can give specific examples of when and why he threw each comp.


It's one of the things that's helped him stay so far under the radar.  It would be pretty awesome if he makes it to finale with not one win under his belt:  He might be the only one in BB history to win without ever having won a single comp, or being on the block.

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Just now on Jokers


3:25 A.M.-3:35 A.M.
Derrick leaves toilet. Cody sits on the bathroom couch . Derrick an Cody say that Frankie has to go. Derrick tells Cody that Caleb admitted to him that he was the one who told Frankie he was close to being backdoored.


Derrick said he had to go smooth things over with Frankie and say that it was his doing that kept Caleb from putting Frankie on the block. Cody says he’s so over Frankie and this crap. He wants to win the next HoH and put him up and tell the house guests he’s doing playing scared and that Frankie has straight up lied to all of their faces, has been shady since week one, and if they all want to play scared, then that’s fine, come after him.


Derrick says that Cody needs to target Christine first, because she’s shady and was working with Frankie and that Cody should target her instead. Cody and Derrick say they don’t trust Christine at all, but that Cody has Christine’s ear and could get her to what he wanted. Derrick doesn’t believe that’s true and said that Christine admitted she wanted to be the Britney Haynes of this season (the sole girl in Season 12 with the Brigade).


Derrick lays out his plan to Cody. He wants Christine and Victoria gone next. Then he wants Frankie, Derrick, Caleb, and Cody in the final four. He wants Derrick, Caleb, or Cody to win the F4 hoh and get rid of Frankie, that way all three are in the F3. Derrick says if it’s them three in the F3, they are guaranteed 550K for two people.


Cody directs the conversation back to Christine and Britney H. He wants to know if Britney would have turned on Lane in the F3 if she had won and taken Enzo because she thought she might win. Derrick says that Christine told him if she won the next hoh she’d put up Victoria and Frankie and didn’t care who went home, when just 24 hours ago, Frankie was her clear target. Derrick is saying that Christine is shady and will turn on them, meaning Cody/Derrick in a heart beat.


Cody says that he doesn’t care about working with Christine or Frankie or turning on them. He also doesn’t think he wants to work with Caleb in Final 3 and doesn’t necessarily want to take him there. Derrick asks why not. Cody says he doesn’t think Caleb has Frankie’s best interest in the game, not theirs and will turn on Derrick/Cody.



WTF is wrong with Derrick?  I have lost the plot in his already random logic.   Christine is not after them.  She said Frankie was her target, let her do that you pinhead!  





Go Christine!!!   Never thought I would have typed those words.  

Edited by wings707
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