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Season 16 Live Feed Discussion: Keeping an Eye Out

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They nominated 2 players and we voted one out.   Their nominations were not strategic, they did not understand the concept. 


Agreed, but I think that some of the players were also concerned about the final 3.  The public would vote for the winner and I don't think that people wanted to be viewed as "sinister" players because of it.  I believe that the lack of strategic play was partially a desire to be viewed as a "good" person and because they just wanted to get rid of people with whom they found it difficult to live.

Tidbits I've read:

Kathy Griffin overheard the HGs talking about her and was pissed. Christine said she hated her (surprise) and Derrick mocked her claim to be a super fan. When they got back outside Kathy said to Derrick, "Not a super fan, huh?"


Nicole said when she won the comp, she accidentally kissed Jocasta on the lips and it was weird. She also said BB made her and Hayden kiss on camera.


Donny made fun of Cody's hair and Cody is pissed about it.


Christine said she hates Julie, the wife of the President and CEO of CBS. 

I think Christine feels it is cool to say these things.  It's not cool, it's stupid.  Obviously she has no plans to try out for any other CBS shows.

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Zach's unmedicated zaniness could be annoying and non strategic but I don't remember him spewing hatred.  He got angry at HGs but from a game perspective, not personal attacks on their character.  .


I don't think that Zach was as bad as some of his fellow HGs, but I was always annoyed with his desire to attack people because it would be fun for him.  I remember watching other people (Frankie, Derrick) talk him out of planned attacks to preserve some sort of harmony in the house.  This was why Team America chose him for the "start a fight at the nomination/veto ceremony" task.  They knew he thought attacking people was fun so it was incredibly easy to use him as a weapon.  The problem for TA was that they did not point their weapon at someone who responded in kind.

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Poor Tim. I actually appreciate him sharing his opinions on Twitter this much, because he doesn't have any obligations to. He could just support her, speak less, etc. But he knows that the hardcore fans who follow him for Christine will interpret the relationship no matter how quiet he stays and that could be bad for him, so for him admitting that his wife is making mistakes and he isn't happy about it, that's huge. He's sharing information with us that he doesn't have to and I feel bad that he's caught in this spot because of Christine. 


In other news, Cody is still apparently threatening violence on Donny, saying that he'll put him in a chokehold in jury. So, yeah, outstanding kid, right?

Oh, and Christine/Cody? Just because there are no more buy backs, it doesn't mean that leaving mean goodbye messages is better for you. You do realize there's still jury votes you need to work toward, right?

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I've pretty much lost all hope for the remainder of the season, but if Derrick could mist (actually, it doesn't deserve to be called mist, since he is nowhere near as good a player as Dan, and with this crowd of dumbasses all that's needed is a spritz, so I'm going to call it spritz now) - if Derrick could spritz Cody into getting Christine, or even better still, Frankie, up and out, I will a) grudgingly watch the rest of this mess play out and b) even more grudgingly admit that Derrick should win, even though I'd even prefer Caleb to win at this point, if Donny can't.

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I saw Cody's brother Paulie on Big Brother AfterBuzz. He looks just like him but with lighter hair. Apprently, both brothers are big into underwear modeling and I mean they do it a lot. I thought Cody was a salesman or something. I didn't realize that Cody (and, his brother) are wannabe reality tv people. Anyway, Paulie said he'd wish Cody would have gotten away from Derrick and doesn't think he's playing the best game. I think Paulie is gay (nothing wrong that) but is Cody gay, too? Not that it matters but maybe that's why he doesn't think all the business with Christine is a big deal because he's gay. Also, I am Team Donny all the way. C'mon, Diamond Power of Veto!!!

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Although, if it had to happen to anyone, Caleb is a prime candidate considering his super creepy ick behavior towards Amber, when she neither asked for nor encouraged it.


I think Frankie has surpassed Caleb actually. Although, who knows what would've happened if Amber has lasted longer. But, Caleb never tried to 69 Amber or joked about them having sex. Frankie is just awful in every way


They want to tell Donny off in his goodbye messages.


I truly hope they do this. Can you imagine the hate they'd get? It'd be delicious. They're both cowards though so they won't do shit.


Donny still would have been an outsider but I don't think as much without the long beard.  DD has done a lot to lable that image and none of it good.  First impressions carry a lot of weight.


I think the fact that everyone saw Donny and was like "Oh, Duck Dynasty ha ha" and then he turned out to be such a kind, smart man really made it worse. They thought they knew what Donny was gonna be and when he wasn't that, it pissed them off. I think this is especially true of Derrick.


Watching Donny and Nicole discussing how it's hopeless for them, and how clueless Victoria and Caleb are, is both amazing and heartbreaking.


It's amazing to me that anyone still thinks those two are the only clueless ones. With the exception of Derrick and Donny, the entire final 8 is clueless. Including Zach, who still doesn't have a grasp on it. Nicole was clueless as well until Hayden got to her. And even Hayden was clueless until like the day after he was evicted.



Frankie: I calculated it out and there are 1300 feed watchers watching us. Derrick: Feed watchers are hardcore fans.


How did he come up with that low number?  I would expect him to predict a million or more! 


 Derrick told them he thinks there's probably about 2,000 feed viewers, and since he is their Lord and Savior, they accept that as fact.


[in BB1] They nominated 2 players . . . Their nominations were not strategic, they did not understand the concept.


The majority of the HGs since are the same!


ByaNose, Cody's brother has a girlfriend. Also, Cody identifies himself as straight, but many fans have speculated about it, as well as Frankie and Jocasta.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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WINGS707, ON 23 AUG 2014 - 09:43 AM, SAID:

They nominated 2 players and we voted one out.   Their nominations were not strategic, they did not understand the concept.


Agreed, but I think that some of the players were also concerned about the final 3.  The public would vote for the winner and I don't think that people wanted to be viewed as "sinister" players because of it.  I believe that the lack of strategic play was partially a desire to be viewed as a "good" person and because they just wanted to get rid of people with whom they found it difficult to live.



I think a season of all newbies who have never seen the show (and are not given past seasons to watch) would be great. It is a completely different game than season 1 was. There was no HOH, POV, or have-nots even (not like HN are really that big in the game). But I think it would be cool to see what fresh minds would do, and if they would come up with the same strategies or if something new would happen. Of course I think it is impossible for such a scenario to happen though. 


Anyways, with the current houseguests, I feel like getting Derrick out would actually be a great option BECAUSE he is such a super fan. In my mind, I would be like, well he obviously likes the show/game and "respects" the game enough to be like, wow good move. I was running the house and you got me out. 


Kind of like Boogie did..although he had already won a season. But still. I would want Derrick out ASAP to give him time to calm down and come to terms with it in the jury house. I really think he would be least vengeful minded. 

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Peachman, I'm shocked that Cody's brother is straight. The pictures that I saw didn't imply that all. Not that it matters either way.

I can't believe they want to be mean to Donny in the goodbye messages and not think it would make them look bad. Of course, they all might be acting tough in front of each other & do the opposite in the DR. I really want Donny to win Veto just so it would annoy (and, worry) the HG. One more week of torture would make me real happy. LOL!!

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I agree that Derrick getting Cody to put Christine up would be grand and not totally out of the realm of possibility.   Derrick did mention that live feeders do not like it when one alliance rules the house.    Cody could be talked into this.  I think she is wearing thin with him or maybe that is my hope projecting. 


I would like to see her out this week so Julie can call her on.her hatred of Donny.  I doubt she will mention her being insensed that Julie called her out for throwing the comp.   These things get lost week to week and right now she is prime to get nailed on hating "Donny's guts."

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This group of HGs have to be the dumbest since season 1. The only chance any of them have to WIN is to get rid of Derrick, and they cannot even see that possibility. They just celebrate whenever somebody from their crew wins HOH. 


The only thing that does is help carry Derrick to the f2. None of them stand any fair chance to get to win as long as he is still there. And they are too dumb to see that. And part of WINNING is to cultivate the other side for votes.  


These HGs are not playing their own game. And that is why this season is boring on the feeds. They play as a group with a group mentality and hence there are no fights. The fights are what make the season less boring. It is the CONFLICT that needs to be seen by the viewers, and the other side (Donny, Nicole) are quiet and docile so there is nothing visible worth watching. 





Derrick did mention that live feeders do not like it when one alliance rules the house.


Do you think production planted that idea into Derrick's head? After all, when Donny and Nicole are evicted.... what "drama" will take this show to finale night? They have many weeks left, and there are NO FIREWORKS. 

Edited by DakotaLavender

If Cody is so bent out of shape by Donny's jokes about his hair, etc., I can't wait for Cody to hear Donny's impression of his whiny baby talk. They're lucky in a way that Donny doesn't talk a lot of smack about people because you know he has really strong feelings about some of them and he can be pretty funny.


He got angry at HGs but from a game perspective, not personal attacks

Re Zach, I recall him calling Victoria ugly and stupid, saying she has a big nose and wanting to punch her in the face. I also laughed when he was complaining to Julie in his exit interview that Victoria was kicking him when he was down, which was Zach's favorite move. I also believe that his picking on people was saved for the females. He called Devin out during a ceremony when the whole house was there but as far as I know, he didn't try to harass Devin when they were one-on-one. He claimed he would harass Nicole but just not speak to Hayden when they were on the way out.  He admitted he never liked Hayden so why the difference? This is one of the reasons why I don't think his act is as funny as some others do. He's an ass (or a rascal, depending on your perspective)  when it comes to women but not so much with guys. I always had a suspicion that Zach didn't think very highly of females. His singling out Christine as being worthless when she had won more competitions and given the alliance more valuable info than he did was strange and I guessed that he was one guy who would never take a female to the end with him or align with a women one-on-one, no matter how good she was.


I'm also trying to remember if there were any other instances when a women got the better of him and what his reaction was. When Kathy Griffith zinged him, he was completely stone-faced and his zing wasn't even that harsh. When Victoria showed the shredded hat, he was expressionless again. Can't recall if there were other instances where a woman got him back and whether he ever laughed about it. He wasn't bad after Nicole gave him a wedgie but we didn't see his immediate reaction because he stayed on the ground for a minute or two hiding his face. When he got up, he admitted she got the better of him but wasn't really laughing.

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I think Frankie is smart enough to play the game and compete with Derrick but am wondering at this point what his end game is. If he's being truthful when he says he knows he can't win, maybe he wants to go to the end with Derrick so he can claim that he was loyal to AT until the end and prove what a good guy he is and deserving of America's love. If not, then I can see him being confident enough in his comp abilities to be able to knock out certain people towards the end. I think he knows he's a lot stronger than Derrick is in probably all types of comps.


I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the others will grow a backbone and realize that getting Nicole out next week doesn't have to be the priority. We've already heard some talk about targeting Christine and Frankie so if Derrick doesn't kill the idea, maybe it could happen. Sometimes I wonder when people come out of the DR if they really mean what they say (like suggesting targeting someone else) or if they're encouraged to say this stuff so production can capture it and perhaps use it on the show to try to pretend there's some drama or conflict going on.

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If Cody is so bent out of shape by Donny's jokes about his hair, etc., I can't wait for Cody to hear Donny's impression of his whiny baby talk. They're lucky in a way that Donny doesn't talk a lot of smack about people because you know he has really strong feelings about some of them and he can be pretty funny.


Re Zach, I recall him calling Victoria ugly and stupid, saying she has a big nose and wanting to punch her in the face. I also laughed when he was complaining to Julie in his exit interview that Victoria was kicking him when he was down, which was Zach's favorite move. I also believe that his picking on people was saved for the females. He called Devin out during a ceremony when the whole house was there but as far as I know, he didn't try to harass Devin when they were one-on-one. He claimed he would harass Nicole but just not speak to Hayden when they were on the way out.  He admitted he never liked Hayden so why the difference? This is one of the reasons why I don't think his act is as funny as some others do. He's an ass (or a rascal, depending on your perspective)  when it comes to women but not so much with guys. I always had a suspicion that Zach didn't think very highly of females. His singling out Christine as being worthless when she had won more competitions and given the alliance more valuable info than he did was strange and I guessed that he was one guy who would never take a female to the end with him or align with a women one-on-one, no matter how good she was.


I'm also trying to remember if there were any other instances when a women got the better of him and what his reaction was. When Kathy Griffith zinged him, he was completely stone-faced and his zing wasn't even that harsh. When Victoria showed the shredded hat, he was expressionless again. Can't recall if there were other instances where a woman got him back and whether he ever laughed about it. He wasn't bad after Nicole gave him a wedgie but we didn't see his immediate reaction because he stayed on the ground for a minute or two hiding his face. When he got up, he admitted she got the better of him but wasn't really laughing.

I took a lot of this as being an act for TV. I figured his talk of making the girls cry was an attempt to liven up the show. I never saw him actually follow through, although I may have missed it if he did (I don't have the live feeds, but I follow Jokers recap of them). I also got the impression that he actually liked Victoria and was 'picking on her' as a way of flirting with her. I'm not saying he is without fault, he's obviously young and has a lot to learn, but I just didn't see him as a truly mean person (like Christine for instance). Of course I could be seeing what I want to see, it's hard to tell when you're watching people on your TV and never actually interacting with them.


ETA: He also falls into the category as the sort of guy I have a soft spot for, both in looks and certain personality traits. So I may be biased because of that as well.

Edited by TexasChic
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I'm also trying to remember if there were any other instances when a women got the better of him and what his reaction was. When Kathy Griffith zinged him, he was completely stone-faced and his zing wasn't even that harsh. When Victoria showed the shredded hat, he was expressionless again. Can't recall if there were other instances where a woman got him back and whether he ever laughed about it. He wasn't bad after Nicole gave him a wedgie but we didn't see his immediate reaction because he stayed on the ground for a minute or two hiding his face. When he got up, he admitted she got the better of him but wasn't really laughing.

I think he liked the Kathy Griffin Zing. He was praising it in his interview with Jeff yesterday. I think he was just playing it up for the Cameras. Which worked cuz then we got her walking up to him and getting in his face which was funny.

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I think Frankie is smart enough to play the game and compete with Derrick but am wondering at this point what his end game is. If he's being truthful when he says he knows he can't win, maybe he wants to go to the end with Derrick so he can claim that he was loyal to AT until the end and prove what a good guy he is and deserving of America's love.



Frankie soooooo wants to win this!  No way, he already "knows" he is Americas favorite! 

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That is amazing! I don't know what he thinks gangrene is, but damn did this ever make me laugh!

I've wracked my brain, and for the life of me I can't imagine what word he might be getting "gangrene" confused with.

Of course, I'm also clueless as to how Special Ops guys might fold their skivvies different from infantry, so maybe it's just me.

Seriously! They think The Bomb Squad is the best alliance in BB history? Okay. You can't even keep your alliance straight. One day you're The Detonators and the next you're back to being the Bomb Squad.


It's only the Bomb Squad when Caleb is within earshot.

Frankie thinks only 2 houseguests have ever returned. Derrick said 3. These people call themselves super fans?!?!?

I think Derrick enjoys spoon feeding misinformation to the other HGs much of the time - that, and not correcting their mistakes. Hey, stupid's easier to beat than smart.

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Wonder what Christine's pastor thinks about Christine hating Donny? Hating Julie Chen? She's a nasty piece of work.

Frankie is the only one of the Detonators/BS that would get rid of Derrick. Why he hasn't yet, IDK. Maybe he's playing Derricks game to get further along. But this is the guy who got out his closest ally so I'm not sure what's going through his head.

I bet if the DR told Frankie he'd get maximum camera time if Derrick goes, Derrick would be a ghost.

These guys look more and more like the Brigade each week. It's disgusting.

Please. Please. DR turn one of the guys on Derrick. They have to be planting seeds. I can't wait until the seasons over and we find out what these guys were thinking.

I know the DR manipulates but not to the point of destroying someone's game by telling an HG to get rid of them so we can give you more air time. . 


Seriously, I just want to see Christine squirm when Julie asks her why she hates "Donny's guts."  Christine doesn't really mean it, she is posturing with the cool guys because she thinks they like that.  She will be embarassed with Julie because she doesn't think anyone really hears her.  And if they do, it should not be brought up on "national television!"   

I hope that Donny or Nicole win the veto and Cody puts Frankie up. At least then there's a chance that Derrick will change his mind and get them to vote Frankie out. Does anyone think it's possible?


Frankly, I'm still confused about how Frankie went from public enemy #1, back to full-fledged alliance member.  It's like they're pretending Caleb never attempted to throw the comp, and the others didn't conspire to get Frankie out.  I do think it's possible that Frankie could get voted out.  Everything can change once someone is on the block, that's why so many pawns end up going home.  The HOH does the hard work of nominating them, then the rest manufacture reasons and justifiy sending that person home.


I've wracked my brain, and for the life of me I can't imagine what word he might be getting "gangrene" confused with.

Of course, I'm also clueless as to how Special Ops guys might fold their skivvies different from infantry, so maybe it's just me.


I'm still not sure that Donny "folding things in his drawers", is not referring to his underwear.


There was a Jokers quote in which Derrick refers to Donny's military experience.  Has that somehow become a fact (even though it's not true), or is Derrick humoring Caleb?

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Seriously, I just want to see Christine squirm when Julie asks her why she hates "Donny's guts."  Christine doesn't really mean it, she is posturing with the cool guys because she thinks they like that.  She will be embarassed with Julie because she doesn't think anyone really hears her.  And if they do, it should not be brought up on "national television!"

Don't forget - Christine hates™ Julie too. Should make for an interesting conversation. Bet Christine finds the notion scary™ as hell.

Jumping back a little bit - from Joker's:

Fri 8:25 PM BBT Derr. F'n. Big boy moves! He starts pacing

Fri 8:25 PM BBT Cody asks Derrick if he should get rid of Frankie if Donny comes off the block. Derrick predictably shoots the idea down.

Reckon this may be the beginning of the end of the Hitmen? I think one of the primary reasons Derrick has stayed so close with Cody is because despite all Cody's big talk, Cody has shown little inclination to actually do much in the way of big moves - he's been a follower, not a leader. Easy to best in F2.

If Cody does start to show signs of growing an independent brain stem, though, he could quickly become a liability. Especially if he starts sniping big targets in the (to Derrick) wrong order.

Are the HGs all really small? In listening to the video someone linked about Cody playing soccer, the narrator said Cody was 5'9". Yet, Cody seems one of the taller HGs. Christine only comes up to his shoulder, and she seems to be the tallest of the women. I think Derrick is the tallest, but he is only a little taller than Cody. Maybe, I live in a different world, but this seems kind of petite to me.

Edited by Stinamaia
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I've wracked my brain, and for the life of me I can't imagine what word he might be getting "gangrene" confused with.

Of course, I'm also clueless as to how Special Ops guys might fold their skivvies different from infantry, so maybe it's just me."


Hysterical!  Love you girl. 

Edited by wings707
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I'm still not sure that Donny "folding things in his drawers", is not referring to his underwear.


But it's funnier that way! :D

There was a Jokers quote in which Derrick refers to Donny's military experience.  Has that somehow become a fact (even though it's not true), or is Derrick humoring Caleb?

I think that's Derrick doing the misinformation thing again.

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I liked Dan and Ian, and I might have liked Dr. Will and Rachael more if I'd followed the feeds, but back then I just watched the broadcast shows.  Actually, I wonder if I'd followed the feeds back then if I'd have ended up liking Ian and Dan.  Food for thought...


That's why I love this thread, and all y'alls posting here, because I kind of feel like I got burned by the BB editors stitching together carefully selected bits of footage to tell the story they wanted told, and not the real story of what was happening in the BB house.  I felt like they'd broken their contract.


But now it is almost like it is coming full circle.  For years, the feed viewers and followers (like me) were kind of isolated in our own universe of private discussion threads and websites, and the BB editors were free to do whatever they wanted and the general viewing public would know no better.  But now, with the explosion of social media, the stuff that happens in the live feeds is getting more and more attention, and not just from specialized niche websites like Jokers and Hamstertime, but in more mainstream sites like Twitter and Reddit.   So now, the BB editors have to play an interesting game of cat and mouse.  They still clearly want to tell a particular story, but they can't go too far or they'll get called out.  I think last season's broadcast shows would have been pretty different if all that dirty laundry hadn't had its airing out on the Twitterverse and other places.  Heck, I wonder if the beloved Evel Dick and his season would have made out under today's conditions!


All that said...I'm actually OK with a Derrick win though.  He's played a very skillful and measured game.  He wasn't nasty like Andy from last year, or obnoxiously fame-whorish like Rachael.  I think of him as kind of a BB Boston Rob, only without the charm and magnetism.  But if Donny could pull the wool off some eyes, and the rug out from under him, I'd be all for that too!


I completely agree with you about Derrick's play resembling BR, although he lacked Rob's ability to entertain the group. (Apparently, he came up with games for them to play and kept them from being bored). Especially the part about forbidding the other HGs to speak with the :shunned group." I didn't mind BR during his last play and win, because he was funny and charming. Even though it was pretty boring from a purely gameplay point of view. Since Derrick isn't charming at all, we only have the opportunity to respect his strategy but dislike him completely.


I didn't know much about the feeds back in the earlier seasons (only really paid attention during the Chima season - I think she's still the one I disliked the most). But what I saw on TV was enough to completely turn me off Evel Dick - the constant bullying of Jen and the cigarette attack - and I couldn't understand why anyone would like him at all. The feeds would have made it even worse.


About the only winner I liked was Dan. Started watching BB halfway thru the Allison/Jun season (and I didn't like Jun any better than Allison), most of the winners I promptly forget about once the season is over. I can tolerate Ian winning, since I usually root for the nerds (unless they're despicable like Christine), but I remember some really unpleasant things coming out in the feeds back then. Really didn't like Rachel or Andy, or any of the frat boy winners of the past.



She's on four pills every four to six hours. Derrick and Frankie were debating earlier about whether they would give her Percocet or Vicodin, decided maybe Tylenol with codeine, but probably just strong anti-inflammatories. She's been asking everyone about their wisdom teeth horror stories and her face is swollen. Derrick said she showed him a week or two back and they were beginning to break through the gums.


Just wondering about this post....how in hell could two non-doctors be making decisions about what narcotics Victoria is to be using? I had surgery for four impacted wisdom teeth years ago, and they gave me Percocet for the pain followng the surgery. I spent hours sitting and staring at the wall. It definitely killed the pain - I didn't feel (or think about) anything, but they refused to give me any more after I finished my one prescription. They said, not a chance, it's a narcotic, and gave me a prescription for Tylenol with codeine instead (it's a little bit stronger than the one you can purchase over the counter). If Victoria is in need of surgery, then she needs to be taken out of the house STAT and receive proper treatment, screw the game. (And yes, that might screw Derrick's game, ha ha). It's not as if she has any mental smarts or the self-awareness to realize that she should disqualify herself.

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When & if Donny gets evicted I hope they leave the doors open longer than usual. This way those 6 jerks can hear the enormous applause Donny will get. Of course, they would discount it & spin it that the sound was intentionally raised. It would be so great for those few minutes that Donny would realize people were rooting for him. Ugh! I hate the 6! That's their name. The 6. They don't deserve their own names mentioned.

Edited by ByaNose
  • Love 4
Are the HGs all really small? In listening to the video someone linked about Cody playing soccer, the narrator said Cod was 5'9". Yet, Cody seem one of the taller HGs. Christine only comes up to his shoulder, and she seems to be the tallest of the women. I think Derrick is the tallest, but he is only a little taller than Cody. Maybe, I live in a different world, but this seems kind of petite to me.

I think I live in the same world that you do because I've been thinking how short this cast is.


By the way, BB made "The Soup" again this week. They showed Zach yelling and crying in the DR about not having a chance against Frankie because he's playing for charity and already has a following

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When & if Donny gets evicted I hope they leave the doors open longer than usual. This way those 6 jerks can hear the enormous applause Donny will get. Of course, they would discount it & spin it that the sound was intentionally raised. It would be so great for those few minutes that Donny would realize people were rooting for him. Ugh! I hate the 6! That's their name. The 6. They don't deserve their own names mentioned.

The 6, or The 666. Just to take a page from Christine's Book of Evil and Disgusting.

  • Love 2


Just wondering about this post....how in hell could two non-doctors be making decisions about what narcotics Victoria is to be using?


If you are familiar with pain killers it can be easy to guess.  Since she is taking so many and often it is easy to rule out a narcotic.  Not a mystery to me and I have taken very few in my life.  I read a lot.

I completely agree with you about Derrick's play resembling BR, although he lacked Rob's ability to entertain the group. (Apparently, he came up with games for them to play and kept them from being bored). Especially the part about forbidding the other HGs to speak with the :shunned group." I didn't mind BR during his last play and win, because he was funny and charming. Even though it was pretty boring from a purely gameplay point of view. Since Derrick isn't charming at all, we only have the opportunity to respect his strategy but dislike him completely.


About the only winner I liked was Dan. Started watching BB halfway thru the Allison/Jun season (and I didn't like Jun any better than Allison), most of the winners I promptly forget about once the season is over. I can tolerate Ian winning, since I usually root for the nerds (unless they're despicable like Christine), but I remember some really unpleasant things coming out in the feeds back then. Really didn't like Rachel or Andy, or any of the frat boy winners of the past.


Just wondering about this post....how in hell could two non-doctors be making decisions about what narcotics Victoria is to be using? I had surgery for four impacted wisdom teeth years ago, and they gave me Percocet for the pain followng the surgery. I spent hours sitting and staring at the wall. It definitely killed the pain - I didn't feel (or think about) anything, but they refused to give me any more after I finished my one prescription. They said, not a chance, it's a narcotic, and gave me a prescription for Tylenol with codeine instead (it's a little bit stronger than the one you can purchase over the counter). If Victoria is in need of surgery, then she needs to be taken out of the house STAT and receive proper treatment, screw the game. (And yes, that might screw Derrick's game, ha ha). It's not as if she has any mental smarts or the self-awareness to realize that she should disqualify herself.


I also agree that Derrick's gameplay is similar to Boston Rob's, but I disagree with the notion that Rob is/was funny or charming.  I never liked Rob or his Ambuh.  In fact, I wonder if Ambuh's win is the least deserved ever.


I rooted for Dan his first go round, but he lost his appeal (to me) in his second season.  I know it's a double standard, but I have a harder time watching someone lie and manipulate with a bible in their hand.


Weighing in on the distribution of Victoria's pain meds.  Ideally, the meds should be distributed via the DR - they were last season.  If that's not an option, it's wise not to leave Victoria responsible for taking narcotics.  The problem is, the DR is no more capable than a person off the street in evaluating her pain level, and which med she should receive. She's just so spoiled and helpless - I truly think she could easily overdose herself.  Derrick may be concerned for Victoria strictly for selfish reasons (I don't know), but that gives him an extra incentive to make sure she's cared for.  I think it sounds smart that Derrick and Frankie don't seem to jump straight to giving her a narcotic - as a nurse, that's the kind of thought process I have to follow in these situations.


I hope my feminist card isn't revoked, but when I think of Victoria, I'm reminded of last season's finale on The Challenge.  One girl skated through to the end.  The final challenge is always incredibly grueling - physically and mentally.  When paired with this girl, one of the guys commented - Hopefully, this challenge involves applying makeup and wearing wigs.  I laughed, it was funny, I wasn't ashamed.

  • Love 2

Is it still true that Donny can't shave his beard, even at this point in the game? I remember Adam (the Tori Spelling-obsessed metalhead from season 13) shaved his beard late into the game, and ended up looking like a total doofus. But I believe Donny sans beard would have the opposite effect.


Shaving that ragged gray mess would make Donny look less othered. Hell, he might even look like a new house guest. Christine's Bitter Wall of Hate has already calcified against Donny ... but if Cody or Caleb saw the Duck Dynasty cloak fall from Donny's face, they might miraculously see him as a new ally.


I seriously believe in the redeeming/damning power of hair. In my mind rogue hair's the hidden villain this season. It's held back Donny's game, and it's physically torturing Victoria - perhaps her brain would wake up from its coma without the 12 pounds or so she's hanging from her bloody tortured scalp.


So here's to wishing that next time Donny enters the DR, he finds a shiny new razor with his name on it. More powerful than the Diamond Power of Veto, the Cooty taw. Come on, Production! The Magic Power of the Golden Blade!


ETA:  Just wanted to add I'm not against facial hair! Only in this instance, when it's taking house guests hostage. And don't get me started on Frankie's pink rooster top.

Edited by Orangepop
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When & if Donny gets evicted I hope they leave the doors open longer than usual. This way those 6 jerks can hear the enormous applause Donny will get. Of course, they would discount it & spin it that the sound was intentionally raised. It would be so great for those few minutes that Donny would realize people were rooting for him. Ugh! I hate the 6! That's their name. The 6. They don't deserve their own names mentioned.



Reminds me of last season after Elissa was evicted and that Howdy Doody motherfucker Andy said the crowd was cheering so loud because they were happy she was evicted. Good god I hated that guy. Even thinking about him now spikes my blood pressure.

  • Love 14

If she is removed from the game permanently that means Derrick will never agree to voting out anyone other than Nicole or Donny, he will be one down and his F2 choice. 

If she has an abscessed tooth she needs to be pulled immediately. That's not something to mess around with. The fact that production just keeps feeding her ibuprofen is pretty reckless. 



I believe it has already been diagnosed as wisdom teeth. 

I wonder if she's sick from all the pain meds she's taking. Even if it's just ibuprofen, at higher amounts it can make you sick to your stomach.

Jokers 08/23/14 11:27 AM

Nicole was putting makeup on - Victoria in WC - Nicole may have heard something cause she turns around towards WC and just watches/listens for a couple seconds before asking Victoria "Are you ok?" ... you could faintly hear Victoria respond "no" .... Nicole goes and opens door finding Victoria on floor .... Nicole says "you're so sweaty" .... calls for Derrick to come help .... then FISH


Regarding her pain meds, they legally cannot be giving her narcs without a doctor having seen her and prescribing them. If they see her overdosing herself and are not intervening, I'm pretty sure she'd have a case for negligence if any harm comes to her because of it. For these reasons, I believe she's just taking Motrin OTC, and she's taking so many at once to bring it up to prescription strength.

Edited by Pixel
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I had a friend who gave himself a bleeding ulcer after a root canal because he was taking so many pain meds. He ended up fainting in the shower, so it's entirely possible that's what's going on with Victoria. You gotta take that stuff with food even if it's not directed.

Edited by Cutty
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is to be using?

If you are familiar with pain killers it can be easy to guess.  Since she is taking so many and often it is easy to rule out a narcotic.  Not a mystery to me and I have taken very few in my life.  I read a lot.




Your post had me very confused. Are you saying that it's easier to guess your dosage if you're taking drugs regularly (An addict?) An earlier post from a feed watcher said that Derrick and Frankie had percocet, oxycontin and Tylenol with codeine, and they were deciding what to administer, and in what amounts. That's what I was questioning. And in reference to you "reading a lot"....I have a B.A. with an English major, a Diploma in Journalism and have made a living from my professional writing for several years. You may infer from that information that I too "read a lot." Since I also "write a lot," I ensure that my communications are clear and easy to understand. 

I also agree that Derrick's gameplay is similar to Boston Rob's, but I disagree with the notion that Rob is/was funny or charming.  I never liked Rob or his Ambuh.  In fact, I wonder if Ambuh's win is the least deserved ever.


I rooted for Dan his first go round, but he lost his appeal (to me) in his second season.  I know it's a double standard, but I have a harder time watching someone lie and manipulate with a bible in their hand.


Weighing in on the distribution of Victoria's pain meds.  Ideally, the meds should be distributed via the DR - they were last season.  If that's not an option, it's wise not to leave Victoria responsible for taking narcotics.  The problem is, the DR is no more capable than a person off the street in evaluating her pain level, and which med she should receive. She's just so spoiled and helpless - I truly think she could easily overdose herself.  Derrick may be concerned for Victoria strictly for selfish reasons (I don't know), but that gives him an extra incentive to make sure she's cared for.  I think it sounds smart that Derrick and Frankie don't seem to jump straight to giving her a narcotic - as a nurse, that's the kind of thought process I have to follow in these situations.





Just call me very confused about the administration of narcotics to anyone in the house - how can it be legal for anyone NOT a doctor, to be handing out meds at their own discretion? I agree that Victoria can't handle anything of a serious nature, but neither should two non-medical people be deciding what and when she should be taking, either. Shouldn't Big Brother have a medical doctor on staff, that can give her meds when she is called to the DR for that specific purpose? I'm Canadian, so maybe Americans have more a of loosey-goosey attitude to the use of narcotics, but I wouldn't have thought this was the case.


I felt the same about Boston Rob, until his appearance on the Heroes vs. Villains season. I found him hilarious that time, and was really sorry he was booted when the really dumb Survivor failed to follow their plan. That's why I didn't mind him winning on his last season. He had some pretty funny activities going to cover up his scheming, and it made me overlook the way the season went exactly according to his plan, very similar to this year. I don't find Derrick entertaining or interesting in the least, I'd just like him to go.


I also liked Dan much less on his second go-round, and I do think the Bible hypocrisy had something to do with that, but I still preferred him to many of the other houseguests.

Edited by PreBabylonia

Oh man. I may be annoyed at Victoria lately, but I really do hope she's ok. Her health absolutely needs to come first and if they need to pull her from the game because of her tooth, or her head or whatever the reason is, then I hope she agrees to it. I have stopped watching the feeds since Cody won HOH, but I hear she's been in a lot of pain and her face has been swollen, so I think she actually needs to see a doctor. Why the DR hasn't let her and has only been given her pain killers is beyond me. I'm sure they have nurses on stand by to check on them once in a while, but I get the feeling like they do the minimal amount of check ups needed when people are sick. 


Honestly, it sounds like the people behind the DR can be kind of dicks when it comes to giving people the proper checks for their health. I remember when Zach was on slop week 2 and he was complaining to the DR about feeling sick and needing an IV because he was about to pass out, and DR told him that medics would be around if he did pass out so they just let him go. It's not like production is known for taking extra care of the health of the houseguests. I mean, it took them a few seasons to finally allow them food other than slop just to keep their energy going, and they don't seem to take great care of managing their medication. I'm honestly surprised there haven't been more incidents of people's health declining for whatever reason, if I have to be honest. 

  • Love 1
Donny asked if he could shave and they said, no.


How could they stop him, really ?


Call him to the DR mid-snip of the scissors ?  Threaten him with a penalty nom (which never means anything) ?


Look at Arlie in BBCAN2 -- he shaved his head as a task and then proceeded to shave simple patterns into for weeks before being evicted ?


ETA: I hope the BB producers get off their ass and find a real doctor to take a look at Victoria vs. the Caribbean medical school script-writer they generally seem to employ.  Then again, they probably won't take a look at her until she's actually comatose lying on the floor (except she's already down on the floor in the BR).

Edited by ottoDbusdriver
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How could they stop him, really ?


Call him to the DR mid-snip of the scissors ?  Threaten him with a penalty nom (which never means anything) ?


Look at Arlie in BBCAN2 -- he shaved his head as a task and then proceeded to shave simple patterns into for weeks before being evicted ?

Sue him for breach of contract? I'm just guessing here.

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