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Season 16 Live Feed Discussion: Keeping an Eye Out

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Oh good god.  People are shot for less. . Go tweet her and get her off that nonsense. 


A CBS audience booed Aaryn.  You don't need many to prove a point.  



Who is this person?  I want to follow them in case they cave. 

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One of the people I follow on Twitter says he/she has an In at CBS and could find out what happened, but they aren't sure if they are going to ask because they possibly want to be surprised!! I hope they find out!! We need to know what went down!!

Selfish person!

The tears of a nation beg you.

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Selfish person!

The tears of a nation beg you.



Ha ha ha ha ha!  It is more a confirmation that we need.  There is no surprise afoot.  Frankie is gone.   It would just be fun to celebrate here!  We know he is gone but nothing could be better than the confetti before Tues night!  

Edited by wings707
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Who is this person? I want to follow them in case they cave.

@BigBrotherDish: I'm in a BB quandary. I have the ability to find out the spoilers from the show taping tonight, but I don't know if I want to know. #BB16

A few people tweeted that they had to find out!! Lol so hopefully they cave!!

Omg I forgot that it was a CBS audience!! Yes we might have a chance for boos!!

Edited by SiobhanJW
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There are some angry tweets!  What an asshole.  [in a sing song voice]  I can find out who left but I am not gonna tell yooooooou.  Why say you can find out then?  You are as much of an attention seeker as Frankie. 

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I tweet sometimes but it never shows up. Frustrating. 

I still love the idea of a deathly quiet audience when Frankie is evicted.  He'll run out posturing and pulling faces and get absolutely no reaction.


Yes, that is the perfect scenario.  Total silence is louder than boos. 

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Thanks. I was going to say that any number of heterosexual males grope and harass women, but have zero sexual interest in children. I realize that Frankie respects few boundaries with people, but there is nothing to suggest he has a sexual interest in children.

You all are right.  I should know better.  Pedophilia is an animal all to its own.  Am going back to wipe it.


Can I say how much I dislike Frankie and can't believe none of the guys have complained to the crew?

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How lovely that Devin hates Christine but thinks Frankie, who joked about Victoria being raped, deserves to be defended. Telling really.


Normally they're told when they're going to be filming for BBAD. I'm glad they didn't tell them this time. They are finally giving us a chance for something fun in seeing Frankie totally blindsided. But I'm sure Derrick ruined it in some way.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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Can y'all feel that? A shift in the Earth's energy. A Frankie shining not quite so brightly. Happiness for all!!!

Eta: look on jokers discussion page right now. There is a highly amusing "boo Frankie thread"

Edited by AndreaK1041
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I am an educated, fit, attractive, accomplished woman.  I have spiritual underpinnings that guide me to see the good in others and let the rest go. I am calm by nature and known as the voice of reason among my peers.  Fuck twitter. Fuck BB. Fuck anyone who knows the the outcome and will not tell. Fuck production, Fuck Frankie. Fuck the squirrel who chewed my screen.  Fuck.  okay done  


thank you

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Just had a thought. I don't know what Ariana's itinerary is, but suppose she happens to be in the audience since Frankie is most likely out? Do you guys think that he will get the boos from the audience with her sitting there, or would the audience refrain from booing out of respect for her? I know it wouldn't stop me because I barely know who she is. 

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Hee.  He already did that.  One of his first gigs was playing Boots the Monkey (who doesn't wear a hat but does wear red cowboy boots) in a traveling Dora The Explorer stage show.

OH yeah! Totally forgot! lol



He's almost there. Come on Derrick you can do it!!!!

 Go Derrick! I'm only *half* ashamed that I've developed a bit of a crush on the ole boy.

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I think Ariana is in Japan. I hate that I know that!

Ashamed to say I knew that too.. What is wrong with us. She did tweet that she bought Zach a pink hat from Japan. I thought that was cute.

Okay back to my regularly scheduled dislike of Frankie & Fam.

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LOL - as opposed to last year, when they were all talking about, well, actually bleaching.......ahhh.....something else!  I just know AG foisted these dullards on us as a punishment, I'm sure of it!


Be careful what you wish for!


(not just you ... the generic universal you)

I still have the 8-track player I took out of my first car sitting around here somewhere, if you're hungry for a change. ;)


My car has a crank-up Victrola!


I got such a kick out of the whole Victoria-getting-tipsy thing.  She gets that big Cheshire Cat grin on her face and she's just glowing. But my favorite part was when she crawled into bed with Caleb and his face registered total, 100% confusion.  They all keep saying they're going to bed but end up getting back up and roaming around the house.  Are they told to stay awake during BBAD?  I know one or two of them are asleep on some episodes, but I just wondered what the protocol was.

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Saw on twitter that Frankie walked in on a conversation btwn Caleb and Victoria and so Caleb pretended he was asleep while sitting up. Did anyone happen to see this happen on the live feeds?




DAMMIT CALEB!  What am I gonna do when Big Brother is over and you are not able to endlessly entertain me???  

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How lovely that Devin hates Christine but thinks Frankie, who joked about Victoria being raped, deserves to be defended. Telling really.

Normally they're told when they're going to be filming for BBAD. I'm glad they didn't tell them this time. They are finally giving us a chance for

something fun in seeing Frankie totally

blindsided. But I'm sure Derrick ruined it in some


Does Devin even watch the feeds, though?

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If we got the Caleb of the last few weeks, with the silly smiles and the boots/ hat/ underwear wearing and the face-vacuuming and the Judy-chopping and the apparent at least small dose of self-awareness, I would watch his show too.  If we got hog-killing Amber-stalking Caleb, I would not.  


I find myself in a real predicament.  I want to know RIGHT NOW that Frankie is gone.  But on the chance he is *not* gone, I want to delay having that knowledge for as long as possible.  Can't figure out how to only find the info if it's good news, though - it's quite a pickle, I tell you.  

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I did a search of the #bb16 hashtag on twitter and so far it doesn't look like anyone has any verifiable leaks.  There is a lot of rampant speculation and even some blatant trolling (some people discussing that Frankie is gone and that Victoria won HoH), but I haven't seen anything coming out on the tweeter that is coming from anyone who was actually there.  


Frankie.  Be gone.  Please.  

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Saw on twitter that Frankie walked in on a conversation btwn Caleb and Victoria and so Caleb pretended he was asleep while sitting up. Did anyone happen to see this happen on the live feeds?




How did he account for the fact that Victoria was awake and talking to him?  He's so childlike, yet comical.  If you caught him redhanded stealing something, he'd simply hide it behind his back and say, "no I didn't".

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Funny how Frankie does seem to have gotten what he wanted: people everywhere with their attention on him, waiting breathless to see what happens.  


As long as he leaves, he can tell himself he's loved, all he wants.

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Funny how Frankie does seem to have gotten what he wanted: people everywhere with their attention on him, waiting breathless to see what happens.  


As long as he leaves, he can tell himself he's loved, all he wants.


Well... in that case, Frankie is totally correct.  I am absolutely, positively, absotively, posilutely, 100% USDA Grade-A Prime in love with the idea of Frankie exiting the House.




ETA: more superlatives, dammit.

Edited by Nashville
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God love twitter. Apparently Victoria win HOH (according to fifth hand twitter rumor). Ordinarily I'd be freaking out and trying to find links and sources and stuff, but it's Victoria, so I just laugh.

I miss the old days where they'd give the die-hard fans a fifteen second leak of the feeds just so they could confirm who got booted. And I would read about it on Hamstertime, because I did not have time for any of that. None of that tonight, just crazy speculation that Victoria is the new HOH.

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God love twitter. Apparently Victoria win HOH (according to fifth hand twitter rumor). Ordinarily I'd be freaking out and trying to find links and sources and stuff, but it's Victoria, so I just laugh.

I miss the old days where they'd give the die-hard fans a fifteen second leak of the feeds just so they could confirm who got booted. And I would read about it on Hamstertime, because I did not have time for any of that. None of that tonight, just crazy speculation that Victoria is the new HOH.


Yall know - if she DID win HOH, we're collectively going to shit enough bricks to build a subdivision.

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Ugh that sucks that Frankie was evicted to no boos.

Someone asked him if they were allowed to boo and he said yes. As long as his cheers weren't as loud as Zach/Donny/Nicole's I'm good.

Another person asked if anything "shocking" happened. And he said no. If he is a BB watcher he would know that Victoria winning HOH would be shocking so I'm gonna go with she probably didn't win.

Edited by SiobhanJW
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