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Season 16 Live Feed Discussion: Keeping an Eye Out

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Caleb and Frankie really do visualize themselves as the best of everything, but apparently spelling simple words is beyond their capability.


The screen indicates that they are having a luxury comp soon, and here is the meeting of the minds that occurred, from Jokers"


"Caleb thinks they spelled "luxury" wrong. Vic says "No". Cal asks Fra, he also thinks it's wrong. Again Vic says no."

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Last night I happen to turn on BBAD out of pure boredom and watched exactly a minute and a half before turning it off again. Now I know what everyone on here means about Frankie's lip smacking when he eats. Absolutely unwatchable.

At this stage of this very boring season I'm basically just watching to listen to Caleb and what's his name, the Italian kid's, funny bantering. Those two Einsteins are the only bright funny spots on her for me now.

ETA correct a grammar mistake!

Edited by TheGapper
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Jurors were unleashed in the house while the F5 were locked in the HOH room watching on a TV. Zach ran and took all of Victorias clothes and threw them in the living room while dancing on the table. Nicole then brought him Froot Loops which he proceeded to pour all over his head while dancing.

Other jurors ran through the house and threw things on the floor and ransacked the place. Hayden screamed for Cody and planted a big one on Nicole.

All of them wearing Team Zach,Nicole etc shirts. Feeds are on Jeffish now so I'm assuming they are doing the luxury comp with them.

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With his mouth always open like that, it really looks like that's how Frankie communicates -- like a seal.


Last night, during the live show, someone described him as looking like Peewee Herman and someone else suggested a seal, with his perpetually open mouth.  Does he REALLY think he looks cute when he does that?  Grow up, asshole, you're 31, not 5!  

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This is the best article about Frankie, to date.  I particularly liked these bullet points.


"-Telling fellow house guest Nicole that he considers the others "normal people" that he never gets to hang out with in his life

-Insisting that if he were eliminated, "no one would watch" Big Brother

-Worrying about having "a name to uphold""


Wasn't he picking his nose and playing with his boogers the other night?  Is that part of the Grande name he is trying to uphold?


"Wed 10:21 PM BBT Caleb says he has played in Nashville a few times and was to record in Rascal Flatts studio before he left for BB he was going to have dinner with Rascal Flatts but he just couldn't because he had to do BB"

Or you know, he had a shift at Lowe's

Once again, a pox upon the house of Lowe's.

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I think Caleb is funny. You just never know what will come out of his mouth. I love that he won't let Frankie sleep in the HOH room. I want to see a Caleb, Cody, Derrick F3.

Caleb might have been a hair creepy early on...but he is quite amusing and  although he might seem dim....I think he is pretty honest....could be wrong though...but  as much as I hate to say it...something makes me root for him...kinda...

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Caleb should apply at Home Depot. They might be more flexible with his shifts when something comes up and he needs to record an album, meet Channing Tatum for dinner, or marry Mila Kunis.

Edited by parrotlover
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Caleb might have been a hair creepy early on...but he is quite amusing and  although he might seem dim....I think he is pretty honest....could be wrong though...but  as much as I hate to say it...something makes me root for him...kinda...



I find myself doing the same.  I would like to see him F2.  

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Caleb at least makes me laugh out loud.  I wouldn't be devastated if he won.

Me too and you know I never thought I'd feel that way about him, especially when Amber was still in the house and he was in full stalker mode, but he's grown on me.


At this point, I think it would be hysterical if he won after all of Derrick's planning and manipulating.

Edited by parrotlover
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Caleb at least makes me laugh out loud.  I wouldn't be devastated if he won.

I agree! his karate moves, loyalty when he thought there was a rodent....and even the silly banter with Victoria...."I like you" when Vic said "You love me"...He stuck to his guns lol..he just makes me laugh and he is enjoyable to watch....I was laughing though when watching BBAD when Caleb made the pizza and they kept going to Frankie's face....and Frankie is vegan...he had that look like....give me that pizza! lol....I am sad there is no BB tonight! ugh.

I also know that Caleb and his family were supposed to do a reality show but was passed over..this might bring this back to the forefront....I find him funny and well real....as opposed to the other BB contestants that is though...

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Seems the Victoria/Hayden team won the luxury competition and she won $5000 and I think Hayden might have also won $5000.  The HG are PISSED that the house is such a mess.  A necklace of Victoria's got broken, presumably accidentally.  They threw chicken juice/food around the kitchen.  And apparently the HG all carved their names into the bathroom door early in the season (not sure if this is normal for every season?) and one of the jurors today crossed out Victoria's name.  They are unamused by that.  Caleb/Cody thinks it was Zach, but others think Christine.  I would laugh if it was someone completely random like Jocasta, but we may never know!


Oh, and Victoria is pissed that her clothes were stepped on (Zach danced on them) and now there's "Fruit Loops all over" all her stuff.  I giggle at the Fruit Loops.

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Oh Lord - it sounds like Frankie's having a meltdown about how the jury destroyed the house. His speech sounds like something Scarlett O' Hara would have said when she lofted that turnip in the air.


Per Jokers:

Frankie: This is my home. You are my family. So they came in and destroyed my home and hurt my family! NT
1:58 PM Frankie. We are stonger than they. You cannot evict us and you cannot destroy our home! NT
1:58 PM Frankie: If anyone ever asked me what the worst day in the house would be, it'd be this one. Not even when I was on the block NT

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Yes, they are seriously pissed!! They lived in a stinky pigsty for weeks and then cleaned and are pissed that they have to do it all over again. And of course, Frankie is going over the top!!


Frankie: This is my home. You are my family. So they came in and destroyed my home and hurt my family! NT - Kayla08

Thu 1:58 PM BBT Frankie. We are stonger than they. You cannot evict us and you cannot destroy our home! NT - marreve

Thu 1:58 PM BBT Frankie: If anyone ever asked me what the worst day in the house would be, it'd be this one. Not even when I was on the block NT - Kayla08

Thu 1:57 PM BBT Caleb: Looks like no one even came in! [it's still incredibly messy] NT - Kayla08

Thu 1:55 PM BBT Team Hayden and Victoria won the luxury competition. 5K each. NT - jellyfisher

Thu 1:52 PM BBT Victoria upset because her name is x'd off and Frankie saying it was so horrible NT - marreve

Thu 1:51 PM BBT Frankie: this is my house and if someone comes into my house and destroys it, I'm gonna get a little heated NT - marreve

Thu 1:51 PM BBT Frankie: if someone came in my home and did this I would be pissed NT - katwomandu

ETA: sorry for the double dose of Frankie! LOL

Edited by Txfeenix
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I think it's hilarious that the jurors came back in the house and that THEY were the ones who played in the competition.  The HGs are pissed about that too.


It is not a mistake that that happened.  The guy who makes the competitions (Heath?) is pretty open on Twitter about stuff.  I stumbled on his feed recently and he said that the competition What the *$&@ that Derrick won in one question was his effort to get the jurors back on the show.  Production is not immune to the fact that America's favorites are all on the jury.


ETA: Caleb is now wondering if America hates them.  Yes! Put the pieces together, boys!  (I don't hate Caleb. I just prefer the jury, or most of the jury)

Edited by AndreaK1041
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Honestly, I might be pissed too, if someone came in and messed with my stuff like that, even if I am messy person.  It just seems rude, and I cannot understand what the purpose of it was.  Apparently there were chips hidden in the house that the jurors had to find, but destroying people's stuff seems pointless.  


Obviously, I spend too much time thinking about this show, but I am positive that when the golden button first appeared, Derrick was pronouncing it "Button."  It was only after Frankie and, I think Cody, kept saying "Buh-en" that Derrick started saying it that way.  Is it intentional, more of his undercover fitting-in, or do you think he does it subconsciously?  Either way, I am so glad that damn button is gone and I hope I never have to hear them say it again. 

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Honestly, I might be pissed too, if someone came in and messed with my stuff like that, even if I am messy person.  It just seems rude, and I cannot understand what the purpose of it was.  Apparently there were chips hidden in the house that the jurors had to find, but destroying people's stuff seems pointless.  


I can understand they're pissed. Especially since they just cleaned. But they do realize production probably told them to do that. Maybe not destroy things but make a mess. If they were in the jury house and were brought back in, are we supposed to believe they wouldn't have done the same thing?


They also need to realize how bored America is with them, between the dog visit the other day and now this. We gotta have something to liven things up.

Edited by parrotlover
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Oh Lord - it sounds like Frankie's having a meltdown about how the jury destroyed the house. His speech sounds like something Scarlett O' Hara would have said when she lofted that turnip in the air.


Per Jokers:

Frankie: This is my home. You are my family. So they came in and destroyed my home and hurt my family! NT

1:58 PM Frankie. We are stonger than they. You cannot evict us and you cannot destroy our home! NT

1:58 PM Frankie: If anyone ever asked me what the worst day in the house would be, it'd be this one. Not even when I was on the block NT

What a wonderful, heartfelt, sincere speech.

No, really.

I'm getting goosebumps and tearing up a little just reading about it.

Did he have his good side aligned with the proper cameras at the time?

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I think it's hilarious that the jurors came back in the house and that THEY were the ones who played in the competition. The HGs are pissed about that too.

It is not a mistake that that happened. The guy who makes the competitions (Heath?) is pretty open on Twitter about stuff. I stumbled on his feed recently and he said that the competition What the *$&@ that Derrick won in one question was his effort to get the jurors back on the show. Production is not immune to the fact that America's favorites are all on the jury.

ETA: Caleb is now wondering if America hates them. Yes! Put the pieces together, boys! (I don't hate Caleb. I just prefer the jury, or most of the jury)

What is his twitter??

I'm not surprised that they are trying to get Jury in more. Everyone has been bombarding them with we love everyone in Jury (well besides Christine) they knew they had to do something. And the fact they got to play in the luxury comp speaks volumes I think.

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Can we please stop with everyone knows everyone prefers the jurors over those left in the house? I sure as hell don't and I'm sure there are others that feel the a same way. You have Jocasta who is the only person who played this game less than Victoria. Hayden who was a big ball of bore. Zach who either needs to be medicated or punch in the face. Donny with his whole how dare they not let little ole humble me win. Nichole whose voice makes me want to stab my eardrums. And Christine who is Christine.

I don't ever want there to be a time where the jurors are switched out with those still in the game. They lost, game over. And if Big Brother was to ever do that no one would ever try playing hard again because they would never know if they would get screwed or not.

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Of course there are people who like the HGs still left, but it's pretty obvious the overwhelming fan faves are Donny and Zach.

ETA: Loving that Victoria won the 5K. It's just hilarious. Also loving all these idiots being pressed now that they know America loves Zach/Donny more than them. Fun times! Thanks, BB!

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From Joker's:

Thu 3:25 PM BBT Caleb: The people that are in the jury now, the world aren't worried about those people. Derrick: Although they're on TV a lot.

Somebody gets it...

Thu 3:32 PM BBT Caleb: "I really think America's Favorite Player will be one of the ones left." He's linking AFP to amount of comp wins

Thu 3:30 PM BBT Frankie: 3 of the 5 of us are walking out of this house with nothing. 3 of the 5 of us will be on equal footing with Jocasta!

Thu 3:29 PM BBT Frankie: We are the beasts of this house. And they come in and get half the money. It's shocking! It's shocking! (talking about Hayden getting 5k and Vic getting 5k)

Thu 3:23 PM BBT Cody and Victoria discussing how the jurors are bitter and sore losers

...while some of them never will.

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I love how pissed they are about Hayden getting money. Sorry, losers!


I just had a scary thought, what if they announce the Top 3 for AF again this season and Frankie is 3rd? I feel like there's probably a pretty strong chance he will be. They better say only the top 2 this season! Unless like Christine is the 3rd. That would be hilarious. Or Victoria.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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"Thu 3:55 PM BBT Frankie: Jocasta got to come into this house to compete for my money. It's unbelievable. It's shocking. NT -.

Thu 3:35 PM BBT Frankie: The jury is getting treated like kings this year. It's unbelievable! NT - Kayla08

Thu 3:30 PM BBT Frankie: 3 of the 5 of us are walking out of this house with nothing. 3 of the 5 of us will be on equal footing with Jocasta!

Thu 3:29 PM BBT Frankie: We are the beasts of this house. And they come in and get half the money. It's shocking! It's shocking! (talking about Hayden getting 5k and Vic getting 5k)

Thu 2:31 PM BBT Frankie, Derrick & Victoria in the LR chatting. Frankie is very upset Jocasto got a chance at the 5K - What did she do? How does she earn the right to enter back into the house & compete for 5K?"

Wow poor entitled Frankie "his" money. He complains when others have a chance to earn extra money, but it didn't seem to bother him when it benefited him as team America. Hypocrite much

Edited by brdwygurl
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That's rich coming from the guy who is taking home more money - pre-finale prizes - than anyone else this season. 


To be fair, Derrick's extra 5K may be as much as Frankie's extra stipend money, but whatever... he's getting paid well over everyone aside from (possibly) Derrick, and I fully believe he can thank his sister for every extra dime he's banked.  Which, good for him, but to bitch about others' free money?  Beyond obnoxious and, of course, beyond entitled.

Edited by lyric
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Imagine how much Frankie would scream if he was told the rewind voided his last TA win.  That would be so entertaining. Not that it's going to happen.


Today's fun went a long way toward making me feel better toward CBS. At least in some ways they are listening to us.


The only problem I would have with Caleb winning is that I feel strongly he would go through the money in record time. Because he would be surrounded by sycophants who would bleed him dry. And in an effort to be everyone's favorite Beast Mode Cowboy, he would let them. $500K could make an incredible difference in his life and if he lost it all in spurious ways in a short amount of time, it would be very sad.  And yes, I know, his money, his choices.

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Yes, they are seriously pissed!! They lived in a stinky pigsty for weeks and then cleaned and are pissed that they have to do it all over again.:

How much do you want to bet they made them clean it up because they knew if they didn't no one would be able to tell the jury messed it up. It would look like it always does

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Wow poor entitled Frankie "his" money. He complains when others have a chance to earn extra money, but it didn't seem to bother him when it benefited him as team America. Hypocrite much


Just for laughs, they should reveal at the finale that Team America doesn't end at eviction and Donny gets 5K for everything successfully completed after he left.

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 Because he would be surrounded by sycophants who would bleed him dry. And in an effort to be everyone's favorite Beast Mode Cowboy, he would let them. $500K could make an incredible difference in his life and if he lost it all in spurious ways in a short amount of time, it would be very sad.  And yes, I know, his money, his choices.

I agree that Caleb is very vulnerable to being taken advantage of, even if all he gets is a stipend and his veto money.  He would blow it easily on a "manager", some studio time and an agent.  He would be better off buying the diesel truck he has his eye on.


I'm wondering what happened with Christine today?  I know she was there, but the HGs had to pick pepole to play in the comp for them.  I'm pretty sure the pairs were:

Victoria - Hayden

Frankie - Zach

Derrick - Donny

Cody - Nicole

Caleb - Jocasta


So did Christine not get picked and just have to leave?  If so, production must have thought this would probably happen, and it feels a little like they are piling on at this point.  I'm starting to feel sympathetic towards her.

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So from what I'm gathering here, the comp was to find chips, or tokens, that production has hidden all over the house?  How much do you want to bet they had the hamsters clean house specifically so the production folks who come in to set up for the competition wouldn't have to poke around in all the houseguests filth and ookiness?

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One other thing because someone has to do it.


Big Brother,


You were right.  I was wrong.  Replaying the all the same comps was not the stupidest, laziest idea ever to be had on Big Brother.  I understand that now.  It was the cost of having a brand new luxury competition.  The luxury being for us. Don't think all the little ways you twist the knife don't go unnoticed:


You could have had the jurors appear outside for the comp, but no you let them loose on the house.


You could have let the destruction be a little surprise for after, but you made the HGs watch.


You could have let the HGs play, but you spared us that.


On any other show, the jurors would be competing for Team Derrick/Frankie/Victoria/Caleb/Cody; but not here.  No, on Big Brother they are on the evicted houseguest's team.  Nice little subliminal message that there is no Team HG, America hates you guys and loves the jury (minus Christine), with that one.


Now I know it seems ungrateful, but maybe you could do just one more little thing for me.  See if you can leverage the eviction without a Live show to give Frankie a complex. 




for them.  I'm pretty sure the pairs were:

Victoria - Hayden

Frankie - Zach

Derrick - Donny

Cody - Nicole

Caleb - Jocasta


So did Christine not get picked and just have to leave?  If so, production must have thought this would probably happen, and it feels a little like they are piling on at this point.  I'm starting to feel sympathetic towards her.


I'm  certain of these given the complaining

Victoria - Hayden

Frankie - Jocasta

Cody - Nicole

Caleb - Christine


Don't know who sat out and who had Derrick.

Edited by ParadoxLost
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Thu 3:35 PM BBT Frankie: The jury is getting treated like kings this year. It's unbelievable!



You keep saying you're the smartest one in the house, just think about it for a minute, Frankie - why might that be?  Hint: It is NOT because America loves you.


I'd be really surprised if they actually let them pick partners.  I'm guessing they just thought Christine had suffered enough abuse in the last week and didn't want to rub it in - she might be pretty fragile at this point.  Not that I care, but they probably don't want her having an actual breakdown and pairing her with anyone left in the house would have been seriously awkward.  Almost as awkward as Derrick and Donny, I suspect.​


ETA: Well, shit, now I officially love Caleb.

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Frankie had Jocasta? Oh that had to have burned his hide. Love it.

This does not match his shirt.  He was wearing a Team Zach t-shirt and Derrick was wearing a Team Donny t-shirt.


So glad Frankie is nominated.  I think he would try equally hard for the veto either way, so it's good just to make him sad.  Please, let him go.  Please, please.

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Bizarre as it sounds, I think I want Frankie to win veto. Otherwise, he's gone and I'll be bored silly for the rest of the show.  If Frankie does win veto, most likely Derrick would go up and Victoria would go home. Being on the block would make Derrick crazy and I'd like to watch that. Would rather see the four guys in the final four and watch how they deal with getting each other out when there's no one else to sacrifice.


Plus it would mean Victoria leaves Tuesday, which is not a live eviction. Would hate to miss out on a live Frankie eviction. Plus Derrick was the one who pushed for Frankie to go up when Caleb wanted to leave a back door option open. If Derrick essentially is hoist by his own petard, it would be classic.

Edited by LordBowen
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