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Season 16 Live Feed Discussion: Keeping an Eye Out

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From Jokers:

Derrick now says if they put up Frankie, that doesn't mean he's going home. They can still send Nicole home if they wanted and have till Thursday night to decide.

Caleb says that's dumb b/c if he puts Frankie up, that means Frankie is going home.


Caleb, the voice of reason!!  Why would you put up someone just to antagonize them and not send them home and make yourself their target.  

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EXCELLENT, keep this up Derrick!


Derrick now says if next eviction is Double eviction, Christine won't have time to mend bridges with Nicole. So he's saying Nicole
09/01/14 04:02 AM

will put up Christine if she won HOH. At the same time, Frankie's target is not clear and he could put any of the 3 guys up.

Derrick says that Frankie doesn't have a clear target, and Nicole would definitely go after Christine.





ETA:  He will push for Frankie because he has established a bond with Nicole.   He spend a lot of time pretending he was on the fence for the sake of debate.  He did not push, he let Caleb spin out with his doubts and is now refreshing the oringal plan.  He is good.

Edited by wings707

Now Derrick and Cody just agreed to send Nicole home.   Good god.  Caleb said he would go with his gut when it was time to nominate.  Well we know what that means, Victoria up and Nicole out.  Come on Caleb.


I am crazy to hope the DR and Derrick can get him to change before the ceremony?  I would like someone to tell me this is not a crazy thought.  You can lie, it's okay. 


1:04 AM Frankie:I cannot disrespect my name. l always think about if my actions reflect badly on my family, on my sister. I don't have the luxury of being a total dickfuck.

This sounds like someone who's lived his life looking over his shoulder at family, desperate for family approval.  It makes me wonder if Frankie's family has always considered him an embarrassment, and now a liability, especially compared to his princess sister.   Her support of him in BB has been tepid, at best.  When she attended the live audience - even before the worst of his antics - she looked as though she'd rather be having a root canal. His OTT antics are classic attention-getting actions. "Do you like me now," has devolved into "Do you SEE me now?"  I'm hearing "Do you EVEN see me now?"  Doesn't excuse his excesses, but makes them somewhat understandable. Of course, it's all only conjecture on my part.

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1:04 AM Frankie:I cannot disrespect my name. l always think about if my actions reflect badly on my family, on my sister.


Hoo boy, is someone in for a real eye-opening experience when they're finished with the BB finale.



I don't have the luxury of being a total dickfuck.


Coming from a homosexual man, I honestly don't think he stops and thinks about what his mouth word-vomits at times.  I thought dickfucking was kind of his deal, implied in the whole being gay thing.  [*insert shrugging emoticon here*]

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36

It's funny forwarding thru BBAD and then reading later Joker's posts that Caleb and Derrick did 180s during the night -- both using the other's arguments to BD or keep Frankie. At one point when Caleb was resistant to putting Frankie up he said something about earning a million haters overnight if he puts Frankie up too early. I was concerned with Caleb believing the Frankie could do something for him but didn't realize he was afraid of Frankie's fans. Too bad they don't wonder about the average age of Frankie's fans. I don't know the answer but suspect it's under 12 years old.


I'm starting to like Christine's chances a little more if they leave Frankie in the house. Cody doesn't want her gone and I think Frankie knows that if he wins HOH, she'll be in his corner for at least a little while. I think if they keep Frankie in the house, he absolutely will win one of HOHs during DE and is likely to win a veto. He and Christine could go on a tear. Frankie remains my least favorite person in the house and I really don't want him to win. And although I don't care for Christine at all, I don't think she's played a bad floater game and is pretty good at comps, especially when she needs to win.


I'll be curious to see what Frankie does if he regains power. I guess he would be smart to go after Cody to split Christine/Cody up and because he really doesn't have a relationship with Cody. When does he go after Derrick?  Do you think he'd want to take Derrick to the end (no good at comps and prove loyalty to TA)? Or will he want to try to take Victoria or Caleb to the end? Or even Christine if he realizes how disliked she is among jury members?

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I missed that Caleb has concerns about Frankies fans becoming haters.  THAT is what is driving his train..  He is going to be so sorry when he gets out.  I don't think there is anything Derrick could say to him other than addressing this issue and since he is not dwelling on it Derrick does not know to take this tact. 

Edited by wings707
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I just heard about Frankie's trouble with alcohol on Rob's Podcast. How did I not know this and/or hear it before? Was it brought up on the show or just the live feeds?


It's only been brought up on the live feeds and it was only talked about 1 or 2 times, I believe. Devin was also an addict. A lot of people think this is why they got so little alcohol this season.


The jury members & current HG have no idea what Derrick has done & how well he did it. That said, how does Derrick explain it all when he has to? How does he get their votes?


I think many of the HGs know exactly how well Derrick is doing. I think now maybe they're trying to talk themselves out of it but many of them know Derrick is the mastermind. Donny, Frankie, Cody, Hayden, Nicole, Zach, and Jocasta have all mentioned it. But I would fucking love to see the jury be like "Well, you didn't really do anything Derrick, so my vote is for Caleb," at the end. For the LOLs.


Cody has good instincts, he just won't follow them!  Grrr...


Really though! And all because he's up Derrick's butt. I wonder if maybe he sees Derrick as a father figure type? He is SO close to his father and obviously values him the most in his life.


He IS married after all, and let's face it: she could do a lot better.




It appears they they are going to tell Frankie he is the target when Caleb nominates him.  Against the rules, no?  I know they made a pact not to blindside anyone but if you don't the rule is broken.  


The rule is that HOH can't tell someone point blank that they are nominating them. But even that's not an actual rule, just a tool for Production to bring out if they want to change things.


I would love to see Frankie get backdoored this week.  The only downside I can see is Donny, Hayden and Jacosta having to endure a Zankie marathon in the jury house.  Hopefully it's big enough that one can get away from them.  I would need an iPod so I didn't have to listen to them.


Wow, good point. Those poor people! I like them all better than the people left in the house, so maybe I don't want Frankie evicted!

Edited by peachmangosteen
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It's tiresome watching these little hamster wheels turn and turn only for them to go right back to where they started. Caleb has all the clues regarding Frankie (thanks to fan with megaphones and his brother's letter) and yet he's scared to put on his man pants because he doesn't want to be hated by Frankie's 12 year old fans. 


Victoria has spent about half an hour just drying her own real hair and then going into toilet stall and put in extensions. NT


This one's gonna destroy herself if she keeps this up.

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If these fools don't BD Frankie, I hope he wins the DE HOH and makes the first move against Derrick/Cody/Caleb. It would be so hilarious! He'd probably go for Cody first. LOL that's what you get for being Derrick's lap dog, idiot!


But, lets' face it, Frankie will indeed win the DE HOH but he'll target Victoria. Because we can not have nice things this season. BB16: Expect the Expected. 


I'm actually more than OK with Victoria going though since it gets rid of Derrick's #2 lap dog and #1 choice for F2. Then hopefully he's F2 with Cody or Caleb and they beat him. Fun times for me!

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 6

They wondered about the lack of alcohol and asked the DR.  DR said, you just have to ask for it.  They didn't know that.  In previous seasons we have seen them beg for more and be refused (because they had had enough) so they thought if you asked you wouldn't get any! 


They are not holding back because Frankie has an addiction.  That is up to him. 


Donny said he thought Frankie was runnning the show in an interview and to Julie on his exit.  I don't think they know how much Derrick is doing, yet. 


The jury house will be fine! It is a large house with a pool and good food.  So Frankie rattles their cage a little.  Stand up and tell him to knock it off, you aren't playing a game anymore. 

I have sadness. Where's your tunnel vision Caleb? How could you be swayed by Frankie?

They are all so groggy every morning I do t know if anyone will have the energy to get Caleb to nominate Frankie. Cody is sleeping there, but he's rarely shown any real dedication to making anything happen. Ugh. Sadness.

I missed that Caleb has concerns about Frankies fans becoming haters. THAT is what is driving his train.. He is going to be so sorry when he gets out. I don't think there is anything Derrick could say to him other than addressing this issue and since he is not dwelling on it Derrick does not know to take this tact.

I've been posting that for awhile now. I think that reasoning drives most of the HG including Derrick to a certain degree.

If Frankie wins HOH, he'd target Christine or Victoria.

Also, if Caleb does BD Frankie and he makes it to the F2, that move could possibly tip the scales to the win. It's his best and only move in the game. He's just worried about pissing off Frankie and his sister. Too bad.

  • Love 2

I've been posting that for awhile now. I think that reasoning drives most of the HG including Derrick to a certain degree.

If Frankie wins HOH, he'd target Christine or Victoria.

Also, if Caleb does BD Frankie and he makes it to the F2, that move could possibly tip the scales to the win. It's his best and only move in the game. He's just worried about pissing off Frankie and his sister. Too bad.



Oh, I thought he said that last night and I missed it.  I think he is beyond that now and hesitating for other reasons.  And after Frankies talk with Caleb last night you really don't think he would put him up? 

Derrick - Boo.

He's no mastermind...he's an opportunist and a liar.  

Which isn't to say that's not a valid game strategy.  I just don't like it.  It sleazy.

If this were a movie or television show, Derrick would be the character I wish someone would just get rid of because he lies for no reason.  

There's no honest finesse or "strategery".  I like a more elegant game.


There are certain 'rules' everyone has in their head as a given.  That's how Derrick is messing with everyone's game...he has zero rules.  

People unconsciously believe their internal rules and assume other people are playing by that rule to some degree as well.

Nicole believes her internal rule of fairplay. 

Frankie believes most people want fame.

Victoria believes a man will protect a woman.

Caleb believes in brotherhood and loyalty

Victoria believes that physicality is trust

Cody believes someone else knows better than he does.


Because it's Big Brother, they know the rule will be broken, but they definitely believe everyone starts from their same place.

Except Derrick.

He doesn't even believe the rule that says you should tell the truth in the Diary Room.  


I think Cody had the skills to win this game.  If only he'd believed in himself.  He's had great instincts and just won't follow through.


At this point, I'm fine with anyone winning this game.  Even Frankie has played a good game for the most part.  I just don't like his attitude.


I don't know if any of this is true.  It's just what I'm thinking as I hope the original plans to backdoor Frankie don't unravel.

  • Love 12

If they don't take the chance to get out Frankie now, that tool is going to make a run and might end up final two - and this I just cannot take.  Please, for the love of Mike, man up Cowboy and do something INTERESTING.  This whole fear of 'millions of haters' from Ariana's fans is exactly everything I hate about BBs stunt casting bullshit.

Edited by lyric
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Caleb is not gaming at all at this point. I don't think he ever was. He being popular and famous when he walks out of that house is all that matters to that country hick and Frankie is the ticket to it ALL in his mind. GOD if he only knew how hated that little lizard troll doll really is! Frankie ruined these guys game as soon as he told them who his sister was. This is the worst season I have EVER watched thanks to that entitled little bastard.

  • Love 11

Caleb is not operating any differently than Caleb has all season; throwing out and enthusiastically espousing a Big Move, then either (a) wavering and backing down, or (b) folding in the execution.

Derrick has the perfect tool to get Frankie put up, if he chooses to use it - Caleb's brother.

All Derrick has to do is, as they're walking into the LR for the Veto Meeting (so Derrick is the last voice in Caleb's head), say, "OK, BeastMode - time to put on your man-pants."

The only question remaining, then, is - what does Derrick really want to happen?

Derrick started out last night playing devil's advocate to Caleb's Operation Backdoor Lover, and the response was typical Caleb - Caleb dug in his heels and argued more fiercely for the plan. It wasn't until Derrick started arguing FOR the plan that Caleb, in true Caleb the Contrarian fashion, started backpedalling and saying, "Well, maybe this isn't such a good idea after all...."

Bottom line: Derrick can sway Caleb any way he chooses. Only question remaining is, which way does Derrick want to sway it?

ETA: "Man-pants", not "big boy pants"

Edited by Nashville
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So let me see if I have this straight: Caleb decided to put Frankie up, and was adamant about it.  Got Derrick and Cody on board (or rather, got Derrick's permission), and then acted weirdly enough that Frankie got suspicious.  Caleb then talked himself out of his own idea because he is worried about backlash from Frankie's/ Ariana's fans.  Is that right?  


Caleb, honey, you really *aren't* the brightest crayon in the box, are you?  Here's hoping DR decides a big move is better for ratings and lets Caleb know that he would be a huge famous person, loved by all and guaranteed a record contract and a spot on an NFL team (or NBA - found out last night he holds records for basketball as well), if only he puts Frankie up.  

  • Love 2

From Jokersupdate:

Mon 10:54 AM BBT Caleb telling Frankie that he thought up all the scenarios if he sent Frankie home or Nicole home but he's going with his gut - scoobydoo

and not going to put up Frankie

So Caleb just TOLD Frankie he was gonna back door him, but now he's not! WTF?? What about the "he could come after one of us" does Caleb not get? Frankie is definitely coming for you now BMC!!

ETA spelling

Edited by Txfeenix
  • Love 6

I think Derrick is happy with the status quo, which seems to be leading him to a relatively easy $500K payday. From his perspective, there's no incentive to switch anything up. They've all but agreed to give him the money. So there won't be any Frankie blindside. Frankie is scheduled to go in the DE or the week after that. Christine will go whichever time he doesn't. The only potential glitch in Derrick's plan at this point is if the minions wake up to the fact that Victoria is being kept safe over "alliance mates" or if the wrong person wins HOH/Veto when it's their time to go. It's also possible that the minions will evict Victoria in the DE because they're following The Plan and Derrick might not have time to redirect them.

  • Love 2

I pray Derrick can't recover from Caleb's stupidity right here, even if it means Frankie sticks around longer. At least we'll see some fireworks. If Derrick catches wind of this, he might want to keep Nicole who would have a better shot of protecting him if she were to win HoH than Victoria in the DE.


This is hilariously awful. Derrick's reaped what he's sown: you work with an idiot, stupid things happen.

Edited by ShutUpFlanders
  • Love 8

This Caleb/ Frankie conversation is hard to watch.  They are both so delusional.  Caleb: I hope you won't, but you might put up Cody and me, wanting to get two beasts out.  Frankie: I'll probably win the intelligence one, over Derrick.


Woot - Derrick just walked in to the HoH room.  Here's hoping he shuts this shit down pronto, once he finds out that Caleb just threw him under the bus.  

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This is so disappointing.  I had my heart set on Frankie being evicted and hearing him getting boo'ed as he went to go chat with Julie.  


The best thing for Derrick's game if it was ever able to actually happen would be for Victoria to win the HOH in the DE and then get her to put up Frankie and whoever and then vote him out.  Of course that would involve her winning something and that's just silly crazy talk.  

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