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Season 16 Live Feed Discussion: Keeping an Eye Out

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  On 8/12/2014 at 7:57 AM, RealityGal said:

You know, its funny, when I think about it, if I could go back to any age in my life, it wouldn't be 20, or 21, it would be 30.  My early 30's were great, I finally had money, so I could afford hair and makeup, clothes and handbags.  I was more certain of who I was in my early 30's versus in my 20's when I was always so unsure of who I really was, and what I was worth.  I had my education under my belt, and I had enough work experience to have a good job. 


So, take heart, I truly think my 30's are the best time in my life, and I can see life getting even better


Funny I am the exact opposite.  Since turning thirty (I am thirty-five now) I have had no job, which means no money despite the fact that I do have an education. 


In my 20's I had money and a pretty stable job.  I personally hate my 30's and wish I could go back ten years. 


Back to game talk, as others have speculated I think it will be a BOTB to get back into the house.  I just wonder how they will make the teams up.  Will it be Hayden/Jocasta vs. Nicole or Donnie and whomever is voted out next week?  Or will America vote for two people to return and they will take on whomever is on the BOTB for that week? 


What I am saying is say people vote Hayden and Nicole to return and the HOH puts up say Victoria and Frankie would they battle it out and if H and N win they get to return to the house.

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My .02 on the middle age thing: I'm 42, and have always seen it as a purely mathematical thing. 0-30 is early, 30-60 is mid, and 60-90+ is late (granted, a 90-year lifespan is generous). So I do think of 31 as middle aged.


Wow!  I guess everyone's perception of what middle age is really varies.  I'm probably older than most on these boards, but I didn't feel middle aged until I hit about 45.  At 30, I felt middle age was still pretty far off, and at 40 I felt I was in my prime. 


As for Frankie, to me he looks rode hard and put up wet, although he seems to think his 12 year old act is cute and endearing.  In reality, a 31 year old man acting like a 12 year old is quite disturbing. 

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He reminds me of one of those teenage girls Seventeen Magazine pays him to "give advice" to. As Michelle Visage would say, he's resting on pretty.

Is this a joke? Because I am pretty sure he is one of those guys who does give advice to Seventeen Magazine it was in his pre game profile.

  On 8/12/2014 at 4:16 PM, peachmangosteen said:

Wow, what an amazing thought. I would probably replace all my past faves with Donny if he did this.

It would be totally cool; however:

(a) Despite the coolness factor of +10000 and the immediate sense of gratification, it's probably the only way he could do which would actually INCREASE the target on his back - which is already showing indications of developing its own gravity field.

(b) Donny, unlike me, probably has more class than that.

On the other hand - what does he have to lose?



The thing is though, Derrick isn't really even subtle a lot of the time. He's pretty transparent sometimes actually. These people are just deeply stupid and/or self-centered.


Derrick's not playing quite as sharp as he was earlier in the game. I think he's succumbing to the temptation of dumbing his game down to match his audience. A tempting course to be sure, but all it takes is for one of the other hamsters to have a moment of unaccustomed mental clarity when he isn't expecting it, and BOOM!

  On 8/12/2014 at 4:32 PM, Morbs said:

I've seen it described last night that Caleb doesn't believe in hermaphrodites, homosexuals, or transgenders because God made us in his image.

God's a hermaphrodite? Don't think the Baptists are gonna buy into that.

Interesting all the comparisons about middle age. I have watched big brother from season one and I am 50 now. I have to say that I have never been happier or more stable then I am now. I am settled in my relationships and have zero to little anxiety or insecurities about general life issues. I look good, am fit, very active and I seriously don't think of myself as a life halfway lived. But that's the truth, I'm there. AARP member.

These contestants are for the most part fairly young and I put Derek and Frankie in the same age category. I see Derek as a stable person, one who feels secure in who he is and a lot of that has to do with the training he has received as an undercover cop. (Even though he is an ass.) Frankie on the other hand rely so much on his looks, how he's perceived by people around him, relies on the admiration of fans (followers) and on top of it has the dangling competition of a successful younger sister with a career that I am sure, he wishes he has. So Frankie has to try extra hard, because in that environment, in that world he lives in and wants to succeed in and particularly a place like Los Angeles or New York, looks and age matters. He already shows his stress on his face, much more than Donny, who's older.

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Is this a joke? Because I am pretty sure he is one of those guys who does give advice to Seventeen Magazine it was in his pre game profile.

Yes - a joke. Because he does remind me of a passive-aggressive teen who is all talk and no action (and a horrible gossip). Also - best career ever: Teen mag romance advisor/underwear model. 

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  On 8/12/2014 at 8:33 PM, Skittl1321 said:

Maybe Caleb meant "us" as in men, not people. Don't most Bible translations say God made man in his image, not humans?

I was just kidding. I do think that is probably the case for most translations, but I truly doubt Caleb ever really thought it through that much.

Right here is the problem with women this year:


From Joker's: 

Don/Nic alone on BY couches relaxing. NT
2:05 PM Nicole says she should have been the sweet Nicole that she is at home. She would have gone further. NT
2:04 PM Nic scared people think of her as a brat now and says she knows she was a little feisty & shouldve been "Sweet Nicole". NT



God forbid a woman be a "little feisty". Good lord.


ETA: I do love Nicole and Donny's heart-to-hearts, though.

Edited by gina64
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  On 8/12/2014 at 9:29 PM, gina64 said:

Right here is the problem with women this year:


God forbid a woman be a "little feisty". Good lord.

I know, it's ridiculous. I'm really not sad to see her go, because her gameplay was awful. She thinks she made big moves, but she really didn't. She had more than a couple of opportunities to make big moves, but she blew it by being so transparent and trusting all the wrong people. When Frankie was on the outs with the rest of the house she could have used that to her advantage. She didn't. When Victoria was crying to her about Derrick, she could have used that to her advantage. Again, she didn't. At least America likes her, so she has that. We all know how important it is to her that no one dislike her!

Edited by Marie80
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The problem with Nicole and with most fans of the show is that they are too worried about America hating them so they waste their HOHs and won't do any big moves. The same thing happened last season with Helen, McCrae and Judd they were too worried to ruffle feathers. I don't like Andy at all, but at least he didn't let "being liked" outside the house influence his game moves. And  I do think it crushed Andy after the season that America hated him.



Nicole is a passive marshmallow. Her tweets are funny though:

"Dear Dan Gheesling, I love you, please love me."

What is her twitter account?

Edited by choclatechip45
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  On 8/12/2014 at 9:29 PM, gina64 said:

ETA: I do love Nicole and Donny's heart-to-hearts, though.

I know, right? Here's a few gems just from today - from Joker's:

Tue 2:03 PM BBT Donny comforting Nicole. Saying everyone has already made up their minds if they like you or not.

Tue 2:12 PM BBT Nicole asking Donny to please make the final 2 so she could vote for him. Donny says that would be nearly impossible.

Tue 2:17 PM BBT Nic talking about how miserable she feels. Donny says he is alone most of the time in the house, so he understands how it feels

Tue 2:19 PM BBT Donny: There are some smart people in here and there are some people as dumb as dirt.

Tue 2:43 PM BBT Nicole tells Donny about all the work Hayden did to try and get Christine to trust Donny, only for Christine to want to BD Donny. Donny says Hayden's mistake was wanting to tell everything to Derrick. And he warned Hayden, but Hayden said no you don't know Derrick. Donny: "OK."

Tue 2:45 PM BBT Donny says "I think Cody and Chris are married. Have you ever seen a married person touch someone as much she does?" Nic: NO!

Tue 2:47 PM BBT Donny: I like zak. Nic: Hes the one that got me on the block.

Donny: you think?

Nic: yea, chris told me

Donny: Pfft! you BELIEVE her?!

Nic: Well, maybe i should talk to Zak.

Donny; I said i LIKE zak. NOT TRUST him. He is just gonna tell everything you say.

Nic: Yea.

Tue 2:53 PM BBT Donny re Caleb: "I didn't know he was dumb enough to not know how to throw something." (re: BotB w/ Frankie)

Every time Donny opens his mouth, gold drops out. I want him for my next-door neighbor.

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From Joker's:

Tue 8/12/14 3:04 pm Nic: I didnt trust Cody but Hayden told me to, but everything got back to Chris word for word. Cody runs his mouth to Chris NT

Don says he's disappointed by Cody. Nicole says her too. Hayden told Nicole to trust him, but everything she said to Cody went to Christine


She still doesn't get it.


Tue 8/12/14 3:05pm: Donny says someone is behind Cody but not saying who


Donny gets it.

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I would rather Hayden come back, too, but I don't even have that much faith in him either to be honest. Hayden figured Derrick out in like week 3 or 4 and he didn't do shit and then aligned with him. I don't trust that idiot!


Donny/Victoria talking about bad reality TV a bit earlier is the most fun the feeds have been for me in like 2 weeks.

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  On 8/12/2014 at 11:13 PM, peachmangosteen said:

I would rather Hayden come back, too, but I don't even have that much faith in him either to be honest. Hayden figured Derrick out in like week 3 or 4 and he didn't do shit and then aligned with him. I don't trust that idiot!


I think Hayden was working on the premise of keeping your friends close but your enemies closer - in this case meaning, work with Derrick (the observed strongest player) to clear out competition until a situation presents where Derrick can be booted cleanly.  Unfortunately for Hayden, Derrick was playing the same game - and was just a little quicker on the draw.

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Do we know for sure that a former houseguest will return to the house?

I *almost* miss last season. I do not miss the racism and whatnot but at least there was conflict within the house and people going after each other unlike this season with one person basically controlling the house and making all of the decisions. I don't even enjoy watching the show. All I am enjoying is this thread. I'm almost anxious for summer to be over (and I LOVE summer) so this season will be over. Heck, I'd take another appearance of Brenchal and myself be miserable over this horrible season. *sigh*

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Frankie mentioned that someone he knew had gotten into porn.  And guess what!  Caleb was once asked to do porn!  But he has his standards, ladies and gents, so no go.  


Although I have to wonder if those standards would remain high if they'd offered to let him go off slop in exchange for his services as a porn star? 

Edited by Thalia
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So the HOH...Christine...tweeted "Dear Dan Gheesling, I love you, please love me"?

It would be cute and funny, even given the fact that she's married, if it weren't for the fact that she has already proven to have no respect for her marriage or husband. Now it's just adding insult to injury. Poor Tim.

Also...I've seen pictures of Dan's wife. Christina is delusional.

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  On 8/13/2014 at 12:50 AM, njbarmaid said:

Derrick must have a family member who really does Parks and Rec or studied up on it.  My husband did P&R for years and when Donny started asking questions, Derrick came right back with the pretty good answers.



  On 8/13/2014 at 1:43 AM, parisprincess said:

I read on another site that Derrick worked in Parks & Rec before he became a cop.


Yea, Derrick has actually worked in Parks & Rec. That's why he chose that for his work lie, since he already knew a lot about it so it'd be easy to keep up the lie.


ETA: Christine: "Brittany and Amber wanted you [Cody] so hard! It was awkward to watch. It made me feel uncomfortable."


Girl, are you serious?!

Edited by peachmangosteen
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  On 8/13/2014 at 2:16 AM, peachmangosteen said:

ETA: Christine: "Brittany and Amber wanted you [Cody] so hard! It was awkward to watch. It made me feel uncomfortable."


Girl, are you serious?!


This gives me a headache in my entire body.


I know I shouldn't expect these HGs to have any self-awareness, but this is just too much.

Edited by Xazeal
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I haven't commented on Christine's flirt-mance with Cody up to now because, to me, that aspect of her behaviour is between her and her husband.  (Same with whatever is going on with Derrick and Vaya con dios, which I have commented on but, again, really none of my business.) But I will say that Christine is really starting to sound desperate and pathetic.  Even more so than Frankie.


BTW, not saying those of you who want to talk about Christine or Derrick's imag-infidelities (words are fun) shouldn't.  Just my feelings about it.

  On 8/13/2014 at 2:57 AM, no1skittishkitten said:

Cody and Visine have hatched a plot to flip the vote and save Nicole.


I would LOVE for this to happen, but I'll believe it when I see it.  At this point, I can't envision them doing anything other than what they have for the entirety of the game: whatever Derrick wants.  Also, the producers are going to do anything they can to save Donny.


They don't even know the true reason why it would be, but flipping the vote would be very good for both of them.  Team America has to be split up, which getting rid of Donny would achieve.  Leave it to these two dolts to fall bass-ackwards into a good game move!  But yeah, like I said before, I'll believe it when I see it.

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  On 8/13/2014 at 3:18 AM, Newbietunes said:

I haven't commented on Christine's flirt-mance with Cody up to now because, to me, that aspect of her behaviour is between her and her husband.  (Same with whatever is going on with Derrick and Vaya con dios, which I have commented on but, again, really none of my business.) But I will say that Christine is really starting to sound desperate and pathetic.  Even more so than Frankie.


BTW, not saying those of you who want to talk about Christine or Derrick's imag-infidelities (words are fun) shouldn't.  Just my feelings about it.


A part of me does wonder if all Christine's flirting w/Cody must be gameplay.  NO married person with a functional brainstem could be so clueless as to think this kind of horsing around - in front of a hundred cameras, and a blue million watchers nationwide - would be ok w/their spouse.

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Vein and Cody? Hatching a plot? Here is how this will go down. Cody will get really excited about this plan, and talk about how he's totally going to do this, and Derrick will even humor him, and then on Wednesday Derrick will casually say that Nicole will nominate Cody, and Cody will fall back in line. Venn diagram will spend 30 seconds with Derrick where he casually talks about Nicole leaving, and all plots will instantly leave her mind.

And I know this might be obnoxious, but coming up with new V names is the most entertainment I've had since the BoB. Y'all are awesome.

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Nicole campaigning to Derrick right now, and Derrick's stroking Nic's ego in return - telling her she's the most intelligent person in the House.


Granted this House sets that bar pretty dern low - but even taking that into consideration, I'd still put Nicole in the middle of the pack.


She most definitely isn't in the cellar, though, intellectually speaking.  I'd say BMBB and Ventura are dueling it out for that honor.

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  On 8/13/2014 at 2:16 AM, peachmangosteen said:
ETA: Christine: "Brittany and Amber wanted you [Cody] so hard! It was awkward to watch. It made me feel uncomfortable."


Girl, are you serious?!


Unspoken in her diatribe:  "Bitches better step off.  They're lucky we can't physically catfight in the house, cause I would have shown their pretty asses what's up!  He's (you're) MINE!!"   [*while in deeper subconcience* - "we'll work it out later, Tim.  Love you!!!"]

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  On 8/13/2014 at 3:46 AM, mostlikely said:

But think how impressed Jacosta, Nicole, and Christine will be if Derrick takes Viagra to F2.  They may give him their votes just for cutting loose the All Boys Club.  Well, maybe not Christine's vote because she was supposed to be the last woman standing, or at least sprawling, cuddling, and cackling.


Dammit, you unknowingly stole my joke.  ;)


When they're around each other, she literally is Derrick's Viagra.

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36
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