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S02.E18: Putting Myself First

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Wow. Kiaya really believes if she just cries and swears and shouts and throws a tantrum long enough and refuses to let anyone else talk or listen to what anyone else is saying then she will get anything she wants. Because she really wants it. Really really wants it. Regardless of what other people may think or want. Because she is the only one that matters. Ever. I've known six year olds that had a more mature attitude.

I was so proud of Teazha for standing her ground and refusing to allow Kiaya's tantrum to sway her in the least. Although I did say to myself the minute she let Kiaya borrow her coat that she'd never see it again. 

I give Brianna a week tops to begin sleeping with Danae (Mylo now) again. Because that is Brianna on 'taking it slow and see how it goes' speed.  I cannot stand Mylo and although I hope he's changed he cannot get off my TV fast enough.

Rachel.  Listening to her talk about almost anything makes my head hurt.  My boyfriend of a couple months tops is here forever and we're gonna get our own house and he'll work and I'll take care of the babies and get some side work or whatever the hell she was talking about.  You just can't fix that level of young and stupid. I fear that eventually she'll just be old and stupid. I feel sorry that she miscarried. That is hard no matter what the surrounding circumstances.

Kayla's eyebrows.  Dear Lord.

Ashley isn't wrong about Bar but she does need to step back and ignore him. He's a fool and he's not going to get better as far as I can see. Reacting to his nonsense just brings her down to his level.

  • Love 11

I actually watched last night while it aired but began on the DVR 30 minutes in so I could FF past the commercials.

My goodness, Kiaya is just a mess. Single or involved, she's explosive emotionally and impossible to get through to when in one of her cry/fury fests. I love that Teazha did not cave in. That poor girl is young and deserves to be carefree and not dealing with Kiaya's crazy all the time. I can't imagine what it would be like if she and Teazha were living together and the baby's father got out of prison and injected his own drama into the situation. 

Rachel: there's not much to say here. I was happy that she asked the doctor to put in the IUD (or whatever it was that she asked for) while she was under. 

Ashley is probably my favorite person on the show because of the way she stepped up after having Holly. She stayed in school, takes good care of her, and really only asked Bar for the bare minimum. She wasn't about him buying her expensive things. She just wanted him to get his GED and a job so they could get their own place and provide stability for their daughter. Not too much to ask, but evidently too much for Bar to give. The only think I will ding her for is engaging with Bar and flipping out on him. It must be awful when he writes filth about her online but she should back away from that, have as little to do with him as possible and carve out a life for herself. She should let Tea do the handoff when he picks up Holly to avoid these kinds of confrontations.

Kayla is right where she was destined to be by virtue of the decisions she made. I can't blame the guy for wanting the college experience and I'm sure all the fun going on around him makes him dread the idea that at this young age, he is just supposed to go to class, practice, games and home all the time, but again, this is the life that they set up. Kayla does herself no favors by being a martyr though. She could find mom groups or something if she looked. I also find it hard to believe that she's not eligible for some type of aid, especially now that the season is over. If that is the case, she can get subsidized child care (or could have spent some of her show earnings on care) and enrolled in a class or two herself. She has this "woe is me" attitude as if the world has handed her the problems she has rather than her being the architect of them.

Brianna is already back in a relationship with Mylo in her own mind and there is no "taking it slow at all." 

I did not realize that the finale was last night. I doubt they will renew as there this as what else is there to say? Maybe a "Where are they now?" special or something in a year or two. I definitely think it's time to put this show out to pasture. 

  • Love 5

Kiaya has treated Teazah like shit the whole season. When the baby was born, she made her feel like a third wheel, and like she had no place in the family. Now she's throwing a tantrum because Teazah got fed up? Puhleeze. She either needs help with post-partum mood swings, or she's just a spoiled brat that resorts to tears and screaming when things don't go her way, and needs to grow up.

Brianna, you're not fooling anyone. We all know there is no "taking it slow" in relationships when it comes to you. And, we all saw the way you two looked at each other. When she told her mother Mylo was coming to Oregon, was I the only one expecting her to say Mylo would be staying with them? 

Who knew Kayla would turn out to be a relatively responsible parent? Agreed, she needs to find a mommy group, or playground at the very least. I'm not sure which was more cringe worthy, Kayla's eyebrows, or the eyelashes on Stefan's stoned girlfriend.

I go back and forth on Ashley. She is, probably, the most successful Teen Mom, as far as getting an education and a job that can support her, she is beautiful and I am jealous of her flawless skin, and Holly is well cared for and loved, but, she lets Bar drag her down to his level. At least they're  both involved in Holly's life, which is more than any of the other baby daddys on this show.

I would love to know what was going through everyone's (the doctor, Rachel, her mother,..) minds when they determined Rachel had miscarried. Koty looked to be honestly devastated, I think he wanted that baby. I also think, deep down, Rachel and her mother let out a sigh of relief. I know I did when Rachel asked for the IUD to be inserted after the D&C. 

  • Love 7
7 hours ago, Andyourlittledog2 said:

I was so proud of Teazha for standing her ground and refusing to allow Kiaya's tantrum to sway her in the least. Although I did say to myself the minute she let Kiaya borrow her coat that she'd never see it again. 


I don't really get that involved in the shows I watch, but I was cheering when Teazha was standing up to Kiaya and not falling into that trap again. Their relationship is very toxic and I'm glad she sees it. I am not sure how Kiaya thinks they can fix a toxic relationship (especially with them being so young) It is just better in the long run if they move on and at least one of them realizes it!

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Good on Teazha for getting out of that mess. When you are 18-19 your relationships are supposed to be lighthearted and fun.  Nothing about being with Kiaya looked fun. Kiaya is saddled with a baby with an inmate unfortunately that's HER problem, not Teazha's.  It's best she walks away now and let Kiaya do some growing up and maybe have a cup of tea or something to calm her damn nerves. 

Also I want Holly's baby Kitchenaid.  That was the cutest!!

  • Love 6
1 hour ago, SweetieDarling said:

Koty looked to be honestly devastated, I think he wanted that baby.

If so, I'd argue that it's because he was completely ignorant about what it was going to mean to his life.  Planning to get a house and a job for your family is fun.  Actually doing it with a girl you've known for ten minutes and a baby on the way isn't.  Never mind after the baby is born.

It is literally™ the best thing that has ever happened to Rachel.  Or him.  When her grandmother said it was God's will, I snorted, "Damn right!"

The good news is that Rachel's no longer on the clock for getting her driver's license or her GED or a job.


1 hour ago, SweetieDarling said:

the eyelashes on Stefan's stoned girlfriend.

Aah, yes.  The ones she borrowed from Kiaya.  Shouldn't eyelashes curve a little bit?


4 hours ago, configdotsys said:

I did not realize that the finale was last night.

I thought it was fitting that it just whimpered to an end.

  • Love 5
10 hours ago, Andyourlittledog2 said:

Wow. Kiaya really believes if she just cries and swears and shouts and throws a tantrum long enough and refuses to let anyone else talk or listen to what anyone else is saying then she will get anything she wants. Because she really wants it. Really really wants it. Regardless of what other people may think or want. Because she is the only one that matters. Ever. I've known six year olds that had a more mature attitude.

I was so proud of Teazha for standing her ground and refusing to allow Kiaya's tantrum to sway her in the least. Although I did say to myself the minute she let Kiaya borrow her coat that she'd never see it again. 


I said "Kiss that jacket goodbye, Teazha" out loud.

Kiaya is a mess. The way she collapses into tears and inarticulate wailing and shaking is seriously alarming. Will she ever get that that to be in a relationship, you have to give something? Not just want something from another person. You don't get to be an oxygen sucking, scenery chewing, caterwauling screamy drama queen if you want to have relationships! You and Teazha were not "great" together! You were losing your shit a hundred times a day and she was miserable, walking on eggshells. Run, Teazha. Don't look back.

5 hours ago, configdotsys said:

Kayla is right where she was destined to be by virtue of the decisions she made. I can't blame the guy for wanting the college experience and I'm sure all the fun going on around him makes him dread the idea that at this young age, he is just supposed to go to class, practice, games and home all the time, but again, this is the life that they set up. Kayla does herself no favors by being a martyr though. She could find mom groups or something if she looked. I also find it hard to believe that she's not eligible for some type of aid, especially now that the season is over. If that is the case, she can get subsidized child care (or could have spent some of her show earnings on care) and enrolled in a class or two herself. She has this "woe is me" attitude as if the world has handed her the problems she has rather than her being the architect of them.

Brianna is already back in a relationship with Mylo in her own mind and there is no "taking it slow at all." 

I did not realize that the finale was last night. I doubt they will renew as there this as what else is there to say? Maybe a "Where are they now?" special or something in a year or two. I definitely think it's time to put this show out to pasture. 

Consider this my weekly "Kayla needs to take those kids to the park every day. She'll meet every young mother in the neighborhood in no time" post. Why is she so hapless? Things happen to her. She seems to have no interest in steering her own ship. She'll run Luke off in time if she doesn't start trying to find some direction and something to make her interesting. The drama with Stephan is dullsville and no one needs to hear about it.

Meanwhile, Stephan continues in his quest to be the ugliest, meanest, stupidest mofo in Illinois.

1 hour ago, Brooklynista said:

Also I want Holly's baby Kitchenaid.  That was the cutest!!

That was adorable. Also, little Holly is the image of Pastor Tea!

  • LOL 1
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2 hours ago, Pepper Mostly said:

Things happen to her. She seems to have no interest in steering her own ship.

Can't say I agree.  Those eyebrows and that weird shape to her hairline when her hair is pulled back didn't just happen to her--she steered them.


3 hours ago, Brooklynista said:

Also I want Holly's baby Kitchenaid.  That was the cutest!!

Yes!  It was the only thing about this episode, or even maybe the whole season, that lifted me out of utter despair.

  • Love 7
3 hours ago, Pepper Mostly said:


Consider this my weekly "Kayla needs to take those kids to the park every day. She'll meet every young mother in the neighborhood in no time" post. Why is she so hapless? Things happen to her. She seems to have no interest in steering her own ship. She'll run Luke off in time if she doesn't start trying to find some direction and something to make her interesting. The drama with Stephan is dullsville and no one needs to hear about it.

I’ve actually noticed this about most of the MTV Teen Moms or at least the ones that don’t cut and run quickly.  They all have this weird codependent streak that prevents them from doing anything on their own. Some of it is for TV. I’m sure it makes for better TV for them to talk to someone. but I also think it’s kind of them. They can’t ever seem to go anywhere alone. They’re always dragging somebody to doctor appointments, grocery stores, Parks, whatever. And if no one is available they either don’t go or complain for hours about how they had to go by themselves! The horror! I would say it’s all TV drama, but I know people like this. People who find running the simplest errand alone overwhelming. I don’t get it, but I know it exists.

  • Love 4

Did anyone else cringe at how close the flame was to Holly when Bar took her to the hibachi restaurant?  I'm sure the diners are seated at a safe distance but still...almost as bad as when he took her to watch daddy get face tattoos.

I feel like Brianna was pressured to date this season just to lift her out of her boring story line. And she's paying for the house her family lives in (or she said so a few episodes ago) so it's in her best interest to do anything to stay on the show. 

  • Love 3
8 hours ago, StatisticalOutlier said:
10 hours ago, SweetieDarling said:

Koty looked to be honestly devastated, I think he wanted that baby.

If so, I'd argue that it's because he was completely ignorant about what it was going to mean to his life.  Planning to get a house and a job for your family is fun.  Actually doing it with a girl you've known for ten minutes and a baby on the way isn't.  Never mind after the baby is born.

It is literally™ the best thing that has ever happened to Rachel.  Or him.  When her grandmother said it was God's will, I snorted, "Damn right!"

The good news is that Rachel's no longer on the clock for getting her driver's license or her GED or a job.

Agreed. I still felt kind of bad for him that he seemed so upset, and hardly anyone thought to comfort him (I think I saw someone from the hospital rub his back). I was thinking about how he had NO IDEA the bullet that he just dodged....being a teen dad, AND being tied to the Beaver family for the next 18 years. Though, Hazelee's father seems to have, so far, walked away scot free,..well there was the stalking time Rachel tried to rescue her girlfriend from him, but other than that,..I mean, she never even requested a paternity test, if for no other reason, to get some child support.


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Well that's over. I wonder if we'll get a reunion or if they screaming match at the TM2 reunion will suffice. 

I'm so glad Teazha is free. Girl, go live your best life. 

Stefan still does not get it. If you want to see your son, call Kayla. He still expects Kayla to reach out to him. 

I'm over Ashley and Bar

Didn't Mylo have a girlfriend? Or did he break up with her to get back with Brianna? And back on the show

  • Love 5
On 2/26/2020 at 11:32 AM, Pepper Mostly said:

I said "Kiss that jacket goodbye, Teazha" out loud.

I'm hoping she asked production to get it back for her when they all had to take off their mics and depart from the shooting scene. I was more horrified that Kiaya was wiping her nose on the sleeve.  

Kiaya thinks they both need to work harder yet she won't stop yelling the minute she doesn't get her way. 

Kayla's eyebrows looked pretty ok in some scenes so I'm hoping the super awful ones were from her trying to figure it out.  Her eyebrows were great when she had blonde/light brown hair. Not everyone looks good with dark brows Kayla!

Now I hate to celebrate a miscarriage but I can't be the only one that was like "THANK YOU JESUS!" when the sad music came on and Rachel said she started bleeding. LIttle shocking that her mom was actually sad about it. But I suppose you can be sad in the moment for the loss of life. And thank you jesus for her agreeing to have the birth control put in while she was asleep. I'm sure that was suggested to her by the doctor and cut out of the scene. That is one smart doctor. 

Mylo and Brianna... not sure what I think about that. He does appear more mature... here's to hoping his hormones were just out of whack when they were together. Anger can still hide deep inside. 

When she called him (a year ago?) he seemed like he could care less about her so I'm curious as to what made them come back together again.  Other than he's way more attractive than Jaiden. 

  • Love 4

Rachel and her inability to deal with physical discomfort (other than the time she was in labor and delivered a baby!) is crazy to me. Does she not remember the time Hazelee popped out of her body? 

“Is it going to hurt?” Jesus, Mary and Joseph. You’re not going to a picnic!

A few mins of pain for an IUD > labor & delivery.

I teach high school, so I’m immune to the “I’m a snowflake” shit, but what parts of common sense and logic does Rachel not understand? (I know, I know!) The fact that she is so terrified of “pain” that she refuses life changing medical assistance, like getting an IUD, while she is conscious is not normal.

Can you imagine the hysterics when the nurse prepped her for an IV?

I really hope the doctor did everyone a favor and tied her tubes instead of inserting an IUD. 

I’m NOT one to play the “What if?” game nor do I believe that cycles cannot be broken (with hard work and determination), but the fact that she’s SO averse to dealing with normal and very common episodes of physical pain and/or discomfort + a genetic predisposition for addiction = potential propensity for a future painkiller addiction? 

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3 hours ago, Dmarie019 said:

I'm hoping she asked production to get it back for her when they all had to take off their mics and depart from the shooting scene. I was more horrified that Kiaya was wiping her nose on the sleeve.  

None of these idiots seems to know of the existence of the humble tissue! They all snuffle and wipe their snotty, bawling faces on their sleeves, or pull their shirts up over their faces. YUCK.


  • Love 3
On 2/26/2020 at 4:41 PM, JasminePhyllisia said:

Did anyone else cringe at how close the flame was to Holly when Bar took her to the hibachi restaurant?  I'm sure the diners are seated at a safe distance but still...almost as bad as when he took her to watch daddy get face tattoos.

When I realized toward the end of that scene where exactly they were sitting I was somewhat aghast.  I can't imagine taking a baby that age to that kind of seating. I guess it turned out fine but damn, I wouldn't take that kind of chance. They do unexpected things and quickly.

Since this is the finale (who knew?) and possibly the end, I did want to say that although Rachel and her sister make my head hurt and the stupid just seems endless, I do give her mom credit for making an attempt to stem the idiot tide. She spent their formative years drugging and abandoning them and seems ill equipped to deal with two teenage daughters now, but she does appear to be trying hard to do what she can now.  She lives in poverty and doesn't have much to give them but she is trying to do what she can. It's too little too late but I feel for her. It must be devastating to see what messes her daughters have become and not be able to go back and change her own behavior to possibly avoid this particular future for them. In spite of everything I do like the woman. And that she hasn't killed Rachel yet is a testament to mother love and patience.  I'd have decked her long ago.

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8 hours ago, Andyourlittledog2 said:

Since this is the finale (who knew?) and possibly the end, I did want to say that although Rachel and her sister make my head hurt and the stupid just seems endless, I do give her mom credit for making an attempt to stem the idiot tide. She spent their formative years drugging and abandoning them and seems ill equipped to deal with two teenage daughters now, but she does appear to be trying hard to do what she can now.  She lives in poverty and doesn't have much to give them but she is trying to do what she can. It's too little too late but I feel for her. It must be devastating to see what messes her daughters have become and not be able to go back and change her own behavior to possibly avoid this particular future for them. In spite of everything I do like the woman. And that she hasn't killed Rachel yet is a testament to mother love and patience.  I'd have decked her long ago.

I agree with you about their mom. She is really trying to make up for not being there in the past, but it doesn't seem like either of them (more Rachel than Mallory) do not appreciate it or are taking it for granted. She may not have been there when they were kids, but she is there now and is able to help with her grandchildren.   I do give her props for putting up with Rachel. I would not have been as nice as she is to her. But I feel like she still has that guilt so she puts up with more than she should from Rachel.

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This is the one and only time I will defend Rachel—I think she has a phobia about the IUD.  I’ve never had one put in—I never could have one put in—because the idea of someone sticking something up my cervix is beyond my ability to handle.  Once something becomes a phobia, it’s not as simple as a bit of momentary pain, because the dread gets so real that you build it up in your head and you literally can’t face it.  I’m not even sure I’d be able to get one in my arm.  Like, I’m not sure I would be able to make myself stand still because I’d be too scared.  NOT that it gives her any reason to get pregnant—because birth control pills don’t hurt, nor do condoms, or the NuvaRing or the patch.  But, being someone who has many phobias about pain myself that cause me to have to resort to alternative medical techniques, it’s not as simple as saying, “oh, ok, I’ll do it because a moment of pain is worth avoiding consequence x.”  It’s so much bigger than that.  

That said, I never had a freaking baby because I’m way too afraid of the pain!  I just saw that, when they told her they were going to put her under and she immediately asked for the IUD when she was under, it was exactly the way I feel with my pain phobia.  Considering I have to get knocked out cold to go to the dentist, I need him to do everything while I’m out, including (especially) the cleaning, the one-stop shopping reminded me of myself.  Not that it’s right.  Not that it’s rational.  I’m just saying it seems real.  And  when it becomes so debilitating that you will get pregnant before you will get the IUD, it’s enough of a mental illness that she should go see a professional about it (and abstain from sex until you’re on reliable birth control, duh!)

I am of two minds when it comes to Rachel’s mom, and basically all the moms who were young and stupid in the past—I think that, at some point, you have forfeited your right to parent.  The best example I can think of is the show Ozark, where the parents are doing super illegal shit 24/7, their teenage kids know about it, and the parents still try to discipline them as if it were a normal family dynamic.  I think that ship has sailed.

On the other hand, if Rachel’s mom was really receiving support for her addictions, I think she would learn that sometimes the most loving thing we can do for someone—especially a child—is to set firm boundaries.  I don’t think teenagers want their parents to sit there helpless, enabling them.  Give them a long leash, but hold it tight.  And I think that if Rachel’s mom took a firm stand with Malorie and Rachel and said, “there will be no more babies under my roof.  You will find somewhere else to live if you get pregnant again.  Seeing as how you’re both already living here with one child each, the chores and schedule are posted on the refrigerator.  If you can’t adhere to this, you can also find another place to live,” I think they would eventually see that as an act of love.  It’s selfish to let your guilt and shame from the past wash down onto the next generation, even if it makes your kids like you more.  Kids need to respect their parents more than they need to like them.

I hope this show doesn’t come back.  The other Teen Moms are grandfathered in.  This one is too dysfunctional.  When Ashley went outside to talk to Bar and told him that she was going to keep fucking the other dude, complete with pantomiming wild sex, it was really disturbing to me.  That’s going to be out there for Holly to see for the rest of her life.  Good God.  Kiaya really needs serious therapy for her anger, and I’m so glad to see Teazha got out of there.  Briana is another mess with issues and no boundaries.  She tries to polish it up really good, because she speaks in a soft, measured voice, so it seems like she is thinking everything through, but she lets people become intimate with her way, way too early, and, like Rachel, there is no one there to put a firm foot down to stop the behavior.  It’s pretty obvious her mom is living on Briana’s dime, because she kisses her ass so much.  

And who else is there?  Kayla?  She is probably in the best situation but she’s numb, just going through the motions.  There is no light in her eyes.  She seems very unhappy and unfulfilled.  What’s interesting or remarkable about any of them?  

Unexpected does a much better job of illustrating depressing-ass situations with teen parents, possibly because their subjects are younger, but possibly also because they picked more interesting subjects.  I don’t know what it is, but I think MTV did a much better job casting the original two Teen Moms.  They’re such hot messes, but they are fucked up mostly in funnier ways than these guys.  Even when they’re just sitting on their fat asses, it seems like they have something going on for some reason.  I’d so much rather watch Caitlyn sit around and be delusional about social media or Mackenzie pursue some pathetic fitness dream than watch these guys.  MTV just missed the mark here.  I hope it doesn’t come back.  Like other people have said, let these people have their lives go on off camera.  They’ll probably be better off. 

  • Love 1
17 hours ago, Andyourlittledog2 said:

although Rachel and her sister make my head hurt and the stupid just seems endless, I do give her mom credit for making an attempt to stem the idiot tide. She spent their formative years drugging and abandoning them and seems ill equipped to deal with two teenage daughters now, but she does appear to be trying hard to do what she can now.  She lives in poverty and doesn't have much to give them but she is trying to do what she can. It's too little too late but I feel for her. It must be devastating to see what messes her daughters have become and not be able to go back and change her own behavior to possibly avoid this particular future for them. In spite of everything I do like the woman. And that she hasn't killed Rachel yet is a testament to mother love and patience.  I'd have decked her long ago.

Agree with all of this. Stephanie seems to be realizing the effect her drug addiction had on other people (her mother and daughters), and she appears to have regrets for the end results, but also recognizes she doesn't know what to do/how to parent, and that it's too late to change the past. She is trying her best to do what she can to help the girls with child care, taking Rachel to get her permit, to doctors appointments trying to make her think of her future and to make some kind of general plan,..she is trying. I've developed a soft spot for her too. 

That is some strong motherly love that can try to rationally deal with Rachel (AND her sister) on a daily basis without throttling her.

  • Love 5
On 2/27/2020 at 12:54 PM, Dmarie019 said:

Mylo and Brianna... not sure what I think about that. He does appear more mature... here's to hoping his hormones were just out of whack when they were together. Anger can still hide deep inside. 

When she called him (a year ago?) he seemed like he could care less about her so I'm curious as to what made them come back together again.  Other than he's way more attractive than Jaiden. 

Maybe I'm just skeptical but from Mylo's side my first thought was TV time, gaining fans, exposure as a possible spokesperson for the trans community and the opportunities that come with being a recognized public figure, paying for medication and surgery, and just some cold, hard cash. Not all of those are bad reasons, mind you, but I just find it very hard to believe that after the toxic relationship of their past, it's hard to imagine that sans television program, they would have woken up and said, "Hmm, I miss her/him. Maybe we can give it another go...." Not buying that. Briana is lazy. She already knows him. No effort required in getting to know someone new.

  • Love 6

Rachel does a lot of things based on stupidity--like refusing to find out who the father of her child is, and initially refusing the birth control until she spoke to a "birth control expert," as opposed to her OB/GYN, but I honestly think Rachel's issue with pain is just her simply trying to garner attention.  Hopefully the doctor sterilized her.  

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Is Depo not a recommended birth control anymore? I'm curious as to why something like that wasn't offered up to her.  I've known a few people who got the one that Rachel ended up getting and they had to take it out because it was making them miserable (perhaps not the same brand).  Either their moods changed drastically to the point where their husbands wanted to divorce them or it made them incredibly ill. 

I've been on the depo shot since I was 18. 

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