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S08.E10: Fadeout

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3 hours ago, Featherhat said:

Since I don't actually want the *entire* series to be AU I assume that some of the toxic Lauriver stuff had to happen for Tommy and Laurel to be happy and for Oliver to realise he didn't actually want Laurel in that way. 

Thus he and Laurel still slept together but realising Tommy saw combined with him saving her (and both surviving) gave her a radically different view of him than she had in season 1 and had come to in S4. She truly mourned him in S2 and instead of the conversation they have where they say they can never happen again because he died, it's Laurel saying she loves Tommy but things are up in the air after the undertaking but she and Oliver can't happen again. By S4 Tommy had been dead for years and she had joined Oliver's crusade =Oliver the love of her life. 

With Olicity I'm still going to say it happened roughly as it did on screen, because I want to have seen it all damn it, although they are more scenes of Tommy telling him he's an idiot for pushing her away and definitely for working with Malcolm and Moira being Moira. I'm not sure they were ready for it much earlier than the beginning of S3 and Thea still seems to have gone off with Malcolm etc. 

Not to mention that unless they're going to address this on LOT it drastically alters Sara and Ray's backstory.

Thea and Roy also appear to have happened roughly the same with Moira and Tommy around, so Thea still got caught in the LOA's crosshairs thanks to Malcolm.

Whilst I wouldn't mind having E1 and Dinah not have become BCs I don't think that's how the spin off will play out if it gets picked up. It's part of the big MYSTERY to solve. 

Tommy move to Chicago after Laurel died and has only recently returned and is not involved in Team Arrow stuff, that's why he's meeting Siren for the first time. 

I have realised I'm very uncomfortable with Oliver essentially writing fix-it fic with his life, even the good parts like possibly getting together with Felicity sooner like a lot of it was terrible and frustrating but happened that way for a reason. 

I feel like the events of s1 might have slightly changed. Or it has more to do with Laurel not being stuck in the past like we saw in s1 with Oliver. So it wouldnt come to the infamous Tommy watching Oliver/Laurel hook up. And the bad death bed confession.  Also i feel the 100th episode had to have happened in a different way. 

Edited by Velocity23
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2 hours ago, FoxyVixen said:

I mean first of all, the dark 2040 future got erased, - that never happened, as star city became some kind of crime free nirvana. So she didn't go to him then (as we where first shown) - as that never became a reality! 

(And if she did, then there are two Felicity's, one from the dark 2040, currently canoodeling with Oliver in the afterlife/timebubble, and another Felicity living with her kids in the happy version of star city?!)

So what happens with the happy Felicity then, when she dies? Does she never get to see him again? Or does she also go to the same afterlife, so then all of a sudden Oliver has two wives? Or do they become combined into one person, retaining both their memories? 

No, none of that makes ANY sense, because that future got over-written when they made a new universe, so to be clear, she didn't go to him as we where first shown in the dark sad future that Mia grew up in. (Even though that was the clip they used to show her leaving, which makes the whole situation hella confusing

It has been discussed but maybe not on this thread. 

Basically there's only one Felicity, there has to be. Can you imagine trying to have a conversation from before the COIE change: Remember the time our moms met? Remember Tommy and Laurel's wedding, remember how Tommy and Thea realising they are actual siblings was the only good part of the Malcolm mess? Remember THAT speech he gave at our reception?

Felicity: ????!!!~@!! No I remember everyone dying! 

I think they just used the footage from last year because it was too expensive to redo it and they only had EBR for two days and would rather use it to show her meeting Adult Mia and actually getting to the portal's destination. She'd already worked with the Monitor in COIE and set everything up then. Um, even though he's dead. Doesn't matter - handwavium. 

They don't want a Felicity left over on Earth for people to ask why she's not around helping her kids and her good friend Siren in the spin off (SIGPU) So either that above or the Felicitys merged somehow. I doubt they're going to have Mia be "oh yeah Mom's taking her and Dad's anniversary vacation in Aruba and then she's at a tech conference in Japan, then she's visiting Aunt Thea and Uncle Roy...…"

33 minutes ago, Velocity23 said:

I feel like the events of s1 might have slightly changed. Or it has more to do with Laurel not being stuck in the past in her with Oliver. So it wouldnt come to the infamous Tommy watching Oliver/Laurel hook up. And the bad death bed confession.  Also i feel the 100th episode had to have happened in a different way. 

The 100th definitely had to happen in a different way. As for S1 I feel like they could use the clusterfuck that was the triangle, undertaking Oliver taking off because 502 people still died to sort it out so that Tommy/Laurel realised they wanted each other and not to let the past get in the way. 

The way they set S1 up, they had to some form of Lauriver otherwise they'd never get over their issues: Tommy's insecurities, Laurel's lingering 5 year plan to be Mrs Queen and Oliver's picture version of Laurel in his head. Not to mention the "Lauriver: Always and Forever" stuff every single character including Sara spouted. I mean if they had wanted to show me a flashback to S1 bunker sex/kiss etc after some of their early interactions I certainly wouldn't be complaining but I'm ok with the broad outlines still being the same. Because otherwise my head just hurts. Hopefully there are some epic rewrite fics being planned I can adopt. 

How Oliver and Moira coped with each other during/after the BMD is fascinating to me. Another huge long time of not speaking? Is Moira mayor then after her kidnapping and her son heroically saving her? Does she try and have Felicity blackmailed or her body dumped in the bay to keep her away from Oliver? 😉

Edited by Featherhat
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21 minutes ago, Featherhat said:

It has been discussed but maybe not on this thread. 

Basically there's only one Felicity, there has to be. Can you imagine trying to have a conversation from before the COIE change: Remember the time our moms met? Remember Tommy and Laurel's wedding, remember how Tommy and Thea realising they are actual siblings was the only good part of the Malcolm mess? Remember THAT speech he gave at our reception?

Felicity: ????!!!~@!! No I remember everyone dying! 

I think they just used the footage from last year because it was too expensive to redo it and they only had EBR for two days and would rather use it to show her meeting Adult Mia and actually getting to the portal's destination. She'd already worked with the Monitor in COIE and set everything up then. Um, even though he's dead. Doesn't matter - handwavium. 

They don't want a Felicity left over on Earth for people to ask why she's not around helping her kids and her good friend Siren in the spin off (SIGPU) So either that above or the Felicitys merged somehow. I doubt they're going to have Mia be "oh yeah Mom's taking her and Dad's anniversary vacation in Aruba and then she's at a tech conference in Japan, then she's visiting Aunt Thea and Uncle Roy...…"

The 100th definitely had to happen in a different way. As for S1 I feel like they could use the clusterfuck that was the triangle, undertaking Oliver taking off because 502 people still died to sort it out so that Tommy/Laurel realised they wanted each other and not to let the past get in the way. 

The way they set S1 up, they had to some form of Lauriver otherwise they'd never get over their issues: Tommy's insecurities, Laurel's lingering 5 year plan to be Mrs Queen and Oliver's picture version of Laurel in his head. Not to mention the "Lauriver: Always and Forever" stuff every single character including Sara spouted. I mean if they had wanted to show me a flashback to S1 bunker sex/kiss etc after some of their early interactions I certainly wouldn't be complaining but I'm ok with the broad outlines still being the same. Because otherwise my head just hurts. Hopefully there are some epic rewrite fics being planned I can adopt. 

How Oliver and Moira coped with each other during/after the BMD is fascinating to me. Another huge long time of not speaking? Is Moira mayor then after her kidnapping and her son heroically saving her? Does she try and have Felicity blackmailed or her body dumped in the bay to keep her away from Oliver? 😉

Honestly the L/O hookup for me was just there to increase the impact of Tommy dying. Since that didnt happen i feel like Oliver /Tommy might have been fractured due to Tommy losing his dad. No matter what he still was his dad. I would also wonder if Oliver had the memories of pre Crisis how would handle the situation with L/O. 

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This has to be a culture chock on a massive scale. What happens to the laws of the universe, are they combined from the different worlds? OMG, SO MANY QUESTIONS!! 

So many questions yes, but there wouldn't be culture shock since everyone on Earth Prime except the paragons only had memories of how the new timeline went.  Only the heroes that got the tap from J'onn or the Cisco device have dual memories.  So if a whole culture was absorbed onto the new earth Oliver made, they wouldn't remember it any other way.  

When it comes to how Felicity got to Oliver, in the canon comic companion to CrisisonInfinateEarth Felicity had her own relationship to the Monitor and also to the magic books he had access to so I'm good believing she set up the ride to Oliver there and whether it was the real monitor or not, it doesn't matter.  He's just the driver.  Or the form the driver took.  But yeah, only one Felicity.  We saw Felicity seemingly leave from the horrible 2040 timeline.  But really we only saw for sure that she said goodbye to her kids in that timeline.  The next scene with the "Monitor" could have always been from our new timeline and we just assumed it was in the old one.  She told her kids she was going to go looking for something if I recall.  Maybe that version was still looking for a way to keep her promise and we just never knew that before.  

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3 hours ago, Featherhat said:

Let me just preface this post by saying I apologize, because I'm new to posting on this platform, and I'm on my phone, and for some reason I Cant get the "quotes function" working like it should. So I'm just going to "bold" what you wrote, to make it distinct. 😜


It has been discussed but maybe not on this thread. 

Oh, please tell me where if you know, I would be very interested to read what people think! 😃

Basically there's only one Felicity, there has to be. 

Yes exactly, that is what they have shown us, so I'm taking that as a fact, I was just walking through a hypothesis of how the monitor could possible have taken her to Oliver, but as we both mentioned, that doesn't work. (Basically I was walking through an explanation they could've used, but that they didn't.)

I think they just used the footage from last year because it was too expensive to redo it. 

Oh absolutely, I agree with how this happened "in the real world" 100% I'm just saying that from a story standpoint it doesn't work or make sense. But I honestly don't care which clip they used, but I do care about how they explain the monitor being there, (which they don't, at all) SINCE HE IS DEAD?!

She'd already worked with the Monitor in COIE and set everything up then. Um, even though he's dead. Doesn't matter - handwavium. 

THIS IS WHAT DRIVES ME CRAZY?! And this is the whole point of my post, I can accept handwavium for A LOT of insane situations. (Like how does this new timeline with Tommy being alive work.) I can accept that, because there are a lot of ways in could have resolved itself, and we don't need to definitely know that for the story to work (even though it would be very interesting to know.)

But this just doesn't work. Like you yourself said, sure, she set it up with the monitor, but he died before he could take her, (since the dark 2040 when she first went, GOT ERASED.)

And that version of the monitor, just doesn't exist anymore.

I was cautious to call this a plot hole, because that term is over-used for a lot of things that aren't remotely plot holes. But the more I think about it, the more certain I am, that that is, what this is. 

It would have been so easy to explain it, one throw away line, could have patched this problem, but for some inexplicable reason they didn't. Its like they don't even realize themselves that with what they have shown us, it just doesn't work. 

And I'm very suprised that no one (in this thread at least) has even mentioned it. I mean people sometimes get up in arms over the smallest things that aren't even plot holes, and this is a HUGE problem!

And I totally get and agree WHY its so important for them to get her of the earth, so that her absence is explained in the spin off, but that is a real world reason, I need an "in-show-explanation."

Some things can be hand waved, or fan wanked, but this can't. This is HUGE. They fucked up, and I need an explanation, -arrow writers! 

Sorry if I seem upset, I'm definitely don't mad at you! 😃

On the contrary, I'm very grateful that you answered me. I'm just generally frustrated. 😝


3 hours ago, Featherhat said:




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3 hours ago, Featherhat said:

Let me just preface this post by saying I apologize, because I'm new to posting on this platform, and I'm on my phone, and for some reason I Cant get the "quotes function" working like it should. So I'm just going to "bold" what you wrote, to make it distinct. 😜


It has been discussed but maybe not on this thread. 

Oh, please tell me where if you know, I would be very interested to read what people think! 😃

Basically there's only one Felicity, there has to be. 

Yes exactly, that is what they have shown us, so I'm taking that as a fact, I was just walking through a hypothesis of how the monitor could possible have taken her to Oliver, but as we both mentioned, that doesn't work. (Basically I was walking through an explanation they could've used, but that they didn't.)

I think they just used the footage from last year because it was too expensive to redo it. 

Oh absolutely, I agree with how this happened "in the real world" 100% I'm just saying that from a story standpoint it doesn't work or make sense. But I honestly don't care which clip they used, but I do care about how they explain the monitor being there, (which they don't, at all) SINCE HE IS DEAD?!

She'd already worked with the Monitor in COIE and set everything up then. Um, even though he's dead. Doesn't matter - handwavium. 

THIS IS WHAT DRIVER ME CRAZY?! And this is the whole point of my post, I can accept handwavium for A LOT of insane situations. (Like how does this new timeline with Tommy being alive work.) I can accept that, because there are a lot of ways in could have resolved itself, and we don't need to definitely know that for the story to work (even though it would be very interesting to know.)

But this just doesn't work. Like you yourself said, sure, she set it up with the monitor, but he died before he could take her, (since the dark 2040 when she first went, GOT ERASED.)

And that version of the monitor, just doesn't exist anymore!

I was cautious to call this a plot hole, because that term is over-used for a lot of things that aren't remotely plot holes. But the more I think about it, the more certain I am, that that is, what this is. 

It would have been so easy to explain it, one throw away line, could have patched this problem, but for some inexplicable reason they didn't. Its like they don't even realize themselves that with what they have shown us, it just doesn't work. 

And I'm very suprised that no one (in this thread at least) has even mentioned it. I mean people sometimes get up in arms over the smallest things that aren't even plot holes, and this is a HUGE problem!

And I totally get and agree WHY its so important for them to get her of the earth, so that her absence is explained in the spin off, but that is a real world reason, I need an "in-show-explanation."

Some things can be hand waved, or fan wanked, but this can't. This is HUGE. They fucked up, and I need an explanation, -arrow writers! 

Sorry if I seem upset, I'm definitely don't mad at you! 😃

On the contrary, I'm very grateful that you answered me. I'm just generally frustrated. 😝



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16 hours ago, BkWurm1 said:

Unconsciously or consciously, I think he was looking for her when he got back.  The show even accidentally had him running into a blond with a ponytail at QC before EBR ever showed up.  In many ways from the outside looking in, you'd never know they hadn't always planned Olicity from the start.  But that's part of what always made Olicity so special.  It worked.  They worked.  They made sense with who Oliver and Felicity were and who they would become.  It's that magical cocktail where the characters almost write the story themselves.  

I envision two scenarios, either of which would work for me:

1. Oliver intentionally looked for Felicity after he (officially) returned to Starling City - Oliver searched the QC employee database to identify the blonde girl that he saw during his secret visit to Starling City and identified Felicity. He then went to meet her on the pretext of needing IT help. When she helped him so quickly, he found that he really did need her help and went to her more often.

2. Oliver was surprised to recognize Felicity as the blonde girl he had secretly spied upon - Oliver was directed by Walter or the head of the IT dept. to see Felicity when he needed IT help. It was coincidence or karma or OTP destiny that Felicity turned out to be that same person he saw before.

7 hours ago, FoxyVixen said:

I'm VERY confused about HOW Felicity ended up with Oliver?!

I wouldn't call it a plot hole exactly? But something is seriously amiss. I'm very surprised no one else has mentioned this. 

I mean first of all, the dark 2040 future got erased, - that never happened, as star city became some kind of crime free nirvana. So she didn't go to him then (as we where first shown) - as that never became a reality! 

(And if she did, then there are two Felicity's, one from the dark 2040, currently canoodeling with Oliver in the afterlife/timebubble, and another Felicity living with her kids in the happy version of star city?!)

So what happens with the happy Felicity then, when she dies? Does she never get to see him again? Or does she also go to the same afterlife, so then all of a sudden Oliver has two wives? Or do they become combined into one person, retaining both their memories? 
*  *  *
And "their" monitor died, in the final fight when they lost the multiverse, so he couldn't bring her to Oliver.

There is only one Felicity. In the reset Earth-Prime, Mia and William grow up rich and safe with Felicity as their parent. Then 20 years later, when the children are grown, older Felicity still says good-bye to them and goes with the Monitor through the portal. That scene did not change. Even in the reset universe, Felicity was not completely happy because she was without Oliver. After 2040, Felicity is gone from her children's lives. If Felicity was still around after 2040, then she'd be in the spinoff, and she's not. They just used the same footage because that's what they had and because it works either way.

The Monitor is not dead. As we saw in the crossover, the Anti-Monitor cannot be destroyed (so the Paragons had to cause him to shrink forever). Similarly, the Monitor cannot be destroyed. 

I assume that when Felicity talked to the Monitor in the Crisis tie-in comic (when she identified some of the Paragons for him), she also was given a way to contact him. Or else, Spectre Oliver arranged for the Monitor to contact her.

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2 minutes ago, Mellowyellow said:

I am just going to assume that since Oliver is all powerful now he can send what looks like the Monitor to guide Felicity through the portal. 

Really it's all Oliver's doing.

Yes, that is one of the fan wank solutions I proposed, but that's still all that is. I can hand wave a lot of things, but not this. If that is the solution they are going with, they still have to show us that. Because as it stands it is a major plot hole. 

I could've accepted that solution, no problem if they've shown it to me. but they didn't, and that makes me irritated at the writers.

Something so important, but easily fixable, should be shown on screen.

We shouldn't have to make up reasons as to how a dead guy brought Felicity to Oliver. They just shouldn't miss that big of a problem. 😝

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Dialogue from Crisis On Infinite Earths: Part Five (LoT hour), in which we learn that the Anti-Monitor and the Monitor cannot be destroyed...

Ray Palmer: "The Anti-Monitor is made of antimatter, and, like its opposite, it can neither be created nor destroyed. It can only -"
Ryan Choi: "Change form and move from place to place.
So what if we do just that? What if we could set off a chain reaction that will destabilize his form? Compressing his molecules so he's essentially shrinking for eternity."
Nash Wells: "Is that kind of reaction even possible?"
Ray Palmer: "Sure it is. I did it a bunch of times by accident when I was developing my ATOM exosuit."
Nash Well: "So you think you can keep him shrinking indefinitely?"
Ray Palmer: "Essentially, we'd be sending him to the 'Atomverse.'"
Ryan Choi: "I like to call it the 'Microverse.'"
Ray Palmer: "Ah, that's better. Possible trademark issues, but that's better."
Ryan Choi: "He could get stuck there for, like, ever.
Ray Palmer: "In theory, it could totally work."

And here's video of the above conversation:

(Crisis Clips)

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I wonder if Felicity will question Oliver as to why she's dressed in a tight prim secretary outfit in paradise and then he'll smile his bashful smile at her. 

Arrghhh they are so cute! 

Hehe Felicity now has the almighty Spectre doting on her. 

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12 hours ago, Chaser said:

Based on Dinah saying there was no trace of the Black Canary and Mia having no idea who Dinah and Siren, maybe Laurel never became Black Canary. 

I only saw about ten minutes of 809, reluctantly haha, so are you saying there was no trace of any BC??? Or just Dinah as BC?

I’m surprised more LL fans aren’t talking about this tbh. Curious! 

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15 minutes ago, Angel12d said:

I only saw about ten minutes of 809, reluctantly haha, so are you saying there was no trace of any BC??? Or just Dinah as BC?

I’m surprised more LL fans aren’t talking about this tbh. Curious! 

Dinah said she woke up in 2040 and there was no trace of Dinah Drake or the Black Canary. 

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The Black Canary moniker will now apparently debut in 2040 - from 809...

E2 Laurel: “Black Canary and the owner of the SCPD now owns a bar. Also, when did you learn to sing?”
Dinah: "We didn't have much time for karaoke back in 2020, did we? So how'd you find me? Sara."
E2 Laurel: "She said that she found you here a couple months ago and that you didn't want to come back with her."
Dinah: "The day after Oliver's funeral in 2020, I woke up here. I had no idea how or why. When I got here, I found out that I don't even exist."
E2 Laurel: "I'm sorry, how is that even possible?"
Dinah: "I don't know, but there's no trace of Dinah Drake or the Black Canary."
E2 Laurel: "And what? You're just fine with that?"
Dinah: "I guess I came to realize that not having an identity can either be sad or it can be oddly freeing. I can let go of the people I lost, the mistakes that I made."
E2 Laurel: "Not gonna lie, your zen is kind of creeping me out."
Dinah: "Thank you. You know, there has been no real crime in Star City in 20 years, Laurel. Zen's not that hard to come by."
E2 Laurel: "Well, I hate to break it to you, but Star City's not that safe anymore."

(DCTV Arrowverse)

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I kind of took that as it's part of the reason Dinah ended up in 2040 with no record of there ever having been a Dinah Drake either, not "they're wiping out previous BC storylines from Earth Prime." It certainly didn't seem like that, even before Dinah got her memories back in COIE or from 8x10. They're going to find out they why and how in the spin off (SIGPU). 

 I mean you know I'd love for that whole mess to have completely changed but I don't think they were erasing E1 from BC. Especially not with that little scene in COIE that made no sense with Dig and Laurel. 

1 hour ago, tv echo said:

2. Oliver was surprised to recognize Felicity as the blonde girl he had secretly spied upon - Oliver was directed by Walter or the head of the IT dept. to see Felicity when he needed IT help. It was coincidence or karma or OTP destiny that Felicity turned out to be that same person he saw before.

This one for me. IMHO there's no particular reason why he should search the database for "cute blonde girl". He didn't know she had any special skills in the flashback and he was pretty much 95% focused on The List and 5% focused on Laurel and the rest of his family. He really did need IT help no need to make excuses to visit a pretty girl about a laptop (except the latte) stuff and he had a jolt of recognition after the fact. 

I prefer Olicity as a "tale that grew in the telling" as they got to know each other, not one that Oliver was fixated on from the start, so things grew to mean more in hindsight - like Felicity telling William she fell in love with him the day she met him. Not true at the time but came to be true after everything else. He certainly didn't act like he was pulling a Barry and pining for her without telling her since they met. It's frustrating enough with S2-3 as they stood. That's just my personal opinion, others will see it differently.

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While I do think that E1 LL was BC at some point and probably said something on her deathbed about finding a new one in order to bring in Dinah somehow, a lot of it is really unclear. Did whoever erase Dinah just erase all traces of BC, whoever was wearing the mask for some reason? Did Laurel tell Tommy on her deathbed to tell Oliver to find someone to replace her in the field? Did she still talk to Oliver ... for reasons? Do the writers even care if we’re wondering these things? (Probably no. They probably didn’t think of answers themselves.) Where did BS come from? Still E2?

I kind of wish that MG or someone would just post a list of bullet points to explain the new history. (Although it’s more fun probably for us to decide these things for ourselves.)

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On 1/29/2020 at 3:07 PM, AudienceofOne said:

Farewell Arrowverse or whatever your creators are calling you now. I will miss you for some weird reason. I will miss what you should have been. 

This says it so perfectly. 

I'm glad it's over, although I miss the glimpses of the show it once was (like the best spot for me was the second half of season 1 into the first half of season 2). Each season I optimistically thought they could fix it, but I was always wrong... and the series finale proved that. It was a mess in the way that only Arrow can be. I wonder what the show would've been like without the spinoffs; if they hadn't had to incorporate these other universes and characters. 

That said, part of me kept thinking they'd do a surprise twist, that Oliver would actually be alive and get to see at least one of his children grow up. But instead, we don't get any of that... I was honestly surprised that they went through with the whole "you'll die during the Crisis" (which was its own special mess). 


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Remember the lack of OTA in the 50th, 100th and 150th? It’s sad to think they were planning on it for the Series Finale and couldn’t make it work with the scheduling. I hope MG releases the original script pages. 

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1 hour ago, Chaser said:

It’s sad to think they were planning on it for the Series Finale and couldn’t make it work with the scheduling.

It figures the time they actually prioritize including it and that it's narratively easy for them to do so (without alien craziness or needing EBR to go to Flash) that they still can't even beyond their own choosing. 😅

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1 hour ago, Chaser said:

Remember the lack of OTA in the 50th, 100th and 150th? It’s sad to think they were planning on it for the Series Finale and couldn’t make it work with the scheduling. I hope MG releases the original script pages. 

Yeah, and if I recall, it felt like one of the transitions from Diggle in the present to a FB (maybe the second?) was sort of setting up for a Felicity/OTA FB? They obviously wrote that line with the intention of an OTA FB. 

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On 1/30/2020 at 10:13 AM, AudienceofOne said:

I don't know, maybe I am. I'm one who found the Eternal Library Matrix ending for River in Doctor Who to be a horrible nightmare too. Sure it might be good for a hundred years or so but what then? You can NEVER LEAVE.

I'm all for the Good Place and its "heaven needs an exit sign" philosophy.

I watched the entire last season of The Good Place. Without getting long winded about it I did not care for that ending at all and then I thought of you and how it made perfect sense that I liked the Arrow ending but you didn't.

Had to pop back to tell you that ☺️


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12 hours ago, Mellowyellow said:

I watched the entire last season of The Good Place. Without getting long winded about it I did not care for that ending at all and then I thought of you and how it made perfect sense that I liked the Arrow ending but you didn't.

Had to pop back to tell you that ☺️


I had kind of mixed feelings about the ending to Good Place.  So I wanted to offer this as a spark to cling to.  It was after Eleanor went through the door that she was able to send Michael mail.  So it kind of said to me that their journey had not ended after all.  (Oops, got mixed up on which thread I was in. Sorry)

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10 hours ago, Mellowyellow said:

I watched the entire last season of The Good Place. Without getting long winded about it I did not care for that ending at all and then I thought of you and how it made perfect sense that I liked the Arrow ending but you didn't.


I had rather mixed feeling about both endings, but the more I think about this ending, the more I...dont hate it? Maybe because I have seen so many truly god awful finales, and this one was more of a mixed bag, with elements I liked and elements I didnt like, and that honestly puts it above a LOT of season/series finales, which were just hot garbage that spent their finale flipping the audience off. I am still not thrilled with Oliver's ending (if everyone else gets to live damn it why cant he?!?) and I thought the pacing was a total mess, feeling like just a rather mediocre episode until the end, but I also liked some of it as well, and while I dont much like Oliver's ending very much, it at least makes sense, and its not a totally sad ending. At least my Olicity is together again, and thats what I really needed here!

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I think part of the reason why I loved the Olicity ending is (well besides me personally loving an eternity with the love of my life -- hehe funny story but hubs told me he'll drag me to explore the universe and I was like "but can't I just chill and eat pho" and he was like "you can't eat pho for an eternity, you have to go do stuff with me") because it felt like they tried.

Yes I can argue that Arrow had to service other shows, Arrow had to launch a pilot and the ending was sacrificed for that, Oliver deserved to raise his family etc. I agree with all that but it feels like the show runners genuinely tried to give Olicity a happily ever after within the constraints in which they were bound.

That means a lot to me as a fan so I'm really peaceful about how it ended. And there is so much scope for fresh fanfic. Since Oliver reset the universe Olicity could have had a billion extra smoochy smoochy moments.

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8 hours ago, BkWurm1 said:

It was after Eleanor went through the door that she was able to send Michael mail.

I'm not going to argue about interpretation from a subjective medium but to me that wasn't what that meant at all.

What it meant was that her life changed the universe slightly towards the better. Her acts were the impetus for others to be better, even if it's just in small ways. That each good life lived moves humanity slightly towards being better. The Good Place has named their philosophy more than once - it's that life has no meaning but to live well now to make the world better for everyone.

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Something I never got around to mentioning, during Oliver and Diggle's flashback, while it was mostly pointless, it did remind me how much more enjoyable i found watching just Oliver do his thing in the field rather than a ton of cuts and camera swings to the bevy of other fighters. 

It was such a mistake when they overloaded the team with muscle for the sake of having more masks.  It was too hard to feel the tension of a fight scene when everybody had to get their time in the spotlight.  it felt very paint by numbers at that point.  

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1 hour ago, BkWurm1 said:

It was such a mistake when they overloaded the team with muscle for the sake of having more masks.  It was too hard to feel the tension of a fight scene when everybody had to get their time in the spotlight.  it felt very paint by numbers at that point.  

Yeah, they were severely limited on what they could do because 3-5 people had to have "win" moments and not look like absolute amateurs next to Oliver. 

9 hours ago, Mellowyellow said:

I agree with all that but it feels like the show runners genuinely tried to give Olicity a happily ever after within the constraints in which they were bound.

I think they accomplished that within the framework of what they wanted to do. MG has made fun of people who wanted a Dark Knight ending on twitter and I'm like "Dude, you ripped off so much from the Nolan verse, why wouldn't people think that's what might happen instead of you doing Endgame instead?" I do think they thought about it at one point but long before the spin off pilot was around they'd locked themselves into Oliver dying not retiring and at least they showed a happy if bittersweet ending, that they basically telegraphed last season and didn't waver from too much, just with added details.

There's no way on this show that Oliver would have been able to bring all those other people back and also get to spend time with them himself but they went as full on wish fulfilment as they could with everyone's alive and Olicity forever. Even turning a lot of what we actually watched AU with so many dead characters alive isn't shitting on fans and doing turn arounds for the sake of it like so many finales do seem to go out of their way to do, it's trying to make everyone happy(ish). 

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As much as I would’ve liked a Dark Knight Rises ending, the show already did a version of that in season 3, with GA presumed dead and Oliver driving away with Felicity to travel the world. 

The more I’ve thought about it, the more it seems like the “Oliver is (mostly) dead or otherwise really not available” ending was inevitable for production reasons. The rest of the Arrowverse needs to continue for years without always addressing why Oliver won’t show up to help in the next big crisis. It’s not in his nature to sit back and not help, unlike the Legends. I think the only way Oliver could’ve retired off screen would’ve been if Arrow had ended at the same time as most of the other shows.

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810 (Fadeout) – Oliver Queen’s voiceover intro:
Oliver (voiceover intro): "My name is Oliver Queen. After five years in hell, I returned home with only one goal - to save my city. For eight years, I've fought alongside brave men and women striving for justice. But then a Crisis came, and I had to become someone else. I had to become something else. I made the ultimate sacrifice, which helped birth an entirely new universe. Now my friends and family will have to go on without me. And although I have become a Spectre, there is a part of me that will always be the Green Arrow."

810 (Fadout) - In the reset, post-Crisis world, Oliver saved his mother from being killed by Slade Wilson (scene was originally filmed for 223 as Oliver's wishful reimagining, but cut from 223):
Moira: "Both my children will live."
Thea (crying): "Mom! What are you doing? Mom!"
Moira: "Thea, I love you. Close your eyes, baby."
(Slade points gun at Moira.)
Oliver: "No!" (Works on loosening the ties around his wrists)
Slade: "You possess true courage. (Puts away gun) I am truly sorry... you did not pass that on to your son." (Pulls out sword)
(Oliver jumps up and knocks down Slade and gets his gun from him. He then hugs his mother.)
Thea (crying): "Ollie?"
Oliver: "It's over."
(Slade gets up and Oliver shoots him several times.)


810 (Fadeout) – In Star City 2040, Sara Lance appears in Mia's bedroom to take her to her father's funeral in Star City 2020:
(Mia wakes up in bed after having a nightmare about Oliver and Robert Queen on the raft after The Queen’s Gambit sank, when Robert shot himself.)
Sara: "Hey."
Mia: "What the frak?!"
Sara: "Sorry. I - I didn't mean to scare you. I meant to time portal to your front door, but I guess I - I overshot the mark a bit. This is a - this is a nice room."
Mia: "Time portal?"
Sara: "Yeah. I'm a time traveler, remember?"
Mia: "Right. Okay. Uh, and why did you time travel here?"
Sara: "Because I'm here to take you to your father's funeral."

810 (Fadeout) – In Star City 2020, a month has passed since the events of Crisis On Infinite Earths, and we learn that Felicity has been so grief-stricken over Oliver's death that she hasn't gotten out of bed:
Rene: "So when's Felicity get to town?"
Diggle: "I don't know if she's coming."
Rene: "It's her husband's funeral, man."
Diggle: "Which is exactly why I think she might miss it. I don't know, Rene. She has a nanny watching Mia right now. Felicity hasn't even made it out of bed. I have no idea how to help her."

810 (Fadeout) – In Star City 2020, Mia is working at the computers in the Arrow Bunker:
Dinah: "Mia?"
Mia: "Don't worry. The Monitor didn't drop me off because there's another Crisis coming."
Dinah: "That still doesn't explain what you're doing here."
Mia: "Laurel's sister showed up, thought I might enjoy going to my dad's funeral."
Dinah: "And what are you doing with all this stuff?"
Mia: "Trying my best to channel my mom. Sorry. Um, when Sara dropped me off, she gave me this whole lecture about not telling people about the future, so - ... A few weeks before Sara showed up, something happened... (Cut to flashback scene from 809 when Adult William is kidnapped) ... right in front of me. I couldn't do anything to stop it, and... I am already failing at being the Green Arrow."
Dinah: "What we do is not easy. There are setbacks, there are tragedies. But, God, Mia, your father, he would be so, so proud of how you're carrying all of that."
Mia: "I can't even do the one thing that he risked his entire life to do - protect my family."

810 (Fadeout) - DELETED SCENE: In a flashback to Season 1 timeline, Oliver chooses not to kill human trafficker John Byrne in cold blood (this same John Bryne will kidnap Child William in 2020):
(On a rooftop, Oliver has his bow drawn and an arrow aimed at John Byrne. Oliver suddenly lowers his bow and walks over to Byrne.)
Oliver: "Lucky for you, someone I know thinks there's another way.I'll see if he's right."

810 (Fadeout) – In Star City 2020, a somber and subdued-looking Felicity returns to the Arrow Bunker after news breaks that Child William was kidnapped from his home in Central City:
Dinah: "I reached out to Felicity."
Diggle: "Yeah. Me too. Radio silence. I asked Sara to check on her."
(Elevator doors open to reveal Felicity.)
Felicity: "Ah. I haven't seen this many people down here in a while."
(E2 Laurel, Roy, Thea, Rory Regan, Lyla, Rene, Curtis, Dinah and Diggle turn to look at her. Mia is sitting off to the side.)
Diggle: "Hey." (Hugs Felicity)
(Felicity then hugs Dinah.)
Felicity: "It's almost like a party. Heh." (Goes to the computers)
Curtis: "Um, I tried running a quad-grid search tasked to a keyhole satellite array, but -"
Felicity: "That array's dark-sided as it undergoes a firmware upgrade, but fortunately when William moved to Central City, his overbearing stepmom implanted a subdermal tracking device into his arm. Ethical - debatable. Which went dark as soon as he re-entered Star City."
Rory: "Well, that's convenient at least."
Felicity: "Just one second as I work up a statistically correlated list of possible locations he could be at."
Curtis: "That is a very long list."
E2 Laurel: "Which is exactly why we called everyone."
Diggle: "Thank you all for coming, some on very short notice. Oliver made the ultimate sacrifice for his friends and his family. Now a part of his family needs our help. This is our most important mission. Suit up."
*  *  *
Thea: “Well, he’s not here. What’s the next place on Felicity’s list?”
Roy: “Kord Industries.”
Thea: “Alright. Well, let’s go.”

810 (Fadeout) – In Star City 2020, Mia instructs Child William on the parts of the crossbow, while Sara tells Felicity that Mia is the adult version of her daughter: 
Mia: "This is the riser. Uh, this is the arrow shelf. And this is the fadeout."
Child William: "This is really cool."
(Sara and Felicity are watching from across the room.)
Felicity: "That's... Mia."
Sara: "Must be a lot to take in."
Felicity: "Yeah. That's the... understatement of the millennium. (To Diggle, who just joined them) She became a hero!"
Diggle: "Well, she had good parents."
Sara: "Do you... want to meet her?"
Felicity: "I don't know. She - she might be here, but she's - she's also at home, waiting for me, and I get to see her grow up. I'm not sure I want to rush that."

810 (Fadeout) – In Star City 2020, E2 Laurel talks to now alive Quentin Lance about why she's still here instead of E1 Laurel: 
(E2 Laurel enters the S.C.P.D. police station.)
Quentin: "Hey! What are you doing here?"
E2 Laurel: "Looking for you."
Quentin: "Well, I was just looking for Dinah. I think she's, uh, ghosting me."
E2 Laurel: "Do you have a second to talk?"
Quentin: "Want to step into not my office? (They go into an office and E2 Laurel closes the door) So, uh, what's up?"
E2 Laurel: "It's about Oliver. Well, not exactly him, but... who his sacrifice brought back."
Quentin: "Like me?"
E2 Laurel: "And Tommy and Moira... but not me - or, the other me, your Laurel."
Quentin: "Look. We don't exactly know the rules of this resurrection thing."
E2 Laurel: "Yes, we do. You're all of the people who Oliver would have wanted his sacrifice to bring back. And Laurel, she - she would have been on that list, too, if it wasn't for me. Oliver's death, it fixed everything else. Why didn't it fix this, too?"
Quentin: "Because, sweetheart, there is nothing about you that needed to be fixed. (Hugs her) You’re alright.”

810 (Fadeout) – In Star City 2020, Quentin Lance gives the speech at the unveiling of the “OLIVER QUEEN GREEN ARROW” memorial statue:
Quentin: "Thank you for coming. For a long time I hated Oliver Queen. I blamed him for the death of my youngest daughter. I blamed him for the violence in my city. I interrogated him. I hunted him. Persecuted him. I've never been more wrong in my life. Oliver Queen wasn't just a hero. He was a good man. He was an honorable person.The fact that he didn't start out that way makes him, in my book, even more honorable. He stands as a reminder to all of us that anyone can change. And so will this." (Gestures to some cops, who unveil the statue)

810 (Fadeout) – In Star City 2020, at Oliver's funeral, Tommy Merlyn has an awkward conversation with E2 Laurel:
Tommy: "So you're from another Earth, is that it?"
E2 Laurel: "I know it's a lot to take in."
Tommy: "Well, I just found out there's a reality where I was dead, so that's the curve I'm grading on these days. The Laurel of, well, this Earth, um - she was my wife."
E2 Laurel: "So it must be strange seeing me."
Tommy: "Ho! Yeah. Well, strange enough to blow the curve... But there's something nice about it, too."

810 (Fadeout) – In Star City 2020, Talia al Ghul and Nyssa al Ghul commiserate about Oliver's death: 
Talia: "My condolences on your husband's passing."
Nyssa: "I had our marriage erased."
Talia: "Feelings cannot be erased."
Nyssa: "I had no feelings for him. Our marriage was father's perverse joke. Meant to torment me."
Talia: "Our father only ever meant for you to have a normal life."
Nyssa: "I have lived a life far more normal than the one father designed for me."
Sara (coming up): "Hey. Thank you for coming."
Nyssa: "There's nowhere else I'd be. Sara, this is my sister, Talia."
Sara: "Hi."
Talia: "Hello."
Nyssa: "Talia. This is Sara, my beloved."

810 (Fadeout) – In Star City 2020, at Oliver's funeral, Felicity and Mia have a heart-to-heart conversation; and Barry Allen arrives:
Mia: "Hi."
Felicity: "Oh. Hi."
Mia: "I'm -"
Felicity: "I know. This morning, you were teething, and now you're - I mean, wow."
Mia: "Dad had a very similar reaction when he first saw me."
Felicity: "You met your father."
Mia: "Yeah. He trained me. He taught me to be a hero. How to be like him."
Felicity: "I can tell you're a lot like him."
Mia: "I can only hope."
(Felicity hugs Mia.)
Barry (coming up): "Felicity. (Hugs her) I'm so sorry."
Felicity: "Thank you."
Barry: "He was a good man. I was there at the end, and... every day, I'm tortured with the thought that I could have done more, should have done more."
Felicity: "No. You did everything that you could, Barry."
Barry: "How could you know that?"
Felicity: "Well, because, you know, I know you."
Barry (hugging Mia): "I'm sorry."

810 (Fadeout) – In Star City 2020, Diggle gives the eulogy at Oliver's funeral:
Anatoly: "There is no body down there, no?"
Tommy: "No. We buried a casket full of mementos."
Sara: "Does anybody want to say a few words?"
Felicity: "I'm barely keeping it together as it is."
Tommy: "I think that Oliver would've been worried that I'd say something tactless anyway, so...."
Barry: "I don't know what to say."
Kara: "Yeah. Words seem... meaningless."
Felicity (to Diggle): "Hey. Should be you."
Diggle: "The Oliver that I met eight years ago is not the one that we say good-bye to today. Oliver always told me that, in order to save his city, he had to become someone else, he had to become something else. I always thought that meant becoming the Green Arrow, but... today I realized that meant becoming a better man, the best man he knew how to be, and he took all of us with him on that journey. He changed everything. Oliver brought heroes into the world, he inspired heroes, he inspired all of us here. I was his brother, and Oliver Queen was mine. Of course, life will go on. It always does. But how, what twists and turns it will take, I can't say. I don't know what the future holds, except to say, expect the unexpected. Oliver may be gone, but his mission endures. That mission lives on. Oliver lives on in the people he inspired. Some will take that mission to the rest of the world... Maybe even beyond that. Because if the past eight years has shown us anything... it's that this universe is far bigger than any of us could have dared imagine, even if it is a little less bright without him in it."
(Zoom in to Oliver's gravestone, which reads: "OLIVER QUEEN 1985-2019 Beloved son, brother, husband, and father  Hero of Star City  The Green Arrow.")

810 (Fadeout) – In Star City 2040, The Monitor takes Older Felicity through a portal; and she is finally reunited with Oliver (as aired):
The Monitor: "Where I'm taking you… there is no return."
Older Felicity: "I have waited a very long time to see him. I'm ready." (Twists the wedding ring on her finger)
(The Monitor opens a portal. He and Older Felicity step through the portal. –> Cut to Moira’s office inside Queen Consolidated’s high-rise building. Felicity is her 2020 age, with her blonde hair in a ponytail, and wearing glasses and a pink shirt and skirt, but she’s still wearing her wedding ring. She smiles and looks around. She finds a red pen on the desk and picks it up. She puts the pen in her mouth and picks up the photo of a pre-Gambit Oliver with his father Robert Queen that was sitting on Moira’s desk. As the camera pulls back, we see Oliver standing in the back of the room. He's also wearing his wedding ring.)
Oliver: "Hi."
(Felicity looks up and sees him.) 
Oliver: "Glad you could finally make it."
(Felicity puts the photo and red pen down. She walks over to Oliver and they kiss for a long moment. They then hug and hold each other tightly for a long moment.)
Felicity (looking at him like she can't believe he's actually here): "This is so nice. Not to complain, I just thought the afterlife would look a little less like your old office."
Oliver: "It's my mom's office. I wanted to be where I first saw you."
Felicity: "Well, that would be in the I.T. Department, seven floors down."
Oliver: "You sure?"
(Cut to 314 flashback scene when Oliver, who had secretly visited Starling City for an A.R.G.U.S. mission, spied on Felicity who was dropping off a file in Moira's office.)
Felicity: "You're cute. Too bad you're, you know, dead - which is obviously a lot worse for you than it is for me."
(Cut back to 2040 or whatever time it is where the Olicity reunion is taking place.)
Oliver: "It's a long story."
(Oliver takes Felicity's hand and they walk over to the wall of windows looking out over Star City.)
Oliver: "Lucky for us... (Looks at her) we have all the time in the world for me to tell it to you."
(Felicity smiles at him. They both look out the window. Camera cuts to the exterior view, so we see them standing there holding hands, and then pulls back to the birds-eye view of the "Q Consolidated" building and then the city.)

810 (Fadeout) – In Star City 2040, The Monitor takes Older Felicity through a portal; and she is finally reunited with Oliver (as scripted):
The Monitor: "Where I'm taking you... there is no return."
Older Felicity: "I have waited a very long time to see him. I'm ready."
(The Monitor nods, as he opens a portal. A smile washes over Felicity's face, she looks down at her wedding ring, and she walks through. -> Cut to Moira’s office inside Queen Consolidated’s high-rise building. Felicity is her 2020 age, and she's wearing the same outfit she wore when we first met her in 103. Confused, she walks over to the desk and sees the framed photograph of a pre-Gambit Oliver with his father Robert Queen, the same photo she first glimpsed in 314.  She cradles it in her hand, smiling and lost in memory.)
Oliver: "Hi."
(Felicity turns and sees Oliver, who's also dressed the same as when they first met in 103. He looks happy and content.)
Oliver: "Glad you could make it."
(Felicity walks over to Oliver and is drawn into his embrace. They kiss, as passionately as you'd kiss the love of your life who you haven't been able to kiss for 20 years!)
Felicity: "This is nice... And not to complain, but I kind of thought the afterlife would look a little less like your old office."
Oliver: "Actually, it's my mother's. I wanted to be where I first saw you."
Felicity: "Well, that would be the I.T. office, seven floors down."
Oliver (grinning): "Actually, no."
(Cut to 314 flashback scene when Oliver, who had secretly visited Starling City for an A.R.G.U.S. mission, spied on Felicity who was dropping off a file in Moira's office.)
Felicity: "You're cute. Too bad you're, you know, dead - which is obviously a lot worse for you than it is for me. I really need to learn to stop talking to myself.”
(Cut back to Oliver and Felicity in Moira's office.)
Oliver: "It's kind of a long story." 
(He holds out his hand to Felicity.)
Oliver: "We have all the time in the world for me to tell it."
(Felicity takes his hand. They stare out the window. The sun shining brightly. Full of hope. Of possibility...)





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The week after the Arrow series finale aired, Diggle made a guest appearance on The Flash 610, in which both Oliver and Felicity were mentioned...

The Flash 610 (Marathon) – Diggle gives Barry Allen a gift that Oliver left for him:
Diggle: “Oliver's last will and testament was read yesterday, and, um, he left something for you, Barry.”
(Diggle hands over a box, which Barry opens.)
Iris: “Oliver's mask.”
Barry: “It's the original. This is the one I made him.”
Diggle: “Yeah, it's interesting, because Oliver was never a man given to sentiment.”
Barry: “Hey, do you see this? Right above the left eye. Oliver hasn't worn this in years. Why is there a mark on it?”
Diggle: “I don't know. Felicity skimped on the dry-cleaning?”
Barry: “Or he left it on purpose. I mean, you just said it. Oliver wasn't sappy. What if the mask is a clue to some new threat out there, something too dangerous to put in writing?”
Diggle: “Barry, you got all that from a smudge mark? I don't –“
Barry: “Uh - I –“
Diggle: “Iris, what do you think?”
Iris: “Um… that you two will have to figure this out on your own. I’m so sorry, babe, I gotta go meet with a source, like, right now.”
Barry: “No, that’s fine. Do your thing. Write your story and Dig and I can work on this.”
Diggle: “We can?”
Barry: “Can we?”

The Flash 610 (Marathon) – Barry and Diggle find no Mirakuru on Lian Yu:
Barry: “No, this can't be right. I – I - I searched the whole island a dozen times.”
Diggle: “Take the win, man. There's no more Mirakuru left, Barry.”
Barry: “No, I mean, Oliver's mask, it's a warning.”
Diggle: “Or… maybe this is exactly what it was intended to be in the first place: a gift.”
Barry: “No, man, no, it can't - it can't just be a gift. I mean, there's got to be something we're missing. What if somebody got to the Mirakuru first?”
Diggle: “Really, and left the box behind?”
Barry: “I don't - okay, I need to run more tests. Or why don't we bring in the DEO? Or call Felicity or Thea. I mean, we we can't just let somebody create another Deathstroke. We have to stop this threat, man. I mean, I have to finish what Oliver started.” (His hands start sparking lightning)
Diggle: “Barry! Are you all right, man?”
Barry: “Yeah, I'm - that's never – I - I’m just frustrated, I guess.”
Diggle: “Yeah. Yeah. Look, I think I know exactly what went on here. Oliver and Thea came to this island a couple of years ago, and they faced off with the man who used to live in this cell. Deathstroke himself, Slade Wilson. Oliver brought his uniform with him.”
Barry: “Which is how he could have soil and Mirakuru on his mask.”
Diggle: “It wasn't a warning at all. You're searching for a mission that doesn't exist, Barry. But no amount of searching is gonna bring Oliver back. (Sighs) That man sprinted from crusade to crusade. But, Barry, life is more than just the mission, and unfortunately Oliver learned that too late. And he wouldn't want you going down that same path.”
Barry: “Oliver died so this Earth could live, Dig. I have to do everything I possibly can to protect it.”
Diggle: “Oliver died for more than this Earth's survival. Oliver laid down his life so the people he loved could live theirs. That includes you. Life's a marathon, not a sprint, Barry. Slow down and enjoy it.”

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Wallowing again in the end of Arrow 😭 ...

Final 810 scenes (Diggle, Monitor/Felicity, and Olicity):

(Mr patel)

Final 810 Olicity scene alone:


Edited version of final 810 Olicity scene (without background music):

Edited version of final 810 Olicity scene, with other Olicity shots intercut into this scene, and with different background music:

810 behind-the-scenes: Arrow cast wraps up filming of final group scene in bunker (with JBamford and SA giving speeches):

810 behind-the-scenes: SA and EBR wrap up filming of final scene:

Fans and podcasters' reactions to final Arrow scene:

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Home is the sailor, home from the sea,     
And the hunter home from the hill.

- from "Requiem" by Robert Louis Stevenson

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I've transcribed the only 810 deleted scene from the Arrow S8 blu-ray and added it to my above transcriptions...

810 (Fadeout) - DELETED SCENE: In a flashback to the Season 1 timeline, Oliver chooses not to kill human trafficker John Byrne in cold blood (this same John Bryne will kidnap Child William in 2020):
(On a rooftop, Oliver has his bow drawn and an arrow aimed at John Byrne. Oliver suddenly lowers his bow and walks over to Byrne.)
Oliver: "Lucky for you, someone I know thinks there's another way. I'll see if he's right."

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Yesterday MG tweeted two script pages for the opening scene (Moira lives!) of this episode, which I've added to my transcriptions post above.

It's interesting - in the reset scene as aired, Slade puts away his gun but is still going to kill Moira with his sword, when Oliver saves her and then shoots Slade. But in the script, it reads like Slade decides not to kill Moira (or at least it's ambiguous as to whether or not he's still going to kill her), when Oliver gets free and knocks Slade unconscious.

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