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S06.E08: Ships and Countries

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When an American tech CEO goes missing in a foreign country, Elizabeth must navigate complicated diplomatic terrain to get him back. Things get personal when Stevie and Henry testify in House Impeachment proceedings.

A Reminder: I realize the temptation to make RW  comparisons is strong but don't or your post will disappear and warnings may follow. Stick to fiction. Thanks.

I am sure that when Senator Prison Break and Mrs Prison Break are alone in the bedroom that he dons a cosplay handlebar mustache and twirls it at her. 

And we get another scene of why Stevie and Dmitri are going to break up —and in this episode her name is “Bitty.”

 I wonder what they’re saying on Reddit or elsewhere about the upside down and backwards political metaphors on the show. Anyone got links handy?

If this was written —well, by other writers —maybe in an alternate universe —maybe on a different show, then:    
There would be a TMZ-like media dispenser to spin Stevie and Dmitri as  Romeo and Juliet with Senator Asshole II as The Big Bad Wolf.

But I do appreciate that it’s better not to have Stevie be a spineless damsel, but rather stand up for herself, and I appreciate the realism of her being treated by the middle-aged white senators the way rape victims have traditionally been attacked in court when they take the stand. 
So I assume that they are going to revisit the surprise that the senator who was politically on her side kept “yielding” 90% of his time to the attacking party —but maybe not. 

Likewise, I assume that that Senator Prison Break’s misogyny will be exposed, but maybe this reveal to Bess and through her to Henry will be the end of it. 

How many felt we were supposed to laugh when Henry was accused of being shoehorned in as Ethics Adviser?

I am sorry little homesick Stevie wasn’t allowed to come home from horse camp.

Edited by shapeshifter
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So I assume that they are going to revisit the surprise that the senator who was politically on her side kept “yielding” 90% of his time to the attacking party —but maybe not. 

Yes. When Russell said something like: is he hung over? I thought, nah...something else going on.

I'm glad Stevie set some boundaries on the relationship. In fact, both of them SHOULD have been pursuing other relationships when they never thought they'd see each other again. BUT, they need to put cards on the table now (and should have already) if there's any chance for this to work now.

And Stevie's "well, y'know, I DID save his life," about why Russell gave her the job was a pretty good response. (With the subtext: would not perform CPR on YOU, Senator.)

Bess is really getting pounded, and one of the things that I was wondering about was addressed early on when Russell told her that the market's a little shaky, but should come back, and her approval ratings are good. Seriously, it's hard to get a president out of office when the economy is doing well. (Not a comment on current politics, just an observation.)

I don't think a real President would go in front of an Impeachment Committee, but this is TV, so I hope we get to see Bess take some folks down. (And, she certainly handled both the Iranian and the Russian very well. She's good at foreign policy.)

Just two more episodes (sigh.)

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I keep thinking, when she has these private meetings with Senator Prison Break, why isn't she taping their conversations?  He threatens her with impeachment if she won't resign.  He doesn't want a woman president.  It's obviously political  (and personal animosity) rather than fact based.

I don't know if it's even legal to tape a conversation, but even if you can't use it in court or a hearing, other senators or the media might be interested.  Maybe give it as a scoop to the reporter she put in jail?

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What a mess of an episode.  I'm starting to wish there hadn't been this final season because it has been a mess with few bright spots.  

Why would she be upset that Dimitri dated someone when they were apart and thought they would never see each other again?  

Why would the McCords act so shocked that Stevie's questioning got personal... hasn't the whole thing been pretty personal?  They are not brand new nor are they supposed to be stupid.

3 hours ago, kwnyc said:

And Stevie's "well, y'know, I DID save his life," about why Russell gave her the job was a pretty good response. (With the subtext: would not perform CPR on YOU, Senator.)

I loved that whole scene--especially that nuance you pointed out.  They were really hammering on Stevie, with how ill-qualified she was, and how obvious it was that Russell just gave the job to her out of nepotism.  She really was distressed, since she didn't even to go him for the job, she went to Russell to beg for a recommendation letter for what, law school wasn't it?  Then he had the heart attack, and she essentially saved his life, and he gave her the job she didn't ask for. 

I wonder if somewhere, in the back of his head, Russell thinks that with the way DC politics is so cut-throat, if that Rhodes Scholar prospect for the job had been there for his heart attack, that person might have pulled a Mikey B after his collapse.   Stevie still had her humanity, and Russell might be a tough dried up old DC egg, he's still got a soft gooey center.

I also think Bess and First Gentleman Eye Candy had an ulterior motive to moving First Gentleman Eye Candy's testimony to a closed session.  They may be able to keep the secret that both her mother and her father were responsible for Stevie's boyfriend's capture and torture and likely death.  That's going to devastate her.  Seriously, when did I start caring about Stevie

To heck with Bess, I really, really want this committee to put Russell in that chair.  He'd eviscerate the lot of 'em.

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Stevie was a little too insulted about the nepotism angle, in my opinion.  If she weren't the SoS' daughter, would she have been able to go to Russell for the letter? Highly doubtful. Just like Henry may have the skills to be the ethics advisor, but let's not act (directed at the McCords here) like it had nothing to do with him being married to Elizabeth.

On 11/24/2019 at 1:35 PM, thewhiteowl said:

A Reminder: I realize the temptation to make RW  comparisons is strong but don't or your post will disappear and warnings may follow. Stick to fiction. Thanks.


9 hours ago, kwnyc said:

I'm glad Stevie set some boundaries on the relationship. In fact, both of them SHOULD have been pursuing other relationships when they never thought they'd see each other again.

After Stevie's second question Dmitri should have just got up and walked away.  But as we all know, he is nothing but a doormat for the entire McCord family. Even when used then abandoned to the torturers, he still fell over himself to thank FAHOTUS

Edited by Netfoot
Because it's FAHOTUS not FAHOTOS
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So all of the Washington establishment is complicit in the apparent movement to depose Elizabeth, including the minority party whose ranking member on the committee passively yielded his time?

Lsst episode Jason demonstrated his lack of political instincts with his factually correct but poorly calculated non-apology. The writers have now demonstrated that it is a hereditary condition.

Bess decides to meet the returning hostage at the airport, in front of the press corp, depsite the fact that he is a major donor to her campaign? Instead of having him come to the White House for a better managed meeting with less bad PR vibes?

She also turns up unannounced at the door of Senator Prison Break in a manner that could easily be spun as bullying and intimidation?

And now she wants to testify herself before the committee. Does she see herself as the Wonder Woman of political dialectics?

As for Henry, he let the committee chairman steamroll over him with accusations of ruining Dimitri's life, without replying that the Congressman was himself responsible for exposing sensitive details about Dimitri's personal life on national TV.

No wonder Jason was so clueless about how to follow through after unwisely confronting the blogger. It's in his genes.

It's most probable that the investigation will peter out, but in all logic it won't be because of his parent's political skills.

In the few remaining episodes, how many more near-weekly military extraction missions can we expect?

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1 hour ago, Florinaldo said:

She also turns up unannounced at the door of Senator Prison Break in a manner that could easily be spun as bullying and intimidation?

Can a US president just order security to make a pit stop? I thought all of their movements were planned in advance. Wouldn't security want to search Hansen's house before she traipsed in there without an invite?

7 hours ago, deaja said:

Why would she be upset that Dimitri dated someone when they were apart and thought they would never see each other again?

She wasn't upset that he dated; she said she was glad he had someone. She was mad that he lied about it. I thought she should have politely but coolly said goodbye and walked away when:


[STEVIE]: don't tell me that you were alone.

[DIMITRI]: No, but-but I was. I mean, yes, we were we were together a few times, - but it meant nothing. 

I keep thinking of when Stevie asked Blake for relationship advice a few episodes back, and Blake wisely said that she was in love with the image of Dmitri that had been in her head for the last few years, and if they lived together, she'd discover things about him that bothered her. Each episode since has shown this happening. So I hope the finale shows Blake is broken up with his friend (or is it fiance?), and Blake and Stevie stroll off into the sunset laughing together companionably --and we will never have to see whether or not Blake decides he's only interested sexually in men, because he and Stevie could still live together if that happened, right?

7 hours ago, HurricaneVal said:

Russell might be a tough dried up old DC egg, he's still got a soft gooey center.

I love this description.

2 hours ago, Netfoot said:


Oh, @Netfoot, dear, I am so glad I was never your kindergarten teacher.

1 hour ago, Florinaldo said:

Does she see herself as the Wonder Woman of political dialectics?

Why yes, I do believe she is, and we shall soon see the evil politicians' verbal barbs bouncing off of her cuff links.

9 hours ago, buckboard said:

I keep thinking, when she has these private meetings with Senator Prison Break, why isn't she taping their conversations?  He threatens her with impeachment if she won't resign.  He doesn't want a woman president.  It's obviously political  (and personal animosity) rather than fact based.

I don't know if it's even legal to tape a conversation, but even if you can't use it in court or a hearing, other senators or the media might be interested.  Maybe give it as a scoop to the reporter she put in jail?

It wouldn't help as there are too many people who believe as he does or acquiesce to them. It would end up hurting her in the end. They'd spin it. 

8 hours ago, deaja said:

Why would she be upset that Dimitri dated someone when they were apart and thought they would never see each other again?  

She didn't seem surprised or angry that he'd dated someone, just that he claimed (or in a non-denial denial sort of way) say that he was alone there making it seem like he'd met virtually nobody socially, let alone a women he had a romantic relationship with. 

3 hours ago, Florinaldo said:

As for Henry, he let the committee chairman steamroll over him with accusations of ruining Dimitri's life, without replying that the Congressman was himself responsible for exposing sensitive details about Dimitri's personal life on national TV.

Putting out that sensitive info didn't ruin D's life in the Congressman's POV. Turning D into a burned asset who now owes the McCord's his and his sister's life is what ruined it. BTW, this is all according to the GOP POV. 

9 hours ago, buckboard said:

I keep thinking, when she has these private meetings with Senator Prison Break, why isn't she taping their conversations?  He threatens her with impeachment if she won't resign.  He doesn't want a woman president.  It's obviously political  (and personal animosity) rather than fact based.

I don't know if it's even legal to tape a conversation, but even if you can't use it in court or a hearing, other senators or the media might be interested.  Maybe give it as a scoop to the reporter she put in jail?

I just Googled it, and in Washington DC only one person has to be aware of a recording for it to be legal. 

Senator Prison Break would probably try and spin it as a symbol of her being evil though. 

8 hours ago, deaja said:

Stevie was a little too insulted about the nepotism angle, in my opinion.  If she weren't the SoS' daughter, would she have been able to go to Russell for the letter? Highly doubtful. Just like Henry may have the skills to be the ethics advisor, but let's not act (directed at the McCords here) like it had nothing to do with him being married to Elizabeth.

Stevie wouldn't have been able to go to Russell for the letter, no. She impressed Russell by saving his life, and then continued to impress him in the job, but it all started because her mom got her a meeting. She is always going to have doors open to her that others don't because her mom is/was SoS and now president. It doesn't mean Elizabeth is calling people demanding they give Stevie a job, it is just how the world works. That's not corruption and certainly isn't illegal. Stevie is an adult and she has to work somewhere.

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13 hours ago, buckboard said:

I keep thinking, when she has these private meetings with Senator Prison Break, why isn't she taping their conversations?  He threatens her with impeachment if she won't resign.  He doesn't want a woman president.  It's obviously political  (and personal animosity) rather than fact based.

I don't know if it's even legal to tape a conversation, but even if you can't use it in court or a hearing, other senators or the media might be interested.  Maybe give it as a scoop to the reporter she put in jail?

According to Google, DC is one party consent - only one person in the convo has to consent

11 hours ago, shapeshifter said:

Why yes, I do believe she is, and we shall soon see the evil politicians' verbal barbs bouncing off of her cuff links.

I am sure that the writers want us to see her as the "Wonder Woman of political dialectics", but they have not really demonstrated it. She remains excellent in international politics and can still cut the mustard with the other world leaders.

But on the national front she is a very Pollyanna figure who does not seem to understand how PR is involved in her administration's every move and statement, nor is she apparently very aware of how the big Washington machine really works.

Of course, I am sure that by some turn of fate (or of script-writing) she will suddenly find her mojo while appearing before the committee and will turn Congress, the nation and the whole sentient universe in her favour.

Edited by Florinaldo
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I imagine Stevie's former beau (the nerdy guy) is thanking his lucky stars that she dumped him.  I wonder though, in all this ruckus, why would she meet Dmitri in such a public place?  Anyone with a good boom mike could be a block away and pick up everything they say. No, nothing incriminating was said, but any of the myriad of scandal shows would pick that up in a hurry just for filler.

Senator PrisonBreak came off as almost a proto-fascist in his closing statement to Bess about "When you are gone, you will be replaced by a true leader..."  It's obvious that he covets the job, but I think he's got more in mind, and that could come to the fore in the next few episodes.

Yeah, Congressman Foster Brooks better have a good reason for his actions, or he just lost an ally in the White House.

Bess's threat to expose the Russian President's corruption felt almost laughingly hollow, because Russia has always been such a leader in democracy.  I'm sure an opponent would just rise up, rally the people, and have him cast out in the next election.

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On 11/25/2019 at 10:04 PM, shapeshifter said:

I keep thinking of when Stevie asked Blake for relationship advice a few episodes back, and Blake wisely said that she was in love with the image of Dmitri that had been in her head for the last few years, and if they lived together, she'd discover things about him that bothered her. Each episode since has shown this happening. So I hope the finale shows Blake is broken up with his friend (or is it fiance?), and Blake and Stevie stroll off into the sunset laughing together companionably --and we will never have to see whether or not Blake decides he's only interested sexually in men, because he and Stevie could still live together if that happened, right?

Blake has stated he is bisexual. We aren't waiting to see whether or not he decides about his sexuality - he already has.

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He was the lead in the series Prison Break a few years ago.  He got himself tatted up with all the details of the prison, and then got himself arrested, convicted, and sent to that prison where is brother was being unfairly (of course) held.  And then they went off to find the real killers and battle assorted big bads and side plots.

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9 hours ago, Netfoot said:

I've deleted the episode so I can't go back and check, so:

What was that ridiculous university qualification Stevie claimed to have been awarded?

She said she had a degree in social justice law. It wouldn't surprise me if some school actually had that as a major. There are some crazy majors out there.

On 11/26/2019 at 9:50 PM, secnarf said:
On 11/25/2019 at 9:04 PM, shapeshifter said:

So I hope the finale shows Blake is broken up with his friend (or is it fiance?), and Blake and Stevie stroll off into the sunset laughing together companionably --and we will never have to see whether or not Blake decides he's only interested sexually in men, because he and Stevie could still live together if that happened, right?

Blake has stated he is bisexual. We aren't waiting to see whether or not he decides about his sexuality - he already has.

Sorry, that part of my post was haphazardly worded and punctuated.  I was trying to imply that the writers might have Blake unrealistically decide he is no longer bisexual, but is instead Stevie’s true Prince Charming —but now I realize it would not be necessary for him to morph for that role anyway. 
I do hope they pull a surprisingly excellent series finale out of this mess. Come on, writers, you can do it! And it would be good for your résumés! 

Edited by shapeshifter

Dear writers, producers, and who ever else is responsible for this  final season - you suck at your day job. What the heck made you think drawing from the RW  for this storyline would make for a satisfying final  season.  

look, I admit I found Kat annoying.  However she, Jay, Matt, Daisy and Ali all had sparks that helped the show.  
The people that are left are earnest or just plain dull.  The subject matter is earnest and dull. 

ETA:  Stevie, Dmiteo was shopped off to Alaska.  A few dates with a woman doesn’t mean he lied about ‘ being alone ‘ the 3 years he was up there. He doesn’t owe you an explanation of his life up there.  Furthermore, we are supposed to believe you never checked out his social media in 3 years? 

Edited by mythoughtis
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