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S34.E12: The Right Honorable Rogan


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*sigh* Basically, just about everybody does something awful, with Rogan's maneuvering at the top. Basically, he tried to gets into a  thing with Dee, and he's scheming to get her sent to the Proving Ground. As much as I get the rationale, his ass is gonna get lit up like a Christmas tree on social media.

CT throws a mission in the crappiest way possible. Great, now he's going back to shit he did in The Inferno and Gauntlet III. Of course, when Josh blubbers about how CT sucks, I want Josh to STFU. And there's TJ bitching on the sideline. I don't care what he thinks. He has no real authority.

Cara Maria is still the bitterest Betty of them all. At this rate, I'm thinking she gets booed at the Reunion. Jordan and Tori figure it'll be a year until their wedding . . . so I'm thinking mid-2020. You think Cara might bury the hatchet and get an invite? I think Turbo might show up at the reception . . . dropping a dead yak at the feet of the newlyweds, telling them they can get meat and warm clothing from the carcass, and then he walks away.

Honestly, CT has balls. "Awright, we're gonna kick things off after I shot the team in the foot. All those for Tori? [hands raised] Awesome. I hear a buffet calling me." Once again: he doesn't come off well this week. Only reason I can think of his actions being justified is if Lillie's last words to him before leaving were: "Come home with the money, or come home in a coffin."

Jenny is basically inoffensive . . . and, natch, she loses to Tori in Hall Brawl. I could see Jenny running a season, especially if she teams with Mattie. But damn, Tori just slammed into her so hard.

Shut the fuck up, Josh. Just because.

Edited by Lantern7
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Rogan is questioning if someone else has the stamina to run a Final.  I think he just wanted to quit it so wanted Dee in the elimination.

Just too chickenshit to vote her in, was going to have the USA team do his dirty work.

This is got to be the sleaziest and most despicable alliance in Challenge history.  And those who joined in won't look good or be forgotten.  That means CT, Leroy and even Killa Kam.  Thing is, it's one thing to join just to play the numbers game.  But these 3 are going out of their way to defend themselves and their sense of entitlement.

And CT tells Dee they don't think she can run the Final.  Yeah 300 pound CT and Rogan the guy who tapped out on his first ever Challenge is telling her they don't think she can run long distance.😂

The alliance let Nany in the tribunal because the next women's elimination, they will throw her in against Tori.

You just hope MTV gets a clue and changes the rule so you don't give them the blatant incentive to throw challenges.  But in past Challenges, they were making up the rules as they went along, because nobody knew what the rules exactly were and of course they hide the results so you just have to take their word that the right teams or individuals won some of the close challenges.

Previews make it appear like there will be an automatic elimination based on performance on the next challenge.  And you have Paulie appearing to blame Cara for not swimming well.  But that could be editing misdirection.

If they did get automatically eliminated, it would be hilarious.  Jordan and Tori should laugh in their faces, taunt them.

It would be too good to be true.

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On 11/14/2019 at 1:53 AM, scrb said:

You just hope MTV gets a clue and changes the rule so you don't give them the blatant incentive to throw challenges.  But in past Challenges, they were making up the rules as they went along, because nobody knew what the rules exactly were and of course they hide the results so you just have to take their word that the right teams or individuals won some of the close challenges.

Supposedly there is a fine for throwing a challenge, which is meant to discourage cast members from doing it. My guess is CT is counting on the “But he’s challenge legend Chris Tamburello” exception to this rule when it comes to production. From Zach’s reaction, he was stunned that they were throwing it.

Also, completely agree that Rogan was just looking for a way to drop Dee. He was never that into her. Their argument might have held some water (because Dee DID just have a full on dehydration panic attack over running a relatively short distance) if they hadn’t said that the person they’d rather bring to the final was Kayleigh. 

Cara Maria: How can I get the camera to focus on me during someone else’s engagement party? Hey, I know! That girl needs so much help. She is bitterly unhappy. 

I really disliked the side of Kam we saw tonight. I thought her actions regarding Leroy were very manipulative and her attitude was extremely possessive. The way she kept needling Leroy to say that she was his number one, not Nany, elevating herself by “granting” Nany a place in the tribunal (for which she was clear that Nany should be grateful), telling Leroy that the conversation he wanted to have with his friend was beneath him followed by what was clearly a threat that SHE had better go talk to Nany, the coy, imploring looks, climbing all over him after he had asked for space—the whole thing was just very women hating on women and fit in perfectly with my speculation last week about Nany’s frustration with Leroy. Oh, and of course the classic, “if I don’t want you talking to Leroy a certain way, you're not going to.”  Actually Kam, how Nany speaks to Leroy is between them, especially given their decade of friendship. It was such a controlling statement under the guise of “being protective.” If the genders were reversed, and a guy was trying to prevent his girlfriend from speaking to a long time male friend just because new guy didn’t like him, we’d all agree it was gross behavior. (Cough, Paulie, Cough). 

I laughed at Tori’s frustration that her new team, like her old team, refused to be impressed by her self touted amazing athletic skills. It’s pretty funny to see Jordan and Tori’s “big move” to switch sides to punish team USA backfire so spectacularly.

Edited by Jillibean
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1 hour ago, Jillibean said:

Supposedly there is a fine for throwing a challenge, which is meant to discourage cast members from doing it. My guess is CT is counting on the “But he’s challenge legend Chris Tamburello” exception to this rule when it comes to production. From Zach’s reaction, he was stunned that they were throwing it..

1. If it's true, the fine isn't big enough. 2. So basically, Chris Tamburello IS Keith Hernandez? 3. I imagine Coral at home watching the episode. "Throwing the mission? Oh, yeah, because that worked out gangbusters for you the two other times you did it!"

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Laurel was on Reality Steve's podcast not too long ago and she did say there is a provision in their contract about throwing challenges. But she also seemed to say if you don't admit that's what you are doing you can get away with it. Which is why I was surprised it was so blatant in this episode.  

Also,  I'm just increasingly disappointed in Cara. Her inability to be happy for Tori, who seems to be an objectively nice person, was astounding. I don't think Cara can separate the game from real life. Probably because this game IS her entire life. 

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I thought it was so funny that Tori was so bittercakes about her new team not valuing her "experience" that she was the only member of the team who had been to a final. If that had mattered to her new team they wouldn't have thrown in Georgia. 

Rogan has no room to talk as he is whined and pleaded like a little bitch when there was a possibility he's be put into the Proving Grounds (does this remind anyone else of the Great British Bake Off?) and he's still there while far better players (Theo) are gone. 

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Just now, TresGatos said:

I thought it was so funny that Tori was so bittercakes about her new team not valuing her "experience" that she was the only member of the team who had been to a final. If that had mattered to her new team they wouldn't have thrown in Georgia. 

Maybe she meant she was the only member of the team that completed a final mission? 

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I hope the final isn’t teams, because team UK has zero chance to win with Kayleigh,Dee,CT,?and Rogan. All 4 are liabilities if the final is endurance based. 

I’m sickened at the thought of Cara and Paulie winning, which will absolutely happen if it’s a team final. Cara is the worst. Lower than Johnny. She’s completely miserable. Whoever said she can’t separate the game from reality is absolutely correct. I believe it was explained by Wes or some other cast member about why they consider her to be so annoying that all Cara ever talks about is the game. The other contestants will be sitting around the house talking about their lives and Cara will only discuss the game. 

Rogan,CT, and Joss are fucking morons. They just threw a challenge with the express purpose of getting rid of their worst competitor, only to turn around and have their two best females go into elimination. They do realize they are late in the game and any alliance with Cara and Paulie is pretty much useless, right? CT has fallen so far. Okay, so you may be in a final because of floating by, but your team has no chance at winning because you did Cara’s bidding. 

At this point I hope they find a way to turn it into a pairs final. Rig it so you can have Jordan and Tori vs Cara and Paulie. Because that’s the only storyline left. 







There’s your pairs final. Completely pulled out of thin air, but it at least is more suspenseful than team US vs UK, which will be a complete wipe out  


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1 hour ago, ImpinAintEasy said:

Cara is the worst. Lower than Johnny. She’s completely miserable.

One word: Bear.

Seriously, at least Cara Maria hasn't been caught robbing cradles. Bear is a vile, self-promoting, thuggish shit, and BMP execs probably get boners when they see him. Even with all the drama attached to these people, Bear makes it worse.

How funny would it be if CT brought up his kid for his recent moves. "Hey, Tony and Brad ain't here doing that, so why not me? This is where the franchise is goin', right? Whatever . . . I'm still a better Masshole than 'Boston Rob'."

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Rogan is the worst for trying to get Dee thrown into elimination, but I’m not surprised based on how cutthroat these people are. 

Cara looked really bad not celebrating Tori and Jordan’s engagement with everyone else. Even Paulie showed up! I’ll cut her some slack though because if I was in her position, I probably wouldn’t have wanted to be there either.

Tori thinks very highly of herself and just her personality in general is annoying. Plus, how many times is Jordan going to wear that purple shirt with all those holes he probably cut himself?!

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Damn Nany looked incredible in that red dress.  I mean I always thought she was pretty but she was next level in that red dress.

So Rogan let me get this straight, you want to get rid of Dee because she is weak but you want to keep Kayleigh around.  Kayleigh who is probably the weakest player on the team. 

I felt for Leroy, he really was in a no win situation.

I refuse to make my weekly, what the hell happened to Cara post.  Well I just did but whatever...

  • Love 3
12 hours ago, BK1978 said:

Damn Nany looked incredible in that red dress.  I mean I always thought she was pretty but she was next level in that red dress.


12 hours ago, BK1978 said:

I felt for Leroy, he really was in a no win situation.

Is it faint praise when I say that I was impressed he wasn’t getting off on Nany and Kam yelling at each other?

  • Love 2
13 hours ago, BK1978 said:

Damn Nany looked incredible in that red dress.  I mean I always thought she was pretty but she was next level in that red dress.

So Rogan let me get this straight, you want to get rid of Dee because she is weak but you want to keep Kayleigh around.  Kayleigh who is probably the weakest player on the team. 

Agree and agree. Rogan's reasoning made no sense. I don't care for Dee but I felt bad for her when she was crying.

Cara is so miserable,

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Cara is soooo jealous!!!  Even accusing them of setting it up.  I think their reactions were incredibly genuine.  I can't find the episode 11 thread, I thought it was crazy even Paulie yelled at her.  I hope she gets her ass chewed at the Reunion.  She's turned into such a dick. I used to love rooting for her underdog self.  I am very happy for Tori and Jordan for the moment.  All the players are annoying so I take their sometimes pompous personalities with a grain of salt. 

I've said it before and I'll say it again!  LeRoy will never win a final because he can't play his own game.

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Just wanted to reiterate the Rogan is a dick.  I was already not a fan when he basically cried and begged and promised his first born to not get sent into an elimination, and I roll my eyes every single time he does a talking head and tried to make himself seem like a master puppeteer pulling strings in the game when we can see that other folks are the ones who came up with the plan.  But to hatch a plan to get rid of Dee and not have the balls to do it himself is some pussy-chicken shit.  Also, Dee didn't pass out because she's out of shape, she passed out because she had heat stroke, which can happen to anyone.  Rogan, on the other hand, gassed the fuck out on a long-distance run in his first game.  He's the bigger liability to the team.

Every time Josh starts blabbering about how it's not fair or right that other people on team US are voting for their own, strong team members, I want to throw a shoe at his head.  You're the one that started it, dummy; blame yourself.  As much as I hate Cara Maria and Paulie, they didn't start that shit.  Josh was fine with that strategy when he thought it was getting him in with Johnny, Laurel and the other "cool kids".  He didn't anticipate how quickly it would backfire.  But now, they're the awful ones and how dare they.  Get the fuck outta here Josh.  Yes, they're awful, but not because of this.   

All I could think during the scenes with Kam and LeRoy was "I can see why that relationship didn't work."  Wow was she unrelenting and manipulative.  I also don't understand why LeRoy was riding so hard for Nani.  She's been treating him like shit because he chose to look out for himself.  It's not LeRoy's fault she can't ride Johnny's dick to the final.

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1 hour ago, luckyroll3 said:

Also, Dee didn't pass out because she's out of shape, she passed out because she had heat stroke, which can happen to anyone.  Rogan, on the other hand, gassed the fuck out on a long-distance run in his first game.  He's the bigger liability to the team.

I think his biggest problem with her was that she wouldn't work on her problem with water. I also thought that they said in his first challenge he just had a recent back injury.

None of these people are nice or likeable. They are all famewhores and put the added incentive of big money in front of them and they will do just about anything. 

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16 minutes ago, xfuse said:

I think his biggest problem with her was that she wouldn't work on her problem with water. I also thought that they said in his first challenge he just had a recent back injury.

None of these people are nice or likeable. They are all famewhores and put the added incentive of big money in front of them and they will do just about anything. 

He just wanted to stop hooking up with her, especially after they leave the Challenge.

That is why he wanted to put her in the elimination rather than Kayleigh.  Or himself, if he's being honest.

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On 11/15/2019 at 3:46 PM, Lantern7 said:


Is it faint praise when I say that I was impressed he wasn’t getting off on Nany and Kam yelling at each other?

I am surprised he wasn't, I mean what straight guy wouldn't want two beautiful women arguing over him?

On 11/16/2019 at 9:49 AM, luckyroll3 said:

Every time Josh starts blabbering about how it's not fair or right that other people on team US are voting for their own, strong team members, I want to throw a shoe at his head.  You're the one that started it, dummy; blame yourself.  As much as I hate Cara Maria and Paulie, they didn't start that shit.  Josh was fine with that strategy when he thought it was getting him in with Johnny, Laurel and the other "cool kids".  He didn't anticipate how quickly it would backfire.  But now, they're the awful ones and how dare they.  Get the fuck outta here Josh.  Yes, they're awful, but not because of this. 

I also do not get how Josh is a strong team player.  What exactly has he done to warrant such a moniker?  It is not like he is an elite athlete.

Edited by BK1978
Because I am stupid and put to instead of two...

On any other week, I'd have been outraged at what Rogan did, but honestly, Survivor set my standards for Men Behaving Badly this week, so this barely raised my ire. I'm a little surprised Rogan would be that cavalier about it, but I guess he was more confident with Paulie backing him. But no surprise, he's a dick. Even less of a surprise that he's a coward who backed out of it -- maybe because he wanted to see if he could keep getting laid? Every time he said "I have feelings for her" I mentally added "below the waist."

My favorite part this week was Ashley giving Dee a pep talk, all "boys are stupid, go steal their money." Well, not exactly that, but that was what I heard. I hope this puts an end to Dee mooning over Rogan, and I get that the close quarters must do weird things to your brain, but ugh, the last thing I needed to see this week is "let's gang up on a girl for fun and profit."

I also thought that was a very poorly designed daily challenge. They seemed to think that the defender could stay up there to fight multiple people, but the beam was so narrow, that ... was never going to happen. Then it turned into a cakewalk for the remaining team members (as long as they could keep their balance). But this isn't the first poorly designed challenge this year (the tilting army crate challenge with the puzzle comes to mind), so MTV definitely lacks CBS' "challenge testing" budget. Ironic, since that's literally the name of the show, but oh well.

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On 11/16/2019 at 9:49 AM, luckyroll3 said:

Just wanted to reiterate the Rogan is a dick.  I was already not a fan when he basically cried and begged and promised his first born to not get sent into an elimination, and I roll my eyes every single time he does a talking head and tried to make himself seem like a master puppeteer pulling strings in the game when we can see that other folks are the ones who came up with the plan.  But to hatch a plan to get rid of Dee and not have the balls to do it himself is some pussy-chicken shit.  Also, Dee didn't pass out because she's out of shape, she passed out because she had heat stroke, which can happen to anyone.  Rogan, on the other hand, gassed the fuck out on a long-distance run in his first game.  He's the bigger liability to the team.

Every time Josh starts blabbering about how it's not fair or right that other people on team US are voting for their own, strong team members, I want to throw a shoe at his head.  You're the one that started it, dummy; blame yourself.  As much as I hate Cara Maria and Paulie, they didn't start that shit.  Josh was fine with that strategy when he thought it was getting him in with Johnny, Laurel and the other "cool kids".  He didn't anticipate how quickly it would backfire.  But now, they're the awful ones and how dare they.  Get the fuck outta here Josh.  Yes, they're awful, but not because of this.   

All I could think during the scenes with Kam and LeRoy was "I can see why that relationship didn't work."  Wow was she unrelenting and manipulative.  I also don't understand why LeRoy was riding so hard for Nani.  She's been treating him like shit because he chose to look out for himself.  It's not LeRoy's fault she can't ride Johnny's dick to the final.

Yes to all of this.

If I had been in Leroy's situation when Nany and Kam were arguing about him, I would have simply left the room, lol. That shit made me so uncomfortable, and I wasn't even there!

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18 hours ago, Eolivet said:

I also thought that was a very poorly designed daily challenge. They seemed to think that the defender could stay up there to fight multiple people, but the beam was so narrow, that ... was never going to happen. Then it turned into a cakewalk for the remaining team members (as long as they could keep their balance). But this isn't the first poorly designed challenge this year (the tilting army crate challenge with the puzzle comes to mind), so MTV definitely lacks CBS' "challenge testing" budget. Ironic, since that's literally the name of the show, but oh well.

I initially misunderstood what was going on with that challenge.  I thought once the defender was knocked off they would be able to return for the next person in the lineup.  I am not sure if I was stupid, or half paying attention, or TJ did a shit job of explaining how the challenge was going to go.

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