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So there was a new episode this past week--a "Fourth of July" episode (June 29th airing)--although you can tell the episode was actually filmed in late April, since the main plot of it surrounds the 2014 Boston Marathon.


Anyway, it appears they finally got more of the 9 kids to appear than the two famous ones, and the one non-famous restaurant owner.  

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They need to stop with the contrived Drama and Nacho appearances. A little bit from those two goes a LONG, LONG way. I'd rather see the Wahlburg siblings than the two annoying hangers-on. Stop trying to turn these two into the Wahlburger's version of Uncle Si, the quirky relative who now monopolizes every episode of DD. 


And I hate to say that seeing them on Wahlburgers and now seeing what the REAL guys are like, has kinda ruined Entourage for me. 

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What bothered me is that one of the brothers (Arthur) was RIGHT next to Mark at the picnic table during the last scenes and...they don't mention him at all.  How is that even possible? 

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What bothered me is that one of the brothers (Arthur) was RIGHT next to Mark at the picnic table during the last scenes and...they don't mention him at all.  How is that even possible? 

There appear to be levels of which kid allows what.  Obviously the show is based around Paul mainly, with Mom Alma, Mark, and Donnie having big roles, and those morons Drama and Nacho reoccurring (and now probably we'll be seeing more of the super-annoying Jenny McCarthy).  One of the sisters is dead, we know that. And we saw confessional interviews now with two more brothers.  


It seems like it's mainly the sisters who don't want to be on camera at all (maybe that one brother left over simply doesn't want to speak on camera).


And apparently there are three half-sibs as well (who are all older than any of Alma's kids, and since they are through the father bear the Wahlberg last name).  No idea if Alma tolerates them around or not, or if they have enough of a place in the lives of Paul, Donnie or Mark to be in the background of some of these shots.

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And apparently there are three half-sibs as well (who are all older than any of Alma's kids, and since they are through the father bear the Wahlberg last name).

There are half siblings who I don't think Donnie or Mark have ever acknowledged but they do look similar as well.  Arthur has been mentioned here and there before in the show hence my wonder. 

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I could only stand to watch the first two episodes of the show and was never interested in eating at Wahlburgers, though I go to the Shipyard a few times a year--I'd heard the food wasn't great, though from what I can tell reviews have gotten better. But last weekend, my husband and I were at the Shipyard and decided to have lunch there. It was really good, better than I'd expected. I got a burger, my husband got a fish sandwich, and we shared sweet potato tots. We weren't hungry enough to try the shakes or other sides, but they looked and smelled great. If the food weren't enough to bring us back, and it was, the service would have been. Just top notch. We'll go back. 

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If this new season focuses on those 2 goofballs, I'm out.  I've already had to limit my viewing of other shows thanks to douchey "characters" placed by TPTB in hopes "HI-larity ensues".  I find those 2 idiots so devoid of anything interesting or charming or funny in any way.  I like the W brothers and the mom and the restaurant.

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Hasn't one of the sisters done a ton of jail time? I know one passed away, but I don't know if that's the one who did the jail time or not though. From what I've read, a couple of the brothers have done jail time, besides Mark, so it's possible they all would rather not have the public prying into their lives even more than they do now. 

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Robert was seen in the July 4th special a fair amount.  


I love Donnie and Mark but my word, the anvils are falling left and right with the fake stunts and lame ideas. Though I had to laugh at Gronk's father dismissing Paul with "Maybe I'll see you at Pizza Hut."

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Can't wait to see how they explain the lack of his brother or MOTHER. I could see it's easy enough to claim Mark is out of town for work, but I've read Alma wasn't attending because she doesn't fly. Uh? She's in Mass, the wedding was in NY. Send a car for her. It's pretty obvious Mark and his wife don't like Jenny, bet the mom doesn't either. 

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Please no more Drama or Nacho. they are ruining this show. I will quit watching for sure


OMG, seriously.  I always have to FF though them.  And most of Mark, too, for that matter, since he's mostly with them.  And even when he's not, he's just too painfully aware of the cameras.


And please No more silly bad actress Jenny Mcarthy


OMG, seriously, again!  I don't even mind Jenny that much, usually, I can even be entertained by her, but that episode in London when she would NOT STOP with the terrible "English" accent...I had to turn it off.  I just couldn't with that.


This show gets one more chance with me.  I've almost had enough.

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Unfortunately, the wedding was filmed for the show. That's got to be at least one solid episode to avoid.

(sigh) And he swore up and down that they wouldn't do that.  For all the "we're not Kimye" talk they did before the wedding, it kind of seems like it.

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Right? We've known for years she's an idiot, but now I have serious doubts about him. He has 2 kids, one quite older than the younger, and I'd love to know what his kids think about her and her media nonsense. His ex wife must be laughing her ass off at him. 

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So in case we didn't all know reality tv is scripted...One of the girls Brandon takes home to Alma's house on the most recent episode?  Yea I went to high school with her and she's an actress who lives in Boston.  So yea they were never "seeing" each other, just hired to play the part, big shocker.  

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I like the Wahlburg's, especially Donny, so why do they have to script this? It's so obvious. I usually can't stand Drama but he did have ma laughing in the segment when he was auditioning for a commercial. Donny just seems so nice and cool. 

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She did show up in the London episode (along with her HORRIBLE British accent) and in a very brief Facetime conversation in the season finale.  But I wouldn't be surprised if it was.  Her appearance on Watch What Happens Live was...sad really.  And for Donnie who was very private about his personal life before he met her suddenly being ok with it saddens me.  

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OMG, seriously, again!  I don't even mind Jenny that much, usually, I can even be entertained by her, but that episode in London when she would NOT STOP with the terrible "English" accent...I had to turn it off.  I just couldn't with that.

I just caught that episode and had to turn it off too.  Poor Paul, he is the one who usually has to deal with her.  He was begging her to STFU!


Thanks Chattygal - that blind item was delicious.

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Was anyone silly like me to watch Donnie loves Jenny?


 I refuse to watch it.  Can't stand her and it makes me sad that he went from being really private about his personal life to putting EVERYTHING out there and then some.  

Edited by mtlchick
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I'm truly embarrassed for the family.  Jenny's history as a playmate  and center fold and basking in it is bad enough when you profess this great care of a young son.  But bragging about all the condoms next to their bed before marriage seems to throw it into the face of the family.  The wedding dress was beautiful but absolutely not for a bride on her wedding day.  Reminds me of Anna Marie (?) the blond who died from drug misuse about 7 yrs ago.


The dialogue was terrible in the one I watched.  "I love you so much I want to crawl into your ear and eat your eyes...etc"  Huh?  Are these people adults? 


I can see why only one member of the family plus Mom was at the wedding.  Now I see why it was so important for Donnie to have her there.  He just must be blind due to the promise of sex, sex, sex. I make a deliberate effort NOT to watch this program though I watch the reg Wahlburgers show.

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I can see why only one member of the family plus Mom was at the wedding.


To be "fair" at least one other sibling (Jim) was there as well.  But the bigger deal was Mark NOT being there along with 3 of his other siblings.  (Donnie has said that he wasn't at Mark's but I don't think Mark had ANY of his family at his wedding, so that argument is moot.)


I now avoid Twitter on Wednesdays as I cannot tolerate one second about hearing about either show.  The only upside is, the ratings for both shows are so bad that I don't see it lasting longer past this month...unless someone has blackmailed an A+E exec.  I think Mark has checked out of this ages ago. 

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I decided to this show.  I love the family dynamic of it.  It would be so much better without Johnny Drama.  He's the worst and I found myself fast forwarding anytime he was on the show.  He's far too old to be acting the way he does.  I don't think Nacho would be as bad if Drama wasn't there.  I kind of feel bad because it seems as if Nacho is just the guy they go to, to make fun of.  The eating of that divot was gross.  And then there is Jenny.  I've never seen a more annoying person on tv. 

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Ate there Saturday night (the one in Lynnfield, MA, not the flagship one on the south shore).  Just wanted a burger and onion rings -- rings (strings) were awesome.  Burger was okay.  My friend's salad looked amazing and she said it was very good (spinach - obviously very fresh ingredients, freshly sliced apple on top, etc.)


My sister ordered the Mexican coke (no corn syrup) and the waitress made a point of saying how that was Paul's thing, what he asked for if he wanted a drink.  After she left we kind of laughed at the name dropping.


The kitchen is open and I was chatting with  my sister and suddenly I saw Paul passing directly behind her head.  It's an open kitchen.  He was definitely working -- not cooking, but restocking buns, working the fryolator at one point... on the job.


But he eventually came out into the dining room and took pictures with people.  We didn't do it, and he didn't impose -- just said hi to people who obviously were jumping at the chance to talk to him.  They all seemed thrilled enough.  And then he went back to work.


So who knows how often he's there, but he was definitely working at 6 pm on a Saturday night.

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They just opened a Detroit location.  Haven't gone.  If I'm going to Greek Town, where it is located, I'm getting Greek food.  Walhburgers has 3.6 stars in Detroit.

I don't like the show and it actually makes me like Mark and Donnie so much less.  I hate watching their juvenile antics.  It's exhausting.

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If they have Jenny on one more show, me, all my family, and friends will not just not watch any more shows but will absolutely not step into a Wahlberger  Restaurant.  She is the most vulgar, loud, stupid and etc person ever.  The show tonight where she had to be told to pull up her top was the limit,  didn't seem to bother her or Donnie.  There were kids there, doesn't she have sense to dress decent for that.  But that's just how vulgar she is, nastiest mouth on tv.  Get rid of her.   Read these other replies and see I'm not the only one that feels this way.  The other Wahlbergs have to be embarrassed by her.   I would not want her anywhere around my kids if I were them.  Unreal.  

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