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Carlin and Evan: But Mostly Carlin!

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3 hours ago, Absolom said:

I hate heavy boots with dresses.  I'm not a fan of kissing the boy while the girl hangs around their feet either.

I cringed so hard when I saw the pictures of the Royals walking to church, and Sarah Ferguson had on clunky green ankle boots with a dress and matching coat. It's an awful trend when teens and 20-somethings do it, middle-aged and up is even worse. Wear a flat if you need something comfortable, ffs. 

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I'm actually finding it hard to even look at Carlin's IG. The way her kids are asked/forced to perform for the camera borders on abuse. I really get the impression those kids are ignored and treated like pests when cameras aren't involved. Even if that's not true these kids are growing up living the message that appearance and things are what's important.

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2 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

I'm actually finding it hard to even look at Carlin's IG. The way her kids are asked/forced to perform for the camera borders on abuse. I really get the impression those kids are ignored and treated like pests when cameras aren't involved. Even if that's not true these kids are growing up living the message that appearance and things are what's important.

💯. I’m convinced that the only reason Layla is SO eager to perform like a trained seal is bc it’s the ONLY time she gets C&Es attention. So she wants the cameras on - so she’s forever prattling on w princess stories or about her nails or whatever. And when the camera isn’t on, C&E are both lying on the couch with their phones and if L&Z are being unruly - here kids, have some Doritos and go back to your TV show - like basically make them zombies so they shut up.

And why all the lying Carlin? Thought your God was against that? Is it ok if it makes you a buck or projects the image you need on IG? Bc on the 21st they’re sitting in some strip mall parking lot charging the car saying we’re leaving for Nashville as soon as the car is done. Afternoon of the 25th cue the kids sitting under their own tree playing with their boring beige toys, Carlin gushing how it’s every parents dream to see their kids’ joy at Christmas - as they play on the swingset IN THEIR OWN HOME. 

So y’all came home on Christmas afternoon? lol doubt that - I’m sure you made the kids film it all before leaving and are now passing that off at Christmas, when we all know Christmas and this 10 day span is being spent with MIL waiting on you hand and foot.

She hasn’t posted a single thing from Nashville and I wonder if it’s bc of the criticism they’ve gotten in prior yrs. Where they show up for 10+ days like they’re on college break and do nothing while MIL/FIL run around cooking, cleaning up, and chasing the kids. Last yr on Christmas Day and days after when C&E just wouldn’t go home there were pics on MIL looking EXHAUSTED and in one pic sleeping hard from all the work she was doing.

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Haha - looks like it but they needed the perfect closing shot to the 2023 reel. The "highlights" in the reel included pictures of Z sitting in a diaper on the dr's table and Layla at the dentist. So if one is looking for indicators of lameness of life - does anyone think of going to the dr and getting undressed as a highlight? Though for them it is bc those YTs are $$$.

Then today's IG states the the New Years "partying" continues - cue a bunch of bored looking middle aged people sitting in a church basement watching whatever bowl game Tenn played in today. Not bashing middle aged people, I'm one of them but I certainly wasn't "partying" with them by watching TV when I was 25 or 29.

What I want to know - did MIL kick them out or let it be known that she wasn't hosting them and feeding them 3 meals a day + watching their kids 24-7 for 10 days this year? Or did she just go back to normal life ASAP on Dec 26, so her house was boring enough that they left?

Because I doubted that they were home Dec. 25 - I still think they lied about that to show it as if the kids got the playset on Christmas - but I do think they were back like Dec 26!? They were taking down the tree Dec 27 and responding to how that they got dragged last year for putting Layla down for a nap, taking it down, and then showing her it was gone making her cry and filming that; this time they made a big production of - oh it's a family event, we all take it down, let's say bye to the tree blah blah.

But then like a few days later they're on IG in their car being like these days between Christmas and NY are sooooo slow, we don't know what to do, we just HAD to get out of the house or we'd go crazy so SHOPPING . . . and then went and bought crap at Target and stuffed Layla with a cup of whipped cream from Sbux!? With Evan referencing how this was a party . . . .

I laughed bc everyone in America who ACTUALLY WORKS and is able to get Christmas through New Years off absolutely relishes that slow week to do nothing. We aren't a country with a ton of time off - it's not Italy where everyone disappears in Aug or parts of Europe where the holidays start by Dec 10-15. So normal people like the slow time, doing nothing, time with family etc.

These fools OTOH because they don't work + constantly rely on everyone else to party party, they have no idea how to occupy their time as a family. Looks like Z&W didn't give them the time of day during this break; they seemed to thoroughly enjoy Christmas at home + Zach's birthday and clearly those were family events and they weren't inviting C&E to come take them over. While Josie and Kelton do their own thing it was interesting to see how much they seemed to relish their time together - seemed like they used most of their time after Christmas trying all kinds of cooking, baking together.

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Maybe Mr. and Mrs. Stewart booked themselves on a nice vacation right after Christmas and nipped the freeloading in the bud? Very interesting though how E&C seem to be wearing out their welcome. Their visit to NJ got cut short after Travis made it clear he and Katie weren't going to play your guide, and now E&C returned to Knox immediately after the holiday. Highly unusual. 

I did see Carlin's reels and that watch party was so lame. The men looked so bored, which makes me think their wives dragged them to church. I can't imagine watching a bowl game sitting at a folding table rather than the comfort of my couch. Bless her heart though, that this is her definition of a wild time. 

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1 hour ago, BitterApple said:

Maybe Mr. and Mrs. Stewart booked themselves on a nice vacation right after Christmas and nipped the freeloading in the bud? Very interesting though how E&C seem to be wearing out their welcome. Their visit to NJ got cut short after Travis made it clear he and Katie weren't going to play your guide, and now E&C returned to Knox immediately after the holiday. Highly unusual. 

I did see Carlin's reels and that watch party was so lame. The men looked so bored, which makes me think their wives dragged them to church. I can't imagine watching a bowl game sitting at a folding table rather than the comfort of my couch. Bless her heart though, that this is her definition of a wild time. 

Looking at those bored men sitting on folding chairs, I was like uh Carlin if this was a true party party, people who be eating pizza or hoagies with a beer in hand?! I know they don’t drink but many people do even church goers but watching a game IN church forces it to be dry.

Why aren’t C&E bored hanging out with 40 yr olds? What do they have in common besides church?

You’re right this is the 2nd trip in one month that’s been really short. I mean the K&T trip, Evan was standing outside the house on Saturday crowing that they’d still be here next Saturday. Meanwhile Trav was as direct as I’ve ever seen a fundie be saying - yeah we’re not running to NYC this time, we’re hanging at home. And C&E were either sent packing by Tuesday or they got bored and left by Tuesday.

I tend to agree that maybe Mr and Mrs Stewart strategically planned a vacation or just HAD to leave on Dec 26 to see some long lost relative. And Evan’s sisters prob all magically “had to” go back to work on Dec 26 so MIL/FIL are locking up the house and leaving and there’s no sister to line up behind at Sbux so she buys my coffee, ok time to go I guess.

K&T and the Stewarts are clearly sick of the grift. Both K&T and the Stewarts actually strike me as the - more the merrier, we love having company stay - types. But when adults stay with other adults for a wk+, they cook a few meals or get takeout for everyone a few times, clean up the kitchen many times, watch and clean up after their own damn kids, take their own kids out by themselves a few times or even daily - even if just a walk or errand - so the hosts get an hr of daily peace and quiet.

Meanwhile C&E make sure MIL/FIL are responsible for 3 meals a day + chasing their brats all day, won’t even buy their own coffee let alone buy coffee or a meal for others, and had 9 mo pregnant Katie potty training 3 yr old Layla?!

And wow Layla is still tiny. She’s apparently 2 mos older than Kolter who is a head taller than her. Granted Bobby is about a half foot taller than Evan so his kids will be taller, but Kolter just looks like a school aged kid while Layla still looks like a baby at 4 yrs old. IDK if it’s height or clothing or what.

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Last Sunday Carlin posted a video of Layla with Josie's girls, and Layla is similar in size to Hazel, who's much younger versus Willow who's only slightly older (IIRC). Khloe, like Kolter, is also close in age but a full head taller. 

I know short genetics are going to produce short kids, but I have to think Layla's diet is a major factor. I've never seen a child eat so much junk. 

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It'll be interesting to see how C&E manage this next "season" of life.

The last 5 years were pretty busy with the TV show, courtship, wedding, 2 kids, BSB, the house and influencing. Never mind all the sibling weddings and babies. So chaos was built into their lives for them.

Now instead of party time, its grow up time.

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16 hours ago, Salacious Kitty said:

She tagged the boutique. Does that mean they're selling PANTS now? If Erin wasn't already out, she would have been out voted here and quit. 

They've had a category called 'athleisure' which has included sweat pants/yoga pants, etc for a while.  So, I guess Jesus is ok with pants if you pretend you only wear them when exercising.

Just now, AstridM said:

White dresses in January?

Gotta be ready for wedding season.

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14 hours ago, Heathen said:

Did she get an Angelina Jolie leg at the shop, too? 

Right? It’s not flattering and insanely over the top. 

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1 minute ago, Notabug said:

They've had a category called 'athleisure' which has included sweat pants/yoga pants, etc for a while.  So, I guess Jesus is ok with pants if you pretend you only wear them when exercising.

Gotta be ready for wedding season.

Ha! I have never looked at their website. 😂

I wonder if it's ok with fundies to wear white to a wedding as a guest? Is that still a thing?

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1 minute ago, Notabug said:

They've had a category called 'athleisure' which has included sweat pants/yoga pants, etc for a while.  So, I guess Jesus is ok with pants if you pretend you only wear them when exercising.

Gotta be ready for wedding season.

Is their version of “exercising” making drive-through runs to Sonic and Starbucks?

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From what I can gather the Clarks are still in town, staying at the Stewarts and both families have been hanging at Whit and Zach's. Of course Zach is feeding them.

It seems odd to me that the Balkas are never included. Katie and Josie were BFFs up until maybe 2 years ago. You'd think Kelton and Zach would bond over cooking and Zach's million dollar stove. What could possibly be so bad that they wouldn't all hang together for at least one dinner?

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1 hour ago, GeeGolly said:

From what I can gather the Clarks are still in town, staying at the Stewarts and both families have been hanging at Whit and Zach's. Of course Zach is feeding them.

It seems odd to me that the Balkas are never included. Katie and Josie were BFFs up until maybe 2 years ago. You'd think Kelton and Zach would bond over cooking and Zach's million dollar stove. What could possibly be so bad that they wouldn't all hang together for at least one dinner?

Honestly I think Josie & Kelton aren't interested . . . at all . . . and I think Carlin/Evan and Zach/Whit are fine with that bc in their heart of hearts, they're likely jealous of J&K. I mean I don't think it was random that Kelly's anniversary message to J&K when they were in Italy was basically taking them down a notch - condescendingly referring to their "perfect little life," and making sure to mention that their house is messy, their kids aren't well behaved, and they don't spend enough time together. I think a lot of the family envies the fact that they have real money - rather than the smoke and mirrors of driving 100k cars while hoping enough people watch their YT this week or buy a dress at their wives' store. What the family doesn't want to acknowledge however is they have $$$ bc Kelton is willing to go out there and work 40-60 hrs/wk for the money, not just make social media videos or horn in on his wife's biz so he can stay home; plus he lives frugally given the money they do have. He's the only one of these people who doesn't drive a 100k car and they've said before that they only partially renovated their house when they bought it bc they were pouring money into Kelton's biz instead. Carlin/Evan OTOH were creating excuses to buy a Tesla and Z&W couldn't fathom the idea of a stove costing less than 10k.

And to add to it, Kelton doesn't like any of these people anyway. I think he's viewed this family as trash from day 1 - which is telling that he wanted to marry a girl from such a family. But he played the game to get the girl and once he got her, it pretty much was like - yep don't need to be with your family. I mean he's at G&K's house 1-2 times/yr max - usually Christmas party and ILY Day - as if he's an out of town son in law. We NEVER see Gil at his house and while Kelly visits, it's very telling that she does so only during the day when Kelton won't be home. And Kelton's always been super tit for tat. If he is forced to spend time with her family say for a wedding or if she goes away for a bridal trip or something with her sisters, he pretty much has it planned that the moment her flight lands, they MUST do something with HIS family.

As time has gone by, she has dropped her family pretty much - I don't think she likes them much to begin with and she's probably trying to keep the peace in her marriage by being a member of HIS family. She sees her mom individually - without Kelton. And then I think as a couple they socialize with Tori bc of Kelton's bestie Bobby + Michael/Brandon bc it's hard to hate on such a Godly couple and let's be real Michael provides them a shit ton of babysitting, allowing them to jet off to Italy etc.

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At first blush I took KJ's post as a defense of Josie. Kind of like she was telling Kelton houses get messy, wives like to spend time with their husbands, and kids are kids and will act up. And I keep coming back to that thought. The post almost sounded like struggles Josie discussed with Kelly.

As far as Gil. He sucks worse as a grandpa and FIL than Kelly. It seems he only sees his kids and grandkids when they show up where he is.

I wonder if Kelton's need for control and rigidity keeps Josie from hanging with her sisters, or at least Katie. As time goes on my thoughts about him change too. Isolating a spouse from family can be a sign of abuse. That is of course if he is in fact isolating her.

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1 hour ago, Salacious Kitty said:

Michael provides everyone a shit ton of babysitting. I bet she's the only one who can actually name her nieces and nephews. I doubt Granny could do it. 

And Granny's not babysitting, either. 

Granny doesn't take care of her own damn kids, and probably hasn't since Michael was old enough to take over! 

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Personally, I don't get the impression that Kelton is rigid or controlling. Yes, he's a bible-thumping ass, but that doesn't mean he's abusive or isolates his wife from her family. My impression of Kelton has always been that he sees Josie's family as a bad influence, which is a sentiment I wholeheartedly agree with. If I were a parent, I wouldn't want my children spending a lot of time around lazy slobs like Gil or Kelly or some of the other in-laws (outlaws?). Imagine your little kid coming home from Granny's and telling you she doesn't have to wash her nasty dirty feet because they don't have to do that at Granny's house. Or that they don't have to do chores, or work if they're adults, because Grandpa and Granny don't do that or Uncle Evan and Aunt Carlin don't work. 

To each her own, of course. I don't have children, but I do have some lazy, gross, self-centered family members who I would not want around them if I did. 

Ironically, as an atheist and progressive, I would see Kelton as a bad influence and wouldn't want him around my children, except for his enviable work ethic. 

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Kids learn pretty quickly what is acceptable in their own homes. As long as my kids were safe and liked/loved by their grandparents, aunts, uncles and friends' parents, all was good. Exposure to different rules, lifestyles and such is a good thing IMO.

The Bates kids are way too young to know who is lazy, dirty or who has jobs or not. It seems to me keeping the Balka kids away from their cousins is much like what Gil and KJ did by only allowing their kids to be around other uber Fundy families.

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6 minutes ago, GeeGolly said:

Kids learn pretty quickly what is acceptable in their own homes. As long as my kids were safe and liked/loved by their grandparents, aunts, uncles and friends' parents, all was good. Exposure to different rules, lifestyles and such is a good thing IMO.

The Bates kids are way too young to know who is lazy, dirty or who has jobs or not. It seems to me keeping the Balka kids away from their cousins is much like what Gil and KJ did by only allowing their kids to be around other uber Fundy families.

In the Balka's defense, the kids spend a lot of time with Kelton's family. So they aren't totally isolated.

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6 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

Kids learn pretty quickly what is acceptable in their own homes. As long as my kids were safe and liked/loved by their grandparents, aunts, uncles and friends' parents, all was good. Exposure to different rules, lifestyles and such is a good thing IMO.

Gil and Kelly have zero interest in safety. They were both out of town when their two youngest sons started a fire in the laundry room. While it's not the other siblings job no one could say who was suppose to be watching the boys. Because no one was. Gil came home for a short visit to talk the boys' before leaving again. Then they waited months later to put up the fire alarms the firemen gave them. That was only because Nathan brought decided to do it. Not his parents' nor his other siblings though to do that. I'm sure the are more but that one sticks out to me to the most.

But at the same time I do have a feeling Kelton's isolating Josie from her family either because he's still mad at Gil and Kelly or because he's abusive or only care about what he wants? I lean more towards the last one. I'm not sure how much he takes in account what Josie wants.  They spend time with Tori and Bobby. Would they do that if Tori was married to someone else? Josie had two bad pregnancies and/or labors with both their daughters. Did he decide it was too risky and happy with their daughters? Nope, he wants a son. You would think that someone who's mother died in complications to childbirth he wouldn't want to risk his wife and leave his daughters' motherless would say no. 

Edited by andromeda331
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19 minutes ago, GeeGolly said:

I'm sorry but no one over the age of 6 should be wearing this dress.


Looks like a First Communion dress.  Or a nightgown.

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Carlin is really snake oiling this time. She's shilling a sleep supplement for kids. I'm pretty sure she said she's gives Layla a half a cup - the label says 1/2 tsp.

Mary Ruth's Liquid Nighttime Multimineral. 

  • Vegan Sleep Magnesium Supplement: Vitamin C, Vitamin D3, Calcium Citrate, Magnesium Citrate, Zinc Citrate, Selenium, Copper, Manganese, Chromium, Trace Minerals, Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM), Silicon, Dioxide, Hesperidin, Boron Citrate.


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Lulz, in Carlin's defense she did say 1/2 a tsp., but yeah I don't think I'd take medical advice from someone offering a 20% discount code. Mary Ruth is trendy lately among the Influencer crowd. Their products are really expensive, but I don't know if they're worth it or not.

I did some Googling to see if kids should even take this stuff and the first quote that popped up was "Sleep aids should never be a replacement for healthy sleep habits." There isn't one element of Layla's lifestyle (other than dance) that could be described as healthy. 

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My first thought - hopefully she’s just shilling and lying about actually giving it to her kid?? But with these people who knows.

She needs vitamin D, zinc and magnesium to help fall asleep? Is she 4 or 40?? I’ve never heard of a kid needing supplements bc they couldn’t sleep. I mean some kids are just bad sleepers but I’ve never heard of it being vitamin deficiency related.

And Carlin if you suspect it’s vitamin related - why not give the kid whole food throughout the day to see if that helps rather than just turning to pharmaceuticals? Things like spinach, salmon, meat generally, almonds/cashews (at whatever age kids can eat nuts) cover a lot of this. And maybe cut back on the kid’s sugar? Constant cake pops and donuts daily aren’t going to make it easy to wind down. I mean when they drove overnight to Katie’s last month - they took a pic of the kids in the convenience store candy aisle choosing their car snacks. For a trip where they were to sleep overnight, Layla chose and the parents allowed - some candy that was a bottle of liquid sugar??!

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4 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

Carlin is really snake oiling this time. She's shilling a sleep supplement for kids. I'm pretty sure she said she's gives Layla a half a cup - the label says 1/2 tsp.

Mary Ruth's Liquid Nighttime Multimineral. 

  • Vegan Sleep Magnesium Supplement: Vitamin C, Vitamin D3, Calcium Citrate, Magnesium Citrate, Zinc Citrate, Selenium, Copper, Manganese, Chromium, Trace Minerals, Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM), Silicon, Dioxide, Hesperidin, Boron Citrate.


And Layla is a kid with a history of heart problems. . . 😳

3 hours ago, Absolom said:

Layla needs a regular schedule including outdoor exercise time and regular normal, healthy meals before considering dubious supplements.  

And since when does Layla have any problems sleeping? Isn’t she one of the kids we see falling asleep anywhere and everywhere? Why spend $$ on a pricey “sleep” supplement then?

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My guess is that she falls asleep all over bc she isn’t getting the required amount of consistent sleep at night. Bc sleep is disrupted whenever it’s time to party party bc hey time to drive all night to Katie or Lawson is in town so midnight ice cream run and of course Layla is coming bc she’s like our college bro. And then the next day she prob works off that sleep disruption by randomly sleeping at 6 pm and oh look wide wake at bedtime so let’s party party until midnight, repeat following day.

And frankly C&E don’t want to see stuff so they make excuses. I mean when Z&W were over and Evan basically made him assemble his grill and cook everyone fried rice, Layla and Z&Ws kids were playing and Carlin pans over to Layla snoozing in the hammock and says “awww she played too hard.” Hmm funny none of Z&Ws kids played so hard with your kid that they need a nap at 6 pm. Could it be that your kid didn’t get enough sleep last night? Or enough calories thru the day?

I mean kids say crap so who knows when Layla recently said - I like dance but I get tired - gave me pause. What 3 yr old gets tired or even remembers they were tired last wk after dance or even cares about tired? Granted it could just be attention seeking but I did wonder if they give her dinner before dance or if it’s like vacation Bible school where she sat in the Tesla and polished off a huge bag of Fritos before going in.

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3 hours ago, ginger90 said:


This forum really needs an anger emoticon. Layla is nothing more than a prop to her lazy-ass, attention-whoring parents. I wonder how long it took goddamn Carlin to get the right photo for her shill. 

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Yea. Not liking this shill at all. I have three kids. My oldest is 14 and he’s the only one that “regularly” takes melatonin to go to bed. And that’s after I make him try for at least an hour with a book in bed and no screen time. My younger two (11, and 7) rarely ask for help getting to sleep but I’ll give them a small dose if they’ve tried for a few hours. We also keep on a regular schedule including bedtime at the same time every night. Dinner at the same time, wake up for school at the same time. Schedules people!!!!!!!!! They know nothing about that!  
My 11 year old, as I’ve mentioned before has a rare Congenital Heart Defect that didn’t get diagnosed until he was 10. He has had 2 heart surgeries so I’m a little anal about what I give him to help sleep and his daily routine. 

edit to add: 

with Layla saying she is tired after dance class… my heart kid was always complaining about his legs hurting or being tired after doing something and I never thought anything of it. I always brought him for his yearly checkups and it wasn’t until he turned 10 that we went in for a check up and he had sky high blood pressure. We went through kidney specialists, CT scans, echos, blood work, etc until we figured out it was his heart. There was never a murmur or anything. 

Edited by Mountainair
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I've been blessed with great sleepers. I'm the only one who has shitty sleep patterns.

What ever happened to the days of warm milk? Or a cuddle and a song? Or of course that 3rd glass of magical water, lol.

Carlin better be careful shilling children's supplements. Some poor kid may have an adverse reaction.

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On 1/13/2024 at 7:50 PM, GeeGolly said:


Mary Ruth's Liquid Nighttime Multimineral. 

  • Vegan Sleep Magnesium Supplement: Vitamin C, Vitamin D3, Calcium Citrate, Magnesium Citrate, Zinc Citrate, Selenium, Copper, Manganese, Chromium, Trace Minerals, Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM), Silicon, Dioxide, Hesperidin, Boron Citrate.


That stuff might be vegan, but it has an entire chemistry set in it.  A regular schedule and healthy food would probably solve any sleep problems Layla has.  Carlin and Evan are idiots.  

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Or as Carlin said “it’s vegan free.” Uh so it’s made of chicken and steak and eggs? Bc you could just feed your kid those things.

So it snowed in Tenn and dumb and dumber only have a snow suit for one kid and not the other. Oh and it’s supposed to snow on and off this week and they don’t have enough food at home. Apparently Gil is stopping by to take her to the store as she’s hoping snow suits aren’t sold out. And oh yeah to pick up some food too.

Doesn’t she have a headship? We know he can’t handle big things like working but can he also not handle going to the store and grocery shopping such that daddy has to come to the rescue? Kind of makes sense why they spend sooo much time with the ILs - adulting is hard.

And also given that they don’t work for real + are home 24-7, at no point this week did they turn on the local news and say hmm weather, we have little food at home, we need to grocery shop? Though what am I saying last yr they set off for Christmas at the in-laws in a storm and the 3 hr trip took like 6-7. And they happened to stop for gas at some station in Nashville and ran into Law who lives 5 min from there and when he came up to say hi, it was clear that dumb and dumber had been at each other’s throats. Apparently that didn’t teach them to somewhat keep an eye on weather in the winter?

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