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S06.E01: Into the Void


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19 hours ago, thuganomics85 said:

Welcome back, The Flash!  I want to be optimistic, but it felt like the past few seasons always start out great, but then go off the rails midway, only to barely stick the landing at the end.  Maybe this will change, finally.

That's the dream!

I really liked it, good WestAllen scenes plus nice Team Flash moments. Also I love Chester, he's so fun.

Some more thoughts:

Some great Barry and Iris scenes. Cried, cried, cried during the scene where Barry and iris finally talk especially, but also a bit during the jacket reveal at the end. Love them.

They both had different ways of dealing with it. Barry was forcing optimism, that's why it couldn't really be addressed with his character until after his outburst.

Also all this talk of them meeting another Nora one day and having children is giving me WestAllen baby feels 

I thought it was a clever way to use the jacket in the storyline. I'd kind of forgotten that Iris also has the jacket (or rather that it's her jacket to begin with)

Some funny moments, which was nice. The music bit, lol

While I feel we didn't get enough buildup for her relationship with Cisco, I like Kamilla well enough and had no problem with her being at Star Labs. She said she was there to visit Cisco plus immediately after they caught godspeed Cisco said it was time to clock out so more than likely she was there to pick up Cisco so they could go on a date or something. It was also a quick way to show she is part of and clued into his entire life.

Curious to see where they'll go with Cisco. I wonder if hearing about the upcoming crisis will make him doubt his decision.

While what they set up with Frost doesn't entirely track since in season 4 there was an episode where Caitlin felt insecure because she felt like some in the team liked hanging out with KF more than her (baking sodaaaaa), I didn't really mind.

When KF started appearing when Ramsey held Caitlin's hand I though maybe KF liked Ramsey, but Caitlin said it had been happening all summer.

Loved Ralph's entrance. So it seems Sue is missing. I wonder if she is a meta?

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On 10/9/2019 at 2:27 PM, adora721 said:

I hope they're not

  Reveal spoiler

bringing back Wally just to have him die in Barry's place. That would be so awful and stereotypical. If it's between Wally and Jay, I say Jay should go; sorry JWS.😪

Much of the reviews are very positive for this S6 premiere. 

They are talking

bringing Wally back AFTER the crossover, so I don't think that's it.  Plus I don't think Eric Wallace would do such a thing because that's awful.

And for Crisis and Barry dying - why not just use a time remnant?

On 10/9/2019 at 3:07 PM, Samwise979 said:

I was thinking of Heroes (his character name on that show was Suresh) but yes, he did inject himself with something on beauty and beast too didn't he! Lmao!

Ohhh!! Haha that's right he did do that on Heroes... it's now a running gag!


Re-watch thoughts:

The MAC: so they used it to solve this week's problem, but why does Barry need an extra machine to do speed thinking, anyway?

I noticed the guy that Ramsey bought the gun from was the same guy who was a black market weapons dealer in the "Goldfaced" episode last season.

And... Chester is the self insert for Eric Wallace?

Shallow: Carlos' hair is so long now! As long as Wallace is granting wishes, how about they let him grow his beard, please.

Edited by Trini
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9 hours ago, RedVitC said:

Curious to see where they'll go with Cisco. I wonder if hearing about the upcoming crisis will make him doubt his decision.

The thing is that the unpowered members of team Flash aren't in any less danger than the powered ones. In fact, the unpowered are at a disadvantage. However, I don't think they're less important to the team's success. 

I really don't follow Cisco's logic about taking the cure if he was going to remain on team Flash. And Cisco's not really working any less either. As a member of team Flash, he's still at the forefront of danger. Only now, he has given up a significant weapon to protect himself and others.

Edited by adora721
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On 10/8/2019 at 9:03 PM, Jediknight said:

It's a universal fact, there isn't much that can't be improved by Queen.

That was the highlight of the episode for me.  I was thinking that either they had an urge to spend some extra money for the music rights, or they felt compelled to play it because they had seen the Bohemian Rhapsody movie.

I thought it was kind of funny early on when they said something along the lines of "Oh well, Nora's gone, but we'll have another Nora someday".  But then later they were more upset about it, so it was okay.

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"The Inside Story on Cisco's Super-Perfect Needle Drop"


“I’ve had the idea [to use ‘Flash’s Theme’] for a couple of years now,” Wallace shares with TVLine. “That line that Cisco says, ‘I’ve been waiting five years!’? Well, I’ve been waiting five years, too, waiting for the perfect moment. And what better than a premiere, in which The Flash essentially gets to go into outer space — even if it’s just for 10 seconds.”

 ... “I used as much of it as we could, quite frankly,” says Wallace. “If I could afford it, we would have scored the entire episode to Queen music. But that’s a bit out of our budget.”

But hearing from pleased viewers will more than offset any licensing costs for the flashy tune. “I really hope the audience has a fun reaction,” Wallace says, “because I think it’s a fun moment.”

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On 10/5/2019 at 9:38 PM, adora721 said:

Just merge them into one already. Neither is interesting separately and it seems like a sick, twisted version of a narcissitic relationship with oneself. If he's trying to turn them into Hulk and Banner, it won't work.

A part of me wants them literally separated. 😂 It’s not hard to do on these comic book shows. Maybe Crisis will merge the two forever? Because it is annoying. Killer Frost just isn’t cool anymore. Pun intended. 

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9 hours ago, Trini said:

I wish the Monitor had given an explanation for why the Crisis date got moved up. If they didn't give one here, then I don't think they're going to give one at all.

They probably don't want to explicitly blame Nora. It is pretty clear that her time traveling shenanigans are responsible for bringing the crisis forward.

Edited by SimoneS
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20 hours ago, Trini said:

And... Chester is the self insert for Eric Wallace?

LOL, I'm glad someone else said it. 

On 10/5/2019 at 8:38 PM, adora721 said:

Just merge them into one already. Neither is interesting separately and it seems like a sick, twisted version of a narcisstic relationship with oneself. If he's trying to turn them into Hulk and Banner, it won't work.


I've never been a fan of either character, but this is another level of pandering and disgusting.

Edited by Katsullivan
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"I didn't know you wanted to live a life"

"So how does one go about living a life?"

What were these lines? This is just another example that these writers really don't remember anything regarding Caitlin/Killer Frost from the previous seasons.

Anybody remember 4x09? In that episode, they told us that Killer Frost hangs out with the others. She went to burning man and stuff. in 4x05, Killer Frost said she is awake when Caitlin's sleep. Both of those instances told us that Killer Frost already has a life.

So again, what were these lines?

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I noticed this on my first watch and again on rewatch, but I really loved how they showed just how smart Iris is; her deductive reasoning skills were on display in mutiple scenes. She even provided the reference to "Ghostbusters" at the junkyard with Cisco's hazmat suit. In other seasons, the writing implied that Iris isn't familiar with any genre movies, which I found hard to believe since she grew up with Barry.

 I hope that display of intelligence doesn't disappear when the latest Wells arrives to suck all intelligence out of the room.

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4 hours ago, TV Anonymous said:

Queen's Flash? WTF? That Flash refers to Flash Gordon, not The Flash. Completely different comic characters. Well, this viewer is not pleased. Imagine if any Star Trek show plays Imperial March in one of its episode.

The lyrics still fit, and very well I might add.

Except for the part with the sound bites from the movie, but I don't believe they played that part.

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Dude, that song was soooo appropropriate. I had closed captioning on and even though I'd heard the song a ton of times, nothing really resonates after the 'Flash Ah-Ahh' part and great music.  But the lyrics came up in CC and... again.. so appropriate:

Flash! Ah-ah
King of the impossible

He's for every one of us
Stand for every one of us
He saves with a mighty hand
Every man, every woman
Every child, it's the mighty Flas

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Good premiere. I'm still upset with last seasons decision to depower Cisco but I do feel like he is more present this season which was seriously lacking before. I just don't understand why they couldn't just have him decide to stop using his powers? Taking the serum is too permanent for someone who loved having them and who's power was really useful but alas.

So happy we are getting more group activities outside of Star Labs. I thought the meta was really cool and interesting. Hope we see more of him.

Really excited to see Barry and Iris have real conversations. I thought Iris describing wanting to the black hole to suck her up as well when it took Nora's jacket to be really well done. I hope we drove more into Barry's feelings about Nora as the season goes. He's being a bit of a stepford smiler lately.

I genuinely just can't with the Caitlin/Killer frost stuff. Please just make her merge with herself so we can be done with this split personality stuff. 

And Mohinder is on the flash now lol. The was literally nothing different about this character. Like at all.

Edited by blugirlami21
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On 10/8/2019 at 11:26 PM, tennisgurl said:

God Monitor, read the freaking room! Just come right in and tell the parents mourning their daughter who was destroyed in time travel related circumstances that everything is about to get a billion times worse for them why dont you while pointing and laughing why dont you! If you have to show up at random times and just tell people how screwed everyone is, maybe give them some actually helpful information instead of just being vague and threatening and then just fucking off? The guy is like the Debbie Downer of the multiverse.

The Montior is one of those characters who could probably kill the plot by simply telling people things outright. Instead they refuse either to tell anyone anything for no real reason or are incredibly vague about what little they DO say, which only makes sense after the fact (if at all) rather than when it would have actually been helpful. All to manipulate everybody into doing very specific things to solve the plot that they either would have done anyway or wouldn't have needed to do in the first place if they had just been told what to do in plain simple english.

It's also great for making characters sound all wise when they tell people vague stuff that later on just so happens to apply to their situation, when the reality is they actually said total nonsense that could've applied to anything.

On 10/8/2019 at 11:26 PM, tennisgurl said:

I liked that we didnt really have a villain of the week, just a comic book science experiment gone wrong. That way we could focus on more fun character stuff, like the BBQ, complete with Joe and Iris in adorable matching hats, and everyone dealing with the fall out from last season.

Except for the Fourth Godspeed, who happened to have gone a whopping 750 miles an hour! WOW! It's not like Barry was passing those speeds in SEASON ONE and has literally become hundreds of times faster than that since or anything. Of course Barry has to endanger everybody and cause massive property damage fooling around catching the guy instead of stopping him in literally less than a second.

I know I know, TV, but at least add a couple zeroes to that speed so that it's in an orbit where Barry has to sweat a little.

On 10/9/2019 at 2:24 AM, Trini said:

(Plus, they had yet another mention of her OTP, Ronnie. Can’t we get him back somehow?)

Incidentally, said mention happened to occur during an episode where the main threat was runaway black holes, which is what killed Ronnie (which I think they even used basically the CGI effect for) and had the resolution be about going inside black holes to retrieve something. Coincidence?

Most likely, sadly enough.

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