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S06.E01: Say Goodbye

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Annalise struggles with the toll that Laurel and Christopher's disappearances have taken on everyone; Oliver, Frank and Bonnie disagree on the possible reasons behind Laurel's disappearance; Tegan handles the aftermath of Emmett's apparent poisoning.

Airdate: Thursday, September 26, 2019

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Yeah I feel like it was actually real - though I was a bit unsure at first with the fake funeral earlier in the episode. I couldn't decide if it was a callback/full circle type of thing or just another fakeout, but I think they will actually go through with it. Unless it is a real funeral, but she isn't really dead - after all, we only saw the image, not her actual dead body in the casket. She could be faking her death to cover up some other murder and gain her freedom from her whole life.

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I really don't think she's dead. I think Annalise is either going to be in witness protection or with the help of someone/the gang she is going to move elsewhere & assume a new id. The woman who was her roommate at rehab is either helping out the FBI or she's helping out Gabriels mom. I'm still hoping against hope that Tegan is good. I just love her too much! Can't wait to see the rest of the season. I still hate that it's ending. 

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25 minutes ago, secnarf said:

Unless it is a real funeral, but she isn't really dead - after all, we only saw the image, not her actual dead body in the casket. She could be faking her death to cover up some other murder and gain her freedom from her whole life.

That's what I'm thinking. It would be just the sort of thing Annalise would do. 

"I'm just jealous. Your funeral seemed so interesting. Mine was a snooze." LOL. Annalise sure got under Sally's skin pretty fast there, didn't she? Their interactions were entertaining. Annalise trying to overcome the awful things she says about herself were heartbreaking, though, as was her overdose at that club (that was scary, actually). I liked her encouraging the gang to use those same self-affirmation tactics. 

And yes, telling Michaela about her birth father while she's got a potential weapon in her hand is probably not a good idea. 

I liked the bit with Asher sitting at the table with Michaela and "girl-talk"-ing with her about Gabriel. I much prefer that version of him dealing with their breakup over the angry jealous side. 

My mom when Tegan was sitting in her office late at night: "These people are awfully brave, wandering and hanging around places at night by themselves." 

Interesting start to the final season! Will be curious to see which way they'll actually go on the whole "Annalise is dead" thing. 

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First off, I'm glad CTV has the show on an hour early for me. 

But yeah...I'm just gonna hope that flashforward isn't accurate. Because, if so? Really, show? Maybe Annalise just took off and faked her death so she can FINALLY get some peace and quiet. Or maybe she's trying to draw someone out. I really, really can't see Annalise being truly dead. This feels like it's only to propel the flash forwards and the mystery for this final season.

As for the premiere itself, it definitely set up a lot. Tegan vs Nate? I could like it...if I liked Nate. But I don't, so I'm rooting for Tegan.

I'm glad to see the Therapy Pillow sessions play out with different characters. These characters really need to let a lot out.

So, Oliver is getting a bit reckless. He's definitely embraced the entire murder stuff with wanting Frank to torture answers out of people. Connor, this is your husband now. 

Laurel and Christopher are still missing. Wouldn't it be funny if they HAD just taken off to some tropical beach somewhere and Laurel isn't in any danger? I'd laugh if that was the case, that she left voluntarily, but not with her crazy family. 

Can we have more Girl Talk Asher? It's the right balance of funny and serious for me, because when he's on either extreme, he can be unbearable. Thanks. 

Annalise's rehab friend looked really familiar but I couldn't place her...but I liked her.

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Not buying Annalise dying with a closed coffin. Everything about it was just so anti-climatic, I can't help but think it's fake. Of course, they could have chosen to keep the coffin closed because showing her body would limit the 'how she died' options, but I think it was keep their options open for whether to kill her or not, since PN is notorious for not having things planned out when he writes them (though supposedly he knows this season). I'm definitely leaning towards faking her death.

It was kinda refreshing that they're not stressing over Laurel's whereabouts at this point, and are accepting she ran away and if she didn't, oh well. I know Frank will still be looking, but overall, I'm glad it doesn't look like we're in for a big arc about worrying for Laurel right now.

No way Annalise telling her roommate about Sam doesn't come back to bite her. Viola was amazing in the scene where she let everything out.

Edited by colorbars
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I floved that therapist.

“somatic therapy doesn’t work for me, either”

“what does?”

“a vibrator”

LOL! That got through to Annaliese! Viola was heartbreaking in the scene when she beat up her pillows.

2 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

Tegan vs Nate? I could like it...if I liked Nate. But I don't, so I'm rooting for Tegan.

Nate is beautiful but has gotten oh so tiresome. Wouldn’t it be great if there’s a spinoff for Tegan? She’s so badass. That moment when she dunked Emmett’s glasses. “Boy, bye.” Wish I had a gif of that.

I did feel for Frank (although he deserved it) when he was told that Laurel had asked Oliver and Connor to be Christopher’s guardians.

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I think pretty everyone knew the first funeral was a promo/ fakeout.  As for the flash forward, because they showed the picture of AK, I’m going with fake.  Anna Mae Harkness changed her name and became Annalise Keating. That’s the person   Anna Mae needed to bury/kill. The person that she became. I don’t know if that means she went into witness protection or if she just wanted to use the death as a way to leave and move on.  Maybe they pin it all on Annalise Ike they did with Wes. I guess we’ll see as they reveal more of the funeral.

Oliver has been turning into this person since season 3. Being around the K5 has been changing him more and more. He and Connor did have that talk about protecting each other from their worse impulses. 

Nate investigating again will not end well. 

It appears they are trying to set it up as if Texan has been playing all sides against the middle.there was that old photo of her with Jorge, then has lack of remorse at the end when she tossed Emmets glasses. She was posed to be a big deal at  the firm before Jorge was imprisoned, so who knows?

I still like Michaela/Asher. I hope they are end game. They both bring out the best in each other Asher becomes a more mature person and Michaela let’s her guard down and allows a bit of vulnerability.

Gab’s mama is interesting. It appears she literally has receipts on Sam. Is she undercover FBI or are they aiming higher and making her CIA? .    So agent Tolesco’s parting gift was to give Gabriel’s mom dirt on Sam and probably Annalise.  She is clearly not the fragile flower Gabriel seems to think she is. 

Annalise had a helluva week. That was some bender she went on. That confession to the roommate is gonna come back to bite her in the butt. Side note, I love Viola’s acting. 

What does Laurel’s key go to? 

Happy to see Michaela knows better than to believe AK didn’t know or have a connection to her birth father. Dying to see what her Connor connection is.

Edited by Milaxx
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This was a pretty strong opening episode.

Saying that, I'm not convinced Annalise is actually dead. It feels like a fakeout or maybe that's what we're supposed to think.

I am interested in seeing the events that lead up to this of course.

Michaela has a right to be mad at Annalise but I don't believe she'd kill over it.

Not bothered by Michaela/Gabriel but Asher's advice was sweet though and I did enjoy the Connor/Oliver scenes in this one.

Rehab scenes were great, Gabriel's mother could be an interesting problem for the gang, Nate vs. Tegan also interesting.

I just hope the show doesn't drag out the Laurel stuff though, 8/10

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Frank has lost a noticeable amount of weight. Which appears to have landed on Asher. 😼

Man, when Annalise hits rock bottom she hits it hard.

Michaela, you're about to get dickmatized and you'll regret it. Meanwhile, Connor and Oliver remain adorable.

So Gabriel's mommy is a bit of an umbrella parent among other things. Countdown to when she goes after Michaela.

Lol at the pillow and tire iron therapy. Wonder how many people have put an eye out doing that? 👁

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15 hours ago, Annber03 said:

My mom when Tegan was sitting in her office late at night: "These people are awfully brave, wandering and hanging around places at night by themselves." 

You'd think a firm as fancy as that would have security! Even if it's not a person, usually you have to use your company ID to access the elevators in places like that.

14 hours ago, colorbars said:

No way Annalise telling her roommate about Sam doesn't come back to bite her.

I literally said out loud "Don't tell that lady your business!" (I found it interesting that the show was willing to go there with having her hate being a mother - I've always believed that there are plenty of parents, even ones who by all accounts are GOOD parents, who wish they'd never had kids.)

I don't think Annalise is dead either.

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No No No No No No No No No.  Annalise is supposed to end up on a beach sipping cocktails with Eve at the very end after she has broken through and away from all cycles of awful she’s  been through (even though she willingly jumped into some). Regardless of what the show tells us, even if it is contrary to my conclusion, mine will be what I carry away from the show, unless it tells a hell of a story to convince me that their vision of her being dead is the right one. 

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18 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

Annalise's rehab friend looked really familiar but I couldn't place her...but I liked her.

She was on Shameless.

Just a couple of random thoughts. Unless she has 2 of them I’m thinking Laurel was kidnapped. They showed Christopher with that giraffe toy all last season and made sure we knew it was his favorite.

I don’t think AK’s connection with Connor is because of his parents. She’s met both and they appeared to have never met before the wedding. I’m wondering if they are going to connect her with that teacher Connor slept with when he was 14. My only other guess would be a connection with his stepfather.

Edited by Milaxx
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2 hours ago, pennben said:

No No No No No No No No No.  Annalise is supposed to end up on a beach sipping cocktails with Eve at the very end after she has broken through and away from all cycles of awful she’s  been through (even though she willingly jumped into some). Regardless of what the show tells us, even if it is contrary to my conclusion, mine will be what I carry away from the show, unless it tells a hell of a story to convince me that their vision of her being dead is the right one. 

This is exactly how it will end, she just needed to fake her death to get there, is all.

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9 hours ago, Milaxx said:

Anna Mae Harkness changed her name and became Annalise Keating. That’s the person   Anna Mae needed to bury/kill. The person that she became. 

The fact she was using the name Karen while at rehab could be further foreshadowing in that regard. She's changed her name before, as you note, so she'll do it again if she has to, be it when she's in rehab or if she needs to start all over again somewhere new down the line. 

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Sally is way too big an actress to have on to just be Annalise’s rehab roomie for one episode.

She’s working for someone to get dirt on The Keating Crime Syndicate - the Governor, the FBI, Gabriel’s mom, Sam’s sister, the Castillos - I don’t know who but she’s definitely up to no good and that cathartic confession from Annalise is going to be a problem.

Count me in on Team Not Dead too.

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Yep, Annalise isn't dead. This isn't denial talking, just following what we know of the show's logic. The answers to the flashforward mysteries are never that simple. There's always another twist. 

I did find it interesting that they didn't show any faces of the mourners at the funeral. For me, the bigger question will be how everybody else ends up. I do think there will be at least one more major death before everything's said and done, but it won't be Annalise.

The thing about Michaela and Gabriel is that he's not just another unsuspecting person she's worried about getting to really know her. Michaela was involved in the murder of his father and everything that has spiraled out from that. Gabriel learning about her is much more catastrophic than Oliver learning about Connor was.

I don't even know what to think of Tegan anymore. But I know I'll still love her until the end, because she's great.

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22 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

I'm glad to see the Therapy Pillow sessions play out with different characters. These characters really need to let a lot out.

I'm honestly surprised it worked as well as it did.  More from the production standpoint.  That could have been absurd on paper, but they pulled it off.

I hope that's not it for Emily Bergl.  I don't always like her in things, but when it clicks, it REALLY clicks.

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4 hours ago, Annber03 said:The fact she was using the name Karen while at rehab could be further foreshadowing in that regard. She's changed her name before, as you note, so she'll do it again if she has to, be it when she's in rehab or if she needs to start all over again somewhere new down the line. 

To be clear, I think she changed her name to Annalise when she she went college because Eve always calls her Annalise. So it likely Ana Mae Harkness - Annalise Harkness - Annalise Keating. 

I used to think it was sweet that Sam called her Annie, but now I think it was a subtle way of reminding her of where she came from. 

50 minutes ago, helenamonster said:

Yep, Annalise isn't dead. This isn't denial talking, just following what we know of the show's logic. The answers to the flashforward mysteries are never that simple. There's always another twist. 

I did find it interesting that they didn't show any faces of the mourners at the funeral. For me, the bigger question will be how everybody else ends up. I do think there will be at least one more major death before everything's said and done, but it won't be Annalise.

The thing about Michaela and Gabriel is that he's not just another unsuspecting person she's worried about getting to really know her. Michaela was involved in the murder of his father and everything that has spiraled out from that. Gabriel learning about her is much more catastrophic than Oliver learning about Connor was.

I don't even know what to think of Tegan anymore. But I know I'll still love her until the end, because she's great.

 Gabriel doesn’t know the full extent of their dirty deeds, but he’s had a glimpse & isn’t running away.  He also implied that he may have killed his moms boyfriend. I don’t think Gabe would be too shocked by all their murders. He’s no where near the innocent Oliver was. 

4 minutes ago, starri said:

I'm honestly surprised it worked as well as it did.  More from the production standpoint.  That could have been absurd on paper, but they pulled it off.

I hope that's not it for Emily Bergl.  I don't always like her in things, but when it clicks, it REALLY clicks.

I think it’s because their acting skills have improved. Viola and many of the big name costars have rubbed off on them. 

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My only desire for this series end was Annalise happy and away from those murdering parasites, but evidently, she dies. As long as everyone else goes down with her I can at least get a semi-happy resolution.

Bootleg Wes still bores and the actor is lucky he is pretty.

Frank, let’s work on being less pathetic; it’s not a good look Laurel does not love or want to be with you. 

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No way do I buy that Annalise ends this series dead, no way no how. At least, she better not be dead, or I am gonna be super pissed. I am guessing she faked her death to draw out a killer or escape all of this and sip margaritas with Eve while everyone else is finally free to pursue non murder stuff. 

I felt so sad when she described her funeral and that everyone in her life would be happy that she was dead. Her whole Keating Crew might have complicated feelings towards Annalise, but they would also be heartbroken if she died. 

Good start to the season, I really am going to miss this batshit crazy show. I really dont want Tegan to be evil, even if she does wear throwing stars for earrings! That last scene looked pretty evil, but I hope its all a big red herring. 

The actress playing Annalises rehab roommate played Sammi on Shameless, which makes me automatically distrust her. Viola was amazing this whole episode, as she always is. The scenes where she was dealing with her stuff at rehab were all so good, she just kills him. "You think your kids are bad? My kids are a bunch of maladjusted 20 somethings who just keep killing people and stumbling into murders, and one is now dead and another just disappeared to parts unknown..."

Loved Annalise using what she learned at therapy with the kids, they all have SO many issues and so much baggage. Connor and Oliver were cute as were Michaela and Asher and their girl talk. It is pretty wild that Oliver has turned out to be the more morally screwed up one than Connor in their relationship!

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8 hours ago, helenamonster said:

Yep, Annalise isn't dead. This isn't denial talking, just following what we know of the show's logic. The answers to the flashforward mysteries are never that simple. There's always another twist. 

I did find it interesting that they didn't show any faces of the mourners at the funeral. For me, the bigger question will be how everybody else ends up. I do think there will be at least one more major death before everything's said and done, but it won't be Annalise.

Not only did they not show the faces of any of the mourners, but I don't think they put a time frame on it either, did they? Though I can't remember if the show ever does in the first fast forward, or if they wait until the beginning of the next episode to do the X-amount of time earlier. Now that I think about it, I guess they do tend to do that, huh? So I'll wait until next episode to see if they show that.

But hat being said, I don't buy that they'd do her funeral and do something more shocking, like the actual night she gets murdered/things go down like every other flash forward. I get that it bookended the imaginary funeral at the beginning, but it's just a really weird choice that I don't buy.

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I'm starting to wonder if we're just taking for granted that Laurel and Christopher are together. Her disappearance at the end of last season seemed like a choice she made willingly. She was making a lot of goodbye statements to everybody, setting up Connor and Oliver as Christopher's guardians, had a very final moment with Annalise before they were separated...I wonder if she decided to vanish on her own, while Christopher was deliberately taken unbeknownst to her (the giraffe being left behind is the big clue there, as Laurel wouldn't do that). They key that Frank found could also be a part of this--maybe she's got money or something stashed for Christopher somewhere.

6 hours ago, colorbars said:

Not only did they not show the faces of any of the mourners, but I don't think they put a time frame on it either, did they? Though I can't remember if the show ever does in the first fast forward, or if they wait until the beginning of the next episode to do the X-amount of time earlier. Now that I think about it, I guess they do tend to do that, huh? So I'll wait until next episode to see if they show that.

You're right, and I didn't notice that. They always show the timeframe with the flashforwards in the first episode. Not sure what that could be a clue to. Hey, maybe they'll do a Six Feet Under ending where we see everybody's deaths, even if they don't happen for decades. Maybe Annalise lives to a ripe old age and dies peacefully in her sleep--plenty of people use a picture of themselves from younger days at a funeral.

Also notable is that while we saw the fire poker killing somebody, we didn't see who it was killing. There's way too much wiggle room on this for it to be as straightforward as they're attempting to present it as.

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Good catch about Laurel not being taken with Christopher. You’re right the giraffe being left behind is a big clue. 

I’ve got a lot of guesses, but I think I’ll pile them in the speculation thread.

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22 hours ago, helenamonster said:

Hey, maybe they'll do a Six Feet Under ending where we see everybody's deaths, even if they don't happen for decades. Maybe Annalise lives to a ripe old age and dies peacefully in her sleep--plenty of people use a picture of themselves from younger days at a funeral.

Ooh, there's an interesting idea. 

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On 9/28/2019 at 12:05 PM, helenamonster said:

You're right, and I didn't notice that. They always show the timeframe with the flashforwards in the first episode. Not sure what that could be a clue to. Hey, maybe they'll do a Six Feet Under ending where we see everybody's deaths, even if they don't happen for decades. Maybe Annalise lives to a ripe old age and dies peacefully in her sleep--plenty of people use a picture of themselves from younger days at a funeral.

Also notable is that while we saw the fire poker killing somebody, we didn't see who it was killing. There's way too much wiggle room on this for it to be as straightforward as they're attempting to present it as.

Yeah, that's what I was thinking. Like, yes, we saw her funeral, so even if it's legit and not her faking her death, there was really nothing to suggest that it's a funeral that takes place in the near future, or one that resulted from a murder. The way they cut the fire poker killing someone (I'd assume) before jumping to the funeral wants us to think that's what happened, but that's just too loose for me, like you said. They could easily justify showing Annalise's future funeral, regardless of when it is or how/why she dies, because of the beginning of the episode and how she imagined her funeral being. 

I guess we'll have to see next week, what the flash fowards look like. My guess is that we'll follow the other characters on the night of the fire poker killing, without seeing a body, and we'll spend the first half of the season being led to believe it's everyone dealing with the aftermath of her murder, and then in the midseason finale, we'll see that she's alive and well, and someone else got killed.

Edited by colorbars
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Am I imagining things? Is the guy in the picture when Nate googles Tegan the same guy at the bar with Annalise when she falls off the wagon? It just seems so out of a character for her. AK has gotten drunk before but I’ve never seen her use drugs. Can someone screencap and check? Could this guy be the new Dominic and a set up by Xavier to discredit AK?

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23 hours ago, Milaxx said:

Am I imagining things? Is the guy in the picture when Nate googles Tegan the same guy at the bar with Annalise when she falls off the wagon? It just seems so out of a character for her. AK has gotten drunk before but I’ve never seen her use drugs. Can someone screencap and check? Could this guy be the new Dominic and a set up by Xavier to discredit AK?

Wasn't the guy in the picture with Tegan Laurel's father?

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5 hours ago, colorbars said:

Wasn't the guy in the picture with Tegan Laurel's father?

That’s what I’m thinking. If so then was the guy at the bar was a set up by Xavier &   the governor?

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5 hours ago, colorbars said:

I... don't think so?

If the guy is indeed the same one as in the picture, I think he’s a set up because Annalise has never done drugs of any sort before. Drink, yes, but  never drugs that we’ve seen. So maybe he was sent to catch her falling off the wagon and then  saw a chance for further evident by offering her drugs.

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