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Everything posted by Sweet-tea

  1. I like it ok but I think Chris Pratt was miscast. He isn’t a very good actor, at least not in this. While watching I kept thinking of Bradley Cooper in American Sniper and how much better he was than Chris is in this.
  2. Katherine was angry-drunk and looking for drama. She should've stayed a redhead, because the white blonde hair isn't flattering on her. Or maybe brunette would be pretty on her, just not that fake-looking blonde. Whenever I see Madison, she looks smug. It's like she's perpetually smirking.
  3. She was really drunk. She’s a mess and it isn’t fun to watch. So Thomas has custody of the kids? Is he at least sober now? Speaking of tiny, gosh Naomi looked super slim in the tennis scene. Is she even 100 pounds? I must’ve missed Dani. I can’t stand Madison and wish they hadn’t brought her back. Shep is going to seed. He and Craig will probably still be drinking and hitting on women well into their 50s
  4. Late finding this series. I liked the first episode, especially Jean Smart and the agent. One nitpick: would a writer really be unemployable from a controversial joke? The way I’ve seen it happen is it’s the person who actually told the joke. I liked the part when they were working together trying to improve the politician joke. I enjoy the inside baseball stuff of these Hollywood shows.
  5. I’m getting a Lost vibe from this show. It keeps opening up a new can of worms without explaining the previous one. I like the story of Franklin and Irene, but the other subplots aren’t interesting to me. I’m frustrated that it’s all over the place. It’s why I stopped watching Lost! What is the point of the klepto caregiver? Seems random. Where are the mother and daughter going? Why did the mother tie up the guy? Who is the guy who killed the girl? I can’t even keep track.
  6. I’ve always liked J.K. Simmons. I think he’s a great actor. I was struck by this episode, how it slowly drew me into their world. The frailty of Irene, the protectiveness of Franklin even while he was also struggling, the intimacy they have as a couple. Two scenes really got me: Irene at the nursing home talking to the woman. I remember my father. I took care of him for years and after he left our house, he moved to memory care. That scene was so accurate about how things are at those places. And then the last scene of Irene and Franklin together, him singing to her and the emotion on Irene’s face. I nearly broke into tears. It was so powerful. I was afraid she’d take her last breath right there. It is difficult to pull off a scene like that with little dialogue, but they both nailed it. Wow. I can’t wait for the next episode. They seem to be painting a picture of aging and frailty, so I wonder if the portal will take them back to their younger selves? I am not spoiled. I’m just speculating.
  7. I cannot stand Erika. She’s the reason I couldn’t make it through the whole episode. Each time she talks I get angry, especially when she acts like a victim. I also can’t believe she is still trying to get Sutton to apologize to her when she threatened Sutton! She was so nasty! Where is Kathy? Is she no longer on the show? I need some relief from Kyle, Lisa, and Erika because they are all nearly unwatchable. By the way, Kyle’s hair looks lighter brown this season. Something is different but her face too but I can’t identify it. Anyone? I hope the break-isn’t going to be Dorit’s entire storyline but it’s looking that way.
  8. Where was the part about her possibly losing her job? I must have missed it. She did seem stressed out all the time, but I didn’t realize she was worried about losing her job. Why was she going to be let go? Michael is a scum bag but it’s also hard for me to like Kathleen the way she’s portrayed in this series. Toni Collette’s performance is off-putting. I wish they had shown a little more of Kathleen’s softer side. The exchange with her sister just made her look worse. I don’t care about Sophie or her relationship with Michael, so those scenes aren’t interesting to me. Is the real Sophie as lovely as Juliette Binoche? Normally the actors are better looking so I’m wondering but too lazy to research it.
  9. I wish they wouldn't jump around so much with timeline. It's confusing me. How can he take a plea after he's already been convicted and is serving time? I don't think it was an owl.
  10. She doesn’t look good this season. Her hair looks fake and tired. I said I wasn’t going to watch this season if they brought back Erika, Lisa and Kyle. Well I tuned in anyway and watched snippets of a few shows, but I can’t stand it. The crowing and cackling and gloating from Lisa and Erika. Kyle’s smug Queen Bee attitude. The three of them are so horrible I don’t even want to watch. I’ll just read the comments here.
  11. I think Paul Bettany was miscast. He’s not really attractive or rugged as the character is described. He’s kind of pasty-face and wimpy to me and creepy. Just my opinion. It’s hard to like Claire Foy’s character. I kind of want to see her have consequences. The guy is an absolute jerk, so there’s no one to root for here.
  12. Gosh that scene was brutal and very hard to watch. Colin Firth is so good in this! I don’t even recognize him! He kept saying she was drunk, but he was also impaired. I think he got angry and killed her. It happened in moments just as it was shown. He lost control. He probably regretted it after, although him standing there watching while she was gasping for air was horrifying. I wish I hadn’t watched the last scene. I’m afraid I’ll have nightmares. My sister died in front of me in 2009, and her behavior at the end was similar to Kathleen’s. She didn’t fall. She had an aneurysm near her heart that ruptured. The doctors had been watching it for a few years, saying it wasn’t operable. It was awful watching my sister gasping for breath and not to be able to do anything. My mother was screaming. It was the day after Thanksgiving. I was there visiting for the holidays. We called 911 but by the time they arrived, it was too late. She was 51.
  13. Jennifer's nose looks better, especially from the side. There. I said something positive.
  14. I know many people on here find Delores beautiful but she is hard-looking to me. And she definitely needed a bra. I like Margaret’s hair. Not many people her age can pull off that white blonde look, but I think it flatters her. Theresa is too much!
  15. The filler has ruined her face IMO. She looks like a different person in the clips from the earlier shows. I can't stand Gina, Heather or Emily. It was difficult to watch this!
  16. I think Amanda Seyfried is doing a masterful job. Her voice isn't as deep as Holmes' but she has the odd cadence down. The other stuff she does with the weird stares, awkward posture and strange pauses... all fantastic. She really does seem off in ways that are hard to pinpoint but enough to make another person uncomfortable. I hope she gets an Emmy nomination. She's prettier than Holmes but this is almost always the case in movies. I want to read the book.
  17. What struck me was not just that they gained a lot of weight, but both of them appear to have gained the same amount of weight. And it was weird and kind of creepy that they dressed alike. They seemed suspended in time, back when they were the SHANNON TWINS! I noticed they both had the same hair style, but each of them parted it on a different side. So they were mirror images of each other. I didn't like the format of the interview, especially the fake-looking psychologist who screamed tv-star wannabe to me. But I believe their stories. I think they were traumatized by what happened. I don't want to blame them. I remember how I was when I was barely 19. I might have been drawn into the fame, the celebrity and the glamour. I don't want to judge them. I just feel sorry for them. I don't think they were skanky. I think they were beautiful, vulnerable young women who were looking for affirmation in the wrong place. Hef liked his women young and unsure of themselves. It made them easier to manipulate. And watching them reminded me of my sister. I wish she and I were close. It made me sad watching them, because my sister and I barely speak due to a childhood that was abusive and so harmful we haven't been able to rebound from it. We aren't twins, but still...
  18. At first I didn't understand how so many people could still find Cosby funny and brilliant after they discovered he's a serial rapist. I didn't really get the struggle the commentators were having. And then I watched Cosby's dentist bit and I was laughing out loud. It is still funny. He was that talented. It's very sad. I think Camille is horrible. She knew what was going on. She was at home many times when those women were in the house. Some of them said in interviews that's one of the reasons they weren't concerned. They didn't think they would be alone with him. She was at home and pretending to be oblivious. I'm so glad Beverly Johnson got away. I wish more women had.
  19. Yes! He gave some interviews saying it was a miracle drug. I just watched the one about Dorothy Stratten and Susie. It was hard to watch. I had no idea Hef raped Dorothy. I wonder if his family is going to sue over this series. It pretty much destroys his harmless perpetual playboy, lover-of-women reputation. Unpopular view, but I don't think Dorothy Stratten was the most beautiful Playmate as they were saying. I wonder if she's been elevated due to the tragic way she died. She was certainly lovely, but I think others like Pamela Anderson (first cover, before her makeover) were equally lovely if not prettier. Barbi Benton was adorable! Mikki was also just beautiful! Agree about Liz Taylor. I think it's the hair, brows and make-up. Susie still looks pretty skinny, especially her legs. I wonder if she's still struggling with the eating disorder.
  20. I was laughing at that scene. I can’t believe she women were buying that routine. I wonder what she charged them. When they showed that clip of Shannon from several seasons ago, I was shocked at how different she looks now. It’s not just aging. Her face has so much filler now! She looks like a different person. Shannon’s use of “put a pin in it” made sense to me — Gina’s ego needs deflating. That’s how I interpreted it anyway. I’ve heard it used that way before.
  21. Oh! I’ve got to look up this interview. I loved Andrew Firestone. He has a special place in my Bachelor heart.
  22. I like Jesse too. I think he did a good job. He kind of relaxed into the role as the season progressed. I hope he becomes the permanent host.
  23. He’s smirking while he says it! I don’t believe anything this guy says. He’s a tool.
  24. I wasn't into him either. I thought Bon Jovi was cute. I also had a crush on Bono from U2 for awhile. My guy friends used to make fun of me for liking Bono and make short jokes about him. Maybe it was the voice I liked. I don't know.
  25. Agree! Is Clayton stupid, a pig or both? Did his mother pay too much attention to him a a child or what? Because something is wrong with this guy (not to blame it on his mother. I'm just being snarky). I think his "I'm in love with three women" is code for "I want to have sex with all three of them, without any flack." Instead of crying I wish Susie had said, "You know what Clayton? You and your underbite and Charlie Brown hair can hit the road!"
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