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Everything posted by Sweet-tea

  1. Oh my gosh I was yelling at the TV! I cannot believe what a jerk he was to her and how he was manipulating and shaming her! It ticked me off so much I almost turned if off! I don't even care who "wins" because she will really be a loser. This guy is a narcissistic, abusive, manipulative snowflake a--hole~! And I don't usually swear! This is how angry I am! This is Clayton: "I boinked the other two women but I love you the most, so why are you angry? Why aren't you willing to fight for us?" Are you freaking kidding me????? And "I guess this means we aren't having sex tonight?"
  2. Oh! Ok, I get it. I just looked him up. I thought you meant Ben Higgins. I didn’t think he was bad looking at all so I couldn’t figure it out. I remember reading Bob G. had a score of getting it on with 3.5 women, whatever that means. Alexa thanks for the tip. I want to check out The Courtship.
  3. Yes she’s not being honest. I suspect cheek implants too. They give you that weird exaggerated look in the upper face and don’t look natural on anyone IMO. I’m still wondering what happened to Nicole. Gone with no explanation.
  4. Who is Flapjack? Ben or Jason? I never thought Jason was very attractive.
  5. I’ve had a different experience. I wonder if (some) people who drink are uncomfortable with someone who doesn’t, even if the person doesn’t make a big deal out of it. I don’t really understand it. I usually just order an iced tea and don’t give an explanation, but I’ve had people ask me why I don’t drink. Or they’ll leave the question hanging in the air: “So you’re not drinking tonight…?” It’s weird. It happened more often when I was younger. Now that I’m old people leave me alone LOL. I think Marge on RHNJ and Kandi on RHOA are non-drinkers. Most of the other HWs and husbands drink, so maybe that’s why Terry was grilling Ryne. Whatever the case, he was rude. Speaking of Terry, his face is still scary to me. I wonder who did the work he had done. His partner from Botched? Heather tries too hard to be impressive and lavishly wealthy. All the bragging and status stuff grates on my nerves. She is the opposite of down to earth. Her house may be a mansion, but I wouldn’t want to live there. It’s too large and cold-looking for my taste. I wonder if Ryne and Jennifer got into a huge fight after they got home or if he just poured her into bed. The latter would’ve been the wise choice. The clock is ticking on this marriage.
  6. I thought she treated him horribly. She was drunk but I bet it wasn’t the first time she spoke to him as one would a child. I don’t blame him for shutting down. She actually told him how to position his chair and how to kiss her. She is condescending and super controlling! Is the random blonde replacing Nicole, who has disappeared off this show? Agree about lips woman. I couldn’t stop gawking at her upper lip. It reminded me of Lisa Rinna’s, although not quite as bad. Why doesn’t she say “like Pine but with an R?” Ryne’s demeanor reminds me a little of Emily’s husband. I don’t know if it’s because both of them don’t drink so they aren’t amused watching their wives get sauced or they’re both a little socially awkward. Usernamefatigue beat me to it. Yep, the interaction with Terry hit the wall once he found out Ryne doesn’t drink. Heather was also a total snob. I cannot stand her. A hostess is supposed to try to make her guests feel comfortable, not sit there and mock them with her expressions.
  7. Didn’t my beloved Andrew Firestone also own a winery? Sigh. He was my favorite. It was back when the show seemed romantic and quaint compared to now. The constant “likes” were so rampant I was counting them as if they were the f-word in R-rated movies, which are also overused IMO. I remembered being in a group therapy session once and this woman (who was kind of a know-it-all) claimed that millennials use “like” as a verbal crutch and older generations (Gen X and Baby Boomers) use “um.” I don’t know if there’s any science to this as the woman had an opinion on everything and pretty much hijacked the session, but it’s an interesting notion. GracieK, agree with you. Gosh, Giada is so tiny it’s unsettling. I read she doesn’t eat the food she tastes on Chopped and other shows she’s on. She spits it out into a bucket (off camera of course) so she stays skinny. She also seems to love showing cleavage and I think she and Bobby Flay definitely got it on at some point. (Sorry for the off-topic rant!) I think Bachelorette Meredith had a pleasant, deeper voice. Not Demi Moore deep/raspy but also not the high pitched squeal breathy-disaster we’re hearing so often now. Trisha Rehn definitely had a baby voice. Emily did too. I didn’t notice Serena was that thin, but I was probably distracted by her gorgeous face. Will have to go back and look.
  8. Her voice drives me insane. It reminds me of the breathy navigation voice in my husband’s car. It sounds intentionally sexy. We always make fun of it, but it’s much more tolerable in small doses while delivering directions! And does she not know how to pronounce the letter “t”? Why is she calling him, “Clay-un”? I almost spit out my coffee. Right on Grandpa! I knew Serene was out. They didn’t have any chemistry. I’m not spoiled so this is only speculation. I think the final two are Rachel and Susie and Rachel will be the one he chooses. He needs a hair makeover. There’s not a lot to work with either. He looks like he’ll be balding in a few years. And his underbite is distracting me. Did anyone else notice in the preview when he mentions how difficult the decision is, he’s broken, etc., there’s a smirk on his face? I wonder which two women he was “intimate with” and if the other one said no, so she’s out.
  9. I heard about the tape years ago and had friends who watched it. I didn’t then and won’t ever. I think it’s vile to do something like that, given that the tape was stolen. IMO isn’t not much different that’s looking in someone’s window. I wonder if Tommy and Heather Locklear had a tape.
  10. I think Tommy Lee’s face is attractive but I don’t like all the tattoos and the super skinny body. It’s just not my thing. I’m probably showing my age though as everyone has tats now LOL.
  11. I’ve always liked my breasts and have been afraid to get implants, but as I’ve aged my breasts have dropped. I’d like to get them lifted but I’ve heard most surgeons who do that also want to put in implants. I don’t want to do that so I’ve not done anything. I’ve heard that some celebs have had smaller implants that are more natural looking, like Jennifer Aniston, but I don’t know if that’s true. I wonder how many of the Playmates in the 70s had implants compared to the later ones in the 90s and 2000s? On GND I believe they all had them and it was a regular thing. I’m not sure where else there is to go with this series. They’ve covered pretty much everything haven’t they? The next episode looks to be more specific about the actual photo shoots so maybe that will be interesting. I wish they’d talk about all the airbrushing/Photoshopping they do to get that perfect, almost other-worldly fantasy look for the centerfolds. I wonder what Hef’s ex-wife, Kimberly, thinks of this series.
  12. I was thinking the same thing. It also got a lot of press because implants weren’t nearly as common then. It was considered kind of shocking IIRC. Says here she later had them removed. https://www.zimbio.com/Stars+Who+Have+Had+Breast+Implants+Removed/articles/duRUlN9siuu/Mariel+Hemingway
  13. Yes I saw Star 80. There was a lot of press about it when it came out. Mariel Hemingway got breast implants for the movie and that was a big story back then. Eric Roberts played the psycho husband role and he was excellent. Here’s a photo from the film.
  14. According to the list, Dorothy Stratten was 1979 PMOTY.
  15. I’m very suspicious about Hef and what happened with Pam Anderson. Makes no sense she never made PMOTY unless she turned down the “meeting” with him. I had forgotten about Shannon Tweed. She was so pretty. Also surprised that Barbi Benton was never even Playmate of the Month. https://www.google.com/search?q=when+was+barbi+benton+in+playboy&rlz=1C9BKJA_enUS805US805&oq=when+was+barbi+benton+in+playboy&aqs=chrome..69i57j0.8661j1j7&hl=en-US&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8
  16. I couldn’t figure out what was going on, because the episode was showing but as “unavailable.” Usually if they skip a week there isn’t an episode showing at all. Weird.
  17. Anna Nicole Smith and Jenny McCarthy were both PMOTY. https://www.listal.com/list/playmate-of-the-year-fullfathom
  18. It disturbed me when Holly said she thought she looked fat while she was on GND, and then they showed footage and she was clearly very slim.
  19. Jennifer Aniston has actually had more than one nose job. The first one was before she was on Friends. (I have some inside info. from a plastic surgeon who knows the surgeon who did her last nose job. He said she’s had at least 3.) Yes, the Pam and Tommy show is on Hulu. The Shameless Pam and Tommy story is on TNT. Based on the first episode, they’re saying the tape was stolen. One thing I noticed: they showed some clips of Tommy Lee. He was a lot better looking than the actor playing him. The clip of Pamela Anderson on Howard Stern’s show and Jay Leno. Gosh, she was so beautiful.
  20. I’ve heard something similar. I worked at a radio station once and one of the salesmen said people are most affected by music they heard between the ages of (estimating) something like 15-22.
  21. I don’t think Pam had a lot of plastic surgery. She got breast implants and probably filler in her lips, but most of the other changes seem to be thinner brows, hair bleaching and makeup. I don’t think she needed the implants either but they definitely got her a lot of attention, so maybe that was her goal. Agree about the Kardashians. Lorry Hill has a video and the work for several of them is estimated in the hundreds of thousands of dollars. Yes, the Secrets of Playboy is a good watch but difficult at times. Gosh, Hef was even more depraved than I suspected. Perhaps you’re right and Pamela didn’t want to have the “meeting” with Hef that seemed a requirement for being Playmate of the Year. (Miki Garcia said she didn’t either and as a result they gave someone else the title that year.)
  22. I wish they would’ve showed more about the beginning of her in Playboy, like the first cover. She wasn’t the centerfold in that issue but was a few months later. Also, I was surprised I couldn’t find anything saying Pamela was ever Playmate of the Year. How could that be given how popular she was and such a favorite of Hef’s? Unless I missed it….? I don’t think the casting was great of the actor that played Hefner. Her makeup was really good in this episode. In the scene in the car with Tommy she looked the most like Pam so far this season IMO. I cannot believe her lawyer made her sit through the playing of the tape. That was just horrible and seemed totally unnecessary. I know it was the other slimeball’s idea but her attorney alllowed it. She should’ve fired him right then. I saw the TNT show and saved it to my queue to watch later.
  23. It’s even worse in your 50s. You’re ‘menopausal’ which is the kiss of death. Invisible, no longer sexy or desirable, the butt of ageist jokes. That’s been my experience anyway.
  24. I wonder if Pamela Anderson had to sleep with him. She was clearly one of his favorites. She has more Playboy covers than anyone. If she did, it was probably before she hit it big. I remember reading that for a long time Hef had to personally approve of every centerfold, even after he wasn’t actively involved in the running of the business. I guess they left him this to make him feel important. Which reminds me… I wonder who the owners are now. I didn’t realize the Hefners had sold the magazine until I saw the statement on the first episode of this show.
  25. Gosh, Clare is such a mess. I hope she is more careful with this relationship than the last, but she seems to make impetuous, emotional decisions. Odd considering she is 40, not 20. Whatever Kaitlin did to her face was unnecessary IMO. She was lovely when she was the bachelorette.
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