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Everything posted by Sweet-tea

  1. Agree with you but at least Monique wasn’t invited back the next season. But Teresa and Nene have gotten physical—Teresa once with Andy at a reunion even—and still been invited back. Same with Lisa. None of these incidents were as bad as the Monique and Candiace one but they still showed someone out of control who got physical. I forgot one: On RHOA, Portia attacked Kenya at a reunion. She had to be pulled off her. She was downgraded to friend of next season but was still back, and later she was back as regular cast member.
  2. I’m late to this show but it’s my new guilty pleasure! I love it! The real estate porn, the agents who look like Barbies, the cat fights, the short twin owners who try to make up for their small stature with swagger. I’m just starting so I haven’t read all the comments. I don’t want to be spoiled. I wish this show had its own thread. I think all the woman are gorgeous. Crishelle is the prettiest to me but that’s just my opinion. Is Christina’s hair real or is it extensions? Or maybe a wig? Some of the high end lace front wigs are so good I can’t tell them from real hair. She is such a diva but is a fun villain in a love to hate her way. Heather seems dim. I guess Tarek has a type, because she reminds me of his ex! I like Mary but am not sure she made the right decision in marrying Romain. Hope it works out but the age difference is relevant at this stage of their lives. She looked beautiful at the wedding. I liked her dress but thought it would’ve looked better if she didn’t have the tattoos. I’m showing my age her though. I know they are on trend now. Seems like Davina is a B player on this show. I wonder why. Is it the dark hair? But Maya isn’t blonde either and she’s heavily featured. When she was pregnant I thought she’d be done. No way would the brothers keep a pregnant woman at the firm. How could she wear the revealing outfits? I guess I was wrong but she conveniently went through most of the pregnancy off camera.
  3. Yes. They've given Teresa G. a pass (NJ) , Dorinda (NYC), Nene (ATL), and Lisa R. to name just a few. I'm sure I'm missing some.
  4. I think you are on to something. I grew up with a narcissistic, alcoholic mother and an enabling father. It’s virtually impossible for children raised in this environment to come out unscathed. You develop coping mechanisms to protect you. They work well when you’re a child but not so well when you’re an adult. Another part of the sickness is we were taught we were ‘blood’ and no matter what, you are loyal to family! This wasn’t taught in a healthy way but in a keeping secrets, holding onto family shame way. We were told that abuse can be love. I see a lot of dysfunction in the relationship of the three daughters, and they seem stuck in their roles. I’d guess Kim was the Scapegoat, Kathy the Golden Child and Kyle (maybe) the Lost Child. Although I cannot stand Lisa, I did see some manipulative, controlling behavior from Kathy towards Kyle. I sensed the dynamic when Kathy walked in the room. She seemed to have the upper hand, to be in the position of authority, while Kyle looked fragile and anxious. It was apparent in the way Kathy said, “Kyle..” Just her tone and the way she was looking at her, as if warning her. It isn’t always the case, because we’ve seen Kyle chiding Kathy. But something was off in this scene. I felt nervous and agitated just watching. It brought back really unpleasant memories and feelings. I recognized it as very similar to my relationships with my older sister. It’s nearly impossible to break out of these roles as adults, so that creates constant turmoil, conflict and angst. It sounds to me like Kathy had too much to drink and went off on a drunken rant about some of her long-simmering hostility towards Kyle. There have probably been occasions when Kyle did the same about Kathy or Kim or when Kim did the same. That is what happens when you’re raised in turmoil. What is horrible is Kathy apologized. She and Kyle were trying to work it out, and Lisa saw an opportunity to exploit Kyle’s difficult relationship with her sister. Instead of staying out of it, she got right in the thick of it and tried to pit Kyle against Kathy. This will be devastating for Kyle, because she’ll feel a lot of guilt at turning on her sister. Nothing Kathy said could have helped in this scenario, because Lisa had an agenda. She was locked and loaded. All she needed was a few minutes of camera time. I hope Kyle, Kim and Kathy can find some peace. But based on my experience, I think a few of them will always be on the outs. That’s what they learned as children. They’ll just keep repeating it.
  5. I made it halfway and gave up. It is the darkest, most depressing movie I’ve seen about MM. I know she had a sad life but they didn’t capture any of her effervescence. I thought Ana did a good job and her voice sounded fine to me. I didn’t hear her accent. But the tone of the movie was soul-shattering and at times, profane. (I won’t list the particular scenes as I don’t want to spoil anyone.) But I couldn’t handle it. I felt like I needed to shower after watching this. One thing I noticed is in some scenes, her eyes looked brown. I read she wore blue contacts for the part, so maybe it was lighting or they were too dark blue? Whatever the case, it distracted me.
  6. Yep, both her wig and face looked horrible in that scene. I laughed out loud when she told Kathy she had a "black heart." Rinna saying this to someone is priceless. The woman is the devil incarnate.
  7. I thought she still looked horrible. Her face looked unnatural.
  8. My biggest shock was Gwen Stefani's face. What on earth did she do? Did she have another facelift?
  9. I don’t trust Rinna as a source. She is a snake. It is irritating and frustrating that we basically have her word, backed by the equally horrible Diana, about Kathy’s “meltdown.” So there were no cameras? No footage of anything? Why weren’t they filming if they were at an event in Aspen? If there is no footage, then why is this story getting spoken of at all? They don’t usually spend a lot of time talking about what (supposedly) happened off camera, except of course for Crystal’s veiled comments about Sutton’s “dark” remarks. And it’s really outrageous considering we’ve witnessed abhorrent behavior this season from Rinna, Erika and Diana. Yet they are the ones telling us how awful Kathy is with no proof! Why did Rinna have to take Kathy home anyway? Was Kathy drunk? Was she drunk and angry like Rinna was drunk and angry a few episodes ago that no one seems concerned about because she was "hurting"? (Same goes for Erika.) Why is the standard different for Kathy? I don’t care how much Kyle tries to get my sympathy, I don’t see her as a victim. I also don’t believe she is more successful and famous than Kathy, as Rinna said. Give me a break! It could very well be the opposite: Kyle could just as easily be jealous of Kathy. In that TH, Rinna seemed like head PR flack/flying monkey for Kyle.
  10. I think she’s a narcissist. Based on my experiencing with a narc mother, any man who ends up with Rachel will be miserable. The only way to survive is blind obedience, capitulation and constant apologizing even when you’re not wrong. The guy will be emasculated and horribly unhappy. The only other option is to leave. It took my father over 50 years to get out, and by the time he did, he was a shell of himself. I don’t like Tino, but I’m glad he escaped. Aven was totally set up by the producers to redeem Rachel. She didn’t want to look like the one who was dumped. My eyes still hurting from looking at Kaitlyn. I looked up previous pictures of her, and she was adorable. Why on earth did she do this to herself? Thank goodness Becca still looked like herself. Stark contrast seeing her next to Kaitlyn. I still like Jesse as the host but he was too easy on Rachel.
  11. OMG! She looks horrible! I yelped like my beagle when I saw her. I don’t really like Tino, but Rachel is nuts! What does she want him to say? And what was the part about her being in therapy and their “difficulties”? Maybe he realized how high maintenance she is and took the easy way out. It looks like Rachel’s nose has been tweaked, but it’s subtle. It’s slightly thinner and straighter. Maybe that’s why her face looks fuller. The proportions have changed. I was so distracted by Gabby’s dress. Is she a stripper now?
  12. This snippet is from upcoming episode. It definitely looks like smug Lisa is wearing a wig, especially the top portion. I wonder how often we see her real hair? https://youtube.com/shorts/9dK3ose_NOo?feature=share
  13. Her wig also looks awful and so obvious in this photo!
  14. I was thinking the same thing. The photo was obviously touched up but she still looks awful. The other photo of Diana and Lisa… looks like they’re in a Biggest Lips Run-off. Diana’s are almost touching her nose.
  15. Wonder if Kyle noticed how cozy he looked with Dort at dinner.
  16. I also noticed her face was fuller. I assumed it was filler.
  17. I think she wears wigs all the time in the short hairstyle. Some of them are obvious and others are more natural-looking. Whatever was going on in this episode looked awful! Erika sounded like the devil, the guttural voice, "I only care about me" and the steely eyes. It was so over the top it was almost comical.
  18. Or it could be something as basic as Gabby has a better body for those little DWTS outfits. I feel exhausted watching Rachel carry on and pity the poor schmuck who ends up with her.
  19. Wow, this season is a train wreck. I don't know if it's due to the women they chose or having two leads, but clearly it didn't work. The men had even less time with the Bachelorette than usual, so it makes sense that they wouldn't be ready to propose after just a couple of weeks of time with them. Yet both women are blubbering messes because they aren't getting their engagements. Watching Aven with Rachel... I just kept thinking he sounded so reasonable, and she sounded neurotic and irrational. It was painful watching it. It was repetitive. He kept saying the same thing: "I'm into you but I need more time to date you before getting engaged. It's a big commitment and I take it seriously." What was so wrong with what he was saying? I respect his candor and that he was truthful with her. I wish he hadn't apologized to her as I don't think he did anything wrong, but I guess he was being a gentleman. I'm glad Zach escaped. Sounds like he got a glimpse of the true Rachel sans cameras and it wasn't pretty. What an absolute mess!
  20. This is how I've always thought about it too, but I'm older so maybe it's a generational thing and it changed? Tino’s head is going to blow off when he hears Rachel talking about Aven having the whole "package."
  21. Johnny didn’t seem into Gaby. The age difference could be one of the factors, but he also seemed to be holding back or tortured about something. I took it that Rachel had sex with Aven. Tino is going to go nuts when he watches the playback, similar to how Emily reacted when she saw Brad and Chantal in the tree house. It won’t be pretty.
  22. Ha! It was uncomfortable to watch. It also reminded me of this scene:
  23. ITA. I used to have a supervisor who was about as diplomatic as a sledgehammer. She would brag about being “direct.” I thought, No, you’re mean. No one could stand to be around her. I don’t know why Kyle continues to defend Erika and Diana’s horrible behavior. She is on the wrong side of this equation. Perhaps it’s because she is a pot-stirrer, and to keep doing it she needs to align herself with the nasty people causing the drama.
  24. If the reunion is going to be another Sutton pile-on, I won’t watch.
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