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Everything posted by Sweet-tea

  1. I thought Emily looked the best because her makeup wasn't overdone. Shannon looked terrible to me. That hair! Ugh! Not a good look and her face didn't look great either. I can't figure out why there is such a huge difference in how Shannon looks in the THs and the regular scenes. Gina looked nice but I didn't like her makeup. I'd rank Heather second, but I thought she needed some color. The black dress and her simple makeup kind of washed her out. I like Taylor's hair better shorter but didn't like her makeup. Tamra looked pretty good. Again, too much hair extensions. Jenn's face looked off but it has looked that way all season. I wish these women would call out Tamra more for her vile behavior. She is definitely a pot stirrer! No question about it.
  2. I didn't realize Naomi was left out of some shows and photo shoots even back then at the height of her popularity. She looks good now but it looks like she's had the dreaded cheek implants so many celebrities are getting now. Christy is stunning. Gosh the photos of her were beautiful, especially the Eternity ones. She also seems pretty down to earth. (I also think her husband is hot.) I don't really like Cindy and don't think she comes off great on this series. However, I understand her comment about Oprah. Brooke Shields said something similar about Barbara Walters, who interviewed her as a teenager. She did the seem thing: had Brooke stand up and asked her her measurements. I don't remember Brooke commenting on it until this year when her documentary aired. Here's the clip:
  3. I don't like her and wish she wasn't on this show. She doesn't interact with the other women much of the time, and she's mean. Her odd, inconsistent behavior strikes me as someone who is medicated. I've seen it with family members. Sometimes they are alert and on point and other times they are out of it or unavailable, depending on how much they've taken. Mary is also showing signs of an eating disorder or at the least an unhealthy view of food. The scene with Heather and her daughters was hard to watch. What I saw was two pretty mature, well-adjusted teenagers who were handling a difficult situation well... and their self-absorbed mother who wanted to make it about herself. So the daughters had to keep reassuring the mother. They seemed to be the adults in the conversation.
  4. Actually, I think there were some people on the first two seasons who seemed like they really wanted to find love, like Trista. I also liked Andrew Firestone's season. It slowly devolved from there, especially when social media took off. Now everyone wants to be an influencer and get Instagram followers. The Golden Bachelor has a retro feeling to it for me. I hope it stays more romantic and classier than the original. I enjoy watching older contestants who are classier and aren't swearing and saying "like" every 10 words. Gerry seems like a sweetheart.
  5. I hear you. Mine tanked during menopause and hasn't come back. I think some of the women are trying to be hip and "young" so they're over-emphasizing sex. They're probably also being coached by producers.
  6. Totally agree! It was refreshing. I think Gerry looks younger than 71. I thought he was maybe mid 60s.
  7. I really liked this! It was a nice change from the usual bunch of drama with the younger contestants. It had a more romanic feel to me, going back to the first two or three episodes when I think people actually went on the show to find love. I believe many of these women want to find the right man for them as opposed to being fame whores and getting Instagram followers. The women were nicer to each other and no one got drunk obnoxious. Gerry is handsome, charming and seems sincere. He has a way of looking right at the women and truly seeming to listen to them. So far I think he's most interested in Faith and Teresa, the two women he kissed. I like both of them too. He seemed especially taken with Faith. I don't think April is for him. I think she is a little aggressive for him from what I can tell. I know it's just one episode, so we'll see if it devolves. I wish they'd do a middle-aged Bachelor--maybe a guy in his 40s or early 50s with the women the same age. I like that on this show the women are all age-appropriate. I was afraid they'd have women who were 20 years younger.
  8. Rose's breast implants look too large to me. It isn't as flattering to her figure as some of the other women. She is also odd, but I can't put my finger on what is off about her. Maybe she isn't as comfortable on camera. Polly tried to hide it but she did look jealous of Tyler and Hall when they were flirting. Hall's mother is attractive. This show needs more real estate and less bickering and manufactured drama. I still can't tell Brett and Jason apart. Anyone else?
  9. Looks like she had a nose job too. If she got Botox, I don’t get it. Why does a 27 year-old need Botox? I don’t understand the trend of young women getting it, but maybe it’s because I’m older. I was rolling my eyes at Olivia. They are day ONE on a hook-up show and she’s upset because he kissed her and then went out with Kylie. Please! Has she not watched this show? I agreed with what he said to her. If they were at least a week or two in, then maybe she had a point. But not the first day. I wish they had gone back a few more seasons for some of the contestants. It seems like most of them are from the last few. I didn’t watch Charity’s season so I don’t know any of them.
  10. I think Shannon does know she has a drinking problem but isn't ready to stop. Therefore, in front of others she's denying it. This is pretty common behavior for people who aren't ready to admit they need help. I hope she comes to her senes, but I don't really want to watch a whole season of her redemption arc.
  11. I watched the first two episodes. I remember how popular they all were. I think Christy has aged the best, followed by Naomi. Linda doesn't look as good now to me. Cindy is still very pretty but a little masculine looking in some shots. My favorite during that time was Cindy, then Christy. I always found Linda odd looking. I remember Naomi being volatile. One thing I didn't get was they said there was no retouching then. Photoshop didn't exist but I thought before that, touching up photos was called airbrushing. Playboy has been doing it for decades.
  12. I'm surprised her mug shot hasn't been released. The other day I read she was going to rehab.
  13. I didn't like the first episode at all. It was preachy and condescending. It was difficult for me to get through. I enjoyed this show when it was more a behind the scenes look at putting on a morning show. I don't need their political agenda shoved down my throat. I won't watch the rest. Too bad because I renewed my Apple subscription just for this show. Something looked off with Jennifer Aniston's face in close-up. It looks like either too much filler or the filler has moved around. It looks a little puffy under her eyes. I thought Reese looked better. I see signs of Botox but at least she's stayed away from filler. I thought Jon Hamm was based on Elon Musk, but I guess it could be Bezos.
  14. So they go on a work trip and two of the women get in the hot tub topless with their male coworkers? Sure, happens to me all the time. It's called team building.
  15. The woman on this show are rivaling the ones on Selling Sunset... who can wear the most ridiculous getup while posing as a real estate professional? They are slightly behind as the SS woman look even more like Frederick's of Hollywood. At least there are some men for balance so it doesn't look like Jason's harem as it does on the other show. Rose is coming across dim to me, or perhaps she isn't comfortable on camera. Austin is boring and I fast-forward his scenes. The Nashville woman strikes me as this show's version of Chrishelle when she first showed up on SS, all girl-next-door, new kid on the block. But I'm wondering why they're wasting time given the woman doesn't live there OR even have her realtor's license. It's obvious something is going on with Tyler and Hall. She is pretty but her inflated top lip bugs me.
  16. I read the same thing. The impression I got was KC thought it was a mean girls situation with SJP leading. KC wasn't included. And she didn't appreciate SJP's social media comment about her KC's brother's death, because she didn't think it was genuine. She didn't consider them friends and thought SJP just posted it to make herself look good in the public eye. I also think KC was a little jealous that SJP was the show's front runner and made a lot more money and had more power. I've gotten the feeling that KC is bitter and angry. She seems to be harboring a grudge while SJP has tried to rise above it. But I don't blame KC at all for not wanting to to a third film, nor do I blame her for being done with the character of Samantha. That's certainly her choice and I don't think it's fair of the others to be upset with her about it.
  17. The idea of it is ridiculous to me based on the Carrie I know. She is too selfish to wait for anyone. Why the writers chose to end the season this way is beyond me. I thought Aidan was breaking up with her until the last part of the scene. It would've been a better ending and more realistic. If he doesn't want to occasionally travel to NYC and she isn't going to VA, then they should just be done. I also really don't like how they retconned to make it look like Aidan is the love of Carrie's life, when it has always been Big. We've watched it play out for years. SFP did look gorgeous in that dress! So pretty! I've wondered about her hair. Is it all hers or does she have extensions? This was my first thought. If they have stayed in touch, it seems like Samantha would've been there for Carrie. I didn't expect much from the cameo. I'd heard so much about it and knew it would only be a few minutes, but I was disappointed. As others have said I'd rather have seen it at the end of the episode. I can't tell what is going on with Kristin Davis' face. Sometimes she looks pretty and natural and other times she's bordering on freakish to me. Maybe it's the lighting? Some of this show is too graphic for me. I fast-forward through some scenes. I was pleased to see Gary Dourdan. He is gorgeous and I like him with Nya. I don't know where they're going to take this show next season if John Corbett isn't coming back. I guess it won't be difficult for Carrie to find someone else though. Every man she meets is struck by a thunderbolt LOL.
  18. I watched part of the first episode. Bob seemed depraved to me. Sad what happened to his children while he was living out his middle-aged male fantasy. I remember Penthouse as being much dirtier than Playboy and Hustler being even dirtier than Penthouse. I had a boyfriend many years ago who read Hustler. He claimed it was for the cartoons. Yeah... sure.
  19. Anyone know when it will air? It used to be on in the summer.
  20. She looks great! Wonder if she had a facelift too or if the photo is just edited? Her face is tighter, smoother and less puffy. The shorter hair is much more flattering on her.
  21. Party of one. I liked Dopesick better mostly for two reasons. I thought Michael Keaton's portrayal of the country doctor who became addicted was compelling. He owned every scene he was in. I also thought the coverage of the pharmaceutical reps was more realistic in Dopesick. In Painkiller it bordered on parody to me with the chanting "OXY" and the party scenes that looked like the pit of hell. Perhaps that was the intention, but I didn't find it as convincing. And although Matthew Broderick was very good here, it was almost mustache-twirling to me. I preferred Michael Stuhlbarg's more understated portrayal of Richard Sackler in Dopesick. Uzo Aduba and Taylor Kitsch were both excellent. It was gut-wrenching watching Glen's downfall from the confident, down to earth guy in the beginning to the addict who succumbed to his addiction in the end. His life and family were destroyed. It broke my heart. My oldest sister was addicted to opioids for years. I don't think she was snorting the pills, but her life unraveled due to her addiction. She left her husband and three kids, or her husband kicked her out. I never got the whole story, but she was deeply unhappy for years. When she died at 51 she had been on Methadone or Suboxone for over three years. She didn't overdose, but I believe she was still battling her addiction and was probably taking both Suboxone and opioids. My mother was also addicted to opioids for more than 15 years. Her doctor kept prescribing them to her even after I tried to tell him what was happening. This was an excellent but very sad series.
  22. Yes! That is it! It's the color. If they were black it wouldn't be as bad.
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