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Everything posted by Hava

  1. I am surprised that I am the only one who is not a fan of El's character. I do not dislike her, but, ever since season 2, I have found her story to be repetitive. It's just not interesting to me to see her either abused or staring at something and screaming at it. Having said that, the Mike speech and Hopper reunion fell completely flat for me. It's frustrating that the show continues to put focus on these characters while killing a character like Eddie who breathed new life into the show.
  2. This episode was such a letdown from the previous episode. The only storylines I am into at the moment are in Hawkins, especially with the addition of Eddie. I need more of him! Eleven has never been a favorite character of mine (blasphemy, I know!), so I don't really care about her storyline, and Russia is so out of place. I was just singing the praises of this season before this episode, so I hope it gets back on track for the last two episodes.
  3. To me, he is a cross between Mario Lopez and Mark Paul Gosselaar. LOL.
  4. I had such low expectations going into the series. It looked super low budget and corny at first blush. But, it was surprisingly really, really good! The only aspect I didn't love was the Maggie character and subplot. Otherwise, I am looking forward to another season!
  5. Will Smith's resignation feels drastic but not a big deal at the same time. Like, it's drastic in the sense that it's permanent while I was just expecting the Academy to temporarily suspend him. But it's also not that big of a deal since not being a part of the Academy doesn't seem to have terrible consequences, unless he really cares about voting. All I can say is I am glad to see that some tangible action and accountability was taken and hope we can all move on now (unless Chris Rock wants to say something).
  6. I think even the comedians who are defending Chris Rock would say the joke is not funny. And not in the sense that making fun of people's medical conditions or a woman's appearance is "not funny." But, just in terms of comedy and construction of jokes, it's plainly unfunny. Which I think Chris Rock and any comedian would tell you that is a far worse critique of a joke than the joke being insulting lol.
  7. That's what I keep coming back to. Regardless of the medical condition that caused Jada's hair loss, what was the point of the "joke"? What's even the punchline? It was stupid and unfunny. He looked out on the crowd and saw a woman with a bald head and thought it was remarkable enough to comment on in 2022? Really? Men are still concerned about how women look as though it is a personal affront if we don't conform to what they want to see. Newsflash: women don't exist to please men.
  8. I know most people are tired of talking about the "incident," but I have still been following along, and today I saw a video close-up of Chris Rocks' face during Questlove's acceptance speech, and it was pretty heartbreaking. He looked upset and confused. If i were him, I would feel so, so hurt and abandoned if I was just assaulted and everybody around me moved on as though it didn't happen. Someone made a great point that no one from backstage came out to check in on him--not even a "hey, you good?", nothing--before moving on. Like, what the hell?? What a way to make someone feel like their safety does not matter and they're not valued. And today I also learned that he was a victim of bullying as a kid (including sexually assault :( ), and that makes this situation even more upsetting.
  9. Yes, sadly, it took me years to see that moment as it was--assault. It was before a time that there was a real reckoning--at least in my awareness--regarding more "casual" forms of harassment and sexual assault.
  10. This episode was a complete miss for me. It was the epitome of white feminism and lacked awareness that it was such. Using RBG to assuage Diane's guilt about not stepping aside for a black partner felt super disrespectful to RGB's memory. The show is pitting women against black people--completely missing the fact that black women exist! Also, asking Diane to step aside is not "reverse racism." White people are not a marginalized group. Keeping a black law firm black is a way to elevate black lawyers who are discriminated against in majority-white law firms.
  11. I just want to say how comforting it was to watch an awards show that felt like a return to pre-COVID times. It felt like the first awards show to go back to normal.
  12. This may be a shallow observation, but the movie really reminded me of There Will Be Blood with its vast landscape setting and the ominous music set against a ponderous story.
  13. I could not believe that. I expect a certain degree of misdirection on Dateline, but this episode took it to a whole other level and made me upset. They basically admitted to casting suspicion--not even that, they basically made us believe he was convincted and in jail--on Randy for the sake of entertainment. Imagine if someone didn't watch the whole episode and left thinking Randy did it (as I was convinced during the episode before the reveal). Gross. And it's creepy that they know what visual clues the viewers look for to determine who the killer is and they they completely subverted the their own norms by intentionally making someone look as though they were in prison.
  14. Just finished this movie. It was completely different from what I expected. I thought one of Leda's daughters had drowned, and so Leda was being judgmental of Nina's parenting and starting to become overprotective of Nina's daughter. Boy, was I wrong. It was Nina that Leda was taking an interest in, not Nina's daughter. She identified with Nina and wanted to "save" her like she had said herself. In the end, I don't know how to feel about this movie. I loved the performances, but the story did not meet up to the atmosphere/tone of the movie, if that makes sense. And it's hard for me to like movies where the main character is so unlikeable.
  15. That's exactly my problem with the movie. Nicole Kidman as Lucy Ricardo did not work. She was too exaggerated and over-the-top, especially with her voice and expressions. It was like a caricature.
  16. In the first episode, Pine gives MI6 what appears to be an agreement between Ironlast (Roper's company) and Freddie Hamid that describes, in detail, the illegal arms that Ironlast will be selling to Freddie. Even if you ignore the ridiculous notion that an illegal arms trade would have a paper trail like that, how is that the Roper was never charged/convicted based on this evidence alone? Also, doesn't it go against Roper's M.O. to use his own company, Ironlast, in business dealings like this when, later in the series, he explains to Pine that he uses a middleman to create a front company to actually make the deals? Any help would be much appreciated because, while I very much enjoyed the series, this one thing is really ruining it for me lol.
  17. I don't find June and Nick's relationship romantic in the least. Aside from the fact that Nick is someone who participates in a regime that persecutes women like June, their relationship is just a heartbreaking reminder of Gilead's destruction of once-happy families and friendships. I can't look at June and Nick together without thinking of what could have been for her, Luke, and Hannah if Gilead never existed. So, for me, a happy ending would be with June, Nick, and Hannah repairing and restoring their family, however farfetched that may be.
  18. I'm tired of the June show. I have never been one to subscribe to the belief that the title of the show--The Handmaid's Tale--necessarily means that it is solely June's story, so my wish is for the show is to branch out and focus on other characters. I hate that she is suddenly the leader of Mayday and everyone is taking direction from her when we know that Mayday was established before June's involvement and likely spearheaded by other badass women. It really feels like peak white feminism and I absolutely abhor it.
  19. So sudden and heartbreaking. She was far too young. She truly elevated Peaky Blinders.
  20. I just finished binge watching all 5 seasons. My overarching take is that this show has the elements to be a truly great show--the ensemble and the setting are truly fantastic. But the writing just can't get it there. Despite great moments and some great arcs, the writing is inconsistent and disjointed. The show primarily fails in the writing of its female characters. Grace had so much potential before she was abruptly killed. We never got to know her or her background. She was just a prop for Tommy's pain. And it's so obvious there are no female writers on staff. In season 1, Grace basically thanks Tommy for stopping her rape at the hands of Billy Kimber...even though it was Tommy who orchestrated it to begin with! The show tried to play it off as a romantic moment, but my god, was that tone deaf. And then you have every woman that Tommy meets getting into bed with him, even when they know he does some supremely shitty things. I'm going to continue watching the show because the main actors are just so good, but I really wish it was in the hands of more capable writers.
  21. My mistake. I will delete my original post.
  22. I couldn't agree more. The series paid too much time on these people. Do we even know if these "web sleuths" had prominent followings or was the series giving a platform to obscure Youtubers who no one would have heard of if not for this series? I don't think the last episode discrediting these people justifies the amount of time they were given in the first three episodes, especially when the series itself did not have a clear viewpoint that these "web sleuths" were dangerous and irresponsible. I also agree with other posters who felt that the series was dragged out. It is obvious that the police knew about Elisa's mental health condition from the very beginning--the prescriptions with her stuff, the incident at the tv show taping, the incident with her roommates, and likely conversations with her family. The series withheld this information until the last episode in order to prolong a mystery that didn't exist. I wish the series had, with the blessing of Elisa's family, explored her life and her condition instead.
  23. I've never been able to figure this out--when House first went to the hospital for his leg, did he know Cuddy? When did he start working for the hospital?
  24. I need Jimmy to have a romance on the show. It's just a waste of his sexiness not to.
  25. Me: the perfect man doesn't exist Jimmy Perez: Hi But, in all seriousness, I love this show. I much prefer the season long stories as opposed to the standalone stories of the earlier seasons.
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