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Everything posted by Hava

  1. I'm still grappling with Dany's ending, and still find it unsatisfying. To those stating that Dany would never be a "good" queen, starting with her sense of entitlement to the Iron Throne, what is your response to those seemingly-good characters who thought that Jon was the "rightful heir"? Is that also not entitlement? And how can Tyrion be the "good guy" who convinces Jon to kill Dany, when Tyrion helped his evil family at Blackwater and devised the use of wildfire to kill their enemies?
  2. This season is so underwhelming, and this episode highlighted it. There was not one thing on the runway I loved. And there has not been one thing this season that rivals some of the best designs of seasons past.
  3. I am NOT ok with Jorah dying. BUt that Arya moment at the end was worth it.
  4. I know it's an unpopular opinion, but neither Jaime nor Brienne have been characters I've warmed to, so many of the moments that resonated with others did not resonate with me. BUT, the Theon and Sansa moment was unexpectedly the most emotional moment of the episode for me! Such a beautiful reunion. I've always liked Theon even if I was disappointed by his actions. Seeing him back in his true home just feels so right. How old is Arya supposed to be? I felt uncomfortable with the sex scene.
  5. The designers this season are talented, but am I the only one who feels like their designs so far lack joy? I don't know how to explain it. All the clothes just feel drab and geometrical--like they are trying too hard to be cutting edge? I miss the contestants of prior seasons whose fashions felt more joyful and prettier, like those of Uli, Laura, etc.
  6. Yes, exactly. I'm still thinking about this storyline. I REALLY don't want the show to suggest that the Stark sisters were actually going to kill each other before Bran stepped in. Arya and Sansa may have not gotten along growing up and may have even disliked each other, but, before this season, I never questioned that they loved each other. They're still SISTERS! I think the only truly awful thing that Sansa did was her role in the murder of the butcher's son, but, even then, I couldn't imagine that Arya would kill Sansa over that. Sadly, the show did not do a good job in letting us know what was truly going on between them. Either they were acting in private (why?) or they truly were looking to kill the other (why?). Neither of which makes sense.
  7. I've always hoped for a Sansa/Podrick pairing. I love Podrick to pieces.
  8. What the hell have they done to Arya? I really hated her this episode, and she was my favorite. I really hope this whoel Arya vs. Sansa plot is a fakeout and that Sansa and Arya will actually work together to take down Littlefinger. It made me so sad to see two Stark children fighting :(
  9. I have a bad feeling about this...
  10. Annoyed that Jaime and Bronn miraculously survived that onslaught. Ugh. Despite how small of a character he is, I love Pod to pieces. He's just so...normal. It's refreshing. I know the show hasn't hinted at it at all, but I ship Pod and Sansa like crazy. I really hope they don't take the whole Arya-is-an-emotionless-ruthless-killer thing too far and allow some of her old personality to come through.
  11. I'm so glad other people are hating Jaime and Littlefinger as intensely as I do. I've never felt sympathy for Jaime, even when the show tried with the Brienne storyline. I hate all Lannisters, including Tyrion. And Littlefinger just needs to go.
  12. Completely agree. I can't stand him. And why is Littlefinger still alive? How is that no one has killed him yet? I hate him and will throw things if he manages to manipulate Sansa into betraying Jon.
  13. It was only 10 years?! It did not come across like that at all. It felt like 20 years or something.
  14. Just had to quote this because it is so true.
  15. I stopped watching this show closely since the end of season 1 (which I LOVED) because the show became too steeped in the supernatural. The stories of both Kevins departed too much from reality for me. However naively, I continued to watch the show because I liked the characters and wanted them to end up emotionally ok. I found the finale to be beautiful. Although I've felt disconnected from Kevin, the dance between him and Nora made me bawl. I am so glad that Laurie is alive. I really loved her story of coming out of the GR and starting anew. She honestly seemed to lead the most well-adjusted life. What bothered me about the finale, however, is that, if Nora's story is true, she left her kids. It just didn't ring true to her character. What I loved about Nora and Carrie C***'s portrayal is the undercurrent of vulnerability she had due to losing her kids that never went away despite how hardened she became. I just think it spoke so much about a mother's love that someone would never truly be able to get over losing a child. And I was actually rooting her on to use the machine because I so wanted her to reunite with them. To think that she would make it all the way there and have the self-control not to run to them and hold them just didn't feel right.
  16. I really enjoy this show, but I have to get some of my unpopular opinions off my chest: 1. I LOVE Michaela and Asher together. Asher just makes me smile, and I love that I never saw their relationship coming but it still works and makes sense. 2. I hate everything having to do with Laurel and Frank. I've never gotten their relationship, so the continuous emphasis on their love makes me despise the characters. 3. I feel nothing for Annalise/Nate and Connor/Oliver. Like others have said, Nate serves no other purpose on the show other than eye candy. Oliver is so blah to me, too. I love Connor, though.
  17. I knew it! I freaking knew they wouldn't let Sansa and Jon be at Castle Back at the same time! Have the Starks have a good moment? Pssh, never! Grrrrrr!!!!
  18. I swear to the many-faced god if Jon forgets who Sansa is and we miss our chance at a true Stark reunion. I seriously wouldn't put it past this show, which seems to revel in torturing the Starks.
  19. I don't care about anything else happening, I just HAVE to see Sansa and Jon reunite and Sansa to be welcome into safety for even a brief time. I need to see a Stark reunion or I will scream!
  20. Great episode. I was literally going to cut a bitch if something happened to Sansa or Theon. Game of Thrones doesn't often do the faiytale, last-minute save, but I'm glad it did in this instance. Is it wrong for me to desperately ship Sansa and Pod??? The Melisandre reveal was jaw-dropping, but I also could not help but feel they were implying that there is shame in an old woman's body. Arya used to be my favorite, but I have been confused by her storyline since last season. I may need to rewatch season 5.
  21. I really don't believe the writers of this show have the guts to kill a major character like Glenn. I was reading a New York Times article, and the author had a theory that Glenn's almost-death in earlier the season was a trial balloon to test how people would react to a Glenn death. And lots of people (not me) were angry about the prospect.
  22. No. Freakin. Way. You do exist! So what was it about him that you didn't like? And how did it impact your love of the show?
  23. I hope I can post my thoughts on the show as a whole here. I've seen a lot of people post about loving Frank and Claire's partnership and reveling in their machinations, so it made me wonder: are we supposed to like and root for them, as evil as they are? Because I don't...not even a little. I watch every episode with a hope that they will be taken down. Am I naive? Am I missing the point? And it is really starting to stretch credulity to me that anyone ever believes a word that comes out of Frank's mouth. So, I was happy to see Claire leave Frank last season because I was hoping she would try to redeem herself. But nope. I don't understand what they want? Ok, power, I get it. But for what purpose? They don't have anything they believe in to use that power for. So do they just want power for power's sake? I was so happy that the article came out! I was convinced that something would happen to bury the article. I'm not optimistic that won't happen next season.
  24. Ugh, I adore Claire and Tom together. As much as I want Frank and Claire to fail (and boy, do I), I still root for Claire to change her ways and become a good person. So I really like her with Tom and their chemistry is amazing. Plus, Tom is sexy.
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