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Everything posted by MadyGirl1987

  1. I agree. Tully is focused on how she wasn’t at fault in the accident and “wasn’t that drunk”(I mean, like THAT makes it better?) and that she was going to help Mara, but she misses the point that Mara was in that situation because Tully ignored the ground rules Kate had laid out for her daughter.
  2. I think it was. Marrying just out of HS/college. My parents married in 1981 and were just a couple years older then Diana(born in 1957 and 1958). A friend of my moms, same age as her, was already married and had a baby by the time of my parents marriage. In fact, an aunt of mine once told me she thought my parents weren’t going to have kids before I came along, based on how long (5 years) they were married before having me. People were just expected to settle down and have families sooner, I guess.
  3. I really hope they show how the whole mess affected the boys. Diana and Charles, mostly Diana since I feel Charles would never have played the mess out publicly if Diana wasn’t using the press to get people on her side, really did a disservice to William and Harry. More then Diana or Charles, I feel sorry for them throughout the mess of the war of the wales.
  4. Really good episode. I loved Jen and Matt together, hopefully they keep in touch, and I would love to see more of them. That ending was hard to watch, but I’m interested to see where it goes in the final episode. I really wish she had listened to Mallory and not gone into a Hulk rage, as understandable as her anger is. It just played into their hands and made things worse. I’m wondering if that was their plan; get her to go into angry hulk mode, and make people afraid of her. It’s understandable people would be frightened by a Hulk getting mad(look at what she did when not in an angry rage to the parking lot) and would be more likely to discredit her more then just slut-shaming. I’d be more worried by video of her angry rage then of her sleeping with someone.
  5. I think if you knowingly sleep with someone’s significant other(assuming there isn’t an open relationship deal you would ideally confirm is legit) you are a guilty party. Not as much as the cheating partner of course, but in knowingly sleeping with them, you are playing a part in the deception and betrayal of the partner. You are willingly helping the cheater betray their significant other.
  6. I can see you watched “Once Upon a Time” as well, huh. It was crazy how much of that happened in the show.
  7. I’m actually reading the book right now. I am 144 pages in and so far nothing like what is being talked about is presented. Granted, there is still a lot of story left, but it has already shown quite a bit of the online chatter about her(which is what I’m guessing the Amazon reviews are mentioning and it is a bit messy the way it’s formatted) and I think if anything is dealing with transphobic behavior, it will be in the background, or a possible red herring.
  8. A pet peeve I was thinking on this morning; videos of people waking up from anesthesia and acting loopy. To me, it’s not funny, it just seems like making fun of someone at a vulnerable time, recovering from a medical procedure. I would be mad if someone did that to me when I had undergone a medical procedure.
  9. I enjoyed it! It was a lot of fun. I thought Tatiana and Ruffalo had good chemistry and I enjoyed their scenes together. I think it set the show up for an interest storyline; her having to juggle being a lawyer with having superpowers. Does anyone else think(spoiler alert for those who haven’t seen Ms Marvel)
  10. While I agree with this, I will say this seems like a oversimplification of the situation she finds herself in. She is homeless and lost everything. If she’s busy dealing with this, how can she work, so she’s probably losing money every day, if not risking losing her job because she can’t show up. It’s doubtful any insurance/ lawsuit against Ann’s estate, will make her fully whole, so she will be in debt, if not outright poverty, for a while. She may never get out of that. Hopefully she has support, people she can stay with, but even that will have limits and risk straining those relationships if they have limited resources to help. That’s not even touching the emotional trauma of the whole situation. It’s a tragedy Anne had such a hard life and an early death, but let’s not underplay the mess she left behind that will take people years, if they can ever, to come back from.
  11. It’s funny hearing that from James Patterson. I work in a library and can confirm that he is not hurting for money. His works take up three shelves in our mystery section and one in our regular fiction. Also, I have no respect for authors who use ghost writers and pass their work off as their own, although he doesn’t hide it at least and his ghostwriters get their name on the cover unlike others(sure Danielle Steel, you don’t use ghost writers for your 6-9 books a year).
  12. I have to admit, the animation in the songs kinda threw me to. I forgot to mention in my original reaction what made me laugh. I remember specifically two moments getting a laugh out of me. The first was Tina’s reaction to the baby and hole innuendo “You have to stop saying that!” The second was after Bob and Linda get down into the secret club and it shows Linda acting just like Gene with the buttons.
  13. I thought the same thing! It kept the feeling of the show, but with more runtime. It makes me feel they understand what people like about the show and what fans were expecting from a movie.
  14. At the theater to watch Dr. Strange and saw this… So pumped for Memorial Day!
  15. So, I’m reading “Reprieve,” by James Han Mattson, and I have never seen an author who so obviously hates fat people, especially women. I’m reading it in eBook form and highlighted the worst offenses in these screenshots…
  16. Bellamy can’t get his inevitable comeuppance soon enough. I also felt horrid for Abigail’s father and hope they send word ASAP to him that he didn’t just lose his daughter and old friend in one go. The main trio has great chemistry together and this episode of almost entirely just the three of them together was great to watch.
  17. That was a satisfying ending! I would love to see a second season. Clint and Kate have great chemistry and work well together as partners. I really liked the interaction between Clint and Yelena. I really like the point that Natasha made a choice and that they wouldn't have been able to change her choice. I get the issue around fridging female characters, but I never considered Natasha’s death fridging BECAUSE she made a choice and I feel calling it that takes away the impact and agency behind her sacrifice. As a Broadway fan, that end credits scene was amazing to me. Especially as someone who was a big RENT fan back in college, having Adam Pascal, the original Roger, made it better.
  18. This was so awesome! You could tell everyone involved had a great love of the Spider-Man character and the previous films. The best parts of the film were the interactions between everyone. I really liked seeing the different Spideys and villains again. The interactions between Toby, Tom and Andrew were pitch perfect and felt true to their individual portrayals, where each Spidey was going in his story and I liked their bond. One of my especially favorite moments was Andrews catching MJ and his reaction to that. That was also one of the biggest audience reactions in my showing, him saving her.
  19. As someone who considers Fiddler one of their favorite musicals I love this!
  20. So good! Really enjoyed it. I thought it was a perfect mix of call backs and new ideas. Was not expecting to be feeling so many feelings at the ending. I LOVED how they were able to incorporate Harold Ramis into the film. It would have felt empty with just three of them there. It was pitch perfect.
  21. Same here. This is exactly how I feel about it, and I hate that it has often been simplified as “Saint Diana versus evil Charles.” The situation is so much more complex then that. The whole marriage was a mess that should never have happened. I will say one thing from the most recent episode stuck out at me. It was the guy who compared Diana’s relationship with the press to an addiction. I think that really nails it, and is a good description of the situation. She loved the attention and validation the media gave her, but the press and paparazzi were toxic and definitely hindered her living her life like she wanted, such as the doctor who broke up with her because he realized with all the press attention they could never have the life they wanted.
  22. Watching the latest episode and one quote from Diana stuck out at me. She said she hoped Charles would go off with Camilla and leave her William and Harry to be the Wales’. Then William would become King. Am I the only person who finds that kinda naive and unaware of how royalty works. Someone please correct me if I’m wrong, but I am sure if Charles abdicated his whole line would be taken out of the line of succession.
  23. Wow, that was a well done episode. Being OCD I know EXACTLY what it’s like to hyper-focus on a situation or word, and it feels exactly like this; a big thing you can’t get out of your head. Also, on a personal note, my mom and I definitely clashed about my weight. Not even carelessly like Marge did here, she would be upfront about it. She meant well, and was concerned about my health, but would go about it the total wrong way. She would be direct and say I need to eat better(true), or do joking asides she apparently thought would help the message go over better, like calling me “Carbie Barbie,” rubbing my stomach like I was pregnant saying we are going to get rid of the food baby, or even saying to the dog, in a way I was supposed to overhear, that I am going to be like Gilbert Grapes mom if I don’t stop eating at Chipotle so much. Did it help? Not one bit. All it did was make me even more self-aware that the world saw me as fat and unattractive, given me a complex that lasts to this day, and it really damaged our relationship. I wish I had been more open about how it had made me feel, since I know if she had known how it really made me feel she would have felt horrible, but me being young and stubborn it just put me on the defensive, which doesn’t solve anything. Anyway, my point is that great TV touches on real life situations like this people can relate to, which is what this episode did. Well done, Simpsons. Also, I loved the call out to Action Park and the documentary Class Action Park. If you haven’t seen it, watch it on HBO Max, it’s fascinating.
  24. As a theatre fan, I loved the Hamilton shout-out to Broadways reopening with tbe “look around” quote. How dare they have Ed Asners tribute shown in the background of the singers and they don’t use his “I treasure you people” quote from the Mary Tyler Moore show!
  25. I tend to think it would help to have a bigger more unified inclusive group because 1. Strength in numbers and 2. A bigger more diverse group would give a bigger more accurate view of what the issues are and all of the different things different woman face. Splitting off into factions risks smaller ones getting overlooked. With a bigger more unified group, there is the opportunity for the more underrepresented experiences to be heard and given voice to with the help of the whole.
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