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Everything posted by MadyGirl1987

  1. I agree. I definitely think they needed a better way of supporting those families. Look at what happened with the Evans… Lily and Petunia seemed close until Lily went to Hogwarts. Petunia was (understandably) jealous and felt left out, not helped by the fact that the parents seemed to fawn over Lily. I’m sure that’s a very common dynamic in Muggleborn families that could have been forseen by Hogwarts. Maybe a word of warning or some tips on how to handle non-magic siblings so these resentments don’t fester like they did in Petunia?
  2. I definitely do think the book is kind of a refutation of the lost cause myth. While it does perpetuate a lot of racist thoughts of the time the novel was set, and the time it was written in, I do think that it does not show the cause of the Confederacy as a positive. I get more of a sense of “what was it all for?” When reading the novel, it struck me how critical Scarlett was of the Confederacy and how those that did the best and rose in the years after the war were, like Scarlett, those less caught in the the past and willing to do whatever it takes to get what they want, such as how she does business with northerners when others won’t and how she has Frank call in the debts people owed him when he was hesitant to when people were struggling after the war. I also think it’s telling that the man who turns out to be Scarlett’s match, Rhett, is seen in one of the first scenes he’s in saying the South would never win a war and it would be foolish to fight.
  3. Aw, come on, George and Brenda! Don’t do that to Mary! Your husband sleeping with a friend and neighbor? That’s like being cheated on twice, by both the husband and friend. That’s just extra horrible! That said, I liked this episode, especially Sheldon with both Connie and Missy. Also liked Georgie trying to do something for Mary. At least no matter how crazy the things get for the family, Meemaw will be there and the three kids will have each other.
  4. Good Neighbors by Sarah Langhan. “Big Little Lies” meets “The Crucible” in this book when, after one of the kids of the neighborhood Queen Bee falls into a sinkhole, accusations are brought against another neighbor bring blame onto them and their family at large. Things escalate leading to violence and death taking over the block.
  5. You forgot the best part, George really going for the idea! 😂
  6. I didn’t think of this at first, but ITA. I’m in library work, and we are big on privacy in large part due to how, psychologically, when people feel they are being monitored or watched or could be seen doing something, it has a chilling effect. For example, someone who wants to check out a book on a sensitive medical issue might not if they have reason to believe people might find out about it. This would definitely apply to group therapy in a public park. I’m guessing IRL the people would not be so candid due to fear of being overheard.
  7. I’m with those saying Tess was being a brat. I’m not a parent, but I doubt many parents would be pleased with their pre-teen/teen making out in a closed bedroom no mater who they were attracted to. The Trans-racial support group... Does TV want us to see adoption as bad, because with the biology over all else slant of Little Fires Everywhere last year to Randal’s Adoption Angst and the woman telling her adopted family she would rather have grown up with her bipolar mom then them, I am not seeing many positive depictions of adoptions. As someone who knows many people who’ve adopted, including one of my mother’s best friends who adopted two sons and had one cut off contact for a while after he met his birth mom, I know its complicated but I hate how TV portrays adoption as something that messes a person up, no matter how loving and stable the adopted family is. Sometimes the best family to raise you ISN’T your biological family, sad as that is. That type of thinking gets kids put back into abusive homes in the name of keeping the family together.
  8. I’m reading “Are We There Yet?” by Kathleen West. Ive just started it am enjoying it. The book flap summary is that this is about Alice, who thinks her life is perfect, but realizes her daughter is behind in school and her son is bullying another student. Then her mom comes clean about a deep family secret. She has to deal with all of this and what it means for her and her family while handling the social backlash for being “a mom who can’t control her kids.”
  9. I think that was only when boys(or just friends in general) were over?
  10. Well, that was one of the best series finales I’ve seen. Best I’ve seen since “The Office”. Pitch perfect, satisfying and true to the show. I think this will go down as one of the great sitcom finales.
  11. Agreed! I don’t care for really raunchy stuff because a lot just comes across as juvenile, whether from a man or woman. When a woman does it though, it has an added cringe factor for me because it just comes across, to me at least, as “look at me! I’m a woman saying crude things! Isn’t that SO original and outrageous?” I would also add that comedians who joke about what hot messes they are and how they don’t have their life together annoy me. It’s not funny or charming to me. And even at 34 I feel like an old lady asking, “then why don’t you do something about it?”
  12. That’s just hilarious when you look at all of the actors from outside of the US, usually from the UK, who play characters from the US, like Benedict Cumberbatch as Dr. Strange or Hugh Laurie as House.
  13. Maybe it comes across differently in the book, but I always got the impression that he was leaving because now Ashley was “free”(as much as a grieving widower is “free”) he assumed she would leave him for Ashley. I’m doing my first read of the book, and it’s fascinating. Yeah, there are the problematic descriptions of the black characters and how it kinda whitewashes slavery, but I find myself amazed by how frank it can be about the war and a woman’s role in the society. It really shows how women were really only valued for their beauty and running the house, and they had a definite prescribed role. Not only do you have Rhett speaking out about the war, but you have Scarlett doubting her belief in the cause and Ashley and Melanie talking about how foolish it was. It was definitely surprising since in the movie the characters are much more invested in the war and the cause of the Confederacy.
  14. Oh, I get what you’re saying, and agree. Honestly, both are just as bad to me. You don’t have to agree, but telling people they are going to hell or telling people they are stupid for believing in God is just wrong. My stance is basically unless what the other person believes or does affects you or how they treat you, what do you care what they believe?
  15. That was a good episode. I am glad they had Alicia and Paul come to an understanding. I didn’t like how they were so dismissive of Church and didn’t even want Bow to go at first. Then Paul was really annoying me at how he reacted when Alicia was moved at going back to Church. Evil things have come from abuse of faith and religion, for sure, and I’m not even that devout of a person myself, but to just say no to any religious anything and looking down on believers rubs me the wrong way. Incidentally, PBS is airing a new documentary in two parts, tonight and tomorrow, called “The Black Church” which is all about the role of the church in Black communities throughout US History. That PeeWee line made me laugh hard, along with how bad Bow is at sneaking out. Enjoyed Harrison’s scene with Johan and Santi.
  16. Yep. It was a classic scapegoat situation. Part of it was almost definitely the fact that most people had bought news and pics of Diana from the paparazzi and tabs. I would also add that the press pulled off a diversion move. They were being blamed by the public in their role in Diana’s death and their intrusion on her private life. You can see videos of people telling news reporters, in the days after her death, things like “you guys killed her, why couldn’t you leave her alone?” The press response? Make it a big scandal that the Queen didn’t either leave her grieving family or force them all back to London to grieve in the public eye. Also, what’s the betting that if the Queen HAD left Balmoral and led the country in the public mourning they wanted, she would have been accused of being insincere?
  17. I love the scene in the movie where she comes to comfort him after Bonnie dies. DeHavilland and Gable are great together. Come to think of it, I think that’s the only scene where you see him interacting with Melanie one on one, which is a shame. I am reading the book for the first time after many watches of the movie and one thing that comes across the same in the book is the respect for Melanie and the sincerity he treats her. From the first we see him, in the book and movie, he kinda goes around with a sense of disdain for the social order and treats others with the cynicism he approaches life. However, he always seems to have genuine respect for Melanie. At the risk of getting off topic, I must say I am really enjoying reading this book. l am finding it gives me so many things to think about and wanting to dive in and discuss deeper. I almost think I might start a GWTW thread to discuss my thoughts.
  18. Funny episode, even if Bow was going a bit Tina Belcher with regards to Jay. I especially loved the conversation between Paul and Alicia at the end, with them both supporting and being supported by each other. They are a great couple.
  19. Awesome! So glad we are getting another season of thIs awesome crazy show. Side-note; Just tonight at work a customer came in with a Beebo shirt. Coincidence or proof of the magic of Beebo. You tell me...
  20. I agree. Nothing comes without cost, and it’s Harry’s cost, and Meghan’s by the fact she married him, that he can’t be 100% the person he wishes he could be or just do whatever he wants to do. They have enormous wealth and privilege, the attention of the world they can use to bring attention to causes they feel passionate about. They will never have to worry about paying the rent, saving for college for Archie or what they will do for retirement. Now that’s not to say their lives aren’t without trouble and that they have to just take whatever is thrown at them, especially the racist stuff. I just wished they would realize how it seems when they are very public in talking about how hard they find their super-privileged lives. Talking about stepping back to “make their own way” while relying on the connections they got from their positions, privilege and wealth. Especially during a pandemic. It just bugs me for the same reason seeing celebrities doing messages about how “we’re all in this together” from their expensive, luxury homes. We’re not. The fact is some people have it way worse and are more effected by current events then you. I don’t care if you’re rich or privileged, but acknowledge it, try to do some good with it and, for God’s sake, read the room! I know it seems like I’m piling on Harry and Meghan, but I actually don’t mind them leaving and finding their way. Harry never did seem entirely comfortable with royal life. I just wish they knew how they came across sometimes.
  21. That does, at the very least sound dismissive of her, but I would be wary of taking a book like Finding Freedom at face value. I work at a library and tell all books like it claiming to give the “real story” are a dime a dozen and often of dubious quality and authenticity. People are quick and all to happy to cash in. And has he totally cut off William? I mean, people move and lead separate lives from their siblings. They can still love and care for each other even if Harry stepped down from being a senior royal. We haven’t seen them visiting, true, but I’d put that more down to Covid then anything else...
  22. Apart from rumors and tabloid gossip-mongering, how has William ever been racist to Meghan? The only credible thing I’ve ever heard of is William saying something to effect of “slow down” with her, and even that seems to be more a a big brother asking Harry to take his time, not rush into things and be sure she’s who you want. I mean, that’s the path he himself took with Kate.
  23. Funny episode. I loved Jonahs reaction to Cheyenne at the end and also his, “I just stocked those blenders...” The Carol lawsuit at the end came out of nowhere, even if, as Dinah said, a lawsuit over electrocution makes sense. Is this setting up how the show will end? The store closing due to a lawsuit?
  24. I don’t think they are showing they will be ready on time at all. They are all wrapped up in their own stuff. When he talks about getting to the event on time, they just blow him off. It makes me mad on his behalf and if I was him I would be just like, “Forget it! Thanks for nothing! I’m going with all of you jerks since you obviously don’t care about this thing that’s important to me.” I know how frustrating it is to set a time to be ready to go, and the other person shows no interest/urgency. In the past, for example, me and my sister have made plans to go to a movie, and set a time to leave. My sister will agree to the time, only to be getting into the shower 5 min before, making us late.
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