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Everything posted by MadyGirl1987

  1. Renewal for Agents of SHIELD and Agent Carter! http://www.ew.com/article/2015/05/07/once-castle-shield-goldbergs-among-abc-renewals
  2. Right? I thought the same when Raj mentioned trying to go to see the new Avengers film with Emily, like he would not be anticipating it highly and be there opening night, possibly as a group with the guys. I can't see any of the guys treating it as just another night at the movies like he does there. That said, I thought this was a depressing way to end the season. This is a COMEDY, not some drama. I loved Mayim's acting in the video chat and Jim's reaction, but come on! I should be left with a laugh, not relationship drama. It becomes Friends where it became all soap-opera drama in the later seasons that way.
  3. We have renewal; two more years. http://www.ew.com/article/2015/05/04/simpsons-renewed-for-two-seasons
  4. I disagree. In Iron Man 3, we see Tony developing the Iron Legion, playing into the global defense robots and AI Ultron comes from. As for Thor's vision, could it mean trouble in Asgard from Loki ruling as Odin? Thor's was the hardest vision to understand for me, but I took it as trouble and doom for Asgard, which could have come from Thor staying on earth at the end of Dark World. Also; the aether is in play in Dark World and they connect the dots with the infinity stones here. That said, I really enjoyed the film. I thought Ultron was a much better villain then Loki, definitely more threatening. I think the biggest surprise was Quicksilver's death. I think that, Vision holding Mjolnir and Thanos got the biggest reactions from the audience. Also "Language!" lol Captain America can sure be adorkable. Lastly; loved the end credits of close-ups of a statue with the whole thing shown at the end.s
  5. I liked seeing the original team back, and liked all the doubts about Ward. I also loved Skye's Sonic quip about Raina. Found it interesting Cal said to watch out for her. Wasn't her end game getting transformed? What could she be up to? BTW; was anyone else, after learning she had psychic powers, expecting a scene like the one we got where she foresaw the events of the upcoming film? As soon as that was revealed I figured the last episode before Age of Ultron would be something like her having a vision and being all "trouble ahead." As it is, I liked that and when Coulson and Hill were talking about calling in the Avengers. That said: Less then 48 hours to go! OMG OMG OMG I am SOOOO excited!!! Is is Thursday yet? SQUEEEE (end geek out)
  6. Same here! 7 pm IMAX 3D baby! Geeking out already! I believe AMC Theaters are giving those at the first IMAX shows posters.
  7. Right? I think he handled it with class. Leaving instead of getting rude and aggressive.
  8. A little off topic, but as it happened during a promotional Avenger interview. RDJ walked out of an interview about the movie when the interviewer started going off topic asking personal questions. http://www.ew.com/article/2015/04/22/robert-downey-jr-awkward-channel-4-interview
  9. After seeing multiple people talking about how mean and troublesome dalmatians are, I have to say, as someone who grew up with a dalmatian as the family dog and now has a dalmatian/dachshund mix(she is actually in my profile pic), I just have to say that they are not that bad. While they can be high energy, and deafness(which can make a dog fearful and on edge and cause violent reactions) has a high prevalence in the breed, with good training and exercise they can be great family pets. Just saying... :) That said, apart from the Emma ending (only in this show would someone killing someone holding their kid at gunpoint, by a cliff no less, be a sign of going dark), I liked this episode. I thought the Cruella back-story was intriguing and the reveal she was the killer was awesome. I actually liked her and the author together. Sad she's gone, but hopefully she will be back in flashbacks.... Also; loved Regina and Hook trying to talk to Emma about her parents. I could actually agree with what all three were saying. Loved Emma's snark about Regina's vendetta against a 10 year old's mistake.
  10. Possible Age of Ultron end credits scene leaked. Even though it has been reported there won't be one, the article actually includes video of what is reported to be at the end of the credits. http://www.technobuffalo.com/2015/04/20/avengers-age-of-ultron-may-have-an-amazing-post-credits-scene/ If true, it is awesome!
  11. That is a good point. I had forgotten how long it took for just that area to be rebuilt. Funny you mention the WTC attack, because I kinda see the end battle of Avengers as a kind of 9/11 for the MCU.
  12. As someone who does not know anything about the character, I thought this was a great introduction to Daredevil. I was able to understand who this guy is and what kind of world he exists in. I liked that they tied into the Avengers and how "the incident" has impacted NYC nearly 3 years out. It kinda shows what happens after the credits roll on the big superhero blockbuster. Life won't just go back to normal. Stuff needs to be rebuilt and people are going to take advantage of that opportunity. I liked the villian talking about how when superheros and their like show up, they make money. While it is kind of questionable that such a big, important city like NYC would still be heavily rebuilding (wouldn't it have gone faster, gotten a lot of assistance and be made more of a priority to get the city back to normal?) three years out, it would have seemed weird to hear nothing about it and it fits people would still be talking about it. ETA; Love the opening credits. Fits perfectly with the mood of the show.
  13. Apparently there will not be any post-credits scene in Ultron... http://www.ew.com/article/2015/04/07/avengers-age-ultron-wont-have-post-credit-scene-joss-whedon-says
  14. All I could keep thinking was "why is nobody questioning why someone so hesitant and fearful of reprisal would go public within such a short time?" All they are hearing is that "she doesn't want to come forward" and then she pops up at a campus rally? I wish that idiot professor and (to a lesser extent as she seemed goaded into it by the professor)Heather would have faced some legal reprisal and had been made examples of. I know it is a TV show, but they basically ruined those guys reputations to make a point. Stuff like that just puts undue doubt on actual victims and makes it harder to bring real rapists to justice.
  15. Actually, didn't she graduate from middle school at the end of the second season? This means she would be a senior. I thought this episode was going to be very gimmicky, but ended up enjoying it. It still kind of screamed "Emmy bait" to me though... Actually, wasn't the Vegas episode they won the Emmy for last year released about the same time in the season?
  16. She tripped and hit her head. Overall a good episode. I liked the theme that everyone has skeletons in their past. Also; I thought Jim was not getting help from Oswald anymore! What gives? Loeb's daughter was creepy. I am not that versed much in the Batman comics, is she a villain of some sort?
  17. Overall, good episode. Should be great to watch Rumple and the Queens of Darkness interact with each other. Loved Rumple and his expressions at the drive-thru. It was about halfway in when I realized Charming had yet to make an appearance or get a mention. Am I the only person who who wondered why no one at all noticed that HUGE demon flying off into the sky when the fairies were released. They were still right there!
  18. I figured I would start this thread for discussion of callbacks or foreshadowing found while watching the show. I have been catching up on missed episodes via Netflix and found something interesting in an episode from season 2. In the episode "The Set-Up" Ann sets Leslie up on a date with an obnoxious MRI tech. He ends up taking her to a hospital to give her an MRI after she mentions she never has gotten one. He is commenting on her MRI, and says that she has a good-sized uterus and could have triplets.
  19. I enjoyed this episode. Good to see the Howling Commandos again. Liked seeing Peggy in a group where she is more respected then she normally is. Interesting to see the background of the Black Widow. Wish we had more Peggy and Jarvis. Also hope Sousa doesn't turn on her... Something stupid was bugging me in Dottie's training flashback. It says 1937. Being a bit of a Disney nerd, that seemed too early for them to have Snow White on a film reel. I googled it, and sure enough, the film had it's premiere on December 21st. 1937. Since they do not look dressed for winter, this means they are watching the film before it is even released... I know it isn't important, just a nitpick as the MCU is usually better at continuity. Also; between this and the Age of Ultron trailer, they are getting a lot of use from their partnership with Disney...
  20. In the first episode, during Skye's opening monologue about SHIELD being out of the shadows and people knowing there are heroes and monsters after the events of The Avengers(which is wrong now that I think about it, as the first Iron Man ended with Tony "outing himself" as IM), they show a shot of the Hulk and a quick, long-distance, CGI shot of someone(IM or Thor) flying. Not much but something... I totally agree with the similarities to Tony at the committee in IM2. Hilarious, and Cooper does a good job of making me go, "Yep... That is definitely Tony Stark's dad." I really enjoyed it. I loved the suspense and period piece aspects the most. Loved all the actors. Will be interesting to see how it all plays out. And add me to those saying Agents of Shield is much better this year. CA2 was the best thing to happen to that show... Turned it into appointment TV for me.
  21. In the show, the first act breaks right at the end of the song "ever after." In fact, I volunteer as an usher at a theater and we did Into the Woods. I remember hearing some people walked out at intermission thinking the show was over. Guess they didn't read the playbill or missed other people staying?
  22. Yeah, the one-shot "All Hail the King." Think it was on the Thor 2 Blu-ray and digital extras.
  23. They were originally going to have Ursula and Triton be siblings, so maybe they are going back to them being related? This show is not exactly known for sticking to the original, or even Disney, mythologies of stories and characters they portray. however...
  24. An article from Aubrey Anderson-Emmons' (Lily) mom. https://www.yahoo.com/parenting/aspiring-actress-mom-admits-daughters-modern-104689841722.html
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