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Everything posted by MadyGirl1987

  1. They do like to make villains out of the heroes, don't they?
  2. LOL I can just see Hans being all "It wasn't my fault! My brothers teased me!" I did love the scenes with him and his brothers. Yeah, moral ambiguity isn't what Once does, but does it seem like they try to present it that way? I read the way they present characters like Regina and Rumple as being like, "Look! Everything isn't black and white!" It is kinda fractured.
  3. True. She does take it to extremes. I do sometimes feel that the writers have that whole "all bad guys are misunderstood woobies who just need love and acceptance" thing that a lot of pop culture has now (think the musical Wicked or movie Maleficent). Sure, moral ambiguity and showing other sides can be good, but I am over ALL bad guys being "conflicted." Sometimes you want a bad guy who is just evil.
  4. I would have to watch it again, but I got the sense she meant brat in general, before she was put right by her mom in that scene, not to Regina. I agree she was never anything but friendly to Regina as a child, so it doesn't make sense to say she was a brat to Regina. Maybe she is calling herself a brat because of the whole Daniel thing. She certainly seems, at points, to have guilt over that. That makes sense to me though. You can only be called guilty and blamed for so long before you internalize it, justified or not.
  5. Loved the trailer! To quote Syndrome from "The Incredibles, "I'm still geeking out about it!" As someone who knows nothing about Ultron from the comics, I think this is a good intro to the character. LOVED the use of "I've Got No Strings." He definitely seems like a scarier, more threatening and less hammier villain then Loki, as much as I love him. Also; I heard they are going to show an exclusive scene during "Agents of Shield" instead of the trailer now, so more content from the movie! Yea!
  6. Watched "The Sorcerers Apprentice" from Fantasia for the first time in years today. One thing I got was that when Mickey used the hat, it overwhelmed him. My question is; who is going to be overwhelmed? Will Rumple get more then he bargained for and overwhelmed when he tries to use the hat's power? Or could it be Henry, as they are setting him up as "the apprentice?"
  7. Well, she was kind of a entitled brat in the flashback where she started yelling at the servant, Johanna, for wearing her tiara. As is, we might not necessarily have young Snow. Maybe the flashback will have something to do with the quest to find who wrote the book?
  8. The Deputy Chief's comments at the end about if Benson wanted change go into politics, otherwise be a cop, made me wonder if they aren't setting up Benson getting into politics. I loved Barba when the judge overturned the verdict. He looked ready to hit someone!
  9. As someone who loved Bozo the Clown growing up and enjoys Cam playing Fizbo on Modern Family, I do not think that is necessarily true. I think it is what your first experiences with clowns were. If your first experience with clowns was "IT" or other killer clown story as opposed to a silly, happy, balloon-animal making clown, it makes a difference. I am glad I wasn't the only one who caught that! I swear, the theme music was practically playing in my head. I enjoyed Dandy and the maid. I just love her air of "I am so over this!" Kathy Bates was the MVP this episode for me. Her scenes with the doctor and Mordrake were my favorites this episode. Also liked her and Del's scene, but to a lesser extent.
  10. Really liked this episode! I was surprised at the reveal that Bobbi was SHIELD. Loved Raina and Coulson at the restaurant. Enjoyed Skye's dad. Especially loved at the end when he was watching them and getting upset when she was saying he was a monster. He really sold it. Also; it is weird to see him since I know the actor as "The Captain" from HIMYM. You would not even know it was him. What range. Lastly; loved Sky and Coulson and Skye and May interactions. Thought May and Skye in the restaurant listening in on Coulson and Raina and May keeping Skye from leaving was well done. Really bought them as mentor-protege.
  11. Saw this and thought I would post it here in honor of Meep. It is a BTS interview with the actor. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=018xCaDLnIY ETA; worth checking out the other interviews with some of the "freaks."
  12. I am liking the season so far. Seems more directed then Coven, at least, but it might be too early to tell. I must say, I find the clown just creepy and "what is going on?" more then scary. I guess I am more scared by psychological/thriller elements, rather then slasher. Also; never been afraid of clowns and personally don't understand that fear, but YMMV on that, I guess. I was surprised by Dandy pairing up with him, though. That will be a interesting story-line. I must say, when Meep was put into the jail cell and seeing the little guy all frightened, helpless and threatened... That might be the most visceral reaction I have ever had to anything I have ever seen on AHS.
  13. http://www.buzzfeed.com/keelyflaherty/xx-things-that-are-going-to-happen-this-season-on-once-upon#36j1ngv Article from NY Comic Con.
  14. I liked this episode. Thought the stuff with Emma and Elsa was awesome. It really makes sense those two would connect. I am looking forward to seeing their interactions going forward. Loved the Hook and Charming stuff. I remember thinking they played well off each other in Good Form and felt the same here. Also; loved Hook's desperate attempts to save Emma by hacking at the ice with his hook. You could tell he was terrified of losing her. Practically laughed out loud when Little Bo Peep showed up. Who would hear Little Bo Peep and think "dangerous evil-doer?" I am still not exactly sure what he was doing. Does she just go around and make people pay money to her so she doesn't harm them? Did Charming and his mom have some sort of business agreement with her? If they explained it, I missed it.
  15. Was May technically a mole since she was still working for SHIELD and Fury? That being said, it is true the team has had their share of secrets and betrayals of trust... I guess I meant a mole for Hydra.
  16. Interesting. I didn't really catch what was being said in the song. I seriously hope you are right about her doing it for Fitz... I don't think the poor guy could survive that. Also; what would it do for the team to learn they have had TWO moles? Would anybody trust anyone anymore if that happened?
  17. http://comicbook.com/2014/10/03/agents-of-s-h-i-e-l-d-episode-3-clip-reveals-simmons-is-spoiler/
  18. But Lenny, voiced by HS spoke, right? To Quagmire in the courthouse. Did someone else voice him then?
  19. The Frozen stuff was good. It is a logical place for it to go from where the movie ended. The only thing I had a complaint about is Elsa thinking her parents thought she was monster. Do we ever see that from them? In fact, ELSA is the one who doesn't want them to touch her. I read them as doing what they thought was best for Elsa, however misguided. Regina is just childish and spiteful. I understand your hurt, but grow-up. Stuff happens. What would she do if Robin got killed somehow? I appreciate shades of grey as much as the next person, but to just forsake 3 seasons of supposed character development? About the hat; what if Rumple was the apprentice?
  20. Scary story involving Sarah Hyland and an abusive ex-boyfriend... http://www.buzzfeed.com/tasneemnashrulla/modern-family-actress-gets-restraining-order-against-ex-boyf#g98ibi
  21. I enjoyed it! I may or may not have cheered when Carter and Co. turned up... Can't wait for Agent Carter to be a weekly fixture on my TV! Ward was really creepy. On an unrelated note... For some reason I couldn't shake that he, with the beard, reminded me or Noah Wyle on ER. When Coulson talked about Simmons leaving I was confused, until it was revealed he was imagining her. Then I was just heartbroken... Poor Fitz! :(
  22. I liked it. Was looking forward to seeing Sheldon as a teacher, as I have found it funny in the past when he has been in front of a class(The KMN class anyone?). Loved the interaction between him and Howard. After rewatching last seasons episode with them in Texas this week, the scenes between them can be good. The two can play well off each other. Also; you know you are a germaphobe when the spitball in someone's mouth makes you cringe. I did love Howard's "Oh God! What have I done?' reaction afterwards though.
  23. Liked this episode. Liked how Amy called Sheldon out on just up and leaving and then calling Leonard for help. Loved the interaction between Howard, Debbie and Stewart. Loved the "that's right sucker!" line from Stewart.
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