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Everything posted by Lantern7

  1. DVRed the episode while watching Mets/Cubs last night. Wound up putting up with news cut-ins that took away from the episode. I don't think I missed anything major. I cannot see Andrew as Lash. It just seems too farfetched for me. Intriguing theory, and Blair Underwood wouldn't be forced into makeup for four hours, but I'm not feeling it. On the other hand I'm hoping Gemma didn't leave anybody (or anything) behind from her sojourn. Unless Chris Pratt decides to slum It on TV, I don't need to hear about a love connection. When I think of Ward dying, I imagine the stunt guy getting worked over by the women at the end of Death Proof. May, Gemma and Skyesy taking turns beating him to death? Don't tell me that doesn't give y'all a warm fuzzy feeling.
  2. Is there anybody from NYC area that watches TDS? I'm certain Jordan's backdrop was Midtown Comics, but I'm not sure whether it's the Grand Central location or at Fulton Street. Also, I feel that Star Wars is newsworthy, but I'm a geek like that. While I'm uncertain as to what stories could be told after Episode VI, I'm not getting angry over Finn the Black Stormtrooper. Anybody else figure that Trevor wouldn't have talked about the Canadian election if John Oliver hadn't talked about it on his show first?
  3. Lantern7

    MLB Thread

    I'm not taking anything for granted. Also, I don't know how much of a fan I am, because I feel the greater need to watch Survivor and Arrow. If the game is out of hand on either side, I'll watch South Park as well. I took The Challenge over SP once because I thought I could watch the latter at midnight. That was the time Comedy Central ran "201" the one time, and it took me years to catch that episode on DVD. And I don't know about the Mets winning it all, even if they sweep the Cubs and the ALCS goes seven games. I honestly feel that the team is playing with house money since late July. They overachieve at just the right times, and the agita-inducing moments have been fewer than expected. If the miracle does happen, I'd be up for a get-together in NYC to celebrate. ETA: How come the NLCS has to be on prime time 2-3 nights in a row? It would be easier for me if the leagues traded time slots. Right now, there's only one day game for the NLCS, and that's if the ALCS goes 7.
  4. Lantern7

    MLB Thread

    Here's hoping, I'd be pulling for the Cubs, but they're going up against the Mets, and those guys have been playing out of their minds. I never would've guessed they'd win at Wrigley. Fun fact: the Mets will open their 2016 season at Kansas City. Weird, right?
  5. Anybody else mildly put off by Tatsumi escaping Esdeth's loving clutches so soon? Another question: does the whole "somebody always dies when Imperial Arms are used against each other" thing become moot if one of the users is hellbent on not fighting?
  6. Lantern7

    MLB Thread

    Let me guess . . . the knuckleball was malfunctioning today. I read Dickey's book . . . he opened with the time the rotation of the ball was off when he was with the Rangers, and he gave up four homers in an inning.
  7. Hi, Linda. Bye, Linda. Cisco & Lisa? So wrong, but it's fun to see Cisco trip over his own erection. Runner-up would be Caitlin & Jay. Ronnie who?? Barry & Patty bring up the rear, but I suspect they'll bridge the gap soon. Anybody else think of Lettie Mae and Tara from True Blood hearing about Francine? Also thought of Sylar from Heroes in regards to trying to drag Snart into the light. Why can't a sociopath remain a sociopath? And I'm guessing Mick will bail him out soon.
  8. Lantern7

    MLB Thread

    Well. Looks like the Blue Jays are determined to put up a fight. Good for them. What's the status of R.A. Dickey? Will he be starting, or has he been encased in glass and propped up in the bullpen alongside a tiny hammer?
  9. Anybody else disappointed that Crazy Barbara took the week off? I'm a weak man. So Theo's master plan involves him becoming mayor . . . and killing Bruce Wayne? I imagine him practicing his machinations, then finding out that Thomas and Martha Wayne got killed. What do you suppose the reaction would be? I'm thinking that most of his work has been done for him, since all he has to deal with is a brooding tween and his easy-to-beat-up manservant. And yeah, I'm not pointing the finger at Theo for the Wayne murders. If he wanted them dead, he'd want everyone to know about it. Thank you, Exposition Lady, for the history lesson. And I'm betting that Butch only lost a finger or two. If he did lose a hand, maybe he could talk with Phil Coulson about getting maimed. I like the Firefly. The canon version was a pyrophile, so having someone who's afraid of fire is a nice twist. Note to Jim and Leslie: look beyond the surface with Ed. Can't wait for two-eyed Ed to show him and ruin his relationship with Kristen.
  10. Here's the trailer I saw at NYCC for the sixth season . . . Feel free to go through it with a fine-toothed comb in order to pick out its secrets.
  11. We're back to canon. Usopp figures out how to rejoin the crew. The Straw Hats get new bounties . . . and Chopper and Sanji get humiliated. And Iceberg and Franky finish the new ship . . . if memory serves, it'll get debuted next week, as will the Franky Family's plan to get their bro to join Luffy and company.
  12. Reminder: There will be no more individual episode threads. This will be the place for any and all Robot Chicken talk.
  13. Lantern7

    MLB Thread

    mojoween . . . it's okay not to root for the Mets. If the situations were reversed, I wouldn't be pulling for the Yankees. That's what Chipper Jones figured about New York sports fans . . . as if allegiances are that interchangeable. Wound up watching Doctor Who and DVRing Amy. Glad the Mets won (Travis d'Arnaud hit the apple!), but I'm nervous about Game 2 tomorrow night.
  14. Nice to see that I wasn't the only person questioning the helmet horns. I know actual Vikings never had those. Do you know where I found that out? From "The Fact of Fiction" account of "The Time Meddler" in Doctor Who Magazine.
  15. Huh. Clara gets a Viking girl to "Valhalla" via broken Sonic Sunglasses, and Ashildr (thank you, CTRL-C) gets her village into a fight with FakeOdin and the generic monsters of the week. Against all odds, the Doctor gets the win, but Ashildr sacrifices herself, and he . .. basically gives her immortality. Once again . . . huh. I liked the episode, but it's based into the main characters making massive ripples in the normal course of events, if that makes sense. Also, "Yakkity Sax" makes lots of things better, including a counterattack. We didn't need it, but we got it, and it was good.
  16. Bumping up because few people hit the episode threads. Also, because the latest DC Comics special -- "Magical Friendship" -- will be running Sunday at midnight. ETA: I feel that may no longer be in the target demographic for the show. I'm also thinking that the episode may be more fun if I go over it carefully, picking out all the easter eggs. But then, I don't have the inclination to rewatch.
  17. Anybody want to guess who gets the Express Pass? Also . . . am I remembering things correctly about Phil saying that the team that is gifted the Pass has to use it in that leg? If that's the case, whomever gets it is all but guaranteed to win the subsequent leg. I'm thinking the Reporters get the Express Pass, leading to more "#PupperMastering."
  18. I was looking through Toonami's Tumblr. Turns out they'll be running an Akame Ga Kill marathon on Halloween night.
  19. I'm not fond of the seven-parters. Not even "Inferno," which could have been 4-5 episodes long if the Doctor hadn't basically said "Fuck this and fuck y'all" and tried to take off in the inoperative TARDIS. Do any of you read Doctor Who Magazine? The latest issue I got had a "diary" kept by the Master, as he went over all his plans. and it had fits of LEOL (Laughing Evilly Out Loud). I liked how most of the entries started with "Unfortunately," followed by details on how his schemes failed. It's funny reading.
  20. Lantern7

    MLB Thread

    As a Mets fan, how badly would I suck to miss two hours of Game 1? I got Doctor Who, followed by Amy Schumer's stand-up special on HBO.
  21. Not much to report. Tiffany & Krista got a little lucky in regards to getting bunched with three other teams, as well as running a non-elimination leg. At least they're not imploding like other teams might. Oh, and I still can't tell them apart.
  22. The biggest takeaway from this episode is that the Texans are idiots. I can dig that. Sure, this is more than likely a non-elimination leg, but I liked everybody talking shit about Tanner & Josh. They make me happy the Astros and Rangers got beaten in the ALDS. I'm still liking Justin, even if he acts like Chip (TAR5) after eating a pound of pure sugar. He's a fan, so is Diana, and I'm glad they're out in front. Only problem is that they may be the only team worth rooting for. The rest of the field are jackasses (Texans), ticking time bombs (Chacs, Paparazzi, Alabama), not doing much either way (Track Stars, Anchors) and circling the drain (Cheerleaders). And the scheming? Oy. I feel the only reason for the field to scheme about taking out a team is if that duo a. Appeared on another reality show on two different occasions, and b. Won $1.1 million between them. Not much else to add. I feel the Dancers' pain . . . they needed the bunching from this episode. ETA: "Tonight's episode is brought to you by Stray Monkeys. Stray Monkeys . . . . maybe you don't really need that banana."
  23. Lantern7

    MLB Thread

    Turns out the Mets went 0-7 against the Cubs in the regular season. On the bright side, that happened before July 31 and the resurgence. Also, four of the seven games were decided by one run, and a fifth went to extra innings.
  24. RW31 filming in Vegas, rips off Road Rules. I'd say this was the end of The Real World, but the show is reality TV's cockroach. On a brighter note . . . Devyn got engaged.
  25. Lantern7

    MLB Thread

    How I know I'm a Mets fan: I wait until the third out of the game before informing my mother of the victory. Had I not waited and the Dodgers came back, I would never have heard the end of it. Special thanks to Daniel Murphy for making tonight happen the way it did. Who would've guessed the Mets would make the NLCS? And they have home field! Granted, the Cubs had the better regular season record, and I'm nervous about the Mets making history as the team that let the Cubs make their first World Series in seventy years . . . but you know what? Not This Year. Hashtag that and let it go viral. Let's Go Mets!!!
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