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Everything posted by Lantern7

  1. Who has plans for St. Patrick's Day night? I'm ready for MTV to put this show and The Challenge down. Put up a block of Ridiculousness repeats . .. nobody would notice. Within a year, we'd get a sighting of Johnny on the street holding a "WILL ACT LIKE A DICK FOR FOOD" sign. And Puck would be pissed off that Johnny is on his turf.
  2. Well. I feel that Whitney Frost would make a fine recurring villain. But with Agent Carter hanging over the edge, I'm fine with Jarvis shooting her in the head. Repeatedly. The bitch shot Anna. Who does that? The writers suck for bringing back Anna just to have her life endangered. Man, Peggy cannot catch a break. The only real upside is that Dottie isn't teaming up with Whitney like I feared. Of course she'd escape. Peggy would have been better off telling the cop to sit on the trunk and not move. And how did Dottie get the poison necklace off? Anybody else expecting Ken Marino's mobster to remark about actually being in Brazil?
  3. Forget to mention something I didn't notice last week. Barry-2 wears a bow tie. Comics canon! Sure, Jimmy Olsen was the go-to bow tie guy, but Barry also made it fashionable back in the day.
  4. After writing about the latest season of The Amazing Race, I banged out a post about "spotlight Challengers" on my blog in two days. Thanks to KerleyQ for pointing out Evelyn to me . . . with my shot memory, I would not have remembered her time on The Island. And thanks to Wikipedia for providing details on the episodes. It's like walking down Memory Lane. Or Crime Alley. Feel free to leave a comment on the blog.
  5. Good episode. Pity about Jay, though. I'm guessing he'll be staying at Chateau Zoom until the end of the season, along with the Man In The Iron Mask. Anybody else starting to think of Jay as "Peyton"? He looks good for his age, but dude is fragile. Man, Barry-2 is a goober. A bigger goober than Barry-1, and I didn't think that was possible. I would have liked to have heard about how Barry-2 and Iris-2 got together, because it feels like an unlikely pairing. MITIM was tapping out "Jay." Could Zoom be a Jay from the future? I hope that's not the case, because it would be a little predictable, and I think Jay deserves better than being a villain hopped up on speed drugs.
  6. Lantern7

    MLB Thread

    Finally got my copy of Sports Illustrated. They had a preseason power ranking, and the Mets finished second overall, surpassed only by the Cubs. Anybody else psyched?
  7. Shocker . . . the (English) Bulldog won Best In Group. That never happens! While I regard the breed as a big pile of recessive traits stuffed into a dog, they're so much fun to watch. Go, Annabelle! ETA: Have the agility competitions already been aired? I looked online, and I found that it was on Saturday night, when I was busy watching Dogs 101 on Animal Planet.
  8. Indeed. I saw Rachel Dratch and Jeff! the Diseased Lung. Anything else? Here's hoping Obama gets his justice pick in before July 20. Or after that date. Why should he adhere to tradition, especially with people who openly despise him? It's like Larry Wilmore keeps saying . . . Obama doesn't give a fuck.
  9. If only he had landed crotch-first into the fire. On-topic: The AVClub spotlights ten episodes in the show's history where the immunity idol played a huge part.
  10. Good episode. Dean needed help with getting into SU, but I don't think that's the way he wanted it. At least we might be getting more Brown Widow . . . though I could've sworn he was originally called Brown Recluse. Poor Monarch. Suckered by Copycat and done in with his own gimmick. At least he has the Morpho Cave. You think we might have an arc where he becomes . . . *gulp* . . . a hero? With Gary as the new Kano? Hank's still got the charm . . . but when is Dean going to get a girl of his own? Aside from the mutated intern and those twins, I don't think anybody has been attracted to the manchild. Trump was in the crowd? Wow . .. was this episode made before his latest public endeavor? ETA: Looked up the media thread. Suddenly, this teaser trailer from 2014 make a lot more sense.
  11. So . . . any speculation as to who's going to survive next week's finale? I'm guessing Akame and Tatsumi, but I wouldn't put money on that. We also have Esdeth, Najenda, Leona, the Prime Minister, the Emperor . . . but they might as well be wearing red shirts. Especially Leona.
  12. I'm guessing that we were supposed to be two hours on Friday, but CBS didn't want to put TAR against Shark Tank. I'm trying to be optimistic, because I feel TAR is the best reality show out there.
  13. Well. Shinichi and Migi's opponent is actually five parasites in one body. Does that make him/it Voltron?
  14. Here are my recaps from back then. I covered the show for a website for four seasons, and if I hadn't gotten shitcanned after Battle Of The Sexes 2, I definitely would've been booted during Gauntlet 2. Hated Beth sooooooo much. She and Derrick were the focus characters of that season, and I plan to go over that on my blog soon.
  15. I haven't checked the TAR YouTube page in ages. How soon should I expect commercials for upcoming episodes? The only person I knew going into this season is Tyler, and that's only from his commercials for YouTube. He doesn't strike me as a media whore. I'm willing to give these people a chance, even if I know some of them will wind up letting me down. If we don't get another Logan & Chris, I'd consider that a victory.
  16. Saw the latest episode. Hinata is lucky to have put up a chakra barrier; otherwise, they would have brought her back to her folks in a bucket. Friggin' Gamatatsu. At least we didn't see Hinata freak out over being twenty feet near Naruto. Anybody else remember the chunin exams, where Naruto passed gas at just the right moment, defeating Kiba? Good times.
  17. But that's one of the things that separates Phil from Probst. Can you imagine somebody from Survivor breathing funny on him, let alone wrapping their legs around him like Maya did in TAR25? Phil is used to being touched . . . shit, didn't Lori bite him in TAR6?
  18. Sounds . . . meh. I'm still waiting for Toonami to bump Naruto: Shippuden and One Piece to better times. Also, after reading some of the manga, I hope there's room for One Punch Man down the road.
  19. Why didn't we get a two hour debut? Survivor is going to get 90 minutes on Wednesday. I guess CBS is looking out for the show, and not put any part of it against Shark Tank. I'm not familiar with anybody cast aside from Tyler via his commercials for YouTube. I'm going to look up the "Vine Magician," but I'm not compelled to seek out anybody else . . . not yet, anyway. Sheri & Cole look like they could bug, but I thought that about Denise & James Earl last season, and they weren't all bad. I question Sheri and (looking him up) Scott being on the show, since they look to be "plus-ones." Also, Scott went outside to find the drums. That was funny. Helluva Detour . .. either arts & crafts or potential hearing loss. I don't consider 350 mariachi players to be my personal hell, but I'd understand if anybody disagrees with me.
  20. Lantern7


    Bumping up for the movie coming out today. Feel free to write about the current state of Deadpool . .. his relaunched series, the shared title with Spider-Man, the "Mercs For Money" miniseries, etc.
  21. Saw it today. Had to wade (pun intended) through 15-20 minutes of trailers. I thought it was good. A lot of the good stuff was revealed in the trailers and ads, but there's enough left over for a sustainable movie. It felt like a redemption story . . . not just for Wade, but for Ryan Reynolds as well. Colossus and Warhead felt a little tacked on, but there were lots of little moments that were funny . . . like the Adventure Time watch. And Stan Lee as a strip club DJ. And Wade channeling Ferris Buhller after the credits, promising Cable for the sequel. Bottom line: not the best, but better executed than Green Lantern. Also, I think I missed the penis shot. Maybe my brain shut down for my sake. ETA: For your amusement . .. mashups with Deadpool and movies.
  22. Bill Simmons' wife has a podcast. They weigh in on the latest season starting at the 21 minute mark. Bill's a talented guy, and I hope his HBO gig works out, but I don't know if he'd get along with the rest of us. He's butthurt about Johnny's departure, he wonders why Evan and Kenny aren't around (and also Frank), and he love the After Show with the Abram/Cara Maria drama.
  23. I feel bad for Geoff Britten. First, we see him forced out of the USA/World meet due to sickness. You figured that his Ninja Brittens team (wife Jessica and Dustin McKinney) would have a successful first round against Elet-Trikz (Elet Hall, Dillon Gates, Cassie Craig). First, Dustin wipes out on the cargo net, giving Elet a win. Then Jessica followed suit. Dillon led the anchor leg for most of the way, but Geoff pulled even on the Doorknob Arch with his freakish forearms. The bad news was that Geoff's foot hit the water at one point, and he slipped on Warped Wall, which led to Elet-Trikz getting the 4-0 sweep. The other two teams look interesting: Iron Grip features Sam Sann and Daniel Gil, and The Lab Rats has Michelle Warnky.
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