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Baltimore Betty

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Everything posted by Baltimore Betty

  1. He is from Baltimore, works on the tugs in Fells Point if I remember correctly.
  2. That looks like a drive thru fast food place. That is all she has left from a relationship with the love of her life, we have all been there right? No just me? LOL. The goats were laughing at her choice of foot wear, we all heard it, mmmmmaaaaaahhhhhh, mmmmmaaaaahhhhh.
  3. I read that as jizz and crawfish.😏 I thought your were being cheeky because Yara is pregnant. I will see myself out now.
  4. I am suspicious of the amount of trash they picked up, like some of those bags might have been props. Liz dresses in a tube top and a skirt to pick up trash, like it is her desperate cry to be the hotest one...just looked desparate. No gloves on anyone for the beach clean up, does Dr. Williams come back to the ship to give everyone a tetnus shot? Speaking of beach clean up, Capt. Lee tells the crew at the tip meeting how even though so many crew members had been sick, they soldiered thru and to reward them he volunteered all of them to clean up a beach? So no recovery time for anyone, some of the crew could not be more than a few steps from a bathroom for the past few days, let's take them to a beach with no bathrooms? Did Rachel have gastroenterites, that is highly contagious and yet she cooked for and even served the guests and never wore gloves when she was cooking. Liz was barely past her UTI and has sex with James again. James is not worth a UTI.
  5. Their drama is fake. I loved how Ashling could not be more direct when Liz asked if she was interested in James, her answer was like "No, nope, never, not in a million years," I am surprised Liz was not insulted by her reaction, almost retching, laughing at the thought of being with James, lol.
  6. Those "designer" watches, sunglasses and soccer slides were fake and so is their relationship. What was Stephanie on at that dinner, that was not just a few sips of a margarita. Nothing makes you look older than dating a guy who is half your age, Stephanie looked like she was aging before our eyes like The Portrait of Dorian Grey in reverse. We can hear the wheels turning in Ryan's head as he plans the next step in the scam. What does Stephanie find physically attractive about him? What do they have in common? What do they talk about other than what texts are on his phone, a normal 50+ woman would know to steer clear of that sort of bullshit relationship, not trusting Ryan, having to pay his way...how is that a good relationship for anyone to be in? I think Yara's sonogram will be just a huge mouth full of teeth.
  7. That is it, exactly! I love you, you are so much fun now change or ve no be togezer. Something tells me za zame for Yara and that toothy guy, vacations, booze, lots of sex, partying in to the wee hours but now none of zat eese goot ideaz.
  8. I thought it looked like a Dancing with the Stars costume. What flea market did that woman go to to get that many cheap knock off watches, sunglasses and soccer slides? The ring she wanted Ryan to propose to her with will buy many, many drinks for all the other cougars he meets. Stephanie had to be on something like a muscle relaxer or xanax or something, she was moving in slow motion at that dinner.
  9. We are expecting messy weather starting Monday night thru Tuesday morning, I will be making soup. Also I am moving my father in to the nursing home section of his retirement community, independent living is not for him anymore even with the24/7 aids I hired, almost 94 years old and needs more medical care than the aids can give...no visits allowed in the nursing home, so tomorrow night I will be making soup and adult beverages.
  10. I got to see her house in Marsielle, France. Her life was c'est tragique.
  11. Natalie wants her friends and family to come to the wedding, who vill pay dis?
  12. Yes, one of the dining options at a casino, 7 Cedars Casino.
  13. I she actually aging before our eyes? That dress and hair and the eyebrows are so distracting. She gets to look thru Ryan's phone because he deleted a lot of stuff and maybe he has a burner phone for all the naughty shit from women.
  14. I Googled the restaurant, it is in a casino. Does anyone else watch and Google? Just me? I am fascinated where people shop, dine, visit in their home towns.
  15. I know! I thought the very same thing. I posted earlier about how he is full of himself, like he needs to be the pretty one. He keeps saying the women want to be with him for his money but I have no idea where he gets his money from, did he say how he earns his money? Is he the type that has $1000 in his checking account so he thinks he is flush?
  16. Maybe they are really her mental health care management team or should be.
  17. I guess I am lumping the rentals that the HW that admit to renting. The housing situation has always been the grey area on these shows, everyone from Nene to Dorit, all sort of skirt the truth about their homes, if you have enough money to rent something that is in a fabulous location with beautiful decor then just own it (tm Lisa Rinna) and say look how much money I have to piss away each month!
  18. How do we know that? I missed that tidbit. I do not see how they would be popular, she is too rigid and I do not see her being bubbly and fun, strangely I could see him as the cuckold. Can we imagine their photos on the swingers websites, cringe worthy I am sure, I cannot see them hanging out in the swingers clubs or having any real success from the websites, I bet they meet a lot of couples, once. Do we think they went to meet up with a couple when they left the farm for a night (with more luggage than made sense).
  19. I have said this since day 1 of every HW show, how do you have kids and no "stuff" anywhere? How do you live with no personal effects anywhere? Sometimes the HW lives somewhere that won't allow filming but most of the time these women are fronting.
  20. How much does a college football coach make, is Coach Shah on the take, taking bribes to recruit players because Jen lives like there is no tomorrow, spouting her class and fondness for designer labels and treating her friend to a shopping spree because she deserves it, whatever the hell that means because Heather is not living on the streets, she has a (self proclaimed) successful business. Wouldn't Coach become annoyed if every month he gets a maxed out AMEX bill?
  21. I watched Heather and Meredith on WWHL, I noticed neither of the women had the Gucci (or was it LV) ear buds, I knew those buds were just props and none of those women were really being gifted $1200 ear buds. Fake, fake, fakety, fake, fake.
  22. Truthfully all I could focus on the filthy, self tanner fingerprint smudged bathroom door. I do not believe for one minute there was a pregnancy scare, I think Kathryn needed to shift focus from her racist story to the I could be pregnant cliff hanger story.
  23. I giggled when Virginia pointed to her two nephews and said they had both been inseminated, we all knew what she meant but her phrasing was funny.
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