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Baltimore Betty

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Everything posted by Baltimore Betty

  1. Tomato tomah-to, lol. Same difference, that kid did not purchase any designer bag that cost $1500+ using his mother's credit card without a second thought and have no consequences.
  2. I do not believe for one minute there was a purchase of said bag, Mary was not waiving around her credit card bill, no flash on a photo of a blurred out face with a Birkin on an arm, the kid looked like and acted like he was playing a scene. It was a fake as the bag that kid might have bought for the alleged girlfriend. Authentic Birkin bags usually means the buyers are usually put on a wait list so I am betting on there was some bag bought from a knock off website much like how Mary has filled her closet.
  3. Elizabeth is banking on the sympathy vote, it won't work unless she can tell a true story, this will not be her ticket back for next season. Let's make a side bet she goes to a therapist on camera, (those are always annoying because what legit therapist will have a session on camera?).
  4. This oven is on tall legs and for some reason I am captivated by it, my world has gotten so small.
  5. Wow, I am so sorry you have Covid, hopefully you will feel better soon and get the all clear. For whatever reason when Mary (a name I cannot say without doing an immitation of Jackie from 227) films in her kitchen all I focus on is her very odd microwave on legs, well that and the orlon wigs she favors. So I thought I'd look in to that legged microwave and I Googled "microwave on legs," I got some very funny images. Back to Mary, she has all that money for Birkin bags but Grandpa Daddy does not have a full set of lower teeth? Hugs to you and a speedy recovery😷
  6. OH DEAR!!! I am glad that I could brighten your day, get well soon! Who is Frank Gallagher?
  7. This is exactly why I am not tearing up along with her, she lived on a compound cloistered away from the outside world yet she tells us about a neighbor boy...which is it, you were isolated or you lived in a suburban neighborhood? Elizabeth started on this show telling a confusing story about having sex with her boyfriend and not having sex with her boyfriend. I for one would love to hear more of her stories just to see how far she will go.
  8. Yes, 100%, I like a rye wit, a good bon mott, even a bad pun over an adult resorting to potty humor/waiving a dildo, there is nothing clever about that.
  9. Are we sure that is not John's happy dance when Shannon drove away from his house?
  10. Maybe she misses the "Makeup News" on Ukrainian TV.
  11. When Sean was released from the hospital and Emily could not unlock the door I thought we were going to see Sean go off then Emily sat in an unmoving car repeating everything Sean said I thought Sean was going to lose it, (it was annoying me, lol) but when Sean was nasty to Emily in response to some harmless question I knew he was on the mend! What do we think the happy dance that Shannon did upon getting her positive test result looked like? I have never seen anyone so happy to finally get sick, it is odd. Also odd, Shannon telling us that her daughter woke her up saying she could not breath and cut to Shannon sucking on a nebulizer and checking oxygen levels, did she take care of her daughter first?
  12. I do not remember Elizabeth telling Brawny that she had been sexually abused when she was young, I heard her say there was physically abuse and was threatened with being tossed off a bridge but the sex abuse by multiple men, did not hear that. I watched Brawny's face when all the HW's were on the pier talking and Elizabeth was telling her story, Brawny had a poker face but maybe a little doubt showed thru. Elizabeth is trying to get the sympathy vote at all costs. The constant laughing is annoying.
  13. Meredith telling her husband that he has to apologize to Brooks...I thought he did, twice on the phone, once at the fashion and then again on the phone at the store. She is treating this missing the fashion show as if Brooks is a 10 year old and his father missed a school play (where he is playing a tree, lol). Mary's fake conversation to her son about buying a Prada bag for his girlfriend using her credit card...let's say that really happened, why wouldn't she make him pay her back? Isn't this the same kid that allegedly stayed out all night without letting his parents know his where abouts? Mary is raising spoiled kid, I hope she is not expecting much from him in the future, the seeds are planted. Anyone else notice the strange microwave on legs on her counter, I do not think I have ever seen one like that, it is all I see in her kitchen scenes. BTW, Google microwave on legs and you get some funny things. Whitney nailed her father's entitlement. He is snowing everyone with his wanting to, "get back in the game," and there is no way he is ready, right now he is using all of the ways to do anything but get back in the game. He went back to sober living to buy time, he thinks it is some resort where he paid for a private room. He is telling everyone what they want to hear but to me he is not thinking sober. Whitney is not buying in to his bullshit, addicts are manipulative and she knows it, it is always some on or something hindering them, it is never theier own doing, ugh. I remember the load of shit my husband's son used to try to pul on us, if his mouth was moving he was lying...he would tell you what he thought you wanted to hear, my husband paid for a lot of rehabs but finally said no, the son is doing very well now, has is own business which is expanding, making a nice living, etc...although I am still waiting for that step where he apologizes for all the trouble he caused. Jen's TH blue dress with the many, many large ruffles looks like it would stand up on it's own. Heather annoys me but she seems to be the favorite, crazy because she is annoying with the sex talk. Are we supposed to believe her company is worth 20 million dollars? Owning a tequila company and being Mormon may get the side eye from the church, I knew a medical supply sales rep that would not rep a certain product because it was derived from a pig, this person kept kosher so I am not sure how Mormons would feel about the person that sold something that was forbidden in their religion. Jewish church Seth? Ugly art work in the Shah residence. Coach saying recruiting is a year round business, football is not a year round sport so how is he seeing the players play? Coach telling us that he is often home alone because Jenn is off working somewhere, something is not sounding right.
  14. I don't mind D'andra so much but I really could not be in the company of Brandi, she is obnoxious and immature, everything she says devolves in to some sort of reference to genitalia that is only funny to a 12 year old boy. She reminds me of Leah of RHONY, too much in your face, not funny and needs the entire room to notice her. Why would a grown woman think waiving a dildo around is amusing, that sort of heavy handed humor is lost on me.
  15. At this moment in our pandemic era Nene has opened a lounge? https://www.hiphollywood.com/2020/10/the-linnethia-lounge-all-the-details-on-nenes-new-lounge/
  16. Even Pole's dogs were in nicer pens and that is saying a lot. If Mother Brandon was the driving force to get on this show so she can get her business out there why wouldn't she have that place in better order? It is a depressing looking property, junky, dirty, sad looking animals, if it was a nicer kept farm maybe Julia would not be horrified at the idea of living in the sticks. Since she keeps her animals in such muddy unkempt pens why would we be surprised to see a junk laden guest room for the future daughter in law. Nobody could make me feed the pigs let alone going in the pen and nobody, I mean nobody would assume I would feed any type of lizard let alone be ok with the "free range crickets" clutching a cardboard egg tray in an open trashcan next to the table. The horses field would be where I would be spending my days, shoveling shit, feeding, grooming just to spend my day away from Mother Brandon. As far as adopting an animal, I am looking for an Italian Greyhound rescue, (that actually has a dog available, they never do), my house is too small for an ex racer) so if anyone has a line on one let me know!
  17. Also, his lip gloss, ugh, I mean clearly he is a winter and not a summer. Was he giving us Blue Steel when he was on the cat walk?
  18. My mother's name was Betty, it was not short for anything, had it since birth...she was born in 1932 and there were more than a couple Betty's that she grew up with. I love the name.
  19. Rachel is annoying AF when she is drunk. I love that she wanted a bottle of Chateauneuf du pape and nobody chimed in, her visiting other tables made me think she was looking for wine handouts. I see no chemistry between anyone on the show, could the magic be gone?
  20. I had two thoughts when I saw that photo, first was that the people who are paying for this low rent boudoir photo on some fan page are paying too much and two, she photo shops the hell out of her face but not her body. One day Drasilla will tell her school mates about how her mother earns money, nobody will believe she could earn anything looking like she does.
  21. I am confused, I thought she had a contract for next season, I am mistaken?
  22. Absolutely! That salesperson ought not be nasty to the one who has the money, that was so stupid. Mike needs TLC to play the flashbacks of Natalie flipping out on his last day in Ukraine and about her crying because he believes in aliens and not her religion because when someone shows you who they are, believe them. It is hard to take Yara seriously with her balancing the hood on on head just so.
  23. Stephanie bringing that young kid to the US to do what exactly? What is he bringing to the table? She, like so many of these dimwits worry about their men talking to other women...your jealousy is stupid because these relationships are transactional, what are you going to do when these men arrive in the US, monitor their phone, have them followed when you are at work, put cameras in the house? Nothing says true love like lack of trust. Calling this kids mother to check on him? Yeah, that does not look like a mature, trusting relationship, good luck with that Steph. Once again Mike and Natalie show us a doomed relationship,nothing he does makes her happy. Snoqualmie is beautiful, that would be a nice day trip, Salish Lodge is a little pricey but he could take her to lunch there...even the drive out there is beautiful, his refusal to say yes, let's plan for that sometime is probably what made Natalie pissy. "I gave up everything to be here," is the most worn out phrase ever. What did they give up? You troll for Americans on line, one of them took the bait and you get to leave your country, did you not realize that your friends and family would not be joining you? What career are you leaving behind, pole dancer, trust me, there are poles to be danced on in the US, none of these women are lawyers, doctors, etc...did you not bother to ask about your living conditions or what you would do with your time while the person who is paying for everything is at work? I love that the future in laws would get Julia a bike, where would she go if she is miles away from anything? Did she know she would be living on a muddy farm miles away from anyone or anything? All that was missing was the mother telling Julia to go ahead and scream dear, no one can hear you. Yara, go home, NonBonJovi is not your soulmate. Rebecca and her teenage like obsession with a man too young for her is sickening. Checking and rechecking the website was like watching a teen waiting for One Direction tickets to go on sale, click, click, click, refresh, refresh, got front row!!!!
  24. Does she not remember how she put her hands on other cast members and a camera man? How she was pissing off all of her coworkers? Now she cries foul but takes not responsibility for her own actions? Even the smartest employee in a company is expendible...if they are a pain in the ass, hard to work with, etc...they can wind up on the short list just like a bad employee.
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