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Baltimore Betty

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Everything posted by Baltimore Betty

  1. But it is always like that, with all of them. The broke ones always go for the most expensive way to meet someone, bring that person to the states, lives with parents or in a hovel, has no money for a wedding or their future, I just don't get it. The countless trips to their homeland or other European destinations are always paid for by the American. I do laugh when the import starts to talk about a house, a family, a big wedding, (we all know none of that will be happening), the import is sad and strangely always surprised when they find out their family cannot attend the wedding. Why does nobody research anything or save money for the expenses of the K1 and all that is involved before they actually do it?
  2. I thought Natalie looked horrible, she needs to do something with her hair and learn a new make up routine but her dress was nice. We all spent part 2 of this Tell Barely Anything looking up Rebecca's skirt...her body looks no different from her before the procedure. I have to agree with Julia to a point, she stressed going to the gym is the way you will make changes in your physicality, her delivery was not great but it is good advice. Zied is getting lessons on how to take short cuts, don't work at getting healthy just pay a doctor to suck it out, does he know those fat cells will migrate to some other part of his body? Amira's story has holes in it, Andrew's story has holes in it, somewhere there is the truth but we will never know that truth, what we saw was two people who showed us who they are so I am not so bothered by not knowing all the details. I do not believe Amira has found the love of her life, I do believe she found the next guy that might get her to the US and I do believe that Andrew went home to sew a new cape for the next in person Comic Con.
  3. Porsha could have taken the jewelry back to Tiffany's and exchanged them for anything in the store or re gifted it, that is the nice thing about a gift...you don't have to keep it. Why would anyone set a $1000 limit on a white elephant gift exchange? Did Margo put $1000 in a box? I have had $1000 cash in my hot little hands a few times in all different denominations, not once did it fill a box. What was going on with Kenya taking items (including some bottles of champagne which I thought was someone else's gift), to their car during the party? Did we see what was in all three packages of the gift box tower? That wig looked like a mop. Was it supposed to be an insult to Kandi when Porsha said the carolers sounded like her because I did not think the carolers sounded very good. Can someone please tell what was up with Kenya saying she had breast reduction surgery when clearly she did not, that is a bitch of a recovery time and a bitch of a surgery, I know two people that had it and they did not put on a bra and go about their business the next day like Kenya appeared to do. Also, Margo had lipo, same deal, the recovery is not quick and pain free, restrictive undergarments are worn for a while after the surgery, maybe Margo had Coolsculpt or something like that instead of the invasive lipo? If they had done the gift exchange correctly they would have had a lot of fun, I did it at work at Xmas time and it was always fun, of course we didn't set $1000 limit but we had fun. Those women should have just bought themselves what they wanted and played show and tell or in these pandemic times maybe donated the money to a worthy cause.
  4. Just like that show Murder She Wrote...all of Jessica's friends wound up murdered, lol.
  5. Give me a Tom Jones song, cover or otherwise any day!
  6. They did "it" about twice? That was all night long? I feel icky just watching the little bit that I did.
  7. I thought the same thing, the box alone does not look like an $800 anything would have been in it. I think Jake was exaggerating when he thru that number out. Also, it did look like a necklace, a bracelet would have been in a long flat, thin box.
  8. Your short hand holiday names made me think of all the made up family Yiddish words that we use and after listening to Teresa butcher the English language you may use your shorthand holiday names!
  9. My sister lived in Arlington for a bit,(now in Springfield for the last 20+ years), back then you could not even find a box of matzoh at the Giant...Rosh and Yom? What are we, on first name basis with the high holy days!?
  10. Thank you...the snark on this board gave me some laughs and a good distraction over the past week.
  11. I have no grandmothers named Esther. I loved Bill's Speed Racer jacket. Joe and Melissa go to dinner, they talk about how beautiful the weather is and they wind up in the cellar for dinner...not outside? The psychic was not bad, some of what she said made it seem real-ish. Sometimes we want to believe that stuff. Tre has a boyfriend, Melissa was sworn to secrecy so she blabs it in her TH? The Versace sweat shirt looked like she got it free with a bottle of Versace perfume, you know, gift with purchase, I would have chosen the tote bag, lol. Delores, I just cannot be mad at her, crying over her dog made me cry. Is it my imagination but every time I see Jennifer's TH I think the double "C's" Chanel pendant get's bigger and bigger. I will be having lunch with a friend today and she mentioned that she would be coming from work so not to expect her to be all dolled up, (I assured her my level of dolling up these days is wearing real pants), these women have a glam squad (or they themselves use a trowel to put on their makeup and put on fake hair) get them ready to sit in someone's living room, I can not understand that, so much effort only to turn around and come back home then have to take off all that makeup and hair. OMG, just listen to how lazy I have gotten about makeup, pandemic habits are hard to break. Maybe I will put on mascara today. Rosh Hashanah (the Jewish New Year, currently 5781) and Yom Kippur, (the Day of Atonement, we don't do confession, we do it in one day every year) are described as the High Holy Days and they are, On Rosh Hashana I love hearing the Shofar being blown in shul, I love when my entire family has dinner at 2:30pm (because it is the break between daytime services and evening services), I even love when my Israeli cousin sings (terribly) an indiscernible tune in Hebrew. I loved that Jackie did not even pretend that she cooked let's just hope she ate. Let's talk about Tre's eating pineapple so she will have a sweet...it just sounds so desperate and stupid.
  12. I half listened, looked up at the screen and saw what I thought was an egg yolk in a shot glass...I figured Natasha had convinced herself that is what high end dining should be at that moment...she really is the worst, remembering some of the other chef's on BD says a lot.
  13. 100%!!! What is Kary's thought process before she does anything? Who dumps ketchup and soda in a bed, a bed that is in a rental, it could have soaked thru to the mattress and ruined it. That was not a prank, that was destruction of property. Kary is an asshole.
  14. It would be one thing if Natasha messed up on a fried egg/over easy but her first try was to give them scrambled eggs because that is what she thought a fried egg was and once she understood what they wanted she really struggled making a simple fried egg, I mean geeze, spray some Pam or melt some butter in the pan first! ..I think she was waiting to make a scene with Daisy about the eggs but Daisy was not giving her the chance. Also, that guest eats 5 fried eggs a day??? I question Natasha's food knowledge as much as her thick headedness about giving the guests what they ask for. If this was any other BD show the captain would be calling Ben to help bail them out.
  15. I think we will see a repo situation happen in the near future.
  16. Who could forget Danielle standing outside the studio with her piece of pizza in her hand waiting for her ride?
  17. Yeah, I don't get it either. She had to wear a second hand wedding dress (with a bustier on the outside of it), talked about her financial troubles enough to consider rooming with her daughter and boyfriend, talked about slaving away at the chicken place, etc...suddenly she has money for his and her cosmetic procedures and a new car. No way TLC's money can cover all of those expenses, is Zied allowed to work now? Will there be a repo situation with the car? Will they have to move out of their apartment? So mawch questions. Did she ever find her ring?
  18. Thank you! I wondered what kind of cheese has to be squeezed thru your fingers like a toddler eating mashed potatoes? Also, her "smear" on the dinner plates which she decided to smash with a spoon like a toddler eating soup with a spoon for the first time. I think Natasha is just itching for a fight for camera time so Daisy is in her cross hairs. There is not one crew member I find attractive, do we think they are forcing themselves to be attracted to one another because that is the formula on the BD shows? Capt. Glenn not lowering the boom on his crew members being loud and drunk at 2am and then jumping in the water while drunk escapes my logic...that is a safety issue, Capt. Lee would have given them all a ticket home, that is after he whipped out a few bon mots about a goat missing his mother or someone's ass with a shoe in it, you know what I mean.
  19. Andrew was that kid that screamed, "It's not fair," when he lost a game. He was just begging the producers to follow him outside, have the camera time alone, loved the drama of being followed and being asked to stay...he was in heaven having all that go on.
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