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Everything posted by Frost

  1. Everything tied up neatly up in a bow. It was exciting while it was going on, but it does kind of fall flat on reflection. I'm bummed Soldier Boy ended up in deep freeze again, but at least he wasn't given back to the Russians. And Little Nina isn't dead. That is my biggest regret for the season.
  2. Occasional coins and small artifacts are found on various episodes, but besides the one Secret episode, I don't remember any real resolutions. The Alcatraz episode drove me crazy! Josh and the FBI guy just kept repeating each other. "Welcome to Alcatraz." "Welcome to Alcatraz". "This is a tight squeeze." "A tight squeeze." These aren't word for word quotes, but examples of what the two of them did all episode! It completely wrecked it for me because I was too busy being irritated. Plus the raft in the show's "escape" was a real raft, not raincoats! Argh, finding a US penny and a story about Americans doesn't mean it was the Alcatraz escapees. The photo thing was interesting but I'd like collaboration from someone else. I guess I'm just a skeptic.
  3. With Little Nina still on the loose, I don't think running off to Marseille is a viable option. She seems to have an international network so I'm sure a little continent hopping will not throw her off Frenchie's trail.
  4. The only violent thing I remember is punching A-Train, but that didn't seem "super" powered to me.
  5. The thing about Hughie's powers is that they are not violent. He teleports and, apparently, can heal. So if Temp Compound V reveals who a person is inside, Hughie is fairly passive. His power can rescue people and help him sneak around, but that's about it.
  6. That hour went very quickly! With the team so split up, we just got a little taste of everybody. I still want Little Nina deader than a doornail. I hope she isn't forgotten when everyone is on their own revenge tour. I'm curious as to how close Black Noir's cartoon pals' play was to the "truth." SB certainly came across as a loathsome bully. I'm not sure about the story about only being an on-camera hero, though. His shooting was pretty accurate, shooting the nun while she and Hughie are struggling. And his reconnaissance in the shack looked pretty good (in the opinion of someone who watches TV 😃.) I hope Noir's relationship with his buddies isn't as intimate as Deep's with Audrey! I don't like Deep's wife, but kudos to her for not putting up with that. I don't really get the MM story line. The scenes with his ex-wife, daughter, and wife's new husband seem out of step with the rest of the storylines. We already have MM's angst about his grandfather, do we need this whole family drama as well? There are too many characters and stories for an 8 episode season to handle.
  7. I just caught this on Disney+. I mostly enjoyed it. The visuals were stunning. Strange's first journey though the multiverses, with the animation and paint versions, was a lot of fun. I also loved that 'verse 838 Earth had extremely colorful buildings and flowers and yet all the non-Illuminati people only wore black and grey. It was such a clear reminder that we were in a different world. I was bummed out that Wanda was a straight up villain. I loved her WandaVision character and really felt her pain. Having the Darkhold twist that emotional pain into such a single minded focus on regaining her "children" that she would nonchalantly kill hundreds, if not millions, of people seems like a simplistic plot decision, not a real extension of what happened in WandaVision. I also didn't like that Wong brought Scarlet Witch to the mountain just because she was torturing the remaining sorcerers. It never feels heroic to me to be willing to sacrifice the entire universe to save some of your friends. I spent the movie wishing that America's search for her mothers and Wanda's search for her children would end up with America connecting with Wanda and bringing her to her senses, rather than the boys wanting their real mother and not Scarlet Witch. But I guess that would have been too wrenching for America to have to lose yet another mother figure.
  8. That was intense. Little Nina needs to die, right now.
  9. I watched a "Next Generation" episode with Waylan and Julie. Waylan was the son of someone who had done three different challenges. Julie's mom had done a 21 day in Colombia (I think). I could tell right from the start that Waylan was not going to do well and sure enough, he started whining about fire ants within seconds of meeting Julie. I'm really confused about what they were doing the two weeks. All that was shown was Julie making a fish trap and checking it once, and trying to make a snare but having trouble finding a rock the right size. Did she never try again? At least she had a good enough eye to catch the frog and lizard. What did Waylan contribute besides making fire? I also couldn't figure out why they didn't build more of a shelter and/or bedding right from the start. Why lie on a bare rock ledge when you have a machete and are surrounded by jungle? They were cold every night and didn't even think about using the vegetation around them until practically the last day? Also, I've only seen a few episodes, but why does the show make them climb into the pickup truck naked when they're extracted? Why not give them a robe or something? I can see not wanting to put their real clothes on until a nice long shower, but it just seems voyeuristic not to provide anything.
  10. ITA! I like Josh's exuberant personality (most of the time) but it must irritate the people who've been doing all of the real work at the excavations or hunts or whatever when the EU film crew shows up and suddenly Josh is shown giving all the orders. He's the one with the TV show, no need to be a glory hog!
  11. The Dalton gang episode was interesting, but I wish Josh could move on from Nazi gold and outlaw gold. The show wasn't always 100% treasure hunting. I'd like Josh to do a little more "regular" archeology. As an example, the Easter Island episode was fascinating and I learned a lot about their culture that I had no idea about. I'm a little tired of everybody running around with metal detectors looking for treasure.
  12. It's not too horrible from the back. Although the Virgin Mary on the veil seems sacrilegious hanging off Kourtney Kardashian. From the front it's absolutely hideous.
  13. It turns out that there are four different covers for the 2022 SI swimsuit edition: a 74 year old woman, a plus size model, a singer, and whatever category Kim fits into.
  14. That video is prior to her weight loss. It's at the Ripley's and her hair is brown. I'm sure she still had a problem wearing it. I don't think those butt implants shrink like normal fat.
  15. I am so relieved that Kim was only in the original dress for as long as it took her to walk past the photogs and up the stairs. Then she switched to a replica for the rest of the gala. I guess Ripley's has some sense after all.
  16. Weren't all the bakers "professional" this season? I don't remember the judges oohing over a home baker like they have in the past. Even Jaleesa is a professional. She and her husband own their own bakery. Of course, being French, Romy automatically seems like a superior pastry chef! 😆
  17. I hate to say Kim looks great in that dress, but she does. What I don't get is how. A crash diet isn't going to shrink her artificially enormous butt. She must have had her implants removed. But just for the dress? Are they going to be popped back in later? Did the surgeons just install zippers so they can be taken out and put back in at will?
  18. I despise the sprinkle-off with the fire of a thousand burning suns, but I believe a bake off for the bottom two has been done before. It wasn't invented just for this show. In fact, I was rolling my eyes when Molly announced the "surprise twist" after she called time on the pre-heat. I would so love to know what was actually said and done between Romy walking out the stage door and Molly chirping about Romy succumbing to "stress" after the commercial break. Was Romy chased by cameramen? Did the producers get Duff to talk to him? Did someone have to comfort Molly for her sprinkles being so violently rejected? Inquiring minds want to know!
  19. It's also interesting that there was a whole crowd of people supporting Jaleesa when she had her panic attack. Did one person go after Romy and ask if he was OK? Try to calm him down? Try to get him to come back? There might be some great behind the scenes footage that will never see the light of day, if a producer went to talk to Romy and he bluntly told them a competition with sprinkles and cookie salad is not worthy of his skills.
  20. Dennis's decorating sucked. The "Lace" was yellowy and supremely sloppy. The ribbon effect was beautiful but didn't go with his theme and the colors clashed with the yellowy lace.
  21. The perfect comment is saying the sprinkle bake off treated Romy like a home baker, not a professional pastry chef.
  22. The capper was Molly trying to rewrite the history we had just seen! Romy left because he thought the sprinkles challenge was a complete joke and unworthy of him. Not because of the stress! What a crap show of a season.
  23. Naomi Judd is dead. Wynnona and Ashley released a statement: "Today we sisters experienced a tragedy. We lost our beautiful mother to the disease of mental illness. We are shattered," Does that mean suicide? The Judds were being inducted int he Country Music Hall of Fame tomorrow.
  24. Great reporting E-News! The number of seasons is wrong, the name is wrong, and I never thought Castiel declaring his love for Dean meant he was gay. Angels are not humans. They inhabit male or female human bodies at times, but Castiel switched to Claire Novak at one point so "he" didn't need to be in a male body. I don't care where a character falls on the sexuality spectrum, but applying human labels to an angel just seems lazy.
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