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Everything posted by Frost

  1. I just binged watched this. I really enjoyed it, but I wish there was a follow up episode where Chris talked about long term changes that he made due to the experience. What tips stuck? Which did he drop, and why? Not everything discussed was new to me. I mean, the power of positive thinking has been around for a long time! One thing I didn't know was the body's arteries close up during stress, as self-defense against bleeding out in case of a wound. The human body is amazing! The challenges Chris went through were utterly sadistic. Walking on that crane? With each section getting narrower? No way. I wish there was more instruction on how to concentrate on your breathing and focus when adrenaline is flooding your body. Some of the sequences showed Chris completely forgetting the "tips," and I don't blame him!
  2. A different way we can live better for longer: regenerating damage, maximizing strength, building resilience, shocking the body, supercharging memory and confronting mortality.
  3. Alec Baldwin is now suing a bunch of people on the Rust crew. How are they going to finish this movie? And how on earth can they market it? As much as I'd love to see Jensen Ackles in a western, the unpleasant associations with this film make it very unlikely I'll watch it.
  4. I believe a searchable database didn't really take off until the late 90's. I was getting my Masters in 1990-91 and even relational databases were rather shiny and new. And when I started my first post-Masters job, the company still had card readers and programs written in Assembler! I think it's fair for the show to consider Sheldon ahead of his time.
  5. Well, that turned violent. Buck stabbing a girl in the back was kind of a surprise! So is the idea that he might be the original killer.
  6. I'm trying to figure out how Zac spent his time. The other three cakes were gorgeously decorated and he slapped on some pre-made edible lace and a crappy topper. I didn't see any creative buttercream work or piping. Did I miss it?
  7. I got really invested in this show. The town is fascinating. I'd love at least a limited season 2. There seem to be enough characters in Wrexham to populate more episodes.
  8. A component of Blayr's cake was raw. Serving raw dough versus an unsuccessful use of licorice as a surprise ingredient should have been a no brainer. Is the drag queen community happy with Zac as its representative? He seems to make a number of comments that lump all drag queens together.
  9. I love watching, but would hate to be a judge on this show. The weird twists of sauerkraut or garlic or licorice or whatever that they need to taste in the dessert? My palate isn't sophisticated enough to appreciate black garlic in my cupcakes! I would probably dislike a lot of the end products. If they must do twists, I much prefer an extra element, like a ghost figure or an extra cookie bake or something. Not a flavor they must add to something they're already in the middle of making. Jill is growing on me. She's my pick to win. (I reserve the right to pick again if she gets eliminated!)
  10. I haven't watched prior seasons, so I have no idea if Poppernak is capable or not, but from this episode, Beau firing him shouldn't have been a joke. He's wandering around alone, after a suspect known to have stabbed someone with a screwdriver, and then gets distracted by a pretty girl smiling at him and boom! Hostage! Again, if he is competent, this episode didn't do him any favors. The Paige/Walter interactions are seriously creepy. Was the fighting between her and Luke about a camping vs beach vacation just a show? If they had just stolen $15M and were looking for a place to hide out for a while, the camping option is more off the grid and would seem to be a much better choice. Although they were found out very quickly so maybe getting lost at a crowded beach resort might have worked out better!
  11. I don't understand the Avery/Emily dynamic. He is supposedly supportive of her but then lets her wander around the woods by herself, looking for her lost knife? What is he doing while she's out in the woods? The entire relationship just seems fake, in a really obvious way.
  12. I forgot how much I dislike Chip's mugging for the camera. I'm fascinated by how they're going to renovate the Castle, but I'm planning on keeping the mute button handy for whenever Chip is onscreen.
  13. There was an article on my feed about the "10 Best TV Episodes in History". It was great to have a Supernatural episode listed, but I wasn't happy about the selection: I certainly wouldn't say any episode is unanimously considered the "best". I don't know if anyone else would consider it the best, but "Faith" is my favorite episode. The action, emotion, music, cinematography...everything just worked together perfectly.
  14. Wouldn't that mean that OG Supernatural never happened? I can't think Jensen would produce a show that would negate the original. I could see Dean's narration being in Heaven and somehow able to watch his parent's lives, but I don't want it to alter the future.
  15. If I hadn't watched Supernatural, I would have really enjoyed it. Unfortunately, I spent a lot of time trying to match up my early impressions of John and Mary to the young versions in this show. For example, I thought John searched out Missouri because he didn't know anything about the supernatural. Also, young Mary trading punches with a demon bothered me. Demons should be extremely hard to fight. I can see I'm going to have to let this stuff go or I'll never be able to watch it. I want to give it a fair chance.
  16. Boy, do I wish Jensen Ackles wasn't on this show. The writing is awful and most of the actor's aren't very good. I like Beau and Cassie and that's it. And even Cassie was just ridiculous about the broken down truck and the highly suspicious driver covered in dirt who obviously didn't want her looking into his vehicle. I know she isn't a police officer, but why wouldn't she report it to her buddy Jenny? Even if she didn't know he was hiding a dead body, wasn't there just a huge drug ring in the area? I'm absolutely bored with Emily the girl detective. And having her be Beau's daughter means squat since we haven't even seen them in the same scene! Beau being worried about her doesn't resonate because they've never met, as far as I'm concerned. I hope they actually get to film in Montana because the scenery is gorgeous.
  17. This was the first episode I've watched, and I've got to admit, if Jensen Ackles wasn't in it, I don't think I'd stick around. The premise is good. It sounds like Sunny Day Excursions moves around each season so outcast weirdo son could have a whole slew of "missing hikers" under his belt. I just wish there was more nuance. Hearing the music and having the backpacker back up in terror without showing the creepy son and his knife would have been a lot scarier, I think. The whiny boyfriend character can be knocked off any time. How long is this glamping experience supposed to take? I would think a week would be normal. Are Emily and her new step-dad going to be glamping all summer? A week doesn't seem like enough time for the "daughter in peril" story line to last the season. There's potential here. I just wish the actress playing Jenny was better. She seems like a weak link, acting wise. And the "B" story of Faith the bank robber who loves her daughter was hokey. Again, no nuance. She apparently threw Bill off his balcony, yet she gets sympathy from Beau because she's a parent?
  18. I liked Marcus' personality, even though his baking prowess did not shine in any of his bakes. I was hoping Justin would have to do the bake off. His black fingernails gross me out. I always imagine big chips of black nail polish landing in the food 😜 I really like a lot of the women this go 'round (I can't remember too many people's names yet). The former culinary instructor is one of my favorites, both personality and baking skills.
  19. A man's story of leaving New York in 1967 to bring beer to his childhood buddies in the Army while they are fighting in Vietnam. Opens Sep 30, 2022 I've never heard of this story. How close it hews to reality I don't know, but the trailer looks really good.
  20. I've been doing a lot of rewatch on BBC America. I can't watch any Pelant episodes. The know all, see all, control all villain was so utterly ridiculous. And I absolutely hate the season 10 arc with Booth's gambling addiction. Bones was so incredibly self righteous. I absolutely agree with her initial anger, but then after he's been going to GA she shows up at his 30 day celebration uninvited because she "deserves" to be part of his successes as well as his failures. Wha?!?!?! And then proceeds to tell Booth she wants him to move back home but is afraid to because losing her and Christine is his motivation for staying clean and if she allows him home, what will his motivation be? The writer's on this show seem to know nothing about addiction. Booth needs to self motivate to stop from gambling, end of story. An addict cannot rely on outside forces to keep him in line. And this arc was immediately followed up with the nonsensical storyline of Jared hooking up with criminal ex-Navy buddies and being willing to sell a list of undercover FBI agents to the highest bidder. And somehow this team of "master criminals" is hunky dory with FBI agent Seeley joining their team? If there was an explanation that made sense, it ended up on the cutting room floor. I never liked Jared. I thought he was a self centered brat most of the time, but this twist was straight up character assassination. Just like Zack Addy falling for Gormaghon's schtick. I complain about some episodes, but overall I really do like this series. I think it holds up better than Castle. At least Booth and Bones felt like they cared about each other all the way through the series. I can only watch episodes from the first couple of seasons of Castle. It was obvious the two leads couldn't stand each other after a while.
  21. Frost

    Spencer (2021)

    I just watched this. Was it supposed to be sympathetic to Diana? I thought she came across as spoiled and with real emotional problems. I know it was labeled as a "fable" but most of it just seemed ridiculous. The idea that dinner was eaten in complete silence? By all accounts, in private the Queen is warm and funny. Family meals, even surrounded by servants, were probably just as chatty as any other. Sewing incredibly expensive damask curtains shut with wire as a metaphor for Charles trying to trap Diana in darkness was so heavy handed. Also, Park House was not boarded up and left to rot. It turned into a home for retired servicemen or something. I don't know, the whole tone just seemed off. What was the movie trying to say? I personally couldn't stand being surrounded by servants all day, every day, but that was the world Diana grew up in. I remember an interview with a Park House servant when the engagement happened and he/she commented that Diana "ironed her own jeans." I guess ironing her jeans instead of handing them to a waiting servant is supposed to make Diana just like the common folk? On the other hand, Kristen Stewart did an excellent job with Diana's voice and her mannerisms were pretty good. If only the movie wasn't so melodramatic.
  22. It's completely unrealistic, but I'm speculating that the blood test was a mix up between Oliver's son and Theo. Oliver was away for 6-9 months for some project and his wife and Teddy Dimas had an affair. Instead of Oliver's son being the result, it was Theo! So rather than "losing" a son, Oliver kind of gains one? Obviously, there would have to be a lot of coincidences for this to happen, but the show hasn't shied away from coincidences in the past.
  23. I'm not arguing the space-time idiosyncrasies of the Arconia. Aren't there are only three apartments per floor, hence the A, B, or C designation? So only elevators in the central wing and short hallways for the three entrances per floor. And of course, oodles of room for the Arcatacombs and secret entrances/exits.
  24. I always enjoy watching OMITB, but this one left me kind of cold at the end. Krebs seems way to tall and big to be the guy chasing Lucy in the wall spaces. He also seems too big to be Glitter Guy, but hey, black is slimming so who knows? Why would a homicide detective also have a job as a Coney Island security guard? I don't think detectives have regular hours so how could he make specific shifts at the park? He's involved somehow but I can't think of a plausible explanation for him being GG or the Lucy chaser. I'm also a bit irritated that most of the B plots, or red herrings, from earlier episodes have been dropped. The painting? Charles' father? Bunny's mother? Alice? Savage 14? When the writers take time to build up plot points, I don't want them to disappear and suddenly pop up in the last episode with a hurried resolution/explanation. I want the same time and care taken with their resolution as their introduction. Oh well, enough kvetching. Fingers crossed for the final 2 episodes.
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