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Everything posted by goodbyeglittergirl

  1. I loved Dorothy so much. I wish she had her own show. I know she was high as a kite on pain meds and I don't even care. I would just love to hear her take on just about anything.
  2. I have comic book entertainment fatigue, so I do not watch Supergirl, The Flash, Arrow, etc - but I caught this last night b/c Rory was in it...er, I mean Arthur Darvill. I might DVR this and watch for a while. There was a lot of scenery chewing and WAY too many characters but hopefully as it progresses those will work out. I did think Rory did a nice job, and as you can imagine, I do love a good time travel story.
  3. RM seems to be the kind of guy who (as an actor) if you LOVE him, you LOVE him and are loyal to him and he's loyal to you til the end. I'm hoping she's not in the next AHS season. She was OK in this one - IMO should have been used less - but she doesn't have a lot of range and I can't imagine her transitioning to another character well. Maybe she'll prove me wrong. I expected to HATE her, and I thought she was passable, but a lot of that was because the Countess wasn't expected to show a huge range.
  4. I have to say - I loved the finale. Other than the question of what happened to Bartholomew, I don't feel like there were a zillion loose ends. I didn't like the Devil's Night episode, so I could have done without Devil's Night redux, but even with that and too much Billie Dean, I really liked it.
  5. My new dream season is an Iris and Liz spinoff show. Doing whatever - being detectives, opening a nightclub, getting their GEDs - I don't care. I just love both of them so much.
  6. This season has seemed to feature some really mentally ill folks. I know that hoarding itself is a mental illness thing, but I am referring to people for whom hoarding is maybe their second or third worst problem. I sort of hate watching that sort of episode, because it becomes so clear...what's it matter how many bears she has when she clearly has some serious, deep paranoia problems? It's hard to think about the actual mechanics of eliminating the hoard when all I can think about is this clearly mentally ill individual. BOTH of the people featured in this episode felt this way to me, and I hope they both get the help they need. I think having Richard in an assisted living facility is probably the best outcome they could have hoped for.
  7. I have loved ACD forever, so I was really looking forward to this episode. I enjoyed it, but would have liked it more had it been entirely Victorian and not a weird Inception kind of deal. When it started flashing back to modern, I think it lost some momentum and lost some of the fun for me. Having listened to Gatiss speak for a looong time about ACD and the original stories, I can imagine that this was really just an exercise in personal fulfillment for Gatiss/Moffat - which is fine! I did enjoy it and was hit with the sad "no more stories until 2017" realization once it was over. I LOVE Andrew Scott so I welcome any excuse for him to be back. I know the Sherlock's final conclusion in TAB is that Moriarty is good and truly dead but I do SO hope that they will have Scott back, even if it's just in flashes from the mind palace or whatever. I did love the whole Diogenes scene (with the sign language) and loved that Mycroft was obese - and I say that as a fat person myself. It was just fun to see some original things thrown in there, I enjoyed the calls to original canon like the orange pips, etc. I wish they had used some boltholes in a comical way, because for some reason even just the term bolthole seems so silly to me. When they announced it was going to Victorian era, I figured we wouldn't see Molly or much of Mrs. Hudson, and while we didn't see a whole lot of either one, I enjoyed the moments each one had. I was watching it with 3 people who had never seen a Sherlock episode and probably haven't read any ACD so I had to do a lot of pausing - I look forward to a rewatch so that I can catch some of the stuff I probably missed.
  8. I hung in there all season. There were glimmers of excellence. All in all, though, I thought it fell flat. It was worth the watch, though, for the tiny funny moments sprinkled throughout. However, this show did teach me that I would watch Jamie Lee Curtis do anything. She's wonderful. Other than Curtis, the star of the show was Niecy Nash, who is such a freaking riot that I just can't handle it. Her final goodbye scene - hilarious. She's a treasure. I had big hopes for the actress who played Grace - she was in the 9 Lives of Chloe King, which I loved, and I thought she was great in it. But she was flat here, and never got much better.
  9. I would prefer more storyline and less shock value. Gaga and Co. like to have sex and slit throats. We get it. We don't need to see it every episode.
  10. I was kind of grossed out by Wendy skyping with the bunny ranch dude today. I don't watch the Kardashians - I couldn't tell you one from the other or who was married to the guy who's in a coma now, etc., but what I DO know is that clearly, his life is on the line and he has children and it's a shame. I felt like the coverage was really callous on WW today. I think I'm taking her off my DVR list...I'm just left with a bad taste in my mouth.
  11. Yes - the Taye Diggs interview was awful - from both sides. I don't find him the least bit likeable, and Wendy didn't do herself any favors with her interview technique.
  12. The settings and clothing and styling on this show are gorgeous (when not totally disgusting.) I still love Kathy Bates, but hope we didn't get her whole presence this season in this one episode. I need more Kathy. Gaga is okay so far. Which is more than I thought I'd be able to say for her. I also don't mind Chloe Sevigny so far this go around, which is amazing because I generally don't like her at all. I await the inevitable descent into too many storylines and not enough conclusion, but for now it's okay.
  13. Her comment today about Bindi Irwin being "thick" really rubbed me the wrong way. In the same sentence where she lamented that girls have all this pressure to be stick thin, she says she likes that Bindi is thick. Bindi is not overweight. Bindi is a normal size. She should have phrased it differently. I don't know what my problem is - maybe I've outgrown Wendy - but I haven't enjoyed this new season much at all.
  14. I have to admit, I love this show for far. It's goofy and funny and irreverent. It's a reminder of the best parts of AHS:Coven for me, which I liked. I wasn't sure how I would feel about this show - I don't really like gore and am home alone a lot so I don't like to watch scary stuff, but so far the tone and presentation is perfect. And I LOVE Niecy Nash. She is a gem.
  15. Oh god. Alana's new music video. I couldn't make it all the way through it. I don't understand why no one is able to say "this is embarrassing, this is a bad move, do not do this." The best thing they could do is fade into obscurity and get back into normal lives. http://www.fishwrapper.com/post/2015/09/30/honey-boo-boo-mama-june-child-star-pageant-music-pictures-photos-pics-videos/
  16. I really liked these two episodes. But I agree on the assessment of Whitney's new beau - I would have a hard time trusting that relationship given it's a main storyline on a reality show. That said, I HOPE it's real, for her! Loved the 5K episode. Good for her. And I loved seeing her friends and family cheering her on. I know a 5K is nothing to people who are marathon runners, etc., but for some it seems so out of reach and I LOVED that she completed it.
  17. I am the odd woman out, but I've never had those floating island things and I thought the looked delicious. I spent that part of the episode wondering if I could successfully make those to try them or if I would probably give myself salmonella. I think salmonella is probably likely.
  18. Oof, that worries me. I've been concerned about the future of DW over the past season or so. I love Capaldi, but I don't think last season was very strong and I really dislike Clara - I do worry that it's going to run itself into the ground and we'll lose new DW adventures b/c it will get cancelled!
  19. I'm so glad you said this - I thought maybe I was losing my hearing or was otherwise impaired. I needed closed-captioning!
  20. Neurochick - I think you hit it on the head. I think she's a family person, and so she stays in this marriage for her son, but she knows it was a bad choice. People in that position often do a lot of preaching about how to choose a mate b/c they know THEY did it wrong and don't want to see someone head down that part. And yes - Aubergine = Eggplant = Deep Purple ... not maroon!!!
  21. Yes, she lived overseas for something like 4 years. I don't have an issue with her living at home, and I thought it was very touching that her parents were so verklempt over having her move out. It was sweet and very southern. I found them all very like-able on these episodes. I LOVED Whitney's mermaid swimsuit bottom. Like, LOVED that. It was so cute. Good for her for doing water-based exercise - such a great option and so much easier on your body. I thought her mom wearing pantyhose into the pool was hysterical. I am super southern but have never in my life seen anyone swim in pantyhose - not even my Mamaw! I thought these were fairly lackluster episodes in terms of storytelling, but I was glad to see the dance group perform (and thought they did a good job.) I thought it was really touching to hear the comments from some of the women about getting to dance - THAT is the stuff I would like to see more of on this show, the bits that really humanize those of us who are fat and might shine a light on issues non-fatties have never thought about. If they would insert more of that plus more PCOS awareness on the show, I think it could really be a great, inspiring show. I am looking forward to the 5K episode - surely she does not jog the entire 5K. I'm in decent enough shape for a plus-sizer and while I could speedwalk a 5K with no issues, no way could my knees/feet handle a full-on jog. And I weigh considerably less than Whitney!
  22. I hope Oz and Derek and Piff are able to use their appearances on this show to make large moves in their careers. I like the three of them. Piff is coming to my city's comedy club in Feb and we are going to go see him - I think his stuff will work well in that type of environment.
  23. CONFIRMED - She's leaving! http://www.bbc.com/news/entertainment-arts-34266847 Hooray!
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