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Everything posted by goodbyeglittergirl

  1. I would love to see more Drag Queens interacting with the public. I think a big part of their celebrity going forward is how they are able to deal with meet and greets, etc. Would love to see some sort of challenge based on that type of thing - each queen has to do a 10 min meet and greet with 5 rupaul super-fans or something, who have no knowledge of the queens from that season (to prevent favoritism.) Then the superfans get to rank the queens worst to first. There's a lot to being a great queen with the public - making people feel special and seen, but not spending too much time with any one fan, taking selfies with them, etc etc.
  2. I love trivia shows but this one didn't do it for me. I am disappointed - I expected to love it!
  3. I officially deleted Dance Moms from the DVR after letting this episode sit for a couple of days. Every time I went to play it, I was like..."ugh, I don't want to watch this" - and then I realized, I can choose not to watch it. So long, Dance Moms! It's been real. or scripted.
  4. I really loved Violet's final runway look. She's a little dull as a character, I think, but she nearly always looks amazing. I hope next season is better. I was a fan of Ginger in the beginning, and then fell for Katya. I now don't really care who wins. I'll watch the finale but meh.
  5. Rewatch panel and just focus on Michelle - she seems flat pissed off a lot of the time, and very un-amused the rest of it. I don't know if she doesn't like Rebecca Romaine Mystique what's-her-name or if it was an off day or what.
  6. I don't want a happy ending for anyone except Zoey.
  7. Kennedy's lip sync. Lord. So sad to see Katya go. If the BOTS tour comes here again, I hope she's part of it. What was Sanrio thinking? Santino. Too soon.
  8. Yes - gosh, those old pictures of Babs - she was gorgeous. She's still a pretty lady but wow - stunning!
  9. Anyone catch the Mother's Day hour-long special that aired last night? My DVR caught it (thanks DVR!) so I was able to watch it. It revolves around Babs and a blackout that she had while driving (parking really), resulting in a car accident. It made me sad to see Babs having health issues and then confidence issues, etc. But Whitney was same old, same old! I would love to know when this was taped because I am so damn nosy. ;-)
  10. I have no sympathy for Holly. Holly has allowed this crap to go on season after season - she protests and whines and wrings her hands, but in the end keeps Nia there. If she had a backbone and any real confidence in her daughter's star qualities, she would walk.
  11. Sorry to see Trixie exit again. I thought she was honestly better than Ginger in every way this week. This is the first season ever, though, where I really don't give a damn about who wins.
  12. I just saw this production last week! Lara is WONDERFUL in it and has a really beautiful voice, which I did not know. Davison is the production's weak link, which is a shame. He's just not very good. Luckily he's opposite Imelda Staunton, who is such a superstar in this role that it's not a big deal.
  13. OK folks - here is my post-Sherlocked commentary! I apologize in advance for the length... First things first: will there be a US convention? The organizers say that it's still the plan to have a US convention, but that it may be pushed to 2016. Y'all - if there's a US convention and you decide to go, PLEASE buy a package deal. (Assuming it's organized similarly to the UK convention.) People who just attended on weekend passes were really unable to do anything - everything was an upcharge, from talks on the mains stage to autographs to photos, etc. I bought a Platinum package, but when I added up the individual cost of everything I did during the convention, I definitely got my money's worth. I had a GREAT time. But there were many, many people there who were extremely disappointed. I met everyone who attended. Standouts were Louise Brealey (Molly), Una Stubbs (Mrs. Hudson), and MOST importantly, Andrew Scott (Moriarty.) Louise Brealey is really bright and a strong feminist. She talked a lot about roles for women and women in production, etc., encouraging young women in the audience to consider that type of career. She was really chatty and wanted to have a good few minutes with each person getting an autograph. At one point she broke down in tears because the convention organizers were prompting her to hurry up and she felt like she was not spending enough time with people. She seems like a really kind and intelligent human being. She didn't want to talk very much about her acting but did say that her initial approach to Molly was just to play her as very sweet but a bit clueless, and she has evolved her approach as the character has evolved. She was just supposed to be a small part for a couple of episodes, so she's quite thrilled that she's developed into a nice little character on her own. Una Stubbs is a delight. Charming and sweet. She said her approach to her Mrs. Hudson role is just to treat Sherlock and Watson like she treats her own sons. Andrew Scott was just phenomenal. Full of positive energy, seeming genuinely interested in meeting and seeing everyone. His main stage talks were a delight, and he talked about how he doesn't speculate about Moriarty's sexuality because it would be reductive. His favorite day of Sherlock shooting was the scene inside the jewel case. He also talked about how he likes to give different reads on every take, and that that means making a lot of mistakes and making a fool of yourself a LOT. I am an old school convention goer, having attended Star Trek type of conventions since the age of 12, and Andrew Scott is my favorite actor that I have ever met. I will consider attending the US convention if he is going to be a guest there, just because I'd love to see him again. I cannot say enough good things about Andrew Scott, based on my experience with him and watching how he interacted with fans. What a gem. Mark Gatiss is so quick witted. He was engaging but reserved - very cheeky and full of secrets, though. His best moments came during a dual main stage talk with Andrew Scott in which the two of them sort of egged each other on the whole time. It was a riot. Steven Moffat was actually really lovely in person. And I say that as someone who has given Moffat down the road quite a few times b/c of his handling of some things with Doctor Who. I was expected to not care for him very much, but in person he was very focused and very kind. I happened to do his autograph the first day, and there weren't many people around, so he chatted with me for about 8 minutes - which in convention time is like forever. He asked me a bunch of questions and we talked about the possibility of The Doctor being a woman, how he writes for women, etc., and he was really fun to chat with. I am a huge Conan Doyle fan (as are he and Gatiss) and so we chatted about some of the smaller Holmes stories that would make great plotlines for Sherlock. He gave me a bunch of recommendations for things my kids might like to do next time I'm in London, and in fact had his own son, Louis, with him. Of everyone, Moffat was the person who least matched my expectations. His main stage talks were fun to attend but without a whole lot of substance b/c of course people asked loads of questions that he wasn't allowed to answer (about upcoming episodes, etc.) He sort of reminded me of my dad. I did also meet and get a photo and autograph with Benedict Cumberbatch. He had a head cold and seemed a bit out of sorts, to be honest. Everything to do with Ben was VERY rushed, b/c they were trying to sweep people through as quickly as possible. He said several times to people as we were meeting him "I wish we could spend more time together!" It sort of felt like you were on a conveyor belt, so not the best experience. However, his main stage talk was a delight and you could tell he felt much more like himself up there. He talked about auditioning for Sherlock and how much he loves working with Martin Freeman. I would not be surprised to NOT see Benedict at the US Sherlocked, or to see him with less availability for photo shoots, etc - just because he really seemed a little overwhelmed. He was very kind, though, without fail, and put his arm around each and every photoshoot person no matter how tired/ill/over it he might have been. Some of the unexpected fun of the convention included a booth and main stage talks by Danny Hargreaves and his team, who handle the real special effects on Sherlock and Doctor Who (though not the CGI effects.) They did demonstrations, which were totally cool, and included the contraption the built to get that slow backward fall Sherlock takes. In addition to their cool main stage presentations, they had a booth with lots of things to play with and Danny's team was made of some really sweet guys who were so excited to be showing off what they do. We played with sugar glass, rubbered glass, faux concrete bits, fake bombs, etc. So interesting! There were other cast members there as well, and all were nice, honestly. No one seemed put upon to be there. Lara Pulver (Irene Adler) is so lovely in real life, and I went to see her in Gypsy earlier in the week - she has a beautiful voice! I did not know that! Lara was chosen by Benedict, who after one read-through with Lara (though she didn't know in advance he was going to be there) said - yes, that's our Irene! They had 3 actual sets there - the 221B exterior door, the living room of Sherlock's flat, and Mycroft's office. It was interesting how sort of underwhelming they are in person - smaller than you imagine and John's chair from the living room - lordy, it's hard to sit in. You kind of sink! So weird to be sitting there in 221B! i am hoping snippets of the main stage talks may make their way onto YouTube at some point. Taping the talks was not allowed but we all know how that goes. There was surprisingly little merchandise available. The BBC had a little shop set up, and other shops were selling LOADS of prints and pictures of the actors so people could get them autographed. I had planned in advance, though, and had a metal Baker Street street sign for all of them to sign - it turned out really well! I hope this gives you a feel for the convention. If they do a US one it's totally worth going provided you can spring for one of the packages. I would not bother to go on just a pass - there was only maybe an hour's worth of stuff to do that was free, and the second stage (which was free to attend) was mostly fan blog people and fan podcast people - and I'm sure they were entertaining but it's not my kind of thing. The most irritating thing about the convention was a group of cosplayers called the Baker Street Babes, who had a booth set up and also did a couple of second stage talks. They were REALLY enamored with themselves and spent a lot of time waltzing into talks and autograph sessions, etc, like VIPs. Maybe they are big in the UK or something but honestly they acted like they themselves were uber famous and it gave me a chuckle because the actual actors were incredibly down to Earth while these BSB folks were really oddly snooty and pushy. That was weird. The most disappointing thing were the parties, which happened Friday and Saturday night and were only open to Gold, Platinum, and VIP attendees. They had themes - 2 party rooms a night with 2 themes (Irene's Boudoir, The Underground, Moriarty's Lair, and one other I can't remember b/c I didn't attend parties the second night!) We were expecting some VERY cool parties based on the build up we'd been given, but instead walked into conference rooms decorated with a few balloons and plastic tablecloths on the 3 or 4 tables. Nothing was free - it was a cash bar and even if you just wanted a soda, it was like 4 pounds. I hope they do away with the parties next time - I don't know a single person who had a good time there - most of us left after 20-30 minutes the first night and just went down to a pub instead. The rumor around the convention was that Martin Freeman (along with his partner, Amanda, who plays Mary) had not been asked to attend this convention - the speculation being that they figure Martin will attend the one they hope to do next year and will do so in lieu of Cumberbatch, which will still be a huge draw and will hopefully bring people in since they didn't get to see him this time. I hope that was worth reading! If you have specific questions please feel free to ask!
  14. I just finished season 1 and man, that was brutal. I watched initially b/c of Eccelston and so I felt like I was sold a false bill of goods when he was killed off! Tucci was wonderful, though, and I enjoyed much of the acting. I spent a lot of time confused, and after reading the threads tonight from each episode, I see I wasn't the only one! That is a comfort b/c I thought perhaps I was losing my mind. :-) I don't know if I'll be back for season 2. It was so freaking brutal and grim. I don't know if I can take more of that, no matter how wonderful the performances! I LOVE LOVE LOVE Jonjo O'Neill, who played Cieran (sp?), and I'm tempted to watch just for him as I hope he will take on a bigger role, but I just don't know if I can take it!
  15. Do you mean where Ru used to say "You've got She-mail?" I think the new phrase is "She done already done had herses" or something along those lines?
  16. Snooziest Snatch Game evah. I feel like they were trying to edit in as much funny as possible and it was still a yawner. My Snatch fave was probably Violet as Alyssa. I hate that Max is gone - I hope either he or Trixie get to come back.
  17. This kid's story broke my heart. I hope he succeeds and goes on to have the most brilliant life!
  18. ChiCricket, in my current battle with my weight, I watch 600 pound life, Hoarders, and Intervention on a solid rotation. I've had my real life WHOA moment but those shows help keep me pointed in the right direction. Is that terrible? I don't wish any of them ill - I cry sometimes when someone on Intervention has passed away by the end of the episode, etc. So I totally understand you needing the buttwings as motivation! Good luck and congrats on your progress thus far!
  19. I finally had a chance to watch this one, and I really struggled with it. First of all, I thought she was going to pass away in the skin removal surgery near the end, so that freaked me out. I really, really thought that's where we were headed. I honestly am shocked she made it to 39. She just seemed to have given up. I would give up, too, if I had to pee and poop in my living room and use ambulances as my main transportation source. I have a pretty strong stomach but the skin/fatty tumor/etc removal footage sincerely pushed me over the edge. I hope she is successful. I would love to hear her reflect on how she got to this size. I am sorry for her childhood traumas, but also wonder... was there never a point where she said - whoa, I can't buckle a car seat belt any more. Or whoa, I can't walk up a flight of steps. Or whoa, I can't find underwear to fit my body. You don't just wake up 400, 500, 600 pounds. And I say that as someone with 40 more pounds to lose myself (40 down, 40 to go!) There are WHOA moments. What did she do during her whoa moments? I would love to hear that sort of thing.
  20. Pearl's behavior during that chat with Ru was really appalling. If you don't want to be there, reaping the benefit of this person's influence and knowledge, then don't go on the freaking show. If you do go on the show, have some respect.
  21. I think this was the first Drag Race episode that I just genuinely slogged through, not enjoying it. That sucks.
  22. So dull. BRING BACK MAX. So glad he's back next week. I know they don't profile older people b/c it's MTV, but I think older catfishing would have some juicy stories - I imagine a LOT of money changes hands, etc.
  23. I wasn't really bothered by the Sia video. I thought the concept was pretty self-explanatory given Sia's previous video which also used Maddie as sort of an avatar. And I say that as a mother myself - I really wasn't bothered by it! This show, though, that's another topic. I AM bothered by it! It's so freaking dumb anymore. WHY AM I STILL WATCHING! I wish my DVR had a setting that kept me from being able to record things to hatewatch! Haha. The movie Clue is one of my top 10 movies of all time and so I was excited to see a Clue dance...and it sucked. Whomp whomp.
  24. Shut UP! I did not know that. I loved him. Thanks for sharing!
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