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Everything posted by goodbyeglittergirl

  1. This show. Lordy. Why am I still watching this crap??! I am sorry that Kendall didn't get to be in the final video. She was excited about it and she looked really cute - she has come a long way since her beginning on the show. That MattyB video. Ugh. Why do we make these people famous?
  2. I got a little sad seeing how much some folks have aged - Dratch, Goodman, Chase, etc - and then I realized - I AM AGING TOO. Ugh. Time. ;-) The special was ok. It was bloated. My favorite parts were Short/Rudolph, Seinfeld's audience question segment (and I typically do not like him), and Jeopardy. I wish there had been fewer musical guests and more sketches. I would have loved to have seen Curtin in some more stuff, though what she did was awesome. I hate The Californians - always have - and this was no exception. Every time they do a Californians I am forced to ask myself - am I the only person who freaking HATES this crap?
  3. I was so irritated with Nicole's "hair combing" comments. She is so repetitive, like a toddler who keeps saying the same thing over and over to make sure they get a reaction. As a result, we did not get any actual salient conversation about the clip. Thanks Nicole. Kenan. He was very subdued. I know comedians are not yukking it up 24/7 but that was kind of off. I actually hope Rosie doesn't come back. I hope the View tanks and dies, and Rosie can pursue something that's a better fit for her, and Whoopi can smoke it up all day and be lazy and be off my TV. I would love to have Rosie's Sirius radio show back, or something like that. I really love her and admire her and will watch whatever she does next.
  4. I, too, thought that after she lost so much weight on her own that SOMEONE would say - Hey, why don't we try this on our own before putting you through a surgery? But then I guess there wouldn't be a show. I hope she continues to get counseling because I don't think she will stay successful without it.
  5. You're totally right! That's exactly how she comes across. And then Whoopi comes across as though she literally got out of a bed backstage and stumbled on set - no clue of what's to come or what's going on. She make the most awkward transitions between topics.
  6. I was surprised she was that shocked about the pre-diabetes. Insulin resistance is incredibly common in PCOS patients. I am also sort of shocked that her cholesterol is ok - typically with PCOS when you see the insulin resistance ramp up, cholesterol numbers are also up. I hope that on the second season of this show, it uses less set-up material. Those parts are so dull. Let's see Whitney as she struggles through weight loss, learns how to lose weight with PCOS, etc etc. Let's celebrate her accomplishments (both scale victories and non-scale victories). My only concern is that with an admitted history of disordered eating, I hope she doesn't fall back into those habits off-camera in order to get results. I know if I had TV cameras following me, I would feel incredible pressure to show a steady loss.
  7. I was so bummed that Rosie wasn't part of Whitney Thore's interview. PCOS sufferers have an increased risk of heart disease (I know, because I have PCOS) and I would have loved to hear a discussion between the two of them on that. I was also hoping that Whitney heard the Hot Topics segment regarding healthy eating and how Rosie P was "disgusted" by people who eat and eat and then get sick and expect health care. In the segment they intimated that all disease was preventable if people would just eat better and while it's true in some cases, it's not true for all. Whitney's PCOS would be a good example (though clearly all her weight gain at this point is not from the disease.) Anyway - that was a lost opportunity and had I been Whitney and heard the Hot Topics, I would have had a bone to pick with them.
  8. I am going to Sherlocked! I am sort of still in a haze about it. I was able to get a really inexpensive airline ticket and am using travel points for the hotel, so it's not a terribly costly trip. I am really excited!
  9. I'm really glad it got renewed. I have a hope that we will see more steak and less sizzle in season 2. That might be wishful thinking. I live in NC not super far from Greensboro and I would LOVE to do one of her dance classes.
  10. Oh no! I hate to hear that! I love watching GN. In other news, does anyone happen to know the on/off season for tapings of the show? I am going to London in April and am just wondering if he'll be taping then - would love to get a ticket. Right now there are just dates in Feb posted.
  11. Well, and while I love baked salmon, broiled salmon, etc., I do NOT care for smoked salmon. I know that's odd, but it's true! And also... OMG. WORLD SHATTERING REVELATION. PREPARE FOR ONSLAUGHT OF STUPIDITY. I had no idea it was spelled Choux. I've been thinking it as "Shoe." You can tell I don't do a lot of baking! Now I feel like a dingbat. Athena, you totally taught me something today!!!
  12. I am so sad to see Kate's hair go. I freaking loved her hair. It is difficult to watch this show and stick to weight watchers. However, with this week's eclairs not such an issue. I am just not an eclair person, and that salmon eclair sort of turned my stomach! I'm sure it was probably lovely but not my style!
  13. I am getting sick of seeing Maddie. For reals.
  14. I don't know - TLC has been pushing her pretty hard. I can imagine a second season, especially since it seems that we will exit this season with the cliffhanger of "Whitney's Health is at Stake!"
  15. Me too. I'm actually really repulsed by the over-the-top reaction about the VM - the big twitter war and the Mount Holyoke stuff. It seems like trying to find a fight where a fight doesn't need to be. EE wrote a piece. It was influential and groundbreaking at the time. You want to represent another viewpoint? Write another piece that's influential and groundbreaking now.
  16. I've lost all respect and admiration of talent that I once had for Whoopi. She's mean, snarky, snappy, pushy. I hope this is the death knell for The View, and for Whoopi's career.
  17. I am so sad to hear this news - both parts of it. I adore Rosie, warts and all, and I am so sad for her. I hate that her marriage is ending. I hate that she's leaving The View. The best episodes of The View that I've seen were the recent ones where Whoopi was in the hospital and Rosie was kind of running the show - they were positive, fun shows. I hate that someone, somewhere deemed it okay for Whoopi Goldberg to act like a horse's rear day in and day out. I used to like Whoopi in her Star Trek TNG days and now when Guinan's in an episode it makes me grind my teeth because I find her to be insufferable. I think Rosie has such a big heart, and is so funny and talented, and has so much to give. I hope once her personal life has settled down that she will find a project to devote herself to.
  18. I hope Amber never returns to her parents. I hope she forms a complete life outside of them, and also I hope she dumps the boyfriend, who was just super gross to me. His lack of awareness (Nom Nom shirt, fast food, taking her grocery shopping for junk) was just disgusting to me. I hope with weight loss and therapy, Amber is able to become the beautiful person she seems to be inside. She is so young, she has her whole life ahead of her. I hope we see an update on her and that she is on top of the world. And wearing shoes.
  19. Maybe there's going to be one of those "dance down the aisles" sort of things? That's the only thing I can think of to choreograph for a wedding! Or maybe the bride/groom first dance?
  20. This was a brilliant episode - I was not into Kitty at the beginning of the season, and now I will miss her contributions greatly. This show is really, really good. I think it's overshadowed by TGIT programming (Grey's, etc.) but I hope it continues for a long time. JLM is brilliant. Really brilliant.
  21. I am not sure if this was the one she was referring to, but I know that Maddie is going to be on an upcoming episode of Austin and Ally (Disney Channel). Honestly, if Melissa's really wanting to milk this cash cow, she should be doing a full court press on Disney and/or Nickelodeon to develop a show featuring Maddie. The question, though, is if Maddie is any good as an actress in the "Disney" tradition. My kids like Austin and Ally so I will report back on how she fares on her guest appearance!
  22. I've been to a Rocket Fizz in CO and everything is VERY overpriced. It's a neat store, and we let the kids buy $10 worth of candy or whatever, but I would never be a regular customer - too pricy!
  23. This show is losing me because it's so scripted, and it doesn't need to be. They missed a prime opportunity to have Whitney go work out with a trainer in a public gym - THAT would have provided some food for thought on snarky comments and sideeyes from the other gym members. After having read Whitney's blog, I can't even look at her parents the same way anymore. I'm glad Whitney's (hopefully) making some cash off of this show, and I wish her the best, but for her health (mental and physical) she would be better off moving in with a roommate. I think the living with mom and dad is done for the show's sake. I like Buddy. More Buddy.
  24. This episode was so boring. And I can't believe (well really I guess I can) that JoJo's mom dyes her hair. For Pete's sake. A rare Nia's dad sighting - I would love to hear his thoughts on Dance Moms, to be honest!
  25. I really enjoyed this episode and it's tempted me to put together my own hot water crust meat pie - though not one quite as voluminous as these!
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