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Everything posted by goodbyeglittergirl

  1. Oh no - I am sorry, I was not clear - I am definitely referring to children. I will post an example: http://fancyfrugallife.com/disney-inspired-handmade-fashion-our-magical-trip/ If you scroll down you'll see the kids in matching outfits - the boy child wearing an iron-on tie to match sister's dress. I have yet to witness anyone wearing this style to prom, though I do not put it past some families in my neighborhood! ;-)
  2. The sticky tie stuff - I can see where a suburban mom from NC would come up with that as a needed product - because as another suburban mom from NC, I see my neighborhood acquaintances making these hideous iron-on giant ties for their boys that match scratch-made boutique dresses that their girls wear. I cannot count the number of giant ugly iron-on ties I've seen on Facebook. So I can see where they would see a market for that, but I think it's a niche market for sure.
  3. Yes. Agreed! I started out liking Clara ok - in her first Christmas episode - but it seems like she's been around FOREVER and she's so irritating. I was thrilled when the rumors hit that she was leaving, and so sad when those rumors did not come true. Every episode is the Clara Show and it's irritating. I really like Capaldi but I feel like he's being pulled down with this Clara business.
  4. I have a nagging feeling that's the reason for almost everything on the show. I spent some time last night reading through Whitney's blog posts, and she sounds like a different person. The stories she tells - some are heartbreaking. I kind of don't understand why we aren't seeing that - or at least that as a stepping off point - as part of the show. It's like they just want to show us a fat person and make her dance. Dance, Fat Lady, do our bidding!
  5. You know, as much as I enjoy her mother on the show, her descriptions of her childhood and conversations about food and weight - well, I don't have any respect for them. He told her his two regrets as he sent her off to college were not exposing her to more religion and that she hadn't lost more weight. Honestly, that's terrible.
  6. Preach. This is totally true. Birth Control pills are given to PCOS patients just to try and regulate their cycle (and also make sure they menstruate at least 4x/year for endometrial buildup reasons), but it does NOT address the underlying imbalances. There is no real treatment for PCOS. You can take Metformin, which can help with the insulin resistance piece of the puzzle, and you can take various things (bc, provera, etc) to take control of your cycle, but you at the end of the day you STILL have PCOS and as of now there's just nothing you can do about it. Eating healthy, trying to maintain a healthy weight, getting regular exercise, those are also "management" things that need to be done, but you STILL have PCOS. In fact, there's a whole subset of PCOS women who are actually THIN but have PCOS.
  7. In last night's episode, when she was yelled at (the Shamu comment) in public, I thought - OK! Here we go! This is what it's like to be a fat woman in public, what's going to happen next, what kind of empowering response will there be.... And then nothing. A hug. No further mention of the incident. THIS is the sort of thing that would be so illuminating to people and so helpful. I weigh a fraction of Whitney's weight (though I am still overweight, for sure), and I recently was moo-ed at in a parking lot. This. shit. happens. You know what the absolute best exercise is for someone? Whatever they will do, and do again, and do again, that motivates them to be there and move. If dancing is that for her, then good for her.
  8. I TOTALLY agree with this. I feel bad even DVRing the show b/c I don't want to add to ratings!
  9. I know she used to work at a radio station - that was her job when her dancing video went viral. My GUESS is that she saw this viral video stuff as her big chance, and so she quit radio to hawk herself full time in hopes of a chance just like this one - her own TV show. Moving home is convenient because it gives her an instant cast of characters.
  10. I don't care for Daymond. Of all of the sharks, he is my least favorite. I love Lori and Barbara and wish they were both on all the time - I would gladly see Daymond kicked out of the tank for that. I don't find that he asks very salient questions - he seems to hang back a lot and let other sharks take the lead. Also, I had no idea what FUBU stood for - so thanks for the education! :-)
  11. I really like Robert - he would be my #1 choice as an investor. He seems really level-headed and serious about things, but generally seems kind as well.
  12. I was not really familiar with Kevin Hart, but I enjoyed his performance and thought he handled the problems early on in the show with great professionalism and had great energy throughout. I DVRed this episode with the hopes that since Maddie Ziegler was there to dance with Sia, maybe they would use her in a sketch like Dance Moms. But they did not. Lost opportunity!!!
  13. Here's what happened to me, yogi2014L - I was normally sized until puberty. After puberty hit, I gained weight at a rate that was not equal to the amount I was eating. By which I mean I was eating the same stuff as my younger sister and doing the same activities, but I was gaining weight and she was not. I went to fat camp, I visited nutritionists, I did all sorts of stuff - it did not help. And after a while of following the basic calorie in/calorie out math and not having any luck, I gave up. So from the age of 18-26 I probably gained 70 pounds. I wasn't gorging on ice cream every night, but I was also not watching what I ate. I then buckled down and followed a low-carb diet and exercised CONSTANTLY, and my weight went down, but nothing like what you would expect to see. I finally saw a doctor who said "You have PCOS. Your diet and exercise are the only things that have kept you under 300 pounds." So TL;DR - I do think a big part of her weight issue could be from the PCOS. Some of it, though, can also really be from the "giving up" that happens when you see that the things that allow other people to drop weight do almost NOTHING for you. It's really depressing. THIS is the sort of thing I would LOVE to see addressed on the show - a pipe dream, I know!
  14. Oh gosh, yes - when they started on the grandkids thing it made me gasp a little. She's 30 with PCOS - it could take her years to get pregnant and even then, it might not happen or she might have trouble carrying to term. I thought that was really insensitive of her dad to talk about unless he just genuinely does not know how PCOS changes fertility. In which case - why not have Whitney talk about that with him?! I am probably not viewing this show correctly since I am viewing it as someone who struggles day in and day with PCOS and ALL of the crap that goes along with that.
  15. Oh Holly, your antics fall on deaf ears now. You know how Abby is. If you wanted Nia out of there, you would have gotten her out of there long before now, but you're into the fame and fortune of it all. Not interested in you giving Abby down the road anymore - you're just as bad as she is because you continue to put your daughter in that environment.
  16. I have PCOS. There are many, many women with PCOS. This could be a great show if it talked a bit more about what living as a fat woman with PCOS is like - how I have to get up and pluck and shave hairs every day. How I have handfuls of hair that fall out. How I have to watch what I eat closer than any skinny woman I know or else I gain 10 pounds overnight. How doctors attribute every. little. thing. to being fat instead of actually thinking you might have something medically wrong. How it took me 2 years and $20,000 of fertility treatments to have a child. Etc. etc. etc. I am glad Whitney loves herself. She seems so fun to be around and I wish her all the best. But I really hoped for some SUBSTANCE in this show and I am not finding it so far. Her mom's a trip, Whitney herself is adorable, etc. But I need more than FAT GIRLS ROCK, WATCH ME DANCE.
  17. Lucille was so incredibly calm facing this goober. I would have had a hard time not punching him. I was thrilled that Nev threw his phone away. Loved it. I feel like we're missing part of the story, though - did ANYONE pay ANYTHING for all of these drivers, security, etc? If not, how is that possible? This was the first dude that I thought - oh crap, he's going to shoot someone - when they were talking to him. He's just sort of dead behind the eyes. When they didn't know how to work the recording equipment and Nev filmed himself saying "they are trying to figure out how to get the microphone to work," I actually did laugh out loud.
  18. I was so disappointed for Ty. He's going to look back and realize he missed a huge opportunity. I wish he had more support at home - I think that was his downfall, what with the alky mom and the dad sort of out of touch with reality. I mean - where were either of them when he was ramping up to this weight? He was like 300 pounds at age 12, I think he said - um, a 12 year old is not buying his own food. (And I say this as a fat person and from a place of love.)
  19. BBC1 teaser trailer today says that the new season kicks off in AUGUST! I was totally prepared for Nov so that's thrilling! Hope BBCA airs them on the same day as BBC1.
  20. I hate hate hate the "triple tape" of winners. I get why they do it, but it winds up being so fake. I would much rather watch a genuine reaction. That said, I'm thrilled Bianca won. And I'm even more thrilled that Roylady has his sh-t together and is trying to use his current notoriety to fuel the movie he wants to make, etc. He will be here in my area in August and I can't wait!
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