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Everything posted by goodbyeglittergirl

  1. I will say that I freaking loved the Kathy Bates talking heads. I hope she is all over the rest of the season because I love her and find her so entertaining. Last night was the first episode of AHS I have EVER watched in real time (I generally watch it the next day, when it's light outside - I live alone and it's too scary to watch at night) because I didn't want the big twist to get spoiled. I picked a good episode to watch in the dark, because it wasn't too bad scare-wise!
  2. There is not a damn chance I would set foot back in that house if I experienced all of the things real Shelby/Matt say they did. No way. Ever. At all. So I have a hard time with that setup. I also am really prone to motion sickness so I am not looking forward to the "handicam" footage likely to overwhelm the remainder of the season.
  3. I wasn't sure if I should watch this, as someone freshly going through the divorce process after my husband left with the excuse of "I'm not happy and I'm not in love with you" only for me to find out it was really "I'm screwing the millennial at work." But I did watch it, and I liked it enough to keep trying it for a few more episode. I have zero sympathy for the SJP character and applaud THC's character for changing the locks. I wish I had been that strong instead of being a simpering idiot, begging him to come back. I was reminded of the depth of my emotions on this topic when the joy of the appearance of Jemaine Clement (MY FAVORITE FOREVER AND ALWAYS) was immediately squelched by the realization that he was the willing sidepiece. Boohoo.
  4. I was enjoying the lack of gore up until this episode (I know not everyone feels that way) - so I was bummed to see a return to bowels and gushing blood! I'm glad Flora is alive, but she's going to need a LOT of therapy. I know we need the characters to stay in the house in order to keep the story there, but man they are a special brand of stupid. I was SO SAD to see Denis O'Hare and Leslie Jordan BOTH killed off this episode. MAN. That's a bummer. Love them both.
  5. So far I'm very meh about this season. I enjoyed the hailstorm of teeth, and I'm glad to see Lily Rabe and Tara's mom from True Blood. I was NOT jazzed that Cuba Gooding Jr is in this season, as he was the weakest link in the OJ Simpson show and I wasn't happy to see him here. I've lived in NC for 20 years so I anticipate a lot of eye rolling about things like pronouncing Raleigh RALLY instead of RAWLLY and talking about the infamous coastal hillbillies which don't exist, because hillbillies are, imagine that, in the foothills. I know there's not a chance of AHS shooting in NC due to our asinine governor and his backwater ways but at least maybe they could have done some research. I also missed the opening credits and hope that was an episode 1 issue that will be remedied. On the offtopic of "Who would not enjoy the song 'Jolene'" - me. My husband just left me after a torrid affair with his millennial coworker and so I can't with "Jolene" right now.
  6. I was so looking forward to this episode, since I was at the St. Patrick's Day parade featured in this episode. As I mentioned in another topic, in person at the parade, Whitney looked mighty unhappy and was arguing with the production people during the time the parade passed in front of me. Her dad was super sweet, though. Maybe they had not done enough research on the parade itself - it is a really long parade, in both route and number of participants, and it's not enough to just saunter (or scooter) down the road with no crowd interaction. There is a mid-point stop where performers have a chance to do a full performance (as we saw BGDC do) but MOST parade entries are performing in some fashion all of the way down the route - not just walking with blank expressions on their faces. Also, what you couldn't see was that before Whitney's group came down the line, there were cameras and production people walking backward ahead of them with giant sandwich boards stating that we were agreeing to be taped, etc. So it was kind of a weird parade entry for those of us who go every year. Knowing now that she had a back injury, I can imagine that had something to do with her mood in the parade, as well. I have NO doubt that some people yelled crummy things at her - even though the parade starts at like 11a, lots of people have already been drinking a ton by that time. As a fat girl myself, I get moo-ed at and stuff at least a few times a year. I feel like I have to also state that a few months after this parade, I had the chance to go take a BGDC with Whitney and she was lovely and kind and fun and sort of what I would expected. So I have to give her the benefit of the doubt that the parade was just a bad day for her. They were unprepared on several levels, her back was hurting, etc. And yes, Mattie is transgendered and is such a fun person and was my fave person at BGDC! As for the radio gig, I live in Charlotte but do not listen to that station so I can't comment about that.
  7. Thanks for the support, everyone. I'm so befuddled by everything right now I can't keep my head straight. I appreciate your comments. I am trying to take one day at a time - it is ROUGH GOING!
  8. This is just a vent. My husband left me 3 weeks ago. We have 2 school aged kids. I've been a stay at home mom for 10 years because husband's job has him on the road 90% of the month. I am trying to take steps forward slowly and deliberately, but I am overwhelmed. And to top it off, he keeps sending me laundry lists of all of the things I've done wrong (including but not limited to: gained weight, didn't show him enough attention, didn't keep the house clean enough, didn't devote enough time to him, etc.) and once in a while he will tell me if I could just work on all of that, perhaps he could find it in his heart to try and love me again. It's exhausting. My whole life has been thrown upside down and I am so damn tired and just sort of wish I could go to bed and never wake up.
  9. Yes, she was - her red headed guy dancing friend, too! It was really fun and she was very nice. Her back was bothering her but otherwise she seemed fine!
  10. I also wish this. If there was a Big Girls Dance Class in my area I would be there every time the doors opened. Whitney lives about 1.5 hours north of me and I did actually attend one of her classes this spring, but it's too far away to do regularly, sadly. Because it was really fun!
  11. I was glad to see all of the Drag Racers but most of the looks were awful.
  12. The cat case with the siblings and the minister mom and dad marks the first time I've ever cried at an episode of JJ. I am all too familiar with that sort of family and the pressure involved and could see all of the telltale signs in the siblings for what they have been through. I felt so bad for them. I am glad they have each other and hopefully they can steer clear of those horrible, controlling parents.
  13. Bring back the tic tac lunch!!! Aw, Chi Chi - you were great. I wish her sooooo much success. I actually hope most of the folks from this season go on to RAKE IT IN. Lots of likable characters.
  14. I"m so sad to say goodbye to Thorgy. I think both Derrick and Naomi should have gone before she did. Derrick benefited from being Bob's partner - anyone else and Derrick would have had to lip sync. I also hate that they've tried to paint Thorgy as a bitter betty. I love her and perhaps a competitive reality show was not her best environment. I hope Drag Race boosts her career hugely and that she has a lot of success.
  15. I don't really understand how JJ episodes air, because oftentimes you guys describe episodes that didn't air here. But I had to mention the episode that aired here yesterday, where a dog killed chickens multiple times. At one point the chicken owners were trying to remember how many were killed and started listing them by name..."Buffy, Lara Croft, Katniss..." This amused me so much. I was all PLEASE have a chicken named Judge Judy, PLEASE have a chicken named Judge Judy - but evidently they did not.
  16. Here's a link to the Milk/Latrice/Alyssa opening number from last night's show!
  17. Went to the Divas of Drag tour in my city last night. Wanted to give you guys a recap! The lineup is different in each city so I hope some of you guys go and tell us how it was for you! It's definitely a good show. It runs a bit too long. Mimi Imfurst is the emcee and she talks TOO much. Quicker transitions would help the show immensely and honestly Mimi is a bit of a windbag. Most of the show is lip sync. Some of it was live singing (my least favorite thing from queens.) The other queens did very little speaking on stage. I bought a VIP package so I could attend an hour-long meet and greet before the show. That was supposed to start at 7, but they didn't let us in until 7:10 and the queens didn't start coming out until 7:20 - this was ANNOYING as we all paid an embarrassing amount for that hour and we didn't wind up getting what we paid for. Everyone didn't come out at once, so some were only out at the meet and greet for 30 minutes. Eventually there were queues to see some of the girls. You were allowed to take as many pics as you wanted. Individuals: Milk: I met Milk first, and she was wonderful. So sweet and personable. SO tall in giant heels. She was really so nice. Her performances were great. She did a number with Latrice and Alyssa that was a medly of stuff and she was hysterical in it, and then for a solo number she did Katy Perry's Firework except she had it edited so that the lyrics to the whole song were "Do you ever feel like a plastic bag, plastic bag, plastic bag. Baby you're a plastic bag, etc." She wore 3 costumes all made of plastic bags. This performance was genius, and she has a great stage presence. Latrice: Latrice was the whole reason I went - I freaking love her. I was so worried she would disappoint and she did NOT! She is a laugh riot, personable, fun and kind. We had a quick, lovely conversation and took some pics. She looks wonderful. She was not happy with our first selfie and said "Baby we have GOT to find our light." Her performances were awesome. She did the combo number with Milk, which was great, and did a solo gospel number that BROUGHT THE HOUSE DOWN. She also chatted a bit which was wonderful because I just love hearing her! Latrice was hands down the best lipsyncer of the night - she did not miss a word of anything. Some of the queens just moved their mouths around to mask not knowing words, but Latrice was ON THE MONEY. Alyssa Edwards: What a disappointment. She didn't come out to the meet and greet and SO many of us were bummed about that. No reason was given. She did the opening number with Milk and Latrice and was great in that, but her solo number was done from the middle of the room so unless you were right there at her you could literally not see a thing. And it was some mashup of songs I didn't know. She does not travel on the bus with the rest of the talent (thank you Milk, for that tea.) She didn't do a second solo number that I know of - I did leave before the end - and I can tell you that the audience was buzzing about the lack of Alyssa content the whole time. I had friends who left very early once it became clear that we were just not going to be getting a lot of Alyssa. It's a shame. Yara Sofia: She is mesmerizing on stage - and she has a BODY on her. She did 2 solo numbers (both medley type things with several songs spliced in) and both were wonderful. She was sort of standoffish during the meet and greet, which made me nervous to speak to her, but once I finally did I sort of got the feeling she was a combination of shy and overwhelmed. She is a really great performer. Kennedy Davenport: First number was "Last Dance," in which she does all sorts of gymnastics and kicks. She is talented. Second number was a slower torch type song and it was awful - dull. She does not have a ton of stage presence. But the kicker for Kennedy is that was a mega bitch at the meet and greet. She did not have a lot of people waiting to see her and I think it pissed her off. She spoke so curtly and dismissively to the guys in front of me that I left her line - no thanks. She had a bitch face on the whole meet and greet. Really unapproachable. Don't know what was going on, and I hope it was an anomaly, but between lackluster performances and the meet and greet attitude, no thanks Kennedy. Jujubee: I loved her on her season, so I was excited to meet her. She was okay on stage. Her padding game has improved and in one number in a cheetah print catsuit her body was to die for. She did Emotions (Mariah Carey) and was pretty good at that one. She was super nice at the meet and greet and was hugging everyone. Mimi Imfurst: She was also emceeing and asking everyone to send her dick pics on Grindr the whole time, etc. It got a little old. She was way too talky. She did 2 numbers - one a lipsync mashup with various telephone based songs interspersed with spoken words stuff. One was live singing Sweet Transvestite. Both were fine, but honestly she was on stage SO much with all of the talking that you were kind of over her at that point. At the meet and greet she was CHECKED OUT. This is her event (she and Latrice put it together) and so you'd think she'd be schmoozing the room but she honestly seemed tranquilized. She sort of wandered around. I asked for a pic and she obliged but an attempt at chatting with her was met with a blank stare. Acid Betty: I was honestly meh about seeing Betty but she had no line in the beginning of the meet and greet so I went to chat with her, and she was charming. She was carrying a 3 foot long clutch purse for the meet and greet which was funny. We talked about how she thought she had let people down by being eliminated so early, etc., and seemed genuinely upset and talked to me for forever asking my opinion about things this season. I am a frumpy middle aged suburban housewife - and I was shocked she was so interested in what I had to say. I honestly loved talking with her and am now a fan for life. She did 2 numbers - the first Bouncer - and she played with the front row bouncers which was hysterical. She was very funny without saying a word. The second she live sang an original Fantasy, and she's not the best singer but she's so magnetic on stage you don't even care. She was wearing a dress she lets people in the audience graffiti as she's singing which was so interesting. I would go see Acid Betty again in a heartbeat. Vicky Vox - Not an alum but a great lipsyncer. She was a total pro at meet and greet - she knew people were not necessarily there to see her so she mixed and mingled and would come up to people standing around and chat them up, etc. I enjoyed talking with her. I only caught one of her numbers because by 11:45 I was exhausted but she was great and was also really on point with the lipsync. Trixie Mattel - by far, she was the queen people were there to see, which I had no idea about. Her line at the meet and greet was so long the whole time - I barely squeaked in a chance to see her. Her makeup up close is fascinating. She was really professional and had tons of great merch for sale (something some other queen could learn from - I didn't spend a dime on merch but would have if there had been more interesting, better produced stuff.) She was really kind with people and indulged her superfans (of which there were many) and was super sweet to me as well. She said the tour bus should be its own reality show - and I imagine that's true. She did a 9-to-5/Working Girl kind of mashup that was hysterical and then did a song with a Michelle Visage puppet that was GREAT and a big hit with the crowd. Stacey Layne Matthews - She was nice in person at the meet and greet, but had little personality. Still wearing mall drag. Her performances were the worst of the night - a torch song lipsync number, and then live singing an India Arie song. She has a decent voice but kept apologizing for it mid-song which was offputting. She has very little stage presence and does not move around much at all, so it's kind of a snooze to watch. That's all! It was worth the money I spent for tickets - and it was pretty well done. My tip would be NOT to spend the extra $50 for meet and greet tickets - several times during the evening we were told that ALL of the queens (including Alyssa) were going to to be at the official afterparty at a local club and would be meeting there. So I could have met them for a $10 cover! Oh well. I couldn't possibly make it to the afterparty because it was already midnight when I got home and I had kids to get to school at 7a! Too old for those shenanigans! I hope some of you catch the Divas of Drag your cities and provide your reviews. Watch for groupon tickets - you could have gotten $20 tickets for our stop a few days before the date - and that would have been a great bargain.
  18. Why oh why was THIS the supersized episode? It was so boring. I cannot take the patients who are all whine, all the time.
  19. I'm so sad to say goodbye to Cynthia! I loved her attitude and wackiness. For some reason, I just don't care for Robbie Turner - her looks, her personality, etc.
  20. My favorite moment of this whole show was Dr. Melva Green watching the raccoon penis bone with a disapproving eye. That was hysterical. Dr. Green has grown on me. Nathan, you seem to have a lovely spirit! I wish you all the best!
  21. You know, she was all sort of folded up on the scooter, so it would have been hard to tell. She had posted a picture on her Facebook from actual St. Patrick's Day in a really cute tank top and skirt, and to me she looks the same - though she absolutely may have lost some weight. I am terrible at noticing that kind of stuff.
  22. I wasn't sure the best thread for this, but Whitney was in my town this weekend taping her show. We have a big St. Patrick's Day parade that was held today, and her Big Girls Dance Class was in the parade. No mention of that was made on Whitney's FB page or anything, but I knew because the parade itself announced it on their FB page. We go to the parade every year, and I was really excited to see them in this year's parade, because I honestly love the show. It was SO weird. There were about 10 members of the dance class walking with a banner (included her red-headed choreographer friend), and then Whitney was in a motorized scooter ahead of the banner. But here's the weird - she made no effort to interact with the crowd - didn't wave, didn't even look around. She seemed to be in some sort of argument with a producer for part of the time she was in front of us, and then was talking to her choreographer friend. No one danced, there was no music, most of them looked like they'd rather be anywhere else. I yelled "Whitney!" and she glanced my way, and that was it. She looked pissed - not at me, but as if something had gone really wrong today. I hope this weekend's story makes it into the show b/c I'd love to know what was going on. After I yelled, her dad came over to me and said "Hi! How are you?" and was very smiley and nice. So I'm not sure if she was just having a bad day or maybe the parade wasn't what they thought it would be? It's a REALLY long parade with TONS of entries and so just walking isn't going to garner you much attention. I don't know if they weren't happy with people not knowing who they were, or if they had planned to dance and Whitney somehow got hurt (hence the scooter) or what.
  23. This was the first episode of this show that I nearly just turned off rather than watching all the way. The relationship between mom and son was just so codependent and Sean just was so whiny and unwilling to change. I hope for his sake everything works out but I can't imagine how it will.
  24. I wish we'd gotten to see more of Dax's cosplay looks - I was looking forward to that. I am going to have a conniption fit with every elimination from now on because I sort of love all of them! I thought it was really sweet of Bob to give Laila some last minute tips on her lipsync. Laila seems like a super nice person but just a little green and unable to rise high enough to match the talent level this year.
  25. Last season, I watched 1 or 2 Untucked and decided I didn't like the format or whatever. So I wasn't even going to watch this season's Untucked, but I'm home with a sick kid so I gave it a whirl. Now I realize that it wasn't Untucked's format change that turned me off last year, it was the talent! I loved this Untucked - and I really don't dislike any of the queens right now with the exception of feeling a little meh about Derrick.
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