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Everything posted by Browncoat

  1. I am moving up -- 3/5 this week.
  2. I actually got FJ! I did first think of Ukraine, but knew it was wrong, and went to the -stans. I came up with the correct -stan in the nick of time. Only two TS, though -- Certs and Quito.
  3. Did Norman Lear know about this before he died? I don't have Netflix, and this does not make me want to rush out and sign up.
  4. They weren't. Phil said they had to stick with the same one. Way harsh, Tai. When I was younger, I totally would have applied if I'd had someone to race with. And not for the fame or for the potential fortune -- it's an opportunity to race around the world! To go places you might never even consider going, especially on your own! Places tour groups might not go! And since this show isn't a popularity contest, like most other reality competition shows, everyone (in theory) has a chance. Even the best racers can be hit with a flight delay, or make the bad decision to book flights where they have to switch from Orly to Charles DeGaulle, or be blocked by a passing train. And even "bad" racers can manage to get to the top three. Despite things like 597,000 steep steps to the top of a mountain, this game looks like enormous fun.
  5. I had no clue for FJ. In my defense, I've never read the novel, although I have seen the movie, and once worked backstage on a production of the play. So I guess I don't really have an excuse. I only got two TS -- suit up, and Kansas City & St. Louis.
  6. It's "bisc-squared" as they're talking about breakfast biscuits. I think Tyler says, "Mathletes!" at the end.
  7. Well, it was closer than I expected it to be! Glad they had a good time, but the twins really needed to be a little less laid back.
  8. Oh, man, I forgot about these two! Reminds me of the woman at the water slide.
  9. Yeah, but until I see the twins arrive, and see them all picking coffee at the same time, I won't believe she's in any danger of being eliminated.
  10. There were others, too, like the one team that simply gave up trying to drive their stick shift car. And I'm sure more that I don't remember!
  11. Yes. Hay bales, some digging task in Egypt, and maybe the red coffee bean (not sure about that one).
  12. Picking coffee cherries is better than trying to find one red one in a giant pile.
  13. Maybe they had their own personal detour somewhere else in Colombia...
  14. Hey, twins, one Willys is still a Willys, not a willie.
  15. Oh dear. Perhaps the vegan and vegetarian non-cooks should switch detours.
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