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TV Anonymous

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Everything posted by TV Anonymous

  1. Out of topic: However, the implication is big, is it not? Does it come with complete functionality and capability? That is, is faux-Renard fertile? Imagine that if Eve as Renard has sex with Adalind, and Adalind gets her 3rd child. Then Eve shifts back into herself and has sex with Nick and gets herself impregnated. Imagine the relationships of all the babies... :-D
  2. I have a question. When Eve shape shifted into Renard did she also shift... down there?
  3. Alienware has 4K display now? Since when? As well, even if he had a laptop with 4K display, if Sheldon was really a scientist he would have known that he could not make video call with Amy in 4K because: 1. Current internet bandwidth at home was not big enough for 4K transmission. 2. Amy would have needed a 4K camera on her laptop.
  4. How did Ray, Kendra and Sara afford that apartment the very first day and completely furnish it by the 10th day?
  5. This is not just for this episode, but the season so far. One of the things that drove me away from Madam Secretary was the depiction of an all-powerful White House Chief of Staff. Turns out that this show is even worse than Madam Secretary in that regard. Here, Stamper acts as if he has almost the same power as POTUS. Hiring and firing cabinet members, directing FBI investigation, even commenting on military operations. The reality is, the WH CoS is responsible for the White House staff, not cabinet members. Cabinet members are Senate-confirmed while CoS is neither confirmed nor elected. What Stamper does is akin to a secretary of a CEO firing and hiring department heads.
  6. So Phil and Claire got deeply discounted first class tickets (first class mind you, not merely business class) to Paris and they planned to just sleep it off? Take a nap FFS, and enjoy the flight!
  7. Fill a metal door with gas, shoot it, and such door will just blow open? Even if it did, without any shrapnel flying around? Seriously, the physics in this show is on comic-book level. And that goes not only to physics but also to physiology. Somebody who has his jugular torn means that he also losses blood. After a surgery, no matter how great the willpower is, one will not be physically able to go back to running around.
  8. Lame, lame, lame. Such an underwhelming and disappointing episode. Since Supergirl is from other universe than The Flash and Green Arrow et alii, then there will not be Justice League in Arrowverse? Remind me, did Marley ever meet Sebastian on Glee?
  9. I have to throw a flag on the scene of LeAnn in the safe deposit box fault. The standard practice is that each box has two keys. One for the bank officer and the other for the owner. Both keys have to be used simultaneously to open a box. It is to ensure that owner opens only the box he / she is registered to, exactly to avoid this kind of situation.
  10. Why does a Captain surrenders his badge and sidearm to a Lieutenant?
  11. So Yidu is (was) a slave, is she not? Then where and how does she get her cheongsam? Did the pirates and the slave traders let her carry a suitcase of her personal belongings while they were trading her?
  12. So who put an albino Burmese python in the forest of Peruvian Andes? The Martian or the DEO?
  13. Did Claire really throw away good, uneaten sandwiches her employee made to the garbage? And that only so that she could make her version of the sandwich? I know that this is a comedy show, but somehow I am offended by that scene.
  14. Another point, who was the idiot who put a battle axe in Ivar's Radio Flyer?
  15. If France was Frankia and England was still divided into multiple of kingdoms, would China have been "China"? Would it not be Cathay, Sina, Thin or something?
  16. Well, the Martian Manhunter may have a lot of super powers. One power he does not have, however, is the power of franchise rights. Therefore, he is physically unable to shapeshift to the likeness of Superman or any of his incarnation. :-)
  17. I wonder why several posters here wrote that the move to Sunday was temporary? My understanding is that the move is permanent for this season - not just for March Madness - as Rush Hour will take Thursday night over.
  18. That is my question. I am a loyal L&O viewer (not just SVU), I do not recall seeing Benson being intimate with Tucker. Did I miss anything?
  19. Benson slept with Tucker? When did that happen?
  20. So Snart killed Rory? What is this, Of Mice and Men?
  21. But that is the premise of the show, is it not? Who is Jane Doe? For all the FBI knows, she could be a serial killer, serial rapist or whatever. Yet they willingly involve her in sensitive and dangerous missions and cases. Granted that she has been cooperating, so far. But who is to say that she does not have a long game - which is apparently the case?
  22. Indigo was actually Kara and "Supergirl" in Smallville.
  23. Maybe that is one of my confusions this entire show. A number of the cases that they solved happened on real-time. However, Jane's tattoos, being the puzzles they are, require time to decipher. As well, nobody can predict the sequence of which the tattoos to be analyzed. And yet they solved the tattoo just in time of a criminal activity in progress or about to start.
  24. Laughing out loud with all the technical mumbo-jumbo. 1. The FBI manages to bring someone with no clear identity, with no clear citizenship to Turkish soil? 2. There is access from the aircraft's wheel bay to the cabin? What is this? Commando? 3. There is an avionics bay in an airliner where controls can be made to override the flight deck? 4. Somebody who does not work in a radio room is able to understand morse code off-hand, without even a piece of paper? 5. An aircraft can be made glide back to the runway without any kind of approach? 6. And last but definitely not least, "A plane is a plane is a plane." With this kind of logic, this show makes just as much sense as any show in Arrowverse. Well, it is Berlanti, maybe they can have a crossover with Supergirl too.
  25. Just to top it off, Winnick is also a licensed body guard. And she does not have to build like Ronda Rousey to be a bad ass (not that anything wrong with Rousey's body).
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