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TV Anonymous

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Everything posted by TV Anonymous

  1. Unless Leonard and Sheldon have their passport cards in their wallets all the time - passport book would be impractical - I can not see how this Mexico getaway can be done smoothly from the beginning. Reentering the United States without passport is a rather difficult ordeal and I think CBP Officers would not be too sympathetic with "bachelor party" excuse.
  2. Agree. There has not been italophone Pope in the Vatican for 37 years. Worse yet, it was less than two weeks since Pope Francis spoke in the Congress in English. His accent was certainly Spanish instead of Italian.
  3. If I am not mistaken, last time I was there, the tables at the perimeter (by the walls) were for those who ordered at the counter and the tables in the middle of the room were waited tables. Out of topic: being from Montreal, I thought comparatively the pastrami sandwich was decent but the portion was small and the price was expensive (!). Why did they not mention Walter Palmer's (the hunting dentist) name? Is there any legal restriction? I like McKinnon's wink and "Could have been sooner" at Clinton when talking about gay marriage, particularly knowing that she is gay herself. While I like and enjoy Clinton's participation in this episode, the episode seems too much biased in Clinton's favor, politically.
  4. My nitpicks: 1. How did Crane travel internationally? It must have been a heavy-duty passport forgery that allowed him not only to enter the U.K. but also to return back to the U.S.A. And Abbie, a federal law enforcement agent sanctioned this? 2. Nobody asked any question seeing Crane going around a crime scene like that? Yes, Abbie brought him, but none of the FBI colleagues of hers questioned who that man was? 3. As well, Crane and Jenny roaming around the FBI field office without even a visitor ID? 4. Speaking of FBI office, Abbie's private office (!) is very roomy for someone who has been in the job for nine months, IMHO.
  5. I guess the first teams that enter the Basilica are not Catholics. None of them dip their fingers in the holy water and make a cross.
  6. I like it. Less personal drama, more medical actions and science. There are tropes and cliches, but I hope it is simply for the Pilot. I like Marcia Gay Harden in a seriously serious role, not the jokingly serious in Trophy Wife.
  7. But it is a kind of false advertising because unless the car is armoured, no car engine shall survive being sprayed with 5.56 bullets.
  8. As I suspected, it turned out that not only that marriage counselling is included as benefit, Caltech has its own in-house Consultation Center available for free for staff and their families. I do believe similar benefit is available for staff of other major universities as well. Therefore, the premise of the plot that Leonard does not have money to afford counselling is an evidence of our good writers do not do their research.
  9. Two notes: 1. Did Fun with Flags not have its series finale several episodes back last season? 2. For big organizations, counselling is usually included as part of medical or wellness benefit. It would not be really believable that a major and very reputable institution like Caltech did not offer those benefits to its staff.
  10. I read someplace I forget, but while the full-body tattoos on Alexander body are not real, they are professionally painted to her entire body. As well, in the Time Square scene she was actually naked and her shivering were real as the shooting took in the wee early hours in the morning, around 03:00 if I am not mistaken.
  11. I am in the chorus of "There is No Secret SEALs". Besides, if she was such a super-duper secret SEAL, why did she have the Trident tattoo to begin with? Should she not be, secretive? As of not putting that permanent identifier on her body? I like it that the FBI can just barge in to Chao's apartment and kick a locked door without any warrant. As well, Jane assaulted the men inside their property uninvited and just, "It is okay. He is alive. Ambulance is coming." Lastly, from The Following to CSI: Cyber to this show, what it is with FBI agents trying solve time-sensitive cases in a large area by themselves? Do they not know that they have law enforcement manpower from multiple agencies for them to utilize? Looking at Sgt. Damien Scott being an FBI agent, I can not help expecting that when he and Lady Sif are in the safe house that they will strip down and hump right there and then...
  12. I love Amy's vow being You've Got a Friend in Me and that brings Leonard to tears. Other than that, a rather meh episode. Too much Stuart, too less Raj and where is Emily? I thought they were off to a good start last time.
  13. Worse yet, for our family he will always be Handy Manny. I am not sure I like the premise. Now that precrimes are deemed as something bad - either in the movie or here in the series as evidenced by the hospital - the series is going to revisit it and use it again? Are we going to revisit the idea that someone can be arrested and prosecuted for something he / she is going to do without substantiated evidence? As well, I am a bit weary about FOX sci-fi. It can go two ways, the way of Fringe or the way of Almost Human. So far I do not see the brilliance of Fringe, yet.
  14. A bit out of topic, during Sochi Olympics there was coverage about Team Jacobs (the Canadian men curling team, the eventual Champion) and how they trained in Sault Ste-Marie. Turned out that their physical training was hardcore. Strength, weight, fitness, the whole works. The reason was with high degree of fitness they could concentrate longer as fatigue would be mitigated. The other, more practical, reason was that with more strength they could sweep harder and therefore could put less weight on the stone, resulting in more accurate throws.
  15. Correction, flight tickets are not paid. Air Canada gives them. Unless Uber becomes a sponsor itself, I can not see it happen, even in different editions of TAR. First, racers have to have a 'working' smartphone, not just a phone given by production for product placement. Second, racers needs to access their own account, something TAR prohibits them to do. Third, Uber remains a controversy in many cities around the world. Letting racers take Uber will be a slap in the face of taxi industry and municipal government in those places.
  16. My slight concern about next season is the relevance of the ship and the crew. Now that CDR Chandler is appointed CNO, he would not be aboard the ship anymore, would he? Of course he could pull a Captain Kirk and remain in command of his ship. He could also run the Nathan James aground, got demoted back to Commander and got a brand new ship, :-) If the next season and beyond is about rebuilding the nation, then Nathan James and her crew can no longer be 'the last ship', thus the relevance of the title. However again, there are precedents in The Good Wife and Rookie Blue.
  17. While the Constitution indeed does not specify who can administer the Oath, the convention holds that it needs to be a lawyer. Navy Mountain Warfare Unit? What is that? The Marines have Mountain Warfare Training Center and the Army has Mountain Warfare School and Northern Warfare Training Center. Never heard about non-SEAL Navy has anything to do with mountain warfare.
  18. I agree. People and places in St. Louis seem too clean and too organized after virus apocalypse. Besides, should St. Louis not be occupied by Votans as of now? :-) I guess a DDG is not big enough of a unit to have a JAGC officer aboard. Therefore the President needs to have his oath taken by a judge in STL. When they were in Norfolk, were there a number of Navy officers? None of them ranked above O-5? Not to mention all the bases they contacted while in Norfolk. It is really weird to see an O-5 as CNO. For a military-porn show that is quite in details about work and lives of Sailors, I have to nitpick on LT Green. Why did he wear SWO insignia? Was he not SEAL? As well, wearing the Navy jump wings above SWO? In addition, why did he disrespect his uniform by not adhering to the grooming standard? The Unit at least got it right. When in Dress Uniform, follow the grooming standard, Special Operations / Warfare or not.
  19. What is the best submarine hunter? Fast attack submarine. What is the second best submarine hunter? Air asset with ASW capabilities, among others the SH-60 Seahawk which the Nathan James was shown to have one.
  20. On the other hand, some of Defiance residents actually became Omec chow because of her. Granted, she was under the control implant at that time but still, they were her hands that delivered the meals.
  21. Can you please explain? Regarding Brian and Cynthia, my problem with them is that they take themselves too seriously. Fine, they are Army vets (or are they still in the Reserve?), they are police officers and Cynthia is a medic. But it does not mean that they deserve something because of that. As I wrote on previous episode's thread, this is not a crime investigation, this is not an emergency room. This is a race, a game, a TV show. Just play it out.
  22. What were those lines in Hebrew Bivas said on the moment of her death?
  23. Finally, NIc and Sabrina are gone. They are really incompetent, right off Château Frontenac in episode 1. I like seeing Brian and Cynthia's cockiness only to bite them in the tail. This is not a police investigation, this is not an emergency room. This is a TV reality show. Just play the game.
  24. So that is the end of Niels Soerensen. I am good with it. His story line has certainly passed its expiry date. I wondering that apparently in USS Nathan James officers, CPOs and enlisted sailors mess together. Also, why do the sailors usually go ashore uncovered? As well, does the Royal Australian Navy not have grooming standards?
  25. So Durant and Union Pacific is now in Laramie? Does that mean that they moved westward from Cheyenne and therefore we will not see (Provincial) Governor Campbell again? As well, why is Louise in Laramie following UP operations? Would stay in the territory capital not better for her in terms of news?
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