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TV Anonymous

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Everything posted by TV Anonymous

  1. Yeah, why is ATOM a poor attempt to imitate Iron Man? That is not his super power in the comics, is it? Looking at Ray close-up while flying, it is obviously a copy of Tony Stark. In which I would like to tell Ray that if he had problem with the power source he should just try the arc reactor. Iris and Eddie do not make any sense. Eddie could have just told her that he had problems with police matter, with active investigation. And that was something he could not tell anybody. Instead he just acted in a way that made Iris more suspicious. The quail egg frittata looks delicious even though I wonder how small the spatula be to cook it.
  2. So Taraji P. Henson come back only to be a figment of Reese's imagination? Color me underwhelmed. As well, the episode is rather boring with plenty of plot holes. Just as it was in The Americans, I have to ask this question again. Why did the PoI agree to swallow the pills? Why not showing some defiance? I would think that bullet in the head can not be that worse than overdose.
  3. Out of topic: I see that you see the Canadian history through an anglophone point of view. And that is fine. However, some people in where I live consider that the UELs to be no more than robbers, thieves and colonizers that took lands away from the Canadiens - also known as the Habitants (see there? Canadiens and Habitants?). And those English descendants that would make those Canadiens to be colonize, to be oppressed and to live under the culture that is not their own for more than 2.5 centuries. I am not saying which one is right or wrong, just offering different perspective. So back to the topic, at the time the episode happened, there was no Canada at all. There was only the Province of Quebec.
  4. But at the time of this episode, the Dominion of Canada, or even the Provinces of Lower and Upper Canada. has not existed yet. As well, slavery has not been abolished yet in the British Empire.
  5. Now that the season started, I have a question for the moderators. Do the spoiler rules still apply for this show? In particular, spoilers from real life. Notable examples are spoilers about the result of the Revolutionary War and about the fate of General Washington.
  6. Yeah? I am thinking more of the high-intensity Frank Underwood working with the band of fools that is Meyer's staff. Imagine how long it would be until Frank gets his first stroke or heart attack. Watching that scene, I was wondering what a real President say in that moment. What did Obama, Bush, Clinton, Bush et al say when doing that handshake? Its being the first episode, I do not know exactly who is who. Who is the White House Chief of Staff, for example. Amy was the Vice President CoS, then she became the Campaign Manager. Ben OTOH, was the WH CoS under Hughes. Does Selina retain Amy as her own CoS or Ben as the original WH CoS?
  7. I am still pacing myself through S3 of House of Cards, so I can not help comparing Selina Meyer and Frank Underwood and their surroundings. Imagine what would happen if they replaced each other.
  8. The main story is a bit meh for me. No sympathy at all to to killer. What I want to comment is the scene on the bridge. The truck driver said that it was around 03:00 yet the traffic on the bridge is still full and crowded. As well, the Montgomery case is getting too tedious and it takes away the flow from the main case.
  9. Not exactly true. That happened only if you watched on Global. If you watched it on CBS you would see that Alicia made a press conference announcing her resignation. And I am Canadian living in Canada.
  10. But why would the production do that, considering that this is a race? For me at least, TAR is getting more and more diluted and with tasks that seem to be not that challenging. Add to that racers that just zip from place to place easily while not specifically for 'product placement moment' then the show itself will lose its reputation for me. Besides, to keep up with 'race around the world' theme, cars with manual transmission are still the majority in the world. As well, GPS navigation system is not widely available in the world. And just to drive the point home, Ford cars (Fiesta, Focus and Fusion for example) are indeed available with manual transmission and without navigation.
  11. Out of topic: while what the women wear can be classified as semi-formal dress, the men's definitely can not. It is not even an informal dress. The men's dress is smart casual or at best business casual. And that is actually one of my complaints. The degree of dressiness between the men and the women is not equal, IMHO. Considering that Phil was in the Casino wearing semi-formal / black tie / tuxedo the men should wear similar outfit instead of the more casual ones. Make no mistake, what the men wear are good stuff and look good on them. It may not however, be quite fitting IMHO with the idea they want to convey in regards to the jet-set life of Monaco.
  12. I can not see the point of the Tibetan monks and their sand painting. So after weeks of doing it they just sweep it away and throw the sand in the creek, just like that? And they do the sweeping and the ceremony without waiting for their host? Not even a chance for the host to see the finished product? Rather rude, IMO. And speaking of "Tibetan cultural exchange," the United States can not do it with Tibet. They have to do it with China as Tibet is now a part of China. As well, China will never, ever endorse the picture of Dalai Lama with that.
  13. I do not really like the roadblock. Too linear without much chance of competition. While I do like the individual detour challenges, I do not like its design. Too unbalanced between perfume-making and zip lining. As well, the predetermination through the roulette eliminates the possibility of bald snarking. But I guess it all does not matter anyway as the traffic is the equalizer. I am a bit disappointed that 'bonjour', 'excusez-moi' and 'merci' are the extent of the racers' French vocabulary. Jenny is rather Asian stereotypical, IMO. Highly educated, over achieving, driven and perfectionist. It must have been such a walk that Mike took looking at all of his sweat that goes even through his jacket and all over his back. Speaking of which, sorry to be superficial, but Rochelle's tattoos really do not go with that dress.
  14. Even if the wesens are cold blooded, how is it that their body temperature when they die is much lower than ambient temperature? We can fanwank that their metabolism is endothermic, but that process shall stop at the time of death.
  15. You mean handling the oily and greasy egg rolls with one's fingers...? I use chopsticks as they are meant to. But hey, I am Asian.
  16. What happened to Daisy? Best Student took her from the cabin she stayed with Strauss, right? I do not remember seeing her dying. Now the FBI not only does not know how to make a perimeter to prevent suspect from leaving, it also does not know how to empty / evacuate a premise completely. And it also does not know that at the early stage, a crime scene needs to be guarded.
  17. A bit out of topic. Thank you for the explanation. However, looking at different show like Survivor, I am not completely convinced. There, we see different castaways reciting facts and trivias (sometimes obscure) from past seasons. Just this season, one castaway found the idol based on her knowledge of the show's habits. Also, just like in Survivor, many racers in TAR stated on camera that they had been preparing themselves for some time physically for the challenges. That means that there were preparation involved. It is not very smart not to learn manual transmission during the preparation time.
  18. So Florrick, Agos / Lockhart is one of the biggest law firms in Chicago? How? F,A/L started as Florrick, Agos and Partners founded by the Coffee Shop Group. Among them, the new firm did not have enough fund even for operations. Remember that among them only Alicia had achieved partnership at L/G. Then they moved to the loft which was quite modest for a reputable law firm. Then Diane joined then other partners joined. Diane brought in her lease on the old L/G building. Now, if the Coffee Shop Group started with minimum capitals, how did the firm grow that big in such a short time? The only plausible explanation is that the new partners from L/G brought the equity and the cases for them to work on. If that is the explanation, then the equity from the new partners surely eclipses that of the Coffee Shop Group, and with that their ownership as well. If this is the explanation than the question is, why does the Coffee House Group agree to this arrangement? Were the partners from the old L/G not the reason why they resigned and founded Florrick Agos? So who is this Wiley character? His totally absurd behavior aside, I remember him as a private investigator. But how is it that he investigates a case for the government? Is it common for the government to outsource their investigation? Is Finn Polmar a partner / associate with F,A/L? I thought he had his own practice?
  19. Nitpicks: How does Frank return from Costa Rica to Chicago? Does he have money? Bianca went of shopping spree using her credit card, that she knew she would not need to pay back. Can Frank purchase international ticket using someone else credit card? On a lesser scale, how does Ian return home without any money at all? Unlike Monica, he does not have meth to sell. Sammi was able to shoot Frank with such high precision that the bullet just grazed his arm. She neither missed nor hit the arm completely. Yet she is unable to shoot center-mass on Mickey?
  20. Which is...? If you mean TAR 8 (Family Edition) I have to wholeheartedly disagree with you, since I think looking at the dynamics of the families is rather endearing. As well, that season showcased parts of the United States not usually on tourist maps.
  21. Regarding TPTB's interference on the race, I just remember Gus McLeod (TAR 6). While he could not reveal anything because of the non-disclosure agreement*, after the race was over he said in the effect of, "TAR is definitely not a 'reality' show. It is rather an 'unscripted television'." I have been holding on that comment ever since, every time I watch TAR, Survivor or the like. I find it easier to let go each time I see something that I think suspicious. *The word on the street is that TAR NDA makes racers liable for tens of millions of dollar in case of a breach. That is why we may never, ever, know for sure what is happening on the race except for what is officially told to us.
  22. Know how to drive manual transmission, know how to swim, ready for height-related challenges and ready to eat food one is not familiar are the very basic skills in The Amazing Race. The show has been on-air for 13 years, there is no excuse that racers do not master those skills before they stepped on the start line. Hayley, Hayley, Hayley. Such a pretty face, such a lousy personality and such a useless racer. Does she have an inferiority complex against Blair considering that he is a physician and she is a nurse? She keeps on pointing on Blair's errors yet she is so defensive when her errors are pointed out. Is it the first time that the Greeter welcomes the team with the name of the state instead of the city / town? And TPTB, we get it. You are in Bayern. The lozenge flag motif is everywhere throughout the episode to hammer that point down. I wonder why no racer who does 'stein' try to steal a gulp of beer, as in previous seasons.
  23. Speaking of the Ambassador, does she take residence on the Jerusalem Consulate General permanently? Her office is supposedly at the U.S. Embassy in Tel Aviv.
  24. It is one point in the show that bothers me. Bernadette works with a big pharma with her PhD. However, Howard is obviously a very reputable engineer. He has a SM from MIT and he leads high-profile projects with CalTech / JPL. He even went to space, for crying out loud. He has the potential of making good money by doing engineering consulting and by engagements and appearances. Besides, Bernadette was just a new hire not that long ago.
  25. Sorry for nitpick, but it is not a phone booth. It is a police box.
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