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TV Anonymous

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Everything posted by TV Anonymous

  1. I am confused by the laws in this episode, particularly in the narcotics case. Why is it illegal to have an informant inside the criminal family? Law enforcement uses CI all the time. And why is it illegal for the CBP agents to be in place before the container is weighed? If the have intel, that is probable cause, is it not? However, those are moot points anyway, as border search is one of the distinct exceptions of 'search and seizure' clause, as in the 4th Amendment. Counselors on the board, your opinions are solicited.
  2. Ferry to Shanghai? From Hong Kong? Really? Anybody checked the map before shooting the episode? Why they just put Diggle in the control room Nowadays? Felicity is more than adequate for that, I would think. Whatever happens with Diggle in ski mask armed with firearms and being an integral part of the assault team?
  3. I got distracted and I was watching without PVR, so help. Why was Zoe there?
  4. I had to laugh (sarcastically) when Imhotep died of his own venom. All animals that have venom or any kind of toxic agent are immune to their own agent. Of course. Otherwise what happens if a cobra bites its own tongue? :-) Seriously, makes no sense at all. My nitpick is that Imhotep is named as a Marechaussee, and a Marechaussee is said to care only about money. Basically they are mercenary. Worse yet, the wesen that sent a "Marechaussee" is based in the Netherlands. In real life, Koninklijke Marechaussee of the Netherlands is a gendarmerie force with long and proud history. Having said that, I like the last conversation of those two at the Wesen Council that they may have opened a front with the Grimm...
  5. I am a bit confused with the geography in this show. So a civilian helicopter took Braxton from Norton Sound to Juneau, right? Let us just say that it is possible. Just assume. Braxton then did his torture around the hospital, which is still in Juneau, supposedly. Then he got the psychiatrst, also must have been around Juneau. And Reddington summoned his connection to Braxton. Since he did not seem to take flight he was... well, around Juneau. So the setting of the story must have been in and around Juneau. Meanwhile Cooper and Mojtabai remained in the secret lair, which was around DC. After Ressler and Navabi were rescued, they went back to the lair. It was an easily 6-hour flight, even with private plane. Then they went back to look for Keen. However, the pace of the episode seemed linear, with no gap in timing. So did I miss the action moved to the East Coast from Alaska or was the timing was actually slower than what I thought it was?
  6. No, no, no, no, NOOOOOO.....!!! Motherfuckers, they killed Sameen!! How dare they?! First Carter, now this?
  7. I am sorry, but from HR perspective I can not see a situation where one is not allowed to take unpaid leave, yet allowed to take paid leaves from others. In fact, I myself have not found an organization where leave days are transferable.
  8. If Castle is loaded, why does Beckett - his wife - not just take unpaid leave days? Why does she need Ryan and Esposito to donate their leave days so that she can continue her honeymoon? Obviously from operations point of view Cpt. Gates does not really need her back in the office immediately.
  9. It has been too long already, that a Sergeant be in command of a significant unit. I think it is beyond ridiculous that a Sergeant needs to do presentation at CompStat and to discuss policies and relationships with other police departments. They do need a white-shirt for this (Lieutenant or Captain or above). Blue-shirts are for operations, not management.
  10. Should have seen her in Spartacus, then.
  11. If I was Stephen I would just laugh politely and mentioned these two words: Tomorrow People. That is if Robbie started to brag. My nitpick: how do Barry's civilian clothes stay intact during his high-speed pursuit? Remember that that speed burned Felicity's blouse? Or is the combustion only works on hot girls? Why are there two 50-yard lines on the football field? An why do they put the goal post on the goal line instead on the end line?* *I am being sarcastic. I certainly know that it is a Canadian football field and I know exactly where that place is, the BC Place stadium in Vancouver, BC. The production could have done better with that visual consistency as this show is portrayed to be taken place somewhere in the USA.
  12. When Sloan was interviewing Bree, she said that his income of $55 000 p.a. was "almost twice the national average for family of four". Guess that number was not vetted at HBO, was it?
  13. Is the average income of a family of four in the United States really around $30 000? That is a bit low, is it not? As someone with advance degree in economics who follows economic activities rigorously, that is one point that Sloan can not be wrong about. However, Wikipedia gives $51 939 as median household income, not mentioning the size of the household and not mentioning anything about average.
  14. At least it is still better than Lockhart/Gardner where everyone can not only go past reception / waiting area alone and unescorted but also to the partners' private offices and stay there at any time day or night.
  15. Just so you know, Ronald Reagan was a Presbyterian. Ave Maria was sung on his funeral, in an Episcopal Cathedral. Point is, one does not need to be Catholic to like Ave Maria or to have it performed.
  16. Is the traffic in Chicago that bad, or are the drivers in Chicago that ignorant, that nobody yields for a fire truck in full siren and lights? The Chief has his own (smaller) command vehicle, does he not? Would that be more appropriate for emergency patient transfer than a fire truck? Oh right, his wife would not be able to deliver in a mere SUV. Regarding Molly II, it seems like the only concern they have is the bad publicity. But what about damages and other liabilities occurred in the festival caused by the runaway truck? And yeah, did Severide divorce his wife or did he not?
  17. This comment should be in Arrow thread, but it happened on The Flash. I know that Emily Bett Rickards is pretty and hot. But what with all the effort to sex Felicity up? From all her rather inappropriate working clothes to last night's burning blouse. I like season 1 Felicity when she was smart yet innocent and a bit naive.
  18. If Juliette gets pregnant I will not like it. Juliette and Nick have been together for so long, it will be stupid for them for forgetting their birth control plan just because Juliette appears superficially like Adalind. Except of course if TPTB comes out with a convoluted idea that while she is assuming Adalind's appearance, whatever birth control method she is using does not work.
  19. And ugh, a Chicago PD crossover again. There are two characters that made me not watching Chicago PD, and I love Wolf Films and Law & Order universe. First and foremost is Voight and in not-too-close second is Platt. I do not think she is funny and amusing. I just think that she is simply mean-spirited and somewhat selfish. So Severide needs to have a divorce, then? Why? Why does he not visit his in-laws on Thanksgiving like he planned? It will be interesting if they show the complexity of the divorce since she is already his dependent and entitled to his benefits. IMO, it needs to be a divorce and not annulment since the marriage is already well consummated.
  20. These last episodes I can not help feeling that Samaritan is actually Skynet and Martine is one of its Terminators. Last night's episode she is emulating T-X (Kristanna Loken) by shooting wildly in the crowd without expression, without emotion. The fact that she is blonde and has her hair tightly in a bun on the back just enforces that idea.
  21. In terms of casting, I have to smile early in the episode seeing Nan Flanagan and Lorena Krasiki together in the sun without getting burned.
  22. There is no justice in the Wild West, it seems. Lily Bell died, Elam died, now Ruth died while Gundersen is somehow still alive?
  23. I want to comment on 500-proof comment, from a bit of scientific point of view. While it is true that proof is the unit to measure percentage of alcohol in a spirit (100 proof = 57.15% ABV), I think it is possible that Snow meant was as a potency of the liquid compared to ethanol. See, if 100% ethanol is 175 proof, then the engineered liquid is 500/175 = 2.86 times more potent than pure ethanol. Of course in practical terms it makes no sense since there is no substance with similar properties like ethanol is more potent than ethanol in real life. The analogy is such measurement is the calculation of octane number. The octane number that we use everyday is the comparison of the anti-knocking capacity between the fuel and a mixture of iso-octane and heptane. So fuel with 90 octane number behaves as a mixture of 90% iso-octane and 10% heptane. However, there are substances with higher anti-knocking capacity than iso-octane. Those substances have octane number greater than 100. Conclusion, as a scientist, Snow was not wrong when she said 500-proof as that style of measurement is not uncommon in the world of chemistry.
  24. At the epilogue, that is a nice car Haley has. Wood steering wheel, leather seats with special stitches, not bad for an unemployed college drop-out who still lives with her parents.
  25. How is it that The Flash does not have super-strength? His bones are capable of withstand extremely high G they endure when he accelerates from 0 to almost supersonic in an instant. As well, his body is capable of holding wind resistance and impact from small debris that certainly hit him when he travels. In the same token, he must also be very "smart". Maybe not in cognitive terms, but he is able to think much faster than normal human. That makes him capable of ingesting and processing data and making decision faster than normal.
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