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TV Anonymous

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Everything posted by TV Anonymous

  1. No, it is a permanent move. It will stay at 20:00 ET. That means that in two weeks it will be in conflict with The Amazing Race. For us in Canada, however, since Grimm and TAR are both on CTV, CTV will air Grimm later at 21:00 ET.
  2. What kind of villain purposedly using sex to trick the hero but then too stupid to not taking care of her own birth control?
  3. No. You forgot "...with the threat of incarceration." Of course Liz had to answer. The judge threatened her to do so. The Judge's crime was using his power seeking for classified information he was not privy to.
  4. When watching Laurel and Nyssa talking in a friendly manner and Nyssa said about a reminder of Sara, am I bad to think, "Hey Nyssa do not flirt, Laurel is playing for the other team..." Nice objectification of women, show. While Felicity dress looks okay from the front, it is open on the back. Who dresses like that in a working environment? As well, while Thea does have nice and tight abs, she seems to like to flaunt it almost everywhere. Lastly, the characters keep on pronouncing the Ra's in Ra's al-Ghul as rays. Head in Arabic is pronounced as rahs.
  5. What kind of idiot really to resign from current job without a written confirmation from the new one?
  6. He is always Russell Edgington, King of Mississippi to me.
  7. Ah, Bangkok. City of a thousand temples. If teams departures - except for NKOTB - are quite separated, how was it that we had them all lined up nicely on the mat as if they arrived together last week? I do not like the "detour". There is not much opportunity to gain / lose leads on the trips, except when teams make mistake of getting lost. However, given the choice, 10/10 teams should choose the boat. Chao Praya is beautiful seen by boat and of course Bangkok traffic is one of the worst in the world. What are the challenges, really? I have good laugh watching Westerners gagging while eating century egg / pidan. Eaten by itself the egg is a bit strong in flavor and in smell. But eaten with porridge, it is quite delicious. Second laugh I have is watching them doing the mechanic roadblock with their watches / bracelets / rings on. Third laugh is when Kurt and Bergen try to do Hanuman's jump.
  8. I am feeling very uncomfortable watching this episode, simply because the behavior of the judge. If Homeland ever teaches us, once an investigation of a crime is taken over by the CIA in the name of national security, then it is over. Local law enforcement can not even get to the crime scene anymore. Here, the judge actively seeks for information he is not supposedly privy into. Not to mention that the whole conversation is on the record. Do the judge and the stenographer have security clearance? Homeland aside, what is the purpose of the judge's discussion with Lizzie about Red, about Tom, about her life, her career, her choice? None of it is pertinent with the case in hand. Also, he forces Lizzie to incriminate herself multiple times.
  9. If it was such an important dinner (for Howard at least) and there was so much food to eat, why did Raj not have Emily to come over?
  10. I knew that Puerto Ricans are US citizens. However, I have no sympathy for them for not being represented and not getting the same rights and privileges as citizens of the States. That is the price they pay for being in their current status, Territory. If they want equal rights, have a referendum for statehood. As of now, Puerto Rico has more independence than a State since it is not a State.
  11. Just two episodes, and the show already shows the stupids, among others: 1. While trying to stop a runaway train, only two persons running into the station? Not to mention that they have to rush all the way from the airport. Apparently Boston PD, Mass. State Police and FBI Boston Office do not exist in this universe. 2. Since when do trains emergency brakes electronically controllable? They were completely mechanical and in a standalone system. One of the reasons is a situation like this. 3. Agent Ryan is able to detect minute facial expression on one person among dozens of commuters? What is she? A paranormal or something? Was that not cancelled already? 4. And if they need to stop a runaway train, why does the city not just cut the power off the train line?
  12. I find it hard to believe that Philip and Irina have a 20-year old son, simply because of the actors. Matthew Rhys I may believe, but Marina Squerciati I can not buy it.
  13. No can't do. Joe has his own job in Cheyenne, WY as Provisional Governor.
  14. Quick comment: I have watched every episode of this show since S1E1 and I can confidently say that this episode is one of the worst all-time. Nitpick: why did she need to pick the handset up to receive a call? Why did she not just speak through the earphones? Also, is driving while handling handset legal in Illinois?
  15. If the Dalton Academy is completely burned to the ground, should the very first priority for the students not be finding a place for study? So now an extracurricular activity takes precedence over teaching and learning?
  16. And how is it that much different with early European colonization of the New World?
  17. Even if Chumhum has not fired Florrick, Agos and Lockhart, what right does the law firm have to make leverage out of its client, which is not a party of the litigation? Further, what stops Neil Gross from suing the production independently after realizing that his product is used on-screen without permission?
  18. When in doubt, pronounce it the way it originally is, the French way: éclair.
  19. Even if it is one year of free groceries, I believe they have a cap on it, just like their "one year of free fuel". Maybe it works out to be so-and-so hundred of dollars worth of food and drink - and they may even put further restrictions like no alcohol and no tobacco for example - per person per week for 52 weeks.
  20. Did anybody else crave a bowl of ramen after watching the "Share" detour? No? Only I? Carry on, then...
  21. What kind of Bar Mitzvah it was without Hava Nagila?
  22. Maybe I am OCD, but this is my nitpick. While everybody was dressing up and being handsome and pretty, Puck just went and disrespecting his U.S. Air Force uniform.
  23. Why does a U.S. Army Major General have a miniature sculpture of the Marine Corps War Memorial, and put it prominently in his office??
  24. But CMIIW, is border search by itself not excepted from the provisions of 4th Amendment? Meaning that border search can be conducted for whatever reason, without warrant and without probable cause, random or not? That is why CBP agents can stop someone and search one's car thoroughly when one is driving from Canada just because the agents think that one looks "iffy"?
  25. Maybe she and Nick just contact Bud and his fellow Eisbibers. They know what is going on and they are quite good at fixing and building things. Not to mention that they are rather friendly to Nick.
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