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TV Anonymous

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Everything posted by TV Anonymous

  1. I was commenting on my TV, "Check the bag, men, check the bag!" What kind of bodyguards were they to not even took a peek in the bag? On a side note, all modern cars have mechanism in the trunk lid so that it can be opened from inside. To prevent exactly that kind of thing with Steven happens. And of course it has to be demonstrated to us that Mercedes-Benz CLS has powered trunk. Even though Ray's hands were free. Twice.
  2. I agree with this. To put things into perspective, imagine if Rahm Emanuel tried to pull what Zeljko did to Tea to Hillary Clinton. Hillary would eat him alive and he would be sent back to Illinois at that instant.
  3. For those knowledgeable in history, what is the connection between GM and Shriners?
  4. I did not mean the gate. I meant physical barriers or pop-up barriers that meant to physically stop unwanted vehicles. Here, this is one example. NSFW for the language, not the picture.
  5. That link does not go anywhere and I tried it with both Chrome and Explorer.
  6. Because it is a direct translation of Los misterios de Laura. Why TPTB not translated it to the more appropriate in English Laura's Mysteries is a mystery by itself.
  7. First, thank Bell for James Duthie. Much, much better than the annoying women from The Social. However, why Jon himself did not host? He had valid reason last year, he was preparing for Sochi (which he then failed to qualify). Why gave Rex and Bob and Cormac and Nicole a chance to speak? They had their chances on the mid-season episode. And the dominated that episode. This finale episode was supposed to be for Pierre and Michel and up to speak, including about what was said about them when they were not there. Where did they shoot this episode? That studio seemed so small and crampy for a live show with audience. Between CTV and TSN, do they not have studios ample enough for that purpose? Canada AM sometimes has its broadcast close to the street when interviewing a group of people.
  8. Do you follow Canadian women's hockey team at all? Among the 21 of them, Meaghan Mikkelson is the one with the most popular media appearance. And that started years ago, after she won Vancouver gold. As I wrote above, she did Sport Chek commercials (Father's Day and Mother's Day edition) and she did sexy spread on Sportsnet Magazine. She is not just one face in the crowd, even among teammates. On ice, she is a starting defence(wo)man. With the distinct exception of Hayley Wickenheiser, Caroline Ouellette and Shannon Szabados, one can argue that Mikk is one of the most recognized faces in the team, even before the race. And speaking of Olympic hockey players livelihood, while it is true that they do not make $8.7M Sydney Crosby does, they are far from suffering. Beside the endorsements that they have from COC and Hockey Canada, they also have personal sponsors. Remember the matching Adidas outfit? Also, there are support from Canadian and provincial governments. Own the Podium program for example. There are also engagements and appearances that they attend. Lastly, some of them do have side businesses like hockey clinics or training centers. In a hockey-crazy country like ours, there are plenty of things they can do.
  9. I thought 5-second rule applied only for indoor floor. To pick up food falls on the ground or on the street... ew...
  10. How does Northern Lights (The Machine, as opposed to Samaritan) know the content of the book if that book is not electronically catalogued and its contents scanned and electronically stored? As well, how does it know for sure the existence of such underground place if there is sensory device there? This is my problem in general with this show. If The Machine is an ultra powerful computer, it still needs data input so that it can "know" and "understand" things. For the data to be captured by that computer, the computer needs input and data transmission. For input it needs a sensory device: camera, microphone, scanner, electronic port and whatnot. After the information is captured, it needs to be transmitted electronically. There are many instances that we get video footage of occasions where there should not be any camera around. Example is when the fireman pulled little Shaw from the car. There are also instances where The Machine can get information when data can not be transmitted. Example is Root's implant that works even in places where radio signals are jammed.
  11. What kind of military base that does not have hard barrier on its gates? And for such very important 0-8-4, what kind of crappy warehouse does the military put it in? Even evidence lockers in most TV police procedurals are much better than that. It is strange if the show kills Lucretia only after her first appearance since her joining the show was quite talked about in the media. But hey, she was only a guest star. And I think if Enrico Colantoni can only have one-and-done role in The Mysteries of Laura, why can Lucy Lawless not? Just to echo what has been said in this board, if Ward is able to redeem himself and become part of the team again, I am out. Likewise, if Ward becomes a villain that can not be defeated (Sylar in Heroes, Thor Gundersen in Hell on Wheels), I am also out.
  12. When I was much younger, I had a crush on Leoni. She starred on Flying Blind, a short-lived sexy sitcom. After that, she was on Jurassic Park III and Deep Impact, among others. She was, of course, David Duchovny's wife.
  13. Sorry, but consenting adults argument does not hold water here. Cochran is somebody in power over Volcheck, and by extension his wife. As it turned out, once Volcheck did something about the relationship that Cochran did not like - got Ray take the video - Cochran took action that affected Volcheck personally, using his power. The same thing could not be done the other way around.
  14. My beef is not against their citizenship, but rather against their residency. Being non-Canadian residents means that they do not pay Canadian taxes and they do not live Canadian daily lives. Basically, they are out-of-market of TAR-C. Imagine if TAR recruits a pair of Americans who live in Saudi Arabia and work for Aramco, for example. Whoever say that obviously has never driven in Japan or, in the case of Southeast Asia, in Singapore. Believe you me, I drive much more carefully in Singapore than I do in Canada or the USA.
  15. Yes, agree completely. I am disappointed with TPTB is that is indeed the case. Remember that Sukhi and Jinder kept on saying how proud they were to be Canadian, how their father first arrived in Winnipeg (?) with nothing, how being a Canadian let them travelled and see the world (before TAR-C)? As well, Sukhi also mentioned that nothing was more Canadian than hockey? Was that all phoney? I think we need to hold TPTB accountable if everything is true. For me, they are no more than Canadians of convenience.
  16. What kind of bank lets two different safe deposit boxes have exactly the same set of keys?
  17. Eh, I have to make a correction to my own post above. Honolulu and Sydney are no longer in the same route with Air Canada. Air Canada now has separate flights to Honolulu and to Sydney. Both are non-stop from Vancouver. I guess that newer aircrafts can fly longer, thus eliminating refuel at Honolulu.
  18. I love how TAR Canada forces racers to follow the rules of the roads. In TAR, we never see any enforcement of what the racers do on the road, unless it is done by external party (law enforcements). In previous seasons I remember seeing racers going over the speed limit without any repercussion. I think I saw on my on-screen guide last week that the title of this episode was "We may have given away half a million dollar" or something. Basically what Mikk said on the interview. Do I remember that correctly or is my mind plays trick on me?
  19. What kind of Pre-Kindergarten just expells children out instead of working on the problem together with the parents? Pre-Ks are just 4 year old kids. They simply do not know any better or they may have behavioral issues. And speaking of Pre-K, what kind of school doing house call interview? At the end, what kind of organization lets a wife - that is not yet legally divorced - be under direct supervision of her own husband? The show may be an okay filler before the premiere week, but next week Survivor will eat it alive and in October Arrow will finish what is left of it.
  20. What has been happening to Mikk's broken hand? Did she aggravate the injury? In the earlier episodes that hand was bandaged quite prominently. In the middle episodes there were just two tapes taping the pinkie and the ring finger. In later episodes it came back with almost full bandage again. Besides, the race took place in around April and May. Should it not be better after more than 2 months?
  21. My little nitpick: when Elam and Cullen fought, they crashed into a wooden fence used to keep cattles in. They broke the fence and they entered the cattle enclosure. If that fence could not hold two men, what chance did it have with stampeding cows?
  22. Survivor plays on Wednesday. What does that have anything to do with TAR-C?
  23. As demonstrated in the earlier episode of TAR, that led to a situation where one racer did (almost) all of the road blocks.
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