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Everything posted by KerleyQ

  1. Wasn't him completely rejecting the Q family unfair to the Q family fans? Relationships on soaps change, and it's rarely fair to the fans of the altered relationships, but that's how shows work. Was Lucky's drug addiction and Liz's affair with Nik fair to the fans of L&L2 (or the fans of the Lucky/Liz/Nik/Emily group)? Was pretty much anything over the past decade or so fair to fans of the original L&L? Was the permanent breaking up of Robin and Jason fair to their fans? I could go on and on. Soap writing decisions are rarely fair to all fans. But, a Jason who rejects the mob and the emotionally unhealthy relationships he had with Sonny and Carly would certainly be fair to a lot of fans who hated what those relationships have done to the show over the years.
  2. Speaking of Wes, I noticed that, when the AYTO kids were sitting around talking about how it's them against the RW, and complaining about one of the AYTO teams having an agreement with Vince/Jenna, Wes was right there in the middle of that conversation. And the even more interesting thing about that was the girl in the mask sitting all cozied up to him. It took me a minute, but I finally realized, from the dress, that it was Camilla. I don't know if I can even imagine a Camilla/Wes hook up, but John would likely be pissed if one of his Challenge bed warmers hooked up with Wes. I think it definitely shows that Wes is smart enough to make sure he tries to get a toe hold in to every alliance he can. He does a good job playing the sympathetic listener to whoever is pissed off at any given moment (maybe that's why he was with Camilla, since she also had a boatload of drama that night?)
  3. Nany and Camilla will still come along for the ride every chance they get.
  4. I'm pretty sure it's supposed to be all about the poor little misunderstood hit man being unjustly accused of exactly the kind of thing he's done for a living for decades.
  5. I think there is story to be told in a Jason who remembers who he was but has no desire to be that person again. Jason working his way back to being exactly who he was before (with the only change being a small sense of humor) and back to all of his old relationships is boring. The Holy Hitman who never loses is as boring as it gets. Why keep giving him reasons to be a better, more interesting character and keep going right back to same old, same old?
  6. I think these writers are heavily into their "Kiki and Morgan are the new Carly and Sonny" thing. I think, at minimum, we'll get one more round of those two, and, maybe, if the audience response is overwhelmingly "put Kiki back with Dillon," they might let it die after that reunion. But, I don't think there's any chance we're not getting at least one more go around on the Kiki/Morgan train.
  7. I think there was a way to create a whole new character while still giving him his memories back. But I don't think these writers could have found that way with a flashlight, a map, GPS, and the hand of GOD guiding them.
  8. I took it as a rip on Frank's casting choices. That would be the ultimate Frank-ing of GH - recast Monica and Tracy with ES and RS.
  9. That's what they went with? I had to run out before the episode ended, so I missed how they managed to pull off her using a pregnant woman to pass the test. This show. I can't.
  10. I hate to say it, but, yesterday was probably the first time, since before he returned Avery to Sonny, where I feel like CD was really selling Michael's interest in Sabrina. He definitely had a face lighting up moment when he realized she was there. And, God help me, both Kiki and Dillon are sooooooooooooo much better together than either was before this. I'm almost embarrassed by how much I liked their scenes (and kiss) yesterday. Morgan witnessing the kiss was the cherry on that sundae. I hate that this is likely only a speed bump on the road to Kiki and Morgan's "twu wuv." Come on, show, surprise me, have them be the real couple and bury Kiki/Morgan for good.
  11. And what pregnant woman would be all "sure, I'll pee on that stick for you, person who asks me to in the restroom"? When she went to take the test, I totally said to my TV "why aren't you guys following her to the bathroom? You're just giving her an opportunity to come up with a way to get out of this." These two are just smart enough to be stupid enough to think they've got everything covered when they're not even close.
  12. OK, that makes a lot more sense. But, still, I have zero desire to watch the poor wrongly accused Borg. Considering all the people he's killed with no repercussions, I'm not going to be remotely interested in saving the poor hit man from being railroaded for one he's not guilty of. Make your living as a killer, and people are going to naturally assume you kill.
  13. Wait, so the born again Borg and his mob moll are going to be running around trying to clear Nik's name (for something)? This show.
  14. Between that and the professional head shot of temp-Nik next to a let's call it less than flattering picture of TC, I was laughing at the whole thing. I do wonder if it's a power play on Frank's part. Not that I doubt TC genuinely needed personal time off, but the choice to temp recast him instead of just letting Nik be off screen for a bit seems like a message, given the contract negotiations.
  15. I'll forgive a certain amount of bad writing if Carly does play the confession publicly and it ends up with Jason pissed at her and Sonny and with Michael shaken out of his renewed love for those two pieces of shit.
  16. Definitely Mark Lawson. I've never found Jeff Branson all that good. (I'm not discounting that the suck level of his AMC character had something to do with that, but, still, just not a fan.)
  17. It's hard for me to be objective about the suck that is Franco, but I think RoHo is actually trying in his scenes with BH. His character sucks ass, but he's actually trying at the moment. Of course, I think he was also trying at the start of Franco/Nina. But I think he checked out after prolonged exposure to MSt's acting.
  18. When Nicole told Sasha that Zende told her about the pregnancy "right after he told me he wants to be with me," I was so hoping that she and Sasha would then look at each other and laugh over some guy pulling this bullshit on a pair of sisters, both vowing to steer clear of his trifling ass. But, no.
  19. Nothing about today's show stood out to me quite as much as how completely, utterly obnoxious Nina was on the red carpet. Why did they not just take her mic away from her and usher her off camera? I'm sure someone on the writing staff thought that shit would be funny, but it was just terrible.
  20. I don't know if this was the show's intent, but they really showed what it's like for a woman who's raped, especially if she's raped by someone she knows. Those were exactly the kind of questions women get asked, especially by the defendant's lawyer. And Liam being hesitant to go forward because he doesn't want people to know what happened to him is also pretty true to life. I just don't know if I want to give these writers the credit for actually portraying it that way to make a point about our justice system, because it would not surprise me if that point was accidental to whatever they have planned here.
  21. Isn't any time a pretty perfect time for a Who Killed Franco murder mystery?
  22. This sounds like the most workable solution, in my opinion. Since both had GH characters and tie into those characters' history, it makes sense to have them under the GH forum's umbrella. It would be different if either show was still airing, but, since they're not, I think giving each a thread here would make more sense (and drive more conversation on the topics) than setting them up in their own forums apart from GH. (I know other no longer with us shows have their own threads, but, since those two, specifically, are a part of GH history, this seems like a special case.)
  23. Well, the Nurses' Ball is coming up...
  24. And wasn't he seemingly blackmailing her to get her vote back then? Did they just drop that? If Guza was still in charge, we'd probably see Sonny adopting Joss. As it is, though, it's disgusting enough that Joss likes the asshole who tried to kill her father. You'd think soap writers would be smart enough to see the inherent drama in Joss hating the man her mother marries because of all the shit that man has pulled on her father. Instead, it's "Uncle Sonny's a cool badass mobster! Squee!!!" And since Ava didn't tell Carly that she'd already donated the old crib until after Carly had the delivery held up, how did Carly know that halting the delivery would leave Ava with no crib? Who would think that holding up that delivery would leave Ava with no choice but to leave Avery with Sonny and Carly? Like Ava can't just have Avery sleep with her a couple nights, or, if all else failed, go stay in a hotel for a couple nights and get a crib in the room? This was just ridiculously stupid. On a related note, I'm so tired of hearing Ava or Sonny whining about the other being the parent of their child. Hey, geniuses? If you hadn't fucked in a crypt, this wouldn't have happened. It's not like fate just randomly chose the two of you to co-parent a child. You did this, and you're both certainly old enough to know where babies come from. Shut the hell up and keep it in your pants next time.
  25. I still think that Allison and Caleb had tons more chemistry in their one night together than Livvie/Caleb or Allison/Rafe.
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