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Everything posted by KerleyQ

  1. She's also ignoring all of how shitty he behaved about her pregnancy. That was definitely him hurting her, not outside factors (due to him) hurting her. Yeah, Franco messed with their heads to make them think he could be the baby's father, but the way Jason reacted to that information was all on him (and ever so disgusting).
  2. I would think though, that if they're telling them "you won't be working for an indefinite period of time," that has to give those people some wiggle room to look for other work. They can't just not earn anything.
  3. Would they potentially lose a lot of writing staff with a shut down, then?
  4. I feel like there's a Morgan can't get it up joke here. Quick! Someone get jsbt!!
  5. I wouldn't mind this story line if they don't have Quinn and Liam have sex while he still doesn't know the truth. It could be an interesting story (and RS could play the hell out of it) if they genuinely fall for each other, and she keeps pulling back from taking that step, and we actually get some build up, including him discovering who he is and being conflicted about his feelings for the Quinn he's getting to know now (because she has opened up to him and shared things about her that it seems she hasn't shared with anyone else), versus the Quinn he knew before and their mutual antagonism prior to the cabin. RS and SC have really good chemistry, and the show should utilize it in a way that doesn't taint either of them. Right now it just comes across like they watched GH and thought the crappy story written to trash Liz was a great idea they needed to copy in some form. I don't need to see two characters/actresses that I like get trashed like this.
  6. I'm trying to figure out the rationale behind telling them not to write. I would assume that the writers have contracts and aren't paid essentially hourly, so they're still getting paid, right? I don't see what the harm is in continuing business as usual until the decision is made, and then making changes, if needed, going forward. Does that mean that the actors won't be doing anything? And, if so, will they just be paying them their guarantees to do nothing? I assume that I just gave that more thought than some suit at Sony did when making the decision?
  7. I'm going to vomit so many times if it turns out that Emily was trying to seduce Jason. So much vomit.
  8. So, to clarify, it's ANY characters' past history that cannot be discussed here, even as it relates to the current goings on? And I don't expect thewhiteowl to answer as to a specific poster's posts here, so that's not an issue. I just want to clarify if it's just Sam/Liz that can't be discussed beyond the current episode or any characters. Because that still seems fuzzy to me, based on what's happened and been said today. And, where's the line there. Because, with a soap, we can't completely ignore history when talking about any given story line, character, or plot points. I mean, if someone says "I can't believe Nik would prioritize getting laid over his family!" Then someone would, naturally, respond "remember when he had the tumor and was willing to die and leave his child orphaned so he could continue to have tumor ghost sex? Or the time he cheated on Emily with SheHulk because she wasn't getting over being raped by his doppelganger quickly enough and he had his needs?" So, I guess what I'm asking is, with any character, whether it's Liz, Sam, Nik, Jason, Alexis, Sonny, Carly, or Morgan's hair plugs, is something like that considered on topic in relating the current episode to the past? Or is it something where we have to respond to that initial "I can't believe Nik would prioritize getting laid over his family!" post with "I'm taking this to the history thread"? Or do we only have to do that if it pertains to Liz and Sam?
  9. Well now I'm just more confused. There was a post in the mod thread asking why a post about Jason's history was removed with no explanation, since it didn't relate to the Sam/Liz history, and the response was that the rules apply to all, and the follow up post by you in the mod thread says that rules apply to every fan of every fan base. Which, OK, that makes sense. But, now we're back to just the Sam/Liz stuff can only be discussed as it pertains to the current episode. Again, OK, but it contradicts what you just posted in the mod thread. (And poor GHScorpiosRule still, then, won't know why her post was removed when it wasn't about the Liz/Sam wars, but a response to an ongoing conversation about Jason relating to today's show.) I'm honestly not trying to be a pain in the ass here, but it's really not coming across clearly to some.
  10. There were so many freaking hallucinations, it's almost impossible to tell for sure what was real, but I thought the scene of Jason running back down the stairs from the second floor and to the basement door showed him clearly just turning the knob and the door opened - no flipping a lock or anything.
  11. That door didn't seem locked to me when Jason got there. He just turned the knob and opened it - no unlocking involved.
  12. Clearly, he's the surprise at Helena's will reading - she had her brain implanted in his body.
  13. If he wants to stay as part of the WWE, he can replace whoever that new Smackdown announcer is that does an obnoxiously fake affected Marv Albert-like voice.
  14. I think it's more Franco than Liz (if it even is Liz at all). They skipped over a lot of the fallout from the whole Jake/Jason reveal to get right to using Liz's story to prop Franco up. They won't put in the work to redeem her from the crap they've piled on her, but they'll absolutely use her to redeem Franco.
  15. I assume that this is a rhetorical question, since we all know the answer to any such question is "because they don't give two shits whether what they put on our screens today completely contradicts what they put on our screens yesterday."
  16. I can't be the only one who cracked up when Sam told Jason he "always keeps her safe"? Oh, honey, no, he definitely does not. Does she have amnesia now, too?
  17. Honestly, I think it's largely still the Caleb fans.
  18. True. But, unless they get thrown into some potential thing right off the bat, I'd imagine their fans would take them being related as a slap.
  19. I can't imagine that they'd make ME a Cassadine, just because I don't think they want to piss off the Caleb/Livvie shippers. I can just so easily see them treating them the same way they treat the remaining Liason fanbase - keep giving them little bits to string them along, but never really give them a payoff. (Of course, that will piss them off, too, but this regime is not really clear on that concept, so...) Even if they have zero intention of pairing KeMo and ME up, I think they'll want to leave that hope dangling out there for their fans.
  20. So Valentin Cassadine would finally be showing up, about 3 head writers later?
  21. If Nattie isn't just always playing things up for the camera, I cannot imagine how TJ has lasted this long married to her. It has to be exhausting.
  22. Honestly, pretty much every story on this show feels like they haven't fully decided where they want to go with it, so they're just biding time, waiting for inspiration to strike.
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