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Everything posted by KerleyQ

  1. It would suck, but it would be realistic. I've seen it happen more than once that kids who are hurt that one parent isn't around (for whatever reasons) take it out on the parent who has always been around. I remember, specifically, one of my cousins. Her father was a deadbeat - never bothered to spend any time with his kids. She took it out on her mother, and would blame her for "keeping him away" and talk about how he really wanted to be with her, but her mother was just such a bitch, it could never happen. None of that was remotely true, but I think kids sometimes find it easier to take all that anger, sadness, and disappointment out on the parent they know won't abandon them. They're hurting and don't know what to do with that hurt, and the absent parent isn't around for them to take it out on.
  2. That wouldn't surprise me. Honestly, at this point, I assume most hook ups and fights on this show are to secure a spot on a future Exes or Rivals season. On a related note, I will be surprised if we don't get an Abe/CM Exes team soon. Whether their drama was manufactured for that reason or real, the only way it won't happen is if Abe refuses to do it. They'd be a pretty kickass team, too.
  3. Since Wyatt makes it look like he was just with Ivy because he couldn't get his hands on Steffy, he really has no room to be mad at Ivy.
  4. She's taken on the Liam role this time around. So in need of someone of the opposite sex at her side that she'll likely end up accepting a proposal from Wyatt while Liam's engagement ring is still warming her finger. Hell, she could go full Liam and just decide that her engagement ring from Liam can now be her Wyatt engagement ring.
  5. If they want to tie her to Paul, they won't hesitate to just retcon some other older daughter he either never knew about or never told anyone in PC about.
  6. I assume that's just how Kiki does math.
  7. Seriously, if there's one thing The Challenge isn't, it's a show that rewards morality. I always get so annoyed by that "deserves to be here" stuff. If someone manages to perform well, either in the tasks/eliminations themselves or at the social aspect of the game, and they manage to continue to avoid being eliminated, then, under the rules of the game, they "deserve" to be there. You guys aren't electing the next Pope, Aneesa.
  8. In terms of a season hinging on a cast member, I think The Island kind of hinged on Ev, with her season long fight against Johnny before eventually cutting a deal with his alliance for the win.
  9. I think it's the same kind of thing as Brooke and Taylor's over involvement in the Hope/Liam/Steffy mess. They were playing out their own rivalry and issues through their kids. Now Quinn is playing out her issues with Bill (and his obvious favoritism of Liam) by being unhealthily involved in Wyatt's love life, particularly when it comes to besting Liam. Part of it is also that she's spent Wyatt's whole life with him being her whole world. She's not capable of shutting that off.
  10. I'm guessing that if her being tired is going to lead to anything, it will be a medical story that facilitates a reveal that Hayden is her daughter.
  11. So you won't be offended to get messages saying "I saw Morgan not able to get it up, and I immediately thought of you"?
  12. Oh, Quinn.... If this Nicole/Zende/Sasha thing doesn't end with Nicole walking in on Zende and Sasha and being so traumatized she loses the baby, then what's the point?
  13. It'll probably be shown via Go Pro cameras mounted to BryDog and Kelly, and streamed via some pay online service to fund their wedding.
  14. I can't be the only one in mortal fear that we're going to have all kinds of "someone pass the brain/eye bleach" level of "wacky hi-jinx" as Nina tries to have a baby with Franco? I'm already terrified we might have scenes of her trying to find a way to get her hands on some of his swimmers.
  15. Aw, hell no! Say it ain't so! If they've ruined the beauty of Scott's pure hatred of Sonny, I'm going to lose it.
  16. I won't lie - I had a few moments where I considered leaving my husband for this gif.
  17. And he's going to have to actually wake the hell up. It's always been said it was Angel Boris he was talking about.
  18. You know Guza would have never forgotten the tiny low cut tank top, along with strategic camera shots of her cleavage as the lead in and exit to each and every scene.
  19. Yeah, McBain/Sam sucked hard. He had amazing chemistry with Anna, though.
  20. "Welp, I guess I just live down here now. Better get comfy!" The amount of stupid in this show is astounding.
  21. Will this new character, like Silas, serve as a sleep aid for the audience? Or does ME plan on showing up awake and alert for this one?
  22. Well, she has to cool her jets down there until Jason is done at the hospital with Liz and Jake so he can come to the house to rescue her, and they can have their romantic reunion among the literal rubble of Liz's life. How can we all get the story if they don't hammer us over the head with absurd symbolism? Sweet baby Jasus, Mother Nature, why did you have to let the show come in clear as a bell so I can witness Michael gushing over how nice it's been these past few months to get close to the stutterbarking asshat who murdered his father?
  23. What's the over/under on how soon we have a scene of Sam and WhoeverTheHellMEIsThisTime saying some version of "do I know you?"
  24. I still think FV thinks he was hired to produce some mash up of PC and OLTL, not GH.
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