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Everything posted by KerleyQ

  1. Maybe there's one of each? So, to be coy, they're not saying if she had a girl or boy? I could see her switching the paternity for two reasons. 1) She wanted Sonny to "need" her to help him with the baby, and, 2)she probably feared that if Morgan knew he was the father, he'd work his way back to Ava. Come to think of it, that may be why she's so pro-Kiki. She fears that, if Morgan wasn't with Kiki, he might end up back in Ava's bed.
  2. Personally, I think it's kind of sexist to imply that a stay at home father is somehow not manly enough or a child. You never see a stay at home mother referred to as her husband's extra child. There's been zero indication or even rumors that MS isn't pulling his weight as a parent while Becky works. And taking care of three kids, with school, activities, homework, etc, that's a lot. I think it's great if they can afford for one parent to be home and present for all of that instead of hiring outside help to do it (not that there's anything wrong with hiring childcare if you have to, you do what works for your family). Does Frank really think we were all sitting around just withering away for lack of Michael Easton on our screens? I know he has his fans, and I have nothing against the guy, but in terms of GH, he's not even a blip on the radar. If he wants to talk people who the audience is in need of seeing on our screens, let's talk Lucky. And if anything goes, in terms of the "seriously, you're trying to pull this off?" stuff, then, by all means, go ahead and revive AJ again (I don't think SK is long for B&B at this point). Those are the kind of people we're in need of, not another vanity piece for Frank's love of ME.
  3. And, then, if Waffles and Madame reunite, Eggo and KFC would be step siblings. And Waffles would be KFC's Uncle/Daddy.
  4. What other kind of whole was the fatso going to leave?
  5. I could appreciate if Laura didn't like Hayden just because she thinks her son is being stupid in insisting on pursuing a romantic relationship with someone he had shot. You know, kind of a "I don't want you in this relationship because it's going to end up blowing up your life," thing? But leave it to this show to skip over that angle and go directly to it being more of a blame the victim situation. Her exasperation should lie completely with her son, and him pursuing this relationship should be a symptom, to her, that he's really messed up.
  6. If he's Duke's, where's the rest of the litter? Or is that going to be the story? Anna accompanies him to shelters all over the world, trying to find his litter mates?
  7. The lawyers were probably like "let's give it a while and make sure she's really gone this time."
  8. This. Steffy whining on about Eric's child not being part of the Forrester family was so bizarre and obnoxious.
  9. I can't answer for Heatlifer, but I know I hit my ultimate limit with the whole thing when Bobbie pretty much patted her on the head and sympathized with her instead of offering the wisdom of her past mistakes as a cautionary tale and sticking up for her other niece at least a little bit.
  10. Dante. Dante. Dante. No. Just...no. The Sonny DNA is really coming into its own in Dante over the past several months.
  11. Right? I mean, I figured they wouldn't dirty Dante up too much, since he has both a penis and Corinthos DNA, so the fact that he became such a douchebag in this story was surprising. But, I think the most disturbing part is that this shit is written by women, and I don't get the impression that they think we're supposed to see him as the douchebag that he's been in this story. It's all "Lulu lied," and "Lulu couldn't get over it quickly enough," and "Lulu endangered Valerie with her reckless revenge plot with the criminal!"
  12. Watching Ridge and Caroline in today's scenes, I remember why I love them so much. I really hope this baby ends up being theirs, but, at the same time, I have such fond memories of TK playing daddy to a baby that wasn't his on AMC, and he was amazing. Just as long as the end game isn't Thomas/Caroline, I'm OK with either paternity resolution.
  13. Why her dead boyfriend curse never extended to Spinelli is beyond me.
  14. OK, someone needs to tweet him that wrestling a bear would get him his Emmy. I so need to see Morgan wrestling a bear. I mean, I've felt like complete and utter shit for the past 24 hours, but just imagining that perked me up.
  15. Seeing as how they already re-did one of Jason's kids being hit by a car, maybe they're bringing ME back as a doctor to diagnosis a return of Danny's cancer? Jasus knows they're not going to do anything actually new, creative, or interesting.
  16. Color me shocked that she's not trying to get an "oops!" Forrester baby.
  17. Is Carly going to start spilling all the mob dirt now that she's had her eyes opened by having the blood of her precious Kiki on her hands? So, again, it wasn't being shot in the head while birthing Morgan. It wasn't her son being in a coma for around a year after being shot by one of Sonny's enemies. Nope. It's the blood of Kiki that is a bridge too far for that beast in dealing with the moobster's lifestyle.
  18. If none of the women in his life told him to, he didn't.
  19. I love this response to Frank's "big surprise" tweet:
  20. If they did actually bring Brenda back, I assume it would just be to ruin her further. My guess would be that they'd use her as some kind of prop in the Sonny/Carly marriage problems. And I know I don't want to see that.
  21. We all know there is no way Carly would try to navigate two different emotional conflicts (her marriage with Sonny and Morgan's issues) without trying to crawl inside Jason's skin to get him to make it all better for her. Her not using the wormhole or at least calling Jason 37 times a day is completely out of character. Can these writers really not find enough drama to mine in their golden couple? No story there in a couple who has been apart for a few years due to the husband's "death"? No story in his amnesia? No story in dealing with the issues they had before his "death"? No story in dealing with him figuring out what he wants to do with his life and whether he wants to throw himself back into the mob life, with all the risks to his family? Nope. None of that. Instead, we need Liz to continue lingering in Hitman/Kidnapping Accomplice hell when she's already had her life literally explode around their happy reunion. If they're ever both fully awake at the same time long enough to renew their vows, will we have Liz staring in the church windows crying? Maybe she can be dressed in rags, with dirt smeared all over her face? Free Liz.
  22. The cynic in me wants to know how much Brie was into some of those things they have in common before she met him. She strikes me as the kind of girl who absorbs whatever interest her boyfriend/husband has.
  23. "He already got his Emmy, why do we need to give him Emmy bait?"
  24. Only acceptable if one of them will be playing Claudette.
  25. Something tells me you'll get your wish. Since "completely ridiculous and stupid and makes no sense" is how this show does things.
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