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Everything posted by KerleyQ

  1. I rewound the fruit sticker guys just to laugh some more. It was just so very, very bad. All the exasperation and face palming from the Sharks, and, my favorite part was the guys essentially saying "oh, yeah, our supply of product? Is branded with characters we no longer have a license to sell." The Sharks mostly got that one right (I'll only quibble with their contention that the idea was solid) - these two figured they just needed to keep throwing money at the idea until it finally magically became a thing. Either that or they hoped that they could use the investment they were looking for to pay off their debt and then they'd be all "I don't know what happened, but we just can't get anyone to order any product, sorry," and walk away. But, yeah, they just really, desperately wanted some free cash with no real idea about how to turn that cash into profit.
  2. Yeah, that whole "at least they got a good show" thing was when I pretty much called a time of death on the character. It's just so weird. Obviously, I'd never buy it from Jason Morgan, but I don't buy it from who Jason has been since BM showed up, either. And his mob moll, someone who's been violated like she was by Franco, would be freaked by the idea of someone watching them, to the point that it would make Jason seem like an insensitive ass to launch into his "fellas, am I right? Fist bumps!!" routine over someone violating her privacy like that.
  3. Is the baseball hat because he's embarrassed by that bad dye job that was inflicted on his poor hair?
  4. I believe it can cause some complications in kidney transplant patients (although how far out, I'm not sure). So maybe it's going to go somewhere with that?
  5. I don't think so, either, to be honest, but I think they think she is. For some reason, someone at WWE is convinced this woman is going to be a star, despite all evidence to the contrary.
  6. Which is exactly why they're keeping Eva - what producer wants sweetheart when they can have obnoxious and self-absorbed?
  7. I wasn't watching WWE when Maryse was around before, so this has been my first exposure to her, and, God almighty, that woman is bad on the mic. She makes Reigns look like he was born to work a mic. It's just so, so bad. Was I imagining it, or did she utter some line about "and now we kiss on the lips"? What the hell? Either she's flubbing her lines left and right (in addition to being bad at delivering them), or she has her very own special inexperienced writer. And I will fully admit, my first response to seeing Renee Young will be on TD is "will we get to see some Dean, then?" Because he is, by far, my favorite thing about WWE these days.
  8. Could you imagine the acting tics? It might be so awful it swings back around to entertaining. Might.
  9. Franco spilling all at the not wedding was absolutely my favorite thing involving Franco (not that there's a lot of competition, but it was still great).
  10. I think they were good together at first. But he's just become so bland since he reinserted himself up his parents' greasy behinds, that I don't see them being nearly as interesting if they're re-paired. TeCa is better opposite someone who has some energy, like JVP/Carlos. She was good with Michael Q, but I can't imagine her with Michael C.
  11. When Hope was with Wyatt (and deciding between Wyatt and Liam), she always seemed super into Wyatt, physically, in that she seemed to have very little willpower to resist him as soon as any kissing or touching started. With Liam, she never seemed super into the physical aspect of the relationship (even aside from the pill popping). And Ivy definitely seemed more "wow" after sex with Wyatt than she was with Liam. Steffy, well, her face hasn't had an expression in years, so who knows what she's thinking. Although, at this point, I feel like she just wants to finally "win" Liam for good. She's finally in a situation where she's his first choice, and she's tied to his brother. (Although, she might want to side eye that first choice thing, since Ivy and, especially, Hope aren't in town.) I honestly think that Steffy is the only one who he's been with out of any kind of rivalry with Liam. With Hope, he didn't even know who Liam was when he fell for her. With Ivy, I think he genuinely thought she was done with Liam, and, once he found out she was still hung up on him, he was done. Hope and, to a lesser extent, Ivy are why he wants to "win" Steffy. Plus, I mean, it's not like there appear to be any women in his general age group in L.A. who haven't been with his brother.
  12. That's not the dark side. That's God's work. (Not quite as much God's work as killing Sonny would be, but God's work nonetheless.) Maybe we finally find out she's not Sonny's? Well, it's kind of a rivalry. "I'm a serial killer who kills for money and power!" "I'm a serial killer who kills for the art!"
  13. What can we do to get him back in that hair in the last picture?
  14. My first reaction to seeing that was fear that we'll see more of their douche-y brother.
  15. Just know that, when you come out of that coma, you'll have to work with art therapist Franco.
  16. The word "danger" was thrown around so many times on last night's show, it was disappointing we didn't get his Carlos Danger dance. (Not that my 13 year old didn't do it at home as we watched anyway.)
  17. I'm still disappointed we never got to see Olivia bonk Dante over the head with her lasagna pan for cheating on Lulu. And I'm no fan of Ava, but I will absolutely support any and all rage blackouts if her brother fathers a baby with the woman who tried to steal her baby directly from her womb. (Side note: a character like Nik or Sonny would totally do something like that.)
  18. I was so annoyed by Brie acting like Nikki was going to ruin her life over enjoying some food while on a trip to Paris. Lighten the hell up, Brie! And, of course Eva chose to hang out with the Bellas over Mandy. The Bellas are pretty much the stars of the show, and Mandy's a newbie. Eva's entire existence is based on "how can I become more famous?"
  19. Please. For this show, anything is worth ruining Liz. It's what they do. I think we need to change the title of this forum. Clink boom and cheese fondue don't deserve to be sullied with the crap that comes out these days. It's more like "Spoilers and Rumors: Welp."
  20. Mostly the vampire stuff. He turned it into some delusional episode on Lucy's part.
  21. Wouldn't surprise me. With the kind of injuries she had, no matter how good the doctors were, she will likely always be in pain. It may vary day to day or with the weather or her activity level, etc, but it will always be there. We were rear-ended by a drunk driver when I was 16, and I'm 43 now, and the pain in my shoulder never went away. I was the rare teenager who could predict the weather based on how her shoulder felt. I have to take pain meds regularly now, because of some other health issues, and there are times that, when they work really well, and my pain level gets knocked down a lot, I'm really chatty and bubbly, because it's just such a relief to not feel like crap. I could easily see how the combination of that kind of effect, along with the weirdness of being in that setting, a live, non-scripted thing where she's not playing a character but being herself, would result in acting a little wacky. (I know she's an actor who is used to cameras and all, but I think a lot of actors are less comfortable being themselves on camera than playing a character.) It seems to me from what I see on social media that a lot of her co-stars adore her, and she also seems to be doing an excellent job of maintaining a good relationship with her ex to co-parent (including family outings that include her new boyfriend and her ex's new girlfriend). So I'm going to give her the benefit of the doubt that she's not a complete flake, because that kind of thing takes a lot of maturity.
  22. If either Serena or Christina shows up in town, they had better adore Scott. I don't want to see his girls in town with some grudge against him. I want to see him have some grown kids he gets to have a good relationship with, who don't die 5 minutes after they hit town. (Nope, show, I don't count Franco, sorry.)
  23. I honestly think that, at this point, Katie would rather have Bill and be miserable than lose him to Brooke.
  24. I was kind of disappointed that Trevor didn't cover the rest of the weirdness of that soup story. Heidi returned all of the soup the next morning, but when she told her mother about it, mom told her she was wrong, so she went and bought it all back. That store must have been like "no, you people aren't allowed in her anymore."
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