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Everything posted by KerleyQ

  1. I really want him to bring Jon back on during an episode soon so Jon can do his McConnell turtle impression.
  2. Health violations? How about the pretty blatant violations of guest security and privacy? "I have here sworn statements from dozens of previous guests who claim that 'a blonde bitch came barging into our rooms with a hotel pass key.'"
  3. Could you imagine them trying to do a gender fluid character? I have zero doubt it would be anything other than a combination of embarrassing and offensive.
  4. Not only that, but the idea that Sonny killed AJ turned her on so much that she had to have Sonny right there on Michael's couch.
  5. I admittedly haven't seen much of the Kristina story so far, but from what I know, I don't think that "gender fluid" fits. She's not questioning her gender identity, is she? I think this is definitely about her sexuality, which is, as I understand it, a separate issue from her gender identity.
  6. I don't know the answer to this, but that brings up another issue. Why wouldn't Quinn have lied (to Liam and to the doctor) about how he got his head injury. Wouldn't she be afraid that giving Liam that bit of information might jog his memory? And, as for telling the doctor - if it hits a point where Liam is just out of sight too long and the family starts putting out feelers to locate him, if it becomes public (i.e. "the family is concerned because Liam hit his head on an airplane shortly before he dropped out of sight"), then a doctor would recall the amnesiac patient who hit his head on a plane. Of course, I didn't see that episode, so if she found a shady doctor who will keep his mouth shut, maybe that's not an issue? (Although shady doctors tend to go for the payoff, and the odds are Bill would pay up for that info.)
  7. Reached for comment, his parents shrugged "eh, he's no Michael."
  8. I will find it hilarious if Liam loses his memory of the time with Quinn, ends up back home, somehow, and when his family tells him "you dumped Steffy by text message, and texted all of us that you were taking some time away to think, and we never spoke to you," he just shrugs like "Oh, OK, well, I guess I was done with my thinking time. So, whose finger is my engagement ring on these days?"
  9. Seriously. Throw it in a dumpster and walk away. If it shows back up in your house the next morning, call a priest and a SWAT team.
  10. Are you really surprised? And odds are high that, when fans complained about her not getting an exit story, Frank would blame BH for not working with them.
  11. In real life, I'd expect at least one person to take the "Fuck her, I'm not showing up for her last big moment. Her lawyer can track me down later." Them acting all surprised that this was another moment for her to mentally screw with them all is ridiculous. Did they think this was going to be some quiet, paperwork only, meeting? Hell, they should have thought there was a possibility they were walking into an ambush. It's Helena. Nothing is off the table.
  12. True. I guess it's just like the whole insanity of the people of Port Charles continuing to show up for big events (especially ones that involve Sonny or the Cassadines). It seems like a no-brainer to beg off and stay home in your sweats with some popcorn, waiting for the special news reports to start whenever the inevitable hostage situation/bomb/shooting happens, but then there'd be no story. He loved a good ball of yarn, a saucer of milk, and a warm basket of laundry.
  13. I meant to say in my post that Liz's connection to Helena is rooted in her relationships with Lucky and Nik. As for the people who were there for the will reading, why did any of them show up? They had to know it was going to be a mind fuck. Why give her that last grasp of power (or what they think is her last grasp, since we all KNOW that there's no way she's actually dead)? I can see Nik going, and, maybe, Alexis. Everyone else should have said "fuck that," and never given it another thought.
  14. I think Liz and Helena did more than share scenes. She was pretty heavily involved in the story line surrounding Lucky's return from the dead and that whole Ice Princess return when, if I'm remembering correctly, Liz and Nik were faking a relationship to pull one over on Helena. Then once Helena faked Liz's son's death for years and raised him on her island, I think it pretty much established a certain level of adversarial relationship. Sure, she doesn't have the same kind of relationship with her that Nik and Alexis do, but, for decades, Helena has messed with her life, starting with faking Lucky's death and brainwashing him to forget his love for her.
  15. Knee pads and a helmet? I don't think there's any truth to them not liking each other. I've seen so many pictures on both of their Twitter/Instagram accounts of RP spending time with KSt's family off set. There are a lot of cute pictures of him with Harper.
  16. I wonder how many extra days off they had to give Tony Geary that year for filming that.
  17. I always just figured they filmed that as a joke to round out the season 2 credits, since the first season's credits had that shot, from the episode where they worked in the cafeteria, of them looking miserable on the conveyor belt. I doubt there was an episode filmed that included it.
  18. Count me in as another one pleasantly surprised. When I saw that Ariana Grande was the host and musical guest for this week, I may have groaned out a "seriously??" But she did a great job. And she's a very skilled mimic. This was probably the best Jost/Che WU yet, especially for Che. I felt like all of his jokes worked this time. And Collin's "if Leslie Jones finds out about this, we are both dead," was so great. Kate was, as always, perfection. The only downside to this episode was the disappointing lack of Leslie Jones. As WU proved, just hearing her name makes me laugh, so it's disappointing when we don't get to see her do her thing. I really liked the Family Feud sketch, both for Arianna's dead on J-Law impression, and Keenan's re-phrasing of the answers, especially "show me cocaine!"
  19. So, given all the rather odd pairings that pop up during that video (Hayden and Julian? Cranco?), is this supposed to be the whole cast celebrating the return of ME, versus anything remotely about the characters? How weird.
  20. That might be even funnier than KeMo trying to wrangle those giant babies that played Danny for a while.
  21. Agreed. I don't get people who take their dislike of certain characters or couples out on the actors. They need to join the rest of us in reality.
  22. Let me guess - JaSam shippers who don't want to even entertain the idea that ME Part IV will come between them? Frank: Who?
  23. She did a meet and greet at a theater near us when that movie came out. You could tell she was a pro even at that age. I pray BJ's wife has a full recovery. There's nothing worse than watching someone you love deal with cancer. My cousin's little girl is fighting a really aggressive cancer, and I'm just in awe of how my cousin manages to hold it together on a daily basis, but, at the same time, I get how she's doing it. You can't not do it. I imagine Burgess didn't even consider keeping up the coast to coast thing an option once she was diagnosed.
  24. I can just picture someone who hasn't watched in a while going "wait, who's that? And that? And that?" Hell, I watch the show, and I had a "who's that" moment when Ensign Mayo showed up. He's just so damn generic.
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