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Everything posted by KerleyQ

  1. All the guys on this show act that way. Loved Caroline's "he makes you call him 'My Lord'? We need to have a LONG talk." It's entirely possible Caroline has gone from dull as dirt to becoming my favorite character. More of these people need to take a header off a balcony.
  2. Well, you know, since the basis of their relationship seems to be talking about Brooke, maybe eventually Katie will talk about her so much, it'll help restore his muse in some form.
  3. And, naturally, Ron got all pissy over people saying on Twitter that this is more Roxy than Delia. "You haven't seen Delia in 25 years, and you think you know how she'd act?" Well, yeah, and we HAVE seen Roxy more recently, and we do know that this is how she'd act, so... I remain amazed that no one at ABC has put the kibosh on Ron's Twitter account. It's an embarrassment.
  4. I don't get this either. If I really stretch, it could be financial, but even then, it doesn't fly for me. If the Q's would be the ones paying for Alice's medical care, all Alice would need to do would be tell Monica (who is presumably her employer, since it's her house) what's going on. She wouldn't let Alice be denied a heart transplant to enable Tracy's blackmailing. I just don't get this at all. Is it that Alice has no insurance, so Tracy says she'll foot the bill if Alice keeps quiet? But, again, like you said, all Alice has to do is agree to keep quiet, get the surgery, then rat Tracy out.
  5. As much as I don't particularly like Steffy, that's not how I saw it. They split because she left after the miscarriage and after finding out she might not be able to have kids. For whatever reason, I got the impression Liam never really minded that Steffy was manipulative. The only time it seemed he really minded was when he thought she was in on Bill's scheme to fake her having a brain tumor. Even after everything they'd been through, and when Steffy was gone and he was (theoretically) happily looking forward to a future with Hope, Liam still complied with Steffy's request that he make a video about their love for her like the one he made Hope. I'm not saying I think that he's pining for her right now, particularly (of course, she's off screen, so...), but I've never gotten the impression that he considers her stupid and lying. If JMW was still around regularly for filming, I think we'd still be getting Waffle doing his waffle thing. Not to say I don't think what you're saying was ever the way things were. When he was married to Steffy the first time, he pretty much seemed like he'd love an out that would get him freed up to be with Hope again (although then, when he had that out, he still pulled his wishy-washy shit, including asking both women to meet him at a specific time so he could announce his choice). But, I think he was genuinely happy with Steffy when they were married and expecting, and he was confused and hurt when she left the country after losing the baby. And, even earlier than that, when he was freaking over the idea of re-marrying Hope (after their Italy wedding was non-binding), it was Steffy he kept spending time with to get away from that stress. And, yeah, Steffy was manipulative, no two ways about it, but Liam knew the score there soon enough, and he still maintained a relationship with her (varying from friendship to more at different times in his waffling). I think that, on some level, he was kind of charmed and flattered by the lengths she'd go to to be with him, as twisted as that sounds. One of the reasons I (and some others) liked when Wyatt came on the scene was because he was a guy who was one hundred percent into Hope. No looking elsewhere, not waffling back and forth between women, he just wanted Hope. *Side note: "Skank" should probably go the way of words like "slut," "whore," and the like. As for the spoiler that a Because that's how Liam generally rolls.
  6. Oh hell, I feel like I just read Bill Bell's vision for the next 18 months.
  7. I'd be firmly with her in the never wanting to see Taylor again stance. Jeebus, that woman is annoying. That would be my guess. It would be insanity to waste Rena's talent on a "she's crazy, now she's gone" arc. I don't want to see her fully "good," because she's too good at what she's been doing, but reign it in some and give her some softness to round out the crazy/scheming. And if Deacon is going to be here for any length of time, which I hope he is, then he needs to be something other than just the big bad wolf. Both characters already have their soft side for their respective kids, but they need more to soften the edges than just a standard "I love my kid."
  8. Agreed. They have him acting like an old fashioned damsel in distress at this point. He doesn't have to physically manhandle Quinn by any means, but damn, Liam, grab a phone, call the cops. Surreptitiously record her threats and rants on your phone. Get a restraining order. Do something. And it's bugging me, because I normally love SC. I loved him on GH and OLTL, and I've even liked him, at times, here. But, lately, Liam has sucked, and it's ruining my enjoyment of SC. I'm with you. I think Hope and Liam have a kind of sweet vibe to them, but nothing "hot." Quinn and Liam have some weird sort of crackling tension in their scenes, and it's going to end up leaving me disappointed if we don't get so much as a drunken "mistake" one time hook-up between them. I could easily see a scenario where Quinn sets out to seduce him once, to break up Hope/Liam, and they end up really into each other for a brief time (for those who watch GH, I could see at least a short term version of Morgan/Ava between these two). Nobody knows where the show is really going to go with it, but that's what I'd do, if I was in charge. It sucks when shows have unexpected chemistry like that crop up and don't take advantage of it.
  9. How did Robin cheat Sabrina out of her baby? She had zero to do with the accident that killed him. As for the rest, imo, the blame lies with Dr. O and company - they cheated Robin out of two years of her life, leading to the point where Sabrina had an opening to form a relationship with a man who, it turns out, wasn't fully free to marry. My UO's - I loathe Brad, and I would rank Felix as better than him. And I just could not buy that Lucas was so instantly hot for Brad. Just...no. Also, I hate everything to do with the Obrecht family, and I hate how some fans positively responding to the initial small doses of Dr. O has turned into everything associated with her must be awesome. Don't like Britt, don't feel sorry for the lying baby stealer, and think she's just as pathetic as her mother. I'll pass on the whole lot of them. Well, Nathan can stay, because he's the lesser of two evils where Maxie is concerned. But if his family falls off the face of the planet never to be mentioned again, I'd consider it a personal favor from the soap gods. I am not at all a fan of "Samtrick." I think they work OK as casual friends, but not romantically. Add in that he knows Jason is alive, and I'd have a hard time buying it if he slept with her as anything other than some weird "payback" to Jason for being the reason Robin left town. Not to mention, it would just be plot point shit, to amp up the tension of the inevitable Jason return (please, God, don't be Michael Muhney).
  10. And soon we find out that TJ had all along been behind the drugs, because he wanted to get Rafe hooked on coke. Then he arranged for Rafe to take enough to knock him out for a day, stole his car, ran Patrick off the road, got the car repaired (while wearing a Rafe mask), and returned the repaired car. Extra Rossening points if we know that it was physically impossible for TJ to have been in place to carry out any of the nefarious deeds he's retconned to have committed. Fingers crossed Ava would take the call and handle it. Odds are much higher that Levi would actually die if Ava was running the show.
  11. You KNOW we're going to see her saying something like "oh I can't tell him, he's already lost one father, he can't lose both!" And I will shoot my TV.
  12. That's what I think. LG was so fun in those scenes where she was plotting behind the scenes of the web show, that I think it ended up turning the direction of the story line. Usually the rooting value (and end game) isn't supposed to be with the one who is scheming behind the scenes to break up a couple like that, so I would find it hard to believe that Ric/Caroline was always Bell's end game.
  13. Yep. If you want to be secure in current day GH, you need to be part of Ron's new obsession - the Obrecht family.
  14. KerleyQ

    The NBA

    I forgot to add that it seems really shitty how this went down with regard to Larry Drew. Nothing like watching all of this play out for two days and then getting called in to be fired.
  15. KerleyQ

    The NBA

    Yep. I've seen a few different places that this was a big part of it. And he really didn't particularly want to end up in Milwaukee, he just used them to try to pressure Brooklyn into giving him more (cash and responsibility), but Brooklyn called his bluff and let him go. The Bucks are most likely going to be a train wreck. I feel sorry for Jabari.
  16. My thought is that she knows Oliver is onto her, so she wants to discredit him and get him out of there before he can clue everyone in that she's lost it?
  17. Ditto. When it happened, I said "oh my God, did they kill Feeney???" I'll hate it if he's dead. Well, if she's in 6th grade right now (which seems possible given the age), then it gives them 3 seasons to work with (maybe even more if they stretch a school year out over more than one season) before they need to worry about whether to move him on with the kids or not. And since that's what happened with Feeney, I can see them thinking it would be in keeping with the history to have Cory do it.
  18. KerleyQ

    The NBA

    Just imagine the hilarity if he, after all of this, ends up as the Lakers' coach somehow.
  19. Wait, I've figured out Ron's explanation: Rafe talked to Johnny's guys, they said that TJ had his eye on this car and had been saving up for it. Rafe took the car out on the world's longest test drive, caused the accident, got it repaired, and then got it back to the car lot, where TJ bought it shortly after.
  20. KerleyQ

    The NBA

    Hats off to the NBA for trying to keep the off season entertaining. The entire Miami roster opts out, Jason Kidd loses his freaking mind (and the Bucks decide to go along for the ride)... It's certainly not boring. My cynical side is giving a huge old side eye to the whole Miami situation, though. I called it when LeBron first opted out - the others would follow, not because they intend to play anywhere else, but because Riley has promised to restructure their contracts in such a way that they will still, in the end, get their money. Wade, especially. He already has three rings. I don't buy for a second that he's thirsty enough for a fourth that he'd walk away from $40 million. He's going to get it one way or another, with Riley likely treading into some Joe Smith like waters to get it done. If Wade was Karl Malone - approaching the end of his career with no ring to show for it, I believe he'd play for a nickel to get a really good shot at a ring, but I don't buy it now. And one of the rumors I saw also had LeBron essentially telling the other three "I want a max deal, and I want some more help, so you guys need to take less." There are no words for that if it's true. Meanwhile, the Knicks are looking at Amare "have you noticed that opting out is the new in thing in the league? All the cool kids are doing it!"
  21. I'm sure all discrepancies will be cleared up on Ron's Twitter feed.
  22. Agree to disagree. I would have agreed with this early on in the triangle, but, by the end, he really did love Steffy, which he was open about to both Steffy and Hope. Honestly, he put more effort into going to Steffy in Paris after she lost the baby than he ever put into tracking down Hope to straighten out any of the misconceptions that caused their numerous breaks.
  23. Brought this over from the episode discussion thread - I've been thinking for quite a while now that Ron will have it be Rafe having taken TJ's car for a coked up joy ride. We had scenes a while back of TJ showing off his new car to Alexis and Molly, so I'm guessing that new car will be the one Sam and Patrick find out was repaired right after the accident. And then it will go one of two directions - Molly doesn't believe TJ when he claims it wasn't him, and she gets involved with Rafe (who will get over his guilt about causing the accident once the accident inadvertently leads Molly into his arms), leading to Molly ending up somehow endangered because of Rafe's coke habit, or Molly will believe TJ (or she knows he's innocent because the two of them were together, but everyone thinks she's just trying to give him an alibi), and they end up doing the old soap summer staple of teens on the run (most likely to NYC, where approximately 75% of soap teens on the run flee).
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